Bộ 5 đề thi giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 9 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường THCS Lê Thị Hồng Gấm

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Mời các em tham khảo nội dung tài liệu chi tiết sau đây: Bộ 5 đề thi giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 9 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường THCS Lê Thị Hồng Gấm. Tài liệu này bao gồm 5 đề thi do HOC247 sưu tầm và biên soạn kèm theo đáp án chi tiết. Hi vọng đây sẽ là một tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích giúp các em hoàn thành tốt kì thi sắp đến!





(Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút)

1. Đề số 1


1. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.

1. He asked me ______ in Ha Noi I was studying.

A. what

B. where

C. how

2. She wondered ______ kind of stress we are having.

A. which

B. why

C. what

3. Many students do not know ______ to get cognitive skills.

A. how

B. what

C. how much

4. John asked his parents _____ important social skills are.

A. why

B. which

C. how

5. He _____ how to help his teen son deal with stress successfully.

A. thought

B. said

C. wondered

2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.

He ______ his name on a tree and left.

A. created

B. carved

C. cut

2. How many balls of wool do you need to ______ that sweater?

A. do

B. weave

C. knit

3. She is ______ boats on the pillow covers.

A. embroidering

B. making

C. casting

4. This type of wool is ______ into fabric which will make jackets.

A. knitted

B. give

C. woven

5. They ______ these statues in bronze.

A. moulded

B. cast

C. wove


1. Read the passage. Circle A, B or C to answer each question.

More than 80% of American high school students work at part-time jobs in the evenings, on weekends or in summer. These part-time jobs bring teenagers great advantages.
One of the benefits of the work is the students can learn the skills that will be useful for the rest of their lives. When they work, they have to manage both the job and schoolwork. To be able to do so, they must be very organized and able to keep a sensible schedule. They also learn to cope with the job stress apart from the stress of the schoolwork. Some of the most stressful jobs include teaching, nursing, and police work. These skills help prepare teenagers for their later careers. High school students who work are more likely to succeed as adults than people who enter the job market at a later age with no work experience.
Teenagers want a lot of expensive things: clothes, mp3 players, trips with their friends, etc. Not all parents can afford them. And even if they can, the teens might not really appreciate that money because they did not earn it. When teenagers make money for themselves, they know its true and are less likely to spend it foolishly.

1. Which of the following is a good title for the passage?

A. Why teenagers should work

B. Advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs

C. Part-time jobs cause stress

2. According to the passage, what is NOT an effect of part-time jobs?

A. Teenagers become organized.

B. Teenagers become stressed.

C. Teenagers are more likely to have successful careers.

3. The word “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.

A. fight against

B. deal with

C. suffer from

4. According to the passage, when teenagers have jobs, they are more likely to _______.

A. spend foolishly

B. want expensive things

C. appreciate money

5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Only some US students do part-time jobs.

B. US students suffer part-time job stress.

C. Part-time jobs are somehow good for teenagers.


Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.

Here is an example.

0. Ngoc/usually/play/badminton/Sunday.

Answer: 0. Ngoc usually plays badminton on Sundays.

1. Phù Lãng/one/most famous/pottery/village/Viet Nam.


2. It/locate/along/Cầu River/about/60/kilometre/Ha Noi.


3. Potter/be/at/work/Phù Lãng/for/long time/since/Trần Dynasty.


4. In/past/village potter/mainly/produced/article/everyday/life.


5. Recently/young/artisan/opt/produce/artistic ceramics



Listen to a conversation between a man and a receptionist. Fill each of the gaps in the notes with no more than two words or a number. You will listen TWICE.


Name: Mark (1) ___________________.

Phone number: (2) ___________________.

Number of days: (3) ___________________.

Number of guests: (4) ___________________.

Price: $160

Note: Book a (5) ___________________ for him.

Listen to Mrs Blue Hair giving advice to two teenagers who call the helpline. You will listen TWICE.

For questions 1-3, fill each gap with NO MORE THAN THREE words.

