Hỏi đáp Unit 9 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 phần Language Focus


Danh sách hỏi đáp (312 câu):

  • Lan Anh Cách đây 3 năm

    The movie _____ last night was terrific.

    a. I went

    b. I went to it

    c. I went to

    d. that I went

    06/05/2021 |    1 Trả lời

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    Pham Thi Cách đây 3 năm

    “Were you able to locate the person ___ wallet you found?”

    "Luckily, yes.”

    a. which

    b. that his

    c. whose

    d. that’s

    06/05/2021 |    1 Trả lời

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  • hoàng duy Cách đây 3 năm

    The cooker __ is displayed at that shop looks modern.

    a. who

    b. which

    c. whom

    d. whose

    07/05/2021 |    1 Trả lời

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  • Yến Như Cách đây 3 năm

    1. We have to............ the natural resources of our country 

        A. waste     B. use up     C. serve     D. conserve

    2. If we........... wasting electricity, we will have to pay a lot next month

        A. Come on     B. Turn on     C. Go on     D. live on 

    3. Many people become............ because of the natural disasters every year

        A. home     B. homeless     C.home sick     D. homework

    17/04/2021 |    1 Trả lời

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  • gà Mờ Cách đây 3 năm

      6 : It took me half an hour  _______ to Hai Duong City yesterday.

    A. get  B. gettingC. to get                         D. got

      7: He loves his parents very much and wants them to be ___________.

    A. happily                             B. happiness                         C. happy                               D. happiest

      8.I wish you ________ a longer vacation.

              A. don't have                                B. had                                        C. have                                       D. having  

      9.Do you have to learn these new words ________?

              A.with heart                                  B. by heart                                C.in mind                                   D. with mind             

     10.He ________ English for 4 years.

              A. learns                                         B. learnt                                     C. has learnt                              D. will learn               

    11.  He asked me_________.

                    A. what my phone number                                                                B. what my phone number was.

                    C. what my phone number is.                                                           D. what my phone number had.

    12.They have learnt English ______ 5 years.

    A. since                                     B. in                                     C. for                                      D. from 

    13. _________being sick , She tried to finish her job in time.

                    A. Because                                            B. so that                               C. In spite of                         D. so that

    14. Mai speaks English……………….. than you.

            A. much  more fluent      B. much more fluently                        C. much more fast                      D.more faster         

    15: John is the boy ________ is wearing a white T-shirt.                

                 A. which                                   B. whose                                     C. who                                  D. whom

    16.   The doctor _________ that I should do morning exercises every morning .

            A. asked                                        B. talked                                  C. suggested                        D. smiled

    17.   Don’t worry about me. I can _________ myself.

                    A. look after                                         B. look for                                C. look at           D. look forward

    18. How much time do you spend............on the web a week?

          A. posting                        B. surfing                                              C. using                 D. taking

    19 : If you ________ your best, you will pass the exam.

                 A. will try                                 B. try                                            C. tried                                  D. are trying

    20. Everything is not expensive here ...........?.

    A. is it                                     B. isn't it                                 C. are they         D.  aren’t they


    12/04/2021 |    1 Trả lời

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  • Vu Ha Mi Cách đây 4 năm


    1.A. sauce                          B.steam                           C.sugar                        D.stew

    2.A.tender                         B.garnish                         C.drain                         Dsprinkle.     

    3.A.grill                              B.garnish                         C.dip                             D.slice

    4.A.checkout                     B.erode                           C.exotic                         D.decision

    5.A.establish                     B.erode                           C.resort                         D.expedition 


    1.A.magnificence             B.destination                   C.affordable                 D.accessible

    2.A.original                      B.stimulating                   C.imperial                     D.geograhy     

    3.A.provide                      B.bilingual                       C.immersion                  D.rusty

    4.A.simplicity                   B.American                     C.obedient                     D.flexible

    5.A.magnificity                B.destination                   C.affordable                  D.accessible


    1.If you press ''CTRL + S'', you (save).............................. the file.

    2.If he (want)............................... to eat the vegetables raw, he mush them carefully.

    3.She will forget to pick you up if you (not phone)................................... her.

    4The (simple)........................................ of form makes english easy to learn.

    5.If he (study)...................................... harder he can pass an exam.

