Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Lý Thánh Tông

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Nhằm giúp các em có tư liệu tham khảo, chuẩn bị cho kì thi học sinh giỏi sắp đến, Hoc247 đã biên soạn và gửi đến các em Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Lý Thánh Tông. Tài liệu gồm các dạng bài tập khác nhau và kèm theo đáp án sẽ giúp các em ôn tập kiến thức hiệu quả. Chúc các em học tập tốt!




1. Đề số 1


Part 1 : Supply  the correct verb tense.

    Last week I (walk)(1) .................................. home after playing tennis when it (start)(2).............................. raining very heavily. "Oh, no. I (get)(3) ............................... soaked before I (reach)(4).................................home." I thought " I wish I (remember)(5) ...................... to bring my raincoat." But unfortunately I (leave)(6) ............................... it at home. " How stupid of me! I always (get)(7) ................................... to bring it with me." Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a  lift. "(You go)(8) .................................. home? she asked me, "or (you want)(9) ..................................... to go for a drink?" "  I think I'd rather you (take)(10) ................................... me  home." I said.

Part 2: Complete each sentence with a phrase from box A followed by a phrase from box B. Do not use any phrase more than once.

                                                A                                                             B

clear up

keep on advertising

picked out

rush into

ring you back

burst into tears

is getting on well

will be taking off

got over

brought him up


as she waved goodbye.

when I get home.


in his new job.

her tragic loss.

until we find someone suitable.

on her farm in Cornwall.

in two hours' time

the best display.

his room before doing his homework

1. I'll ...............................................................................................................................................

2. The plane ...................................................................................................................................

3. The boy was told to ...................................................................................................................

4. Tom's grandmother ....................................................................................................................

5. It was a  long  time before she ...................................................................................................

6. John ............................................................................................................................................

7. We'll have to ..............................................................................................................................

8. The competition judges ..............................................................................................................

9. Daisy ..........................................................................................................................................

10. Think about it. Don't ................................................................................................................


Part 1: Read the following passages carefully, then choose the ONE best answer to  each question

Passage 1:

At the age of sixty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing a series of novels for young people based on her early experiences on the American frontier(linh vuc) . Born in the state of Wiscosin in 1867, she and her family were rugged (khó nhọc) pioneers(người đi đầu) . Seeking(theo đuổi ) better farm land, they went by covered wagon(xe ngựa) to Missouri in 1869, then on to Kansas the next year, returning to Wisconsin in 1871, and traveling on to Minnesota and Lowa before settling(bố trí)  permanently(cố định) in South Dakota in 1879. Because of this continuing moving, Wilder's early education took place sporadically(không thương xuyên) in a succession of one-room schools. From age thirteen to sixteen she attended school more regularly although she never graduated.

At the age of eighteen, she married Almanzo James Wilder. They bought a small farm in the Ozarks, where they remained for the rest of their lives. Their only daughter, Rose, who had become a nationally known journalist, encouraged her mother to write. Serving as agent and editor, Rose negotiated(đàm phán thương lượng) with Harper's to publish her mother's first book, Little House on the Big Woods. Seven more books followed, each chronicling her early life on the plains. Written from the perspective(triển vọng, tiền đồ) of a child, they have remained popular with young readers from many nations. Twenty years after her  death in 1957, more than 20 million copies had been sold, and they had been  translated into fourteen languages. In 1974, a weekly television series, "Little House on the Prairie ", was produced based on the stories from the Wilder books.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. American pioneer life                                                        B. Children's literature

C. A weekly television series                                                  D. Wilder' s career

2. Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing novels

A. when she was a child on the frontier                     B. right after she moved to the Ozarks

C. when she was a young mother                               D. after her sixty-fifth birthday

3. The author mentions all of the following events in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder EXCEPT

A. She went west by covered wagon                          B. She graduated from a one-room school

C. She married Almanzo Wilder                                D. She had one daughter

4. Wilder's early education took place

A. with great success                                                              B. for a long time

C. at irregular intervals                                                           D. in a  very  efficient way

5. Written from the perspective of a child, they have remained popular... THEY refers to

A. the plains                B. many nations                      C. more books                         D. young readers

6. It can be referred from the passage that

A. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote scripts for the television series.