1. The competition at Minh’s school is ______.

2 & 3. Minh has to compete in both _______ and ______ activities.

For questions 4-6, decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F.

4. Minh’s parents expect him to do excel. T   F

5. Minh doesn’t want to become an excellent student. T   F

6. Minh has taken pride in any work that he does with all efforts. T   F



Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.

1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. C

Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.

1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. B


Read the passage. Circle A, B or C to answer each question.

1. A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. C; 5. C


Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.

1. Phù Lãng is one of the most famous pottery villages in Viet Nam.

2. It is located along the Cầu River, about 60 kilometres from Ha Noi.

3. Potters have been at work in Phù Lãng for a long time since the Trần Dynasty.

4. In the past village potters mainly produced articles for everyday life.

5. Recently young artisans have opted to produce artistic ceramics.


Listen to a conversation between a man and a receptionist. Fill each of the gaps in the notes with no more than two words or a number. You will listen TWICE.

1. Gibson; 2. 0404668886; 3. Two/2; 4. One/1; 5. (city) tour

Listen to Mrs Blue Hair giving advice to two teenagers who call the helpline. You will listen TWICE.

1. fierce; 2. academic; 3. extra-curricular; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F

2. Đề số 2


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. spread  

B. cream  

C. bread  

D. head


A. exotic  

B. erode  

C. checkout 

D. decision


A. variety

B. bilingual 

C. derivative 

D. dialect

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others in each question.


A. breathtaking  

B. safari 

C. traveller 

D. sightseeing


A. curry 

B. garnish  

C. gravy 

D. shallot


A. dominance 

B. bilingual 

C. official 

D. confusion

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

7. You may have had certain eating habits for so long that you do not __________they are unhealthy.

A. recognize

B. realize

C. understand

D. tell

8. You___________vegetables or fruits when you want to eat them. It means that you cut away their skin.

A. peel 

B. chop  

C. steam

D. grate

9. Such__________as sugar, sugarcane, and coconut water are mostly used in Southern Vietnamese food than in Northern and Central Viet Nam.

A. dishes

B. courses

C. ingredients

D. menus

10. If I feel hungry in the afternoon, I__________ snacks like fresh carrots.

A. would have  

B. had 

C. had had 

D. may have

11. _________domestic and foreign tourism will create demand for additional hotels and motels.

A. Increase  

B. Increased

C. Increasing

D. Increasingly

12. Con Dao has not only prisons but also __________natural landscapes.

A. surprising

B. shocking

C. stunning 

D. extreme

13. There isn't _________airport near where I live.__________nearest airport is 70 miles away.

A. an – A  

B. an – The 

C. the – A 

D. the – The

14. If the rooms were bigger, we _________larger furniture.

A. will buy

B. bought  

C. would buy 

D. had bought

15. A snake or a spider is the animal_________ she'd like to keep as a pet.

A. where  

B. what 

C. that 

D. when

16. Practice is the perfect way, _________ the matter is that how we practise it correctly.

A. but  

B. and  

C. and 

D. so

17. This is a great way to practise ___________because you only need to concentrate on your voice.

A. grammar  

B. pronunciation 

C. vocabulary 

D. writing       

18. We should do interesting activities in English, and using it to talk about things we enjoy will make practising a __________experience.

A. negative  

B. awful  

C. funny

D. positive

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

The survey of eating habits was (19)_________ in Ho Chi Minh City by a group of Japanese nutritionists in order to understand the changes of eating environments and habits accompanying with the economic growth after the war in Viet Nam.

The surveys were made in 2002 and 2006. In the survey in 2002, the Vietnamese surely took three meals a day without taking any snacks. They mainly took (20)_________ like rice, bread, noodles and some vegetables. But the (21) _________of oils and fats and milk products was rare. It is like (22)________ of Japan in several decades ago.