    6.If you could speak english, they (will offer)............................ yoi the job.

    7.I will remember you if you (give)............................ me a photo.

    8.I also appreciate the invitation, our friends (open)............................shown during the interviews. 

    9.If we send an invtation, our friends (come)...............................................to our party.

    10. He might get fat if he (stop)......................................... to our party.

    IV. put a/an/one/the in the blanks to complete the passage.

    This is true story about(1)........................man who chose (2)..........................worst possible time for his crime.lt happened in London in (3)....................... summer of 1972. (4) ................... man stole a barge on (5)............................. River Thames(in case you don't know,(6) .............................. barge is a river boat used for carrying goods).(7)......................... owner of (8).................. barge soon discovered that it was missing and immediately informed (9) ................ police so that they could look for it. Normally (10)............ puite(11)....................... busy place,and it would be difficult to find what you were looking for. On this day, however, there was (12)................ dock strike, and so there was only(13) ................. barge on(13)............. barge on (14).................. river.(15)...................thief was puickly found and arrested.




    21/03/2021 |    0 Trả lời

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  • Truong Bao Cách đây 4 năm

    08/03/2021 |    3 Trả lời

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  • Thái Quang Hiếu Cách đây 4 năm

    1. Many people are interested in the product that save energy.

    a. on b. to c. in d. for

    2. The old man who lives alone in that house is may uncle.

    a. who b. what c. which d. whom

    3. Mr John turns the TV..........to see the hot news.

    a. off b. on c. up d. down

    4. My elder brother ..........eat ice-cream when he was a child.

    a. uses to b. is used to c. used to d. used

    5. If I became rich, I.............travel around the world.

    a. can b. should c. will d. would

    6. I suggest........a picnic in the park.

    a. have b. had c. to have d. having

    7. She wishes she.............her grand-parents in NewYork next summer.

    a. could visit b. visits c. visited d. can visit

    8. She asked me ........... I could speak other language.

    a. what b. if c. that d. how

    9. He did not notice the sign............it was in front of him.

    a. though b. but c. so d. therefore

    10. This novel..................in the seventeenth century.

    a. is written b. is writing c. was written d. was writing

    II. Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi làm các yêu cầu bên dưới. (4pts)

    Are you looking (1) cause a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn't (2)..............................pollution or waste natural resource? Look no further than solar energy. While most fuels now in use are (3)...........................burned at a big rate, solar energy, a power from the (4)..........................., will last as long as the world (5)............................This energy has been (6)..........................to heat and cool homes or to cook food. It has been used (7)........................ radio batteries and provided power for telephone lines. The devices, (8).........................., are cheap to operate but very expensive to produce.

    1. Điền các từ sau vào đoạn văn cho phù hợp (2pts)

    being, in, for, sun, lasts, however, cause, used

    2. Viết a. Solar energy is a cheap, clean, effective source of power.

    b. We have used less fuels nowaday.

    c. Solar energy will provide for a very long time.

    d. Solar energy can be used to cook food..

    T (true) hay F (false) sau mỗi câu dưới đây (2pts)

    III. Hoàn thành các câu sau với các từ cho sẵn. (2pts)

    1 If/ she/ study/ she/ pass/ final exam ...........................................................

    2. I/ suggest/ you/ stay /inside / recess ..........................................................

    3. house/built/1975 ........................................................................

    4. policeman/ ask/ boy/ what/ name/was .......................................................

    IV. word form (1,5 ts)

    1. Life always needs a lot of __________. (innovate)

    2. The __________ are cleaning the beach. (conserve)

    3. __________, our environment must be protected. (ultimate)

    4. Tet is the most important __________ in Vietnam. (celebrate)

    5. Fruits’ festival in Suoi Tien Park is a very __________ activity. (joy)

    6. Look at the __________ bulbs. They are so beautiful. (color)


    24/02/2021 |    0 Trả lời

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  • Huỳnh Hoa Cách đây 4 năm

    Viết 1 bài về cách ăn uống của bạn mik
    Mong dc giúp đỡ

    24/01/2021 |    0 Trả lời

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  • Khánh Chữ Đẹp Cách đây 4 năm

    Wild animals (reduce)......a lot in number because the forests, their home,(destroy)........seriously

    30/08/2020 |    2 Trả lời

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  • Bích Ngọc Cách đây 4 năm

    1. Nowadays people can talk and exchange information easily thanks to technological advances. It is convenient.

    -> It is .........................................................................................................................................................