B. the Wilders were not happy living in the Ozarks.

C. Wilder's daughter was not a successful writer.

D. the Wilders books have a universal appeal.

7. Laura Ingalls Wilder died  in

A. 1967                                   B. 1957                                   C.  1947                                  D.  1977

8. Laura Ingalls  Wilder's family lived forever in  South Dakota since

A. 1867                                   B. 1869                                   C. 1879           D. the age of  65

Passage 2:

As trees grow old they add a new ring for each year, this discovery, it seems, was first made  by Leonardo  da Vinci, the famous Italian painter and scientist. It took a long time, however, before the  serious study of tree rings started; this was done in Arizona by  Andrew Ellicott  Douglas.

Douglas developed a simple technique for dating  trees called   cross-dating and for a period of over twenty years continued  the study of tree rings. He  spent much of his time in logging camps near Flagstaff.

The Douglas method has   been used by  many scientists. Some of them used it to examine logs in  Indian pueblo ruins; they  were able to date the buildings right back  to the  tenth century. Others used it to date  the world's oldest living trees,  the bristlecone pines.

1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A. Leonardo made  many discoveries.

B. Leonardo was famous as a painter

C. Leonardo was  interested in the aging process

D. Leonardo became famous because of  his tree ring discovery.

2. What also can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A. Leonardo started the serious study of  tree rings.

B. Leonardo's discovery was not  developed for  many years.

C. Tree rings were studied   in Arizona for a long time after Leonardo.

D. Douglas was a famous Arizona  scientist.

3. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A. The term cross-dating was invented by Douglas.

B. An uncomplicated  method of tree-dating was discovered by Douglas.

C. It took Douglas 20 years to developed a tree-dating technique.

D. The technique of cross-dating was developed near Flagstaff.

4. What also can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A. Logging camps are good places for studying tree rings.

B. Douglas spent 20 years near Flagstaff.

C. Douglas spent most of his life studying tree rings.

D. There are courses for studying tree rings near Flagstaff.

5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The Douglas method has been used since  the 10th century.

B. Indians used the Douglas method to examine loggs.

C. The earliest known trees can be  dated by the Douglas method.

D. Indians used   bristlecone pines to construct   their buildings

6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. American Indians lived  in the region investigated nearly a thousand years ago.

B. The Douglas method  can be used to date all the 10th century ruins.

C.  Scientists dated the  bristlecone pine to  the 10th century.

D. The Indian pueblo ruins  were not as old  as the bristlecone pines.

7. What was involved in the passage?

A. Leonardo spent much of his time in logging camps near Flagstaff.

B. Leonardo spent much of his time in logging.

C. Leonardo spent much of his time in examining logs.

D. None is correct.

Part 2: Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable  word

Six years ago when I was a student,  I was  (1)...........................  of money. So once a week I (2) ................... to go  home  to see my parents and get a decent meal. Although  I  had a good relationship with my  mother, I never got (3) ......................... well with  my father. I could never live up to his  high expectations  of me. One day  I did a (4)........................ terrible thing. I stole some  money from him. I asked him if he (5)..................... lend me ten pounds. He refused saying he had (6)...................... given me enough and it  was (7) ...................... I  became  more responsible with money. You know  what it  is like (8)...............................a student. I'd run out of money and wanted  to  take a  girl out. When he refused  I (9) ....................... him of  being mean. and we had a terrible row. He left  the house and I was (10) ...................... angry that I stole ten pounds from his wallet.

When  he (11) ..................... out  that  the money  was gone,  he (12) ............................ who had (13)  .................... it and banned me  from  the house. (14) ......................... then I have returned  but he has never really forgiven me and still (15) ........................ down on  me for (16) .................... I did. My mother is very  upset and I really (17) ........................ to work towards creating  a happy relationship with my father for (18)  ......................... own   sakes. Half  of me wants to say:  " Sorry, Dad" while (19)...................... other half  still thinks he is ridiculous (20)................. having kept this attitude up for so long.       


Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1.   In the briefcase you will find a map, a file and a calculator.       

The briefcase..........................................................................................................

2.   Pierre emigrated to Brazil in 1991 and is still there.

Pierre has ...............................................................................................................

3.   Are you sure that  jacket is the right size for you?

Does  that jacket ....................................................................................................?

4.   There may be some delay in  obtaining the permit.

Perhaps  there .........................................................................................................

5.   I gave Ted  the message, but he already knew about it.

I needn't ..................................................................................................................

