Advantages of City life: Food and atmosphere

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • Hello everyone , My name is Linh , I live in a big city . Now I will tell you about Advantages of city life . In there , there are many Amusement center such as Cinema , zoo , swimming pool ,...And have medical facilities consist of Hospital , Institute of Medicine ,....In here , there are many famous restaurants , hotels , high buldings , and The food is diverse and delicious . Beside many advantages , there is a serious problem : The atmosphere in the city is polluted and We must have useful solutions with this problem . Because the polluted atmosphere is harmful with our heath .

    P/s : Mk dốt Anh nên chỉ làm được như vậy thôi :))

      bởi Chảnh Quốc Dân 26/12/2018
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