    2. In this busy world, perents and children don't have much quality time for each other. It is such a pity.

    -> It is ...............................................................................................................................................

    3. My neighbor looked after my pet cat when I was away for some days. She was very helpful.

    -> It was ...........................................................................................................................................

    4. I left my hometown to go to university in 2010. This bridge was built in my hometown 2 years after that.

    -> By the time .....................................................................................................................................

    5. My brother got a good job in a state bank, then he got married.

    -> Before ............................................................................................................................................

    20/08/2020 |    3 Trả lời

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  • Nguyễn Thuỳ Dương Cách đây 4 năm

    1, everyone expects that the hostages will be releeased soon

    -> the hostages

    2, it is reported that two people were injured in the explosion

    -> Two people

    3, they say exercise is good for health

    -> exercise 

    18/08/2020 |    1 Trả lời

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  • Lâm Thành Danh Cách đây 4 năm


    22/07/2020 |    9 Trả lời

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  • Nguyễn Thị Xuân Mai Cách đây 4 năm

    A couldn't help crying

    B can't help crying

    C couldn't help cry

    D couldn't helped crying

    04/07/2020 |    8 Trả lời

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  • Ngọc Ly Cách đây 4 năm
    1 hình

    30/06/2020 |    1 Trả lời

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  • Kim Ngân Cách đây 4 năm
    Mệnh đề quan hệ

    25/06/2020 |    0 Trả lời

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  • Hoàng Anh Cách đây 4 năm

    I am always … for school.

    A. on time

    Bin time

    C. at time

    D. out of time

    09/06/2020 |    2 Trả lời

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  • Minh Tuyen Cách đây 4 năm

    Do you … me say this in class?

    A. let

    B. allow

    C. permit

    D. mind

    08/06/2020 |    2 Trả lời

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  • thuy linh Cách đây 4 năm

    Lan … the peaceful atmosphere while Maryan was praying.

    A. enjoying

    B. has enjoyed

    C. enjoyed

    D. enjoy

    08/06/2020 |    2 Trả lời

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  • miu miu Cách đây 4 năm

    I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. (0.8 pt)

    1. A. magnificent B. delay C. bank D. travel

    2. A. checkout B. erode C. exotic D. decision

    II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (0.8 pt)

    3. A. original B. stimulating C. imperial D. geography

    4. A. magnificence B. destination C. affordable D. accessible

    III. Choose the correct answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (4pts)

    5. What do you think of ______ public transport in _______Ha Noi?

    A. Ø – Ø B. a – a C. a – Ø D. the – Ø

    6. Parking is very difficult in_________city centre, so my father always goes there by bus.

    A. the – Ø B. the – the C. a – a D. a – Ø

    7. Secondary schools offer a wide ________of subjects.

    A. field B. scope C. list D. range

    8. If you don't know the language, you may have to use ___________ language.

    A. hand B. gesture C. head D. signal

    9. I can speak two languages very well. I think I am a _____.

    A. monolingual B. bilingual C. multilingual

    10. I study in the US for four years, so I am a ______ English speaker.

    A. fluent B. poor C. rusty

    11. It’s a long time since I last used English. My English is a bit _____ now.

    A. fluent B. rusty C. reasonable

    12. You shouldn’t ______ every new word in the dictionary. Try to guess the meaning first.

    A. check up B. look for C. look up

    13. While on holiday in the UK, Michael could ______ a bit of British English.

    A. take up B. pick up C. get up

    14. The Astronauts Memorial Foundation honours all American astronauts have lost their lives on missions or in training.

    A. whom B. X C. which D. who

    15. Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight success attracted worldwide attention.

    A. which B. when C. whose D. where

    IV. Read and choose the best answer (2pts)

    Did you ever wonder why it is so difficult for adults to start to learn English or a foreign language? Every year, millions of grown-ups around the world spend a handsome amount of money to learn English but not many of them succeed in becoming fluent English speakers. This is because it is not easy to pick up a new language after a certain age. However, little children learn foreign languages without much difficulty. This is because they have a special ability that helps them learn languages fast. This ability weakens when people grow older. Think of the little time children need to learn their native language.