6.   He is a fascinating lecturer because he knows a lot about  his subject.

His wide .................................................................................................................

7.   I'd prefer you to sign the  contract without any further delay.

I'd  rather ................................................................................................................

8.   Lola said she was sorry she had not attended the meeting.

Lola apologized for ................................................................................................

9. We know that feudalism lasted for hundreds of years in Europe.

Feudalism ...............................................................................................................

10. I was very sorry I  wasn't able  to see him off  at the  station.

If only .....................................................................................................................

Part 2: In most lines  of this text there is  one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically wrong or does not make sense. Write the unnecessary words on the spaces on  the right. Tick (ü) any lines that are correct.

In the United Kingdom women can see                                             1.................................

their doctor on the average five times a                                             2................................

year, compared with a men who visit                                                 3.................................

their doctor about three  times a year.                                                4.................................

Two out of three women leave from their                                          5................................

GP's surgery clutching a prescription. Yet                                         6................................                    

women have been taking tablets without                                           7................................

knowing that what effect they may have on                                       8................................

 their bodies, because of  a scientific anomaly –                                9...............................

 the most drugs are tested  on the men. In addition,                           10.............................

there are well-known examples of the way drugs                              11.............................

and other  substances should work differently                                   12.............................

in women. The different balance of the fat and                                 13.............................

 muscle in men's and women's bodies affects to                                14.............................

the speed with which alcohol is absorbed and                                    15.............................

broken down, for example. It is being predicted                                16............................

that  natural remedies will continue to gain                                       17.............................

in the popularity as women, in particular, are                                    18.............................

become more  aware of the possible side-effects                               19.............................

of which the powerful drugs currently being prescribed                    20.............................



Part 1.   

1. was walking              3. will get    5.  had remembered      7.  am always getting    9. do you want         

2. started                       4. reach             6.  had left                       8.  Are you going         10. took  

Part 2.

1. I'll ring you back when I get home.

2. The plane will be taking off in two hours' time.

3. The boy was told to clear up his room before doing his homework.

4. Tom's grandmother brought him up on her farm in Cornwall.

5. It was along time before she got over her tragic loss.

6. John is getting on well  in his new job.

7. We'll have to keep on advertising until we find someone suitable.

8. The competition judges picked out the best display.

9. Daisy burst into tears as she waved goodbye.

10. Think about it. Don't rush into anything.

II. READING:          35 points

Passage 1.           (8 points)

Q #


















Passage 2.          (7 points)

Q #
















Part 3.

1.  short           4.  very            7.  time            10. so               13. done          16. what          19. the

2.  had             5.  could          8.  being          11. found        14. since          17. try              20. in

3.  on               6.  already                   9. accused                   12. knew         15. looked       18. our

III. WRITING         

1. The briefcase contains a map, a file and a calculator.

2. Pierre has been living/lived in  Brazil since 1991.

3. Does that jacket really fit you?

4. Perhaps there will be some delay in obtaining the permit.

5. I needn't have given Ted  the message because he already knew about it.

6. His wide knowledge of his subject  makes him/means he is a fascinating lecturer.

7.   I'd prefer you to sign the  contract without any further delay.    

8. Lola apologized for not attending/ having attended the meeting.

9. Feudalism is known to have lasted for hundreds of years in Europe.

10. If only I had been able to  see him off at the station.

Part 2.    (20 points)

1...can.........................             11.... ü......................

2....the.........................            12.....should..............

3....a............................            13.....the....................

4.... ü.........................            14.....to......................

5....from......................            15.....ü.....................

6.....ü..........................                        16.....being................

7.....ü..........................                        17.....ü......................

8....that..........................                      18.....the.....................

9.....ü.........................                         19....are......................

10...the........................                        20....which.................

2. Đề số 2

Question I: Phonetics (5points)

Part A:  Choose a word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest of the group ( 3 points ).

1. A. decided              B. lived                       C. stayed                     D. studied

2. A. likes                    B. days                        C. lives                        D. earns

3. A. fade                    B. label                        C. happy                      D. sale

Part  B :  Choose a word whose stress pattern is different from the rest  of the group ( 2 points ).

4. A. freedom              B. humor                     C. solar                        D. suggest

5. A cover                   B. account                   C. install                      D. prevent

Question II : Verb forms ( 15 points )Give the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. My dad (not like) coffee, he never (drink) it .