In the survey in 2006, the changes in eating habits were observed. (23) _________the rising of their concern on eating, they rarely took food late at night. The variety and frequency of food was increased. The intake (24)_________ snacks was also increased. These changes are (25) _________to have been caused by the change in their attitude towards eating due to the change in lifestyle and those changes had been observed in Japan. More rapidly, however, they were in Viet Nam.


A. behaved  

B. carried  

C. conducted  

D. made


A. basics 

B. proteins

C. staples food

D. staples


A. processes  

B. intake  

C. production

D. amount


A. that 

B. what 

C. those 

D. which


A. Together with

B. Because  

C. Despite  

D. Due to


A. in 

B. of 

C. on 

D. with


A. thought

B. found 

C. considered

D. regarded

VI. Read the passage and identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).

Son Doong Cave in Viet Nam - Good Morning America

Son Doong Cave and Swallow Cave (En Cave) were recorded and broadcast on Good Morning America - a programme of ABC Television (USA). By being broadcast on Good Morning America (ABC Television), Son Doong Cave would be introduced widely to international travellers.

This is a good chance for Quang Binh tourism to promote the image of Son Doong – the biggest cave in Viet Nam – to travellers around the world. Therefore, the film crew worked in the most favourable conditions. The programme was directly broadcast on satellite in May 2015.

The cave is a part of the underground system connecting over 150 other caves in Viet Nam near Viet Nam - Lao border with many caves such as Phong Nha Cave.

Son Doong Cave is compared equally to Mount Everest in terms of attraction. The biggest natural cave in the world is appreciated to be an interesting destination for a several-day tour, including exploring underground rivers, caves and camping... The overwhelming natural landscapes inside Son Doong Cave create an attraction by majestic and magnificent scenes. It takes months to end up a cave's round. In addition, the condition to join tours in Son Doong Cave is extremely high. Adventurers must be in good mental and physical health to conquer the cave. Son Doong, the biggest cave in Viet Nam, along with other attractions in Quang Binh, is an attractive destination for travelers, especially those who are fans of natural exploration. The first exploration tour was held in early August 2013. The first tour consisted of 6 people from the US, Russia, Australia, and Norway. They underwent 7 days and 6 nights to explore Son Doong Cave. There are a large number of tourists registering for next tours since then.

26. Thanks to the programme of Good Morning America on ABC Television, a large number of people around the world will know Son Doong Cave. 

27. The film crew making the programme about the cave met a lot problems from the local authorities. 

28. There are many caves in Quang Binh province but Son Doong Cave may be the most well known. 

29. The number of people climbing Mount Everest is the same as that exploring Son Doong Cave. 

30. The exploration tour of Son Doong Cave is so hard that it requires tourists to have good physical and mental health. 

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1. B; 2. C; 3. C; 4. C; 5. D; 6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. C; 10. D; 11. D; 12. C; 13. B; 14. C; 15. C

16. A; 17. B; 18. D; 19. C; 20. D; 21. D; 22. A; 23. D; 24. B; 25. B; 26. T; 27. F; 28. T; 29. F; 30. T

 31. If we don’t eat fruits and vegetables, we will have health problems.

32. Nick, who I’ve known for a long time, is my classmate.

33. If we left a bit early, we could visit Vy on the way.

34. Think in English the thing you pratice all the time because it is really important when you speak English.

3. Đề số 3


I. Choose A, B, C or D

1. When I turned up, the town hall was already ___________ of teenagers.

A. full

B. packed

C. crowded

D. jammed

2. She turned ______ the new job in New York because she didn't want to move.

A. on

B. down

C. off

D. up

3. This city has one of the most ______ underground rail networks in the world.

A. efficient

B. fashionable

C. cosmopolitan

D. fascinated

4. This laptop is much more user- friendly, but it costs ________the other one.

A. so much as

B. as many as

C. twice as much as

D. twice as many

5. Today’s cities are ___________ than cities in previous times.

A. lots larger

B. much larger

C. as large

D. the largest

6. After I found all the information I needed, I ___________ the computer.

A. turned off

B. switched on

C. looked for

D. put off

7. Japan is the ___________ developed country in the world.

A. most second

B. second in most

C. second most

D. two most

8. Factories and offices should be built in ___________ areas only.

A. rural

B. coastal

C. cultural

D. urban

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the box. You don’t need to use all of them.