    So, if you have the desire to learn English or any other foreign language, you should begin as soon as possible. Remember that the longer you wait, the harder it will become. 16. The best title for the passage would be _____. A. Built-in Abilities for Language B. Languages: the Younger the Better C. Children and Grown-ups 17. The word "grown-ups" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____. A. adults B. children C. teenagers 18. According to the passage, “a handsome amount of money” means _____. A. good-looking money B. a big sum of money C. a new amount of money 19. Children learn a foreign language fast because _____. A. they have much time to do it B. they are smarter than grown-ups C. they have a special ability 20. If you wish to learn English, you should ______. A. become younger B. learn from children C. begin as soon as possible

    V. Choose the best answer (2pts) 21. If/ my mother/ eat/ less fat food/ may/ lose weight. A. If my mother ate less fast food, she may lose weight. B. If my mother eats less fast food, she may lose weight. C. If my mother eat less fast food, she may lose weight. 22. You/ should / brush/ teeth/ regularly/ if/ you/ not want/ have toothache. A. You should brush your teeth regularly if you do not want to have toothache. B. You should brush your teeth if you do not want to have toothache. C. You should brushes your teeth if you do not want to have toothache. 23. Lake Baikal/ be/ deepest lake/ the world. A. Lake Baikal is deepest lake over the world. B. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake on the world. C. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. 24. We are talking about the girl who used to be a Miss World. A. The girl about whom we are talking used to be a Miss World. B. We hardly know a girl who used to be a Miss World. C. The girl who used to be a Miss World said that she knew you. D. We know the girl who used to be a Miss World. 25. He told her about the book. He liked it best A. He told her about the book which he liked it best. B. He told her about the book which he liked best. C. He told her about the book whom he liked best. D. He told her about the book whose he liked best

    10/04/2020 |    0 Trả lời

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  • Trần Thuận Cách đây 5 năm

    3. The students/ believed/ be educated/ England.


    4. I wish that I / have time/ read lots/ books.


    5. By the time James/ get up this morning, there / be/ no sandwiches left.


    6. My Dad/ suggest/ I/ learn/ Spanish.


    7. We/ relieved/the rain/ finally/ stop.


    26/02/2020 |    0 Trả lời

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  • Nguyễn Quang Anh Cách đây 5 năm

    1.She doesn't pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible    -> If...  

    2.The last time Mary met Tom was 4 years ago. -> Marry hasn't...

    3. The police found the robber in the forest yesterday. -> The robber...

    4."Don't wait for me if i'm late   ->she told us...

    -Combine sentences into a new one using given wword

    5.The road is so narrow that it is difficult for two cars to pass each other(such). ->...


    05/05/2019 |    4 Trả lời

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    Lưu ý: Các trường hợp cố tình spam câu trả lời hoặc bị báo xấu trên 5 lần sẽ bị khóa tài khoản

    Gửi câu trả lời Hủy
  • Đào Mai Phương Cách đây 6 năm

    It is obvious that her last minutes decision brought about a heated debate. (RISE)

    => It goes _____________________

    22/01/2019 |    1 Trả lời

    Theo dõi (0)
    0 điểm

    Lưu ý: Các trường hợp cố tình spam câu trả lời hoặc bị báo xấu trên 5 lần sẽ bị khóa tài khoản

    Gửi câu trả lời Hủy
  • Đào Mai Phương Cách đây 6 năm

    _______ no one was absent from the farewell party last night.

    A. Heavily as it rained

    B. As it rained heavily

    C. Though it rains heavily

    D. In spite of heavily rain

    14/12/2018 |    20 Trả lời

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    0 điểm

    Lưu ý: Các trường hợp cố tình spam câu trả lời hoặc bị báo xấu trên 5 lần sẽ bị khóa tài khoản

    Gửi câu trả lời Hủy
  • Bùi Nguyên Ca Cách đây 6 năm

    Immediately after hí arrival, things went wrong
    --> No sooner............

    25/09/2018 |    4 Trả lời

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    0 điểm

    Lưu ý: Các trường hợp cố tình spam câu trả lời hoặc bị báo xấu trên 5 lần sẽ bị khóa tài khoản

    Gửi câu trả lời Hủy