2. Ba is short. He wishes he (be) taller.

3. This house is empty. It (not live) in for many years.

4. I hate (get) up early in winter.

5. Traditionally, the ao dai (wear) by both men and women.

6. This is my house. I (live) here for 7 years.

7.  I'm busy at the moment. I (clean) the floor.

8. Where you (spend)  your holiday last summer ?

9. I (see) Nam while I (go) to school yesterday. We (say) hello and (walk) the rest of the road to school together.

10. My brother is a teacher. He (work) in a school in the city centre.

11. Listen! They (sing) an English song.

Question III : Word forms ( 10 points )

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital letters.

1. There are many ............  parks in Hanoi.                                  BEAUTY

2. ........... is now a serious problem in Viet Nam.                         FOREST

3. Hoa has a lot of friends as she is so ...........                                    FRIEND

4. This magazine is ............ read by both teenagers and adults.     WIDE

5. I hope to speak English as ........ as my teacher.                              GOOD

6. Viet Nam is interested in saving .......... resources.                nature

7. We should prepare food ............. before turning on the stove.    careful

8. ............. are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish.    environment

9. Ba is very strong. He runs........... than anyone in the class.           fast

10. I like this website because it is .........for me.                               Use


Question I : Phonetics ( 5 points )

Part A (3 points)     

1. A                 2. A                3. C      

Part  B    ( 2 points )

4. D.                5. A 

Question II : Verb forms ( 15 points )

1.doesn't / drinks   2. were   3. hasn't been lived    4. getting   

5. was worn    6. have lived/have been living    7. am cleaning  

8. did.....spend     9. saw/ was going / said / walked    10. works    11. are singing

Question III : Word forms ( 10 points )

1.beautiful   2. Deforestation    3. friendly    4. widely    5. well    6 natural     

7. carefully    8 Environmentalists     9 faster    10. useful

Question IV: Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.

1. A                 2. C                 3.B                  4.B      5. C                 6.D      7. B     8.C     

 9 .D                10. C               11.B                12. C   13. B               14. A               15. C

Question V: Reading ( 15 points)

Part A:  ( 10 points)

 1. the    2. farm    3. at   4. have    5. school  

6. lot    7. soon    8. collects  9. boys    10. members

Part B:  ( 5 points)

1. C. He was asked to go to the local police station.   2. B. friendly    3. C. In a village  

4.D. He didn't think his bicycle would be found.     5. A. 35         

Question VI: Writing ( 15 points)

Part A:  (5 points)

1. Although Mrs. Thoa was tired, she helped me with my homework.

2. Hoa was happy that she got a good mark.

3. Ha failed her English test, therefore she had to do her test again.

4. I got wet because I forgot my raincoat.

5. It's raining hard, so we can't go.

Part B:  ( 10 points)

1. Have the seats been booked yet?

2. I asked Mrs. Hoa what sports she often played.

3. I asked the landlady if / whether there was a TV in the bedroom.

4. Lien suggested going to the cinema.

5. I wish I could speak English.

6. He said he was going to Hanoi the next day/ the following day.

7.  In spite of tiredness, the poor farmer kept working. 

8. If I knew the answer, I would/ could tell you.

9 I haven't met him for two months.

10 Unless you try hard, you will not pass your final exam.

Question VII (5 points)

1. C                             2. C            3. B                 4. A           5. B  

3. Đề số 3

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in  brackets.(10points)

1. She felt that she (look) at.

2. I can't go out because I (not finish) my homework.

3. If you kicked the policeman, you (arrest)

4. All students objected to (do) that work.

5. Trang isn't  in her room at the moment. She (cook) in the kitchen.

6. I can't afford ( go) on holiday abroad this year.

7. Passengers (travel) on this  bus bought their tickets in books.

8. I (not use) the car this evening, so you can have it.

9. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.

10. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.

Question 2:     Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences (10 points)

1. The child should be punished because of his bad ...........         ( behave)

2. The ...........in this town are very friendly                                       (reside)

3. Every week, there are two ...........from Ha Noi to Nha Trang.       (fly)

4. We're very impressed by the ..........of your town's people.                        (friend)

5. All the newspapers praised the ..........of the firemen                     (brave)

6. It was ............not to write down the address.                                             ( fool)

7. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's .............                                             (wise)

8. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ....over a long distance.        (speak)

9.       Freedom of ...........is one of the fundamental rights.                            (speak)

10.    The duty of the police is the .............of law and order.                    (maintain)


Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in  brackets.