 live  turn  break  get give  keep  come  take  find  go

1. Has Phuc arrived yet? - No, but I’m sure he ……………. up soon.

2. My aunt never really …………. over the death of her pet dog.

3. It’s not easy to …………. up smoking. My uncle has tried to do it lots of times without success.

4. Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you. Please …………. on and finish what you are saying.

5. I enjoyed living in London, but it didn't really ………. up to my expectations.

6. I’m sorry I’m late, but the car …………… down on the way here, so I had to phone for a taxi.

7. You were going too fast! I couldn't ……………… up with you.

8. Remember to ……………. out how many people are coming to the party.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the words given

1. You should use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words. (LOOK)


2. The doctor told my father to stop smoking. (GIVE)


3. The cost of living has been increasing considerably in the past few weeks. (UP)


4. Margaret Thatcher was born and spent her childhood in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. (GREW)


5. His business is going badly – he’ll have to stop doing it soon. (CLOSE)


6. My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to have a good relationship with each other. (GET)


IV. Complete the second sentences in each pair so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences

1. This exhibition is much more interesting than the last one.

→ The last exhibition was not …………………………

2. The teacher says that no student in the school is noisier than I am.

→ The teacher says that I'm …………………………………

3. This book is the least interesting I've ever read.

→ I have never …………………………………………………………………

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1. A  2. B  3. A  4. C  5. B  6. A  7. C  8. D


1. will turn

2. got

3. give up

4. go on

5. live up

6. broke down

7. keep up

8. find out


1. You should use a dictionary to look up new words.

2. The doctor told my father to give up smoking.

3. The cost of living has been going up considerably in the past few weeks.

4. Margaret Thatcher was born and grew up in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.

5. His business is going badly, so he’ll have to close it down soon.

6. My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to get on well with each other.


1. The last exhibition was not as interesting as this one.

2. The teacher says that I'm the noisiest student in the school.

3. I have never read a less interesting boring book than this one/ read more boring book than this one.

4. I think there is no city in Viet Nam (that is) more “livable” than Vung Tau City.

5. This city hasn’t changed since the 1990s.

6. He felt quite depressed by the visit to the gallery/ quite depressed about the visit to the gallery.

4. Đề số 4


I: Chose the word which has the underlined is pronounced different from the others. (1pt)


A. which

B. whose

C. what

D. where


A. moon

B. school

C. balloon

D. flood


A. wanted

B. needed

C. stayed

D. waited


A. pollution

B. question

C. attraction

D. condition

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (2pts).

1.  How about.................energy – saving bulbs?

A. use

B. using

C. to use

D. used

2. Can  you turn………. the television? I want to watch the news.

A. in

B. on

C.  off        

D. for

3. We decided not to go out for a meal………….. we were too tired.

A. but

B. because  

C. so

D. and

4. You haven’t eaten your pudding,………….?

A. have you

B. haven’t you

C. do you

D. don’t you

5. You must listen to the tape …………… before answering the questions.

A. care

B. careful

C. carefully

D. careless

6. You should have a……………… check your  water pipes monthly.

A. doctor

B. plumber

C. policeman

D. teacher

7. If we pollute the water, we ..............no fresh water to use.

A. will have

B. would have

C. had        

D. is having

8. I suggest ………………up the beach.

A. clean

B. to clean  

C . cleaning

D. cleaned

III. Give the correct tense of the verbs in the brackets. (2pts) .

1. If we plant more trees, we (have) more shade and fresh air.

2. They ( live) in Bac Giang since 1999.

3. The teacher suggests that he (learn) harder.

4. Why don’t we (organize) a show to raise money?

IV. Read the passage carefully and then answer the given questions. (2pts)

Tet or Lunar New Year is the most important celebration in the year which occurs in late January or early February. Tet is a time for family members who live apart try to be together . The preparations and celebrations used to be spread over  months but nowadays the holiday is much shorter. However, there is great excitement building up well before Tet. Streets are decorated with colored lights and red banners. Shops are full of goods. People ofen buy gifts, clean and decorate their house and cook traditional foods for Tet.