1. was being looked                            5. is cooking          9.  was rescued    

2. haven't finished                               6. to go                10. are always blaming

3. would be arrested                            7. travelling

4. doing                                                           8. am not using

Question 2:     Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences

1. behaviour/behavior              6. foolish    

2. residents                              7. wisdom

3. flights                                  8. speech        

4. friendliness                          9. speech

5. bravery                                10. maintenance/maintaining


a) Change the following sentences into reported speech

1. Liz asked me if / whether I lived there.

2. She said (that) he didn’t buy that book

3. The teacher said/required (that) all the work had to/must be done carefully.

4. Mr Cuong told/asked us/me not to throw that bottle away (because) they could reuse it.

5. Tom told us that he didn’t understand what we were saying.

b) Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.

1. out               2. to                 3. over                         4. in                 5. to

Question 4:   Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

1. noise                                                6.using

2. from                                                7. ever

3. the                                                   8. up

4. people                                              9. faster

5. leaving                                             10. of

Question 5: Read the passage and choose the best answer.

1. C                 2. B                             3.C                  4. B                             5.D

Question 6: a/  Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.

1. This video film is so interesting that I have seen it twice.

2. It is difficult to learn English without a good dictionary.

3. He has been learning/ has learnt English for 2 years now.

4. She used to study with her uncle when she was a child.

Question7: Complete the second sentence with the same meaning.

1. Vinh is always forgetting his homework.

2. I wish your friend were at the party.

3. We have lived/have been living here for 15 years.(since 15 years ago)

4. Trung was given a microcomputer on his birthday.

5. This is the first time he has played a computer game.

6. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again.

7. He is so old that he can't have more children.

8. Susan said to me that she was very busy so she would ring me the following/next day.

9. They are being made to study hard by their teacher.

10. No one has signed this cheque.

4. Đề số 4

I. Choose the word in each group that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. Circile the letter you choose (5 p)

1.A.campus        B. relax         C.locate     D.fashion

2.A.sing              B.fine            C.time        D.nice

3.A.gather          B.ethnic        C.there       D.although

4.A.talked           B.watched    C.ordered   D.stopped

5.A.exchange      B.reach         C.chance    D.chemistry

II. Choose the word in each group that has different stress pattern. Circle the letter you choose (5 p)

6.A.control         B.remote        C.purpose     D.respond

7.A.economic     B.encourage  C.embroider  D.experience

8.A.inspiration    B.collection  C.reputation  D.limitation

9.A.objection      B.opinion      C.official       D.optional

10.A.compulsory   B.convient    C.correspon   D.communicate

III. Choose the answer A,B,C or D to complete each sentence. Circle the letter you choose (10p)

11. They…all day swimming snd sunbathing at the beach

A.passed         B.used                 C.took                        D.spent

12. The hotel room…over a very beautiful park

A.viewed out  B.faced up           C.opened up               D.looked out

13. On Sundays in England, most shops were closed and…the theaters and cinemas

A.so were        B.neither were    C.were too                  D.so weren’t

14. We didn’t…to the station in time to catch the train

A.get               B.reach                C.arrive                       D.leave

15. Either John or his brothers…the money

A.has stolen     B.have stolen      C.has been stolen       D.have been stolen

16. I remember…the letter sometime ago but I can’t remember exactly when

A.to post          B.posted              C.posting                    D.post

17. Jane lost her case because it didn’t have…with hername on

A.a ticket         B.a poster            C.a label                      D.an identification

18. Do you know what time the train…for Leeds?

A,gets               B.reaches            C.arrives                       D.leaves

19. The policeman warned us…there

A.to not go       B.not to go          C.not to going               D.not go

20. The trip was very interesting. Jack wishes he…enough time to join

A.had                B.had been          C.had had                      D.has had
































31.are made

32.had just gone

33.had left

34.were made



37.had known

38.is talking

39.haven’t received

40.would do































IX. Each line of the following passage contains error. Find out and underline the error then correct it (10p)

  Tet holiday is celebrating on the first day of the Lunar New Year Example:0.celebrated:

Some weeks after the New Year, the Vietnamese clean their house             71.before

and paint the walls. New clothes are buying for the occasion. One or          72.bought

 two days before the festive, people make Bang Chung, that is the              73.which

traditional cake, and others goodies. On the New Year’s Eve,the                74.other

whole family get together for a reunion dinner. Every members of             75.member

the family should be present during the dinner in which much                     76.many

different kinds of dishes is served. On the New Year morning, the              77.are  

young members of the family pay them respects to the elders. In                78.their

return they receive lucky money wrapping in red tiny envelopes.                79.wrapped

Then people go to visit their neighborhoods, frieng and relatives.               8O.neighbors

X.Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the given words (10p)

81.somebody puts some more coal, the fire will go out

82.you get hungry on the train, (you should) take some sandwiches

83.Mr.Anderson didn’t speak Vietnamese, he decided to settle in Hanoi

84.visits the town falls in love with it

85.the man who used to work with me when I lived in Moscow

86.before has John been so rude to anybody

87.has such a soft voice that it is impossible for me to hear it

88.If people don’t do enough exercise there will be a lot of heart diseases

89.is being biult in the city center

90.I hadn’t spent too much money on clothes

5. Đề số 5

Question I : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other words in each group. (5 pts)

1.         A. both            B. month         C. son              D. none

2.         A. kitchen       B. children      C. teacher        D. chemist

3.         A. kindness     B. climate        C. village         D. climbing

4.         A. consider      B. century       C. cigarette      D. celebrate

5.         A. heat             B. teach           C. bread          D. mean

Question II: Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences(15 pts)

1. Peter used to __________ swimming every Friday when he was a student

            A. went           B. goes            C. going          D. go

2. He is not_______ get married.

            A. enough old to         B. enough old for        C. old enough to         D. old enough for

3. My friend __________ me that he was going to take a driving test

            A. spoke          B. told C. said D. talk

4. The teacher advised the children __________ and see the dentist regularly

            A. went           B. going          C. go   D. to go

5. You will miss the last bus to school __________ you leave now.

            A. unless         B. until            C. while           D. till

6. Peter : “ I enjoy listening to pop music,”

    Maria : “__________”

            A .I’m too       B. I don’t        C. Neither do I           D. So am I

7. I asked my friend __________ he wanted to go out with me. 

            A. that B. which          C. what            D. if

8. I’m learning English __________ I want to get a better job.

            A. or    B. but C. therefore     D. because

9. I wish you __________to the theater last night , but you didn’t.

            A. would come            B. had come    C. was coming D. came

10. Mike “ Would you like to have dinner with me ?”.

     Jane : “__________”

            A. Yes, I’d love to      B. Yes , so do I           C. I’m very happy       D. Yes, it is


Question I : 5 points (1p for each correct answer)

1. A    2/ D    3/ C   4/ A   5/ C

Question II : 15 points (1p for each correct answer) 1/ D     2/ C    3/ B    4/ D    5/ A     6/ B  7/ D   8/ D  9/ B   10/ A   11/  A 12/ D  13/ C   14/ B   15/ A

Question III : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)    

1. D -> since

2. C -> cheaper

3. B -> of

4. A -> going

5. A-> told

6. C -> to

7. B -> information

8. B -> could go

9. B -> boring

10. B -> I went

Question IV : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)

1/ careful     2/ advertisements    3/ informative   4/ unsuccessfully   5/ qualified

6/ encouragement   7/ proud        8/ national         9/ interested          10/ excited

Question V : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)

1/ +E   2/ +J    3/ +H     4/ +G     5/ +A     6/+ I      7/ +F    8/ +B      9/ +C    10/ +D

Question VI : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)

1/  D     2/ C    3/ D     4/ C    5/ D     6/ A     7/ C      8/ C      9/ C     10/ B

Question VII : 10 po               1/ D   2/ A    3/ C    4/ B    5/ B

Question VIII : 5 points             1/ C    2/ C    3/ D    4/ A    5/ A

Question IX : 10 points (1p for each correct answer)

1. He was made to study hard for his exam.

2. It took us two hours to get to London.

3. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again.

4. Peter used to play football.

5. He started collecting stamps five years ago.

6. I last saw my sister in 2000.

7. I advised Nam  not to ride his bike too fast.

8. He is not old enough to go to school alone.

9. My brother suggested going out for a walk.

10. Tom thanked me for helping him.


Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Lý Thánh Tông. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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