On the first days of Tet people try to be nice and polite to others. They visit their relatives or friends and exchange New Year’s wishes. Children receive the “lucky money” inside red envelopes. Many people go to the pagoda to pray for a happy new year for   themselves and their family.Tet is really a time of fun and festivals throughout the country.


1.  Does the Tet holiday in Vietnam occur in late January or early February    ?

2. What are streets decorated with?

3. What do Vietnamese people often do to prepare for Tet?

4. Where do many people go to pray for a happy new year?

V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (2pt)

1. They have just sold that old house.

That old house....................................................................................................

2. It rained heavily, so we had to stay at home.


3. I think we should take showers to save water.

 I suggest...................................................................................................................

4. Unless he takes these pills, he won’t be better.


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I: Chose the word which has the underlined is pronounced different from the others. (1pt)

1. B. whose

2. D. flood

3. C. stayed

4. B. question   

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (2pts).

1.B. using 

2. B. on             

3. B. because

4. A. have you    

5. C. carefully 

6. B. plumber  

7.A. will have 

8. C. cleaning   

III. Give the correct tense of the verbs in the brackets. (2pts)

1. will have

2. have lived

3. should learn

4. organize

IV. Read the passage carefully and then answer the given questions. (2pts)

1. Yes, it does.

2. They are decorated with colored lights and red banners

3. They often buy gifts, clean and decorate their house and cook traditional foods for Tet.

4. Many people/ They go to the pagoda to pray for a happy new year for   themselves and their family.

V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (2pt)

1. That old house has been sold.

2.  Because it rained heavily, we had to stayed at home.

3.  I suggest taking showers to save water.

4.  If he doesn’t take these pills, he won’t be better.

IV. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets. (1 pt)

1. Electricity

2. natural


4. extremely.

5. Đề số 5


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (8.0 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1:

A. passage

B. village

C. message 

D. massage

Question 2:

A. century

B. convenient

C. consist

D. comfortable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:

A. admire

B. honour

C. title 

D. difficult

Question 4:

A. chemical 

B. effective  

C. experience 

D. biology

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: Every year Tom and Mary spend a few day at the same hotel by the sea.

Question 6: Harry, alike his colleagues, is trying hard to finish his work early.

Question 7: Vietnam National anthemcalling “Tien Quan Ca”, was written in 1954.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 8: Peter is sometimes unsuccessful because he's not_____ of other people's opinions.

A. tolerate

B. tolerable

C. tolerant

D. tolerance

Question 9: He tried to walk ________ so as not to be late for school.

A. fast

B. quick

C. rapid

D. slowly

Question 10: Lan is very tired. _____, she has to finish her assignment before going to bed

A. Although 

B. However

C. So

D. Therefore           

Question 11: I think I’ve lost my new hat. I’ve ________it everywhere but I can’t find it.

A. looked out

B. looked in

C. looked for

D. looked on          

Question 12: Many people are concerned ______ the pollution of the environment.

A. about

B. on

C. to

D. over

Question 13: I wish I _______ all about this some weeks ago.

A. knew

B. had known

C. have known

D. would know

Question 14: The 21st century has already seen considerable _____ in computer technology.

A. progress

B. progressing

C. progresses

D. process

Question 15: She goes to school late because she lives very far from school.

A. Unless she lives far from school, she wouldn’t go to school late.

B. Unless she lived far from school, she would go to school late.

C. If she lived far from school, she wouldn’t go to school late.

D. If she didn’t live far from school, she wouldn’t go to school late.

Question 16: "Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me.

A. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days.   

B. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

C. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days.

D. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 17: Many people feel nervous when they first make a speech in public

A. impressed

B. fearful

C. confident

D. upset

Question 18: Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectation from their parents and teachers.

A. relaxation

B. nervousness

C. emotion

D. stress                   

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: After seeing movie in the theater, we went window shopping.

A. grazing

B. buying

C. just looking

D. purchasing

Question 20: Another word for fortune is ________

A. richness

B. luck

C. wealth

D. goodness  

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 21: Hoa: “I suggest going camping next Sunday”.

Lan: "______"

A. That’s a fine day.

B. That’s a good idea.

C. That’s a reason.

D. That’s a good trip

Question 22: Tom: “When are we leaving for the concert?” 

Kyle: "______"

A. No problem 

B. Certainly  

C. That’s right

D. Straight away

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

Television is one of man's most (23) _____ means of communication. It brings events and sounds (24) _____ around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the president making a (25) _____ or visit a foreign country. He can see a war being (26) _____ and watch statesmen try (27) _____ about peace. Through television, home viewers can see and learn about people places and things all over the world. TV even takes its viewers out of the world. It brings them coverage of American's astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space.

Question 23:

A. important

B. importance

C. unimportant

D. unimportance

Question 24:

A. at

B. in 

C. to 

D. from

Question 25:

A. speak

B. speech

C. speaking

D. spoken

Question 26:

A. happen

B. happens

C. happened

D. happening

Question 27:

A. bring

B. to bring

C. brought

D. bringing 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

Music influences people in different ways or the same person differently at different times.

Music may seem to influence people differently. That is because people can react differently to the music. We are able to apply a choosing process to the music we hear. If someone hates jazz, then a jazz piece with a positive effect will probably not make him feel good. A happy song might appear to make an angry person angrier, yet it is not the music itself that is creating the anger; rather it is the positive effect of the music. The angry person does not want to accept the song's happy feeling: it points out his already existing anger, and makes that anger come to the surface. When a piece of music is played and we are listening to it, our body, mind, and feelings are being affected. The musicians of ancient cultures such as China, India, Turkey and Greece understood the effects of music.  In  fact, Pathagoras,  in  ancient  Greece,  introduced  a  whole  science  that  concerned  them. Because the musicians of these ancient cultures understood these effects, they created music that was positive, uplifting, and beneficial. Once the effects of music are better understood, the next step is to gain a better understanding of the music around us, and what effect it is actually having.

Question 28.  The text is about__________.     

A. The science of music 

B. Music and an angry person                                 

C. Understanding music

D. The effects of music on human feelings 

Question 29.  Music__________. 

A. cannot be chosen

B. affects us in different ways

C. affects everybody in the same way

D. never makes us angry

Question 30.  According to the text, __________.   

A. Everybody likes jazz

B. a very angry person sometimes do not accept music

C. No one likes jazz 

D. Jazz always makes us feel better    

Question 31.  In ancient cultures, there used to be a science that concerned the effects of music in__________.

A. Greece

B. China

C. India

D. Turkey              

Question 32.  The word "Once" has a close meaning to__________. 

A. on time 

B. because

C. when 

D. if

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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (from question 1 to question 32)

1D 2A 3A 4A 5B 6A 7B 8C 9B 10B 11C 12A 13B 14A 15D 16B

17C 18A 19C 20B 21B 22D 23A 24D 25B 26C 27B 28D 29B 30B 31A 32C

II. WRITING (2.0 points)

Question 33: My brother gets used to going to bed late.

Question 34: You were at home last night, weren’t you?

Question 35: Nobody can do this test because it is difficult.

Question 36: Unless you wear a jacket and a tie, you can’t go into this restaurant.

Question 37:  It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday

Question 38:  Mr. Hung has worked for the company for 10 years.

Question 39: The USA, the United Kingdom and New Zealand are all English speaking countries.

Question 40: I’m really excited about the upcoming pottery workshop.


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