Hỏi đáp Unit 9 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 phần Language Focus


Danh sách hỏi đáp (312 câu):

  • Hoa Hong Cách đây 5 năm

    Ê các bạn ơi dịch cho tớ với:

    Sau đây chúng tôi sẽ nói về khu vưc sống của chúng tôi

    quê tôi có những cánh đồng lúa rộng mênh mông với những bông lúa nặng trĩu hạt; những ruộng lúa quanh năm xanh mướt. Những đàn trâu to béo đang thung thăng gặm cỏ.Những bác nông dân quê tôi thật thà, tốt bụng và rất chăm chi làm việc. Họ sẵn sàng giúp đỡ nhau khi gặp khó khăn, hoạn nạn. Bên mỗi con đường quê tôi, có những ngôi nhà mái ngói đỏ tươi dưới những hàng cây xanh , có hồ sen thơm mát, có ngôi trường 2 tầng khang trang rộng rãi, có những sân đình rộng lớn vào những ngày hè chúng toi đi tập thiếu nhi ở dây

    Chúng tôi rất tự hao khi được sinh ra và lớn lên ở đây.Chúng tôi rất yêu quê hương mình. Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng châm ngoan học giỏi để làm giài đẹp quên hương.


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    Gửi câu trả lời Hủy
    thùy trang Cách đây 5 năm

    1.Phong said "My parents are very proud of Mỹ good marks"


    2.The teacher said"All the honework must be done carefully"


    3.Her father said to her "You can go to the movie with your friend"


    4.Hoa said"I may visit my parents in the summer"


    5.The teacher said"We can collection old book for the poor Students"


    6.She said"She doesn't buy this book"


    7.The boys said"We have to try our best to win the match"


    8.His brothers told him " You can use my computer today"


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  • Thu Hang Cách đây 5 năm

    1."I Will visit my Grant parents next weekend"

    --->Mình said that.............

    2,"We are giống tớ hold a party at school tomorrow morning"

    --->Goege said that..........

    3."I can't answer your difficult questions"

    ---> Long said to Hoa that........

    4."You needn't water the flowers because it rained last night"

    --->Her father told him that....

    5.Nam said"I am told to be at school before 7o'clock".


    6.Thu said"All the Students Will have a meeting next week"


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  • Anh Trần Cách đây 5 năm

    Write about your book collection. Complete the gaps of the paragraph, using the cues given to you.

    1. Name of your collection :

    - books

    - books about animals and plants ; story books ; books about school subjects.

    - books about English - speaking countries

    2. How you collect them :

    - buy from bookshops or second-hand book stalls

    - get from friends or family members

    3. Why you collect them :

    - get information and facts

    - broaden knowledge and understanding

    4. Your plan in the future :

    - make the collection larger

    - open library

    Your answer :

    My hobby is (1) ...... I collect books whenever I have money and need some books. I collect many kinds of books such as (2) ...... : story books or (3) ...... I am learning at school, you know English, Maths, History, Geography. Biology ; and books about (4) ......

    I buy books from (5) ...... near my house and some others from (5) ...... I also get books from (6) ......

    I collect books because I would like to (7) ...... from books. They help me boarden (8) ......

    In the future, I try to make my collection (9) ...... I would like to open (10) ...... of my own.

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  • Xuan Xuan Cách đây 5 năm

    I) Make sentences from the given words or phrases
    1. Viet Nam / wedding day / carefully / chosen / the groom's parents.
    2. I / think / duty / help / mother / housework.
    3. In / opinion / violent films / should not / shown / television.
    4. Thank / invitation / your wedding / beginning / December.
    5. My salary / when / I / appoint / be $ 150 / month.


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  • Lê Gia Bảo Cách đây 5 năm

    IV. Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written English.

    1. Jones tried to use chopsticks but he can’t. He isn’t used to use them.

    2. He is one of the most boring people I ever meet. He never says anything interesting.

    3. Ann is going to America next month. She hasn’t never been there before.

    4. I wasn’t able to understand French so I didn’t know what he said. If only he spoke English.

    5. She is a foreigner because she needs a visa to stay in this country.

    6. Tom is good at math. He is fond of attend a higher mathematics course.

    7. After living in England for a year, Long finally gets used to drive on the left.

    8. Summer is coming. We are looking forward to spend our free time relaxing in the sun.

    9. I wish I didn’t tell him the truth. He looks so worried now.

    10. It’s really cold and miserable here in the winter. I hope we would live in a warmer place next year.

    V. Give right formation of the following words

    1. English spelling presents special … … for foreign learners. ( difficult)

    2. The school is performing well, but we recognize the need for further … … .( improve)

    3. Let me introduce you a … … university. I think it’s really reliable. ( repute)

    4. We placed … … in a number of national newspapers. ( advertise)

    5. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the … … examination. ( write)

    6. We couldn’t go out because it rained ………….. . (continue)

    7. The professor criticized his students both …………….and individually. (collect)

    8. His teacher found that she could do the ………..with no trouble at all. (calculate)

    9. After the war, many soldiers turned to live in ……………… . (retire)

    10. Should we …………….. this invention. (public)

    VI/. Supply the correct tense of the verb.

    1. They are used to………………….. (live) in this remote area. 2. He can't speak English without ………………….. (make) mistakes.

    3. We heard him………………….. (sing) in the next room.

    4. She noticed something ………………….. (burn) in the kitchen

    . 5. They decided ………………….. (have) a picnic in the mountain

    . 6. People prefer furniture ………………….. (make) of plastic.

    7. Hamlet, ………………….. (write) by William Shakespeare, is a famous tragedy

    . 8. They told me………………….. (not tell) their children about that.

    9. I wish I………………….. (be) at home yesterday to meet her.

    10. If the test………………….. (be) longer, I might have failed.

    IV/ Read the text then choose the best answer to complete the blanks


    Paul had a very exciting summer holiday this year. His French pen-friend invited him to visit her family in the south of France.

    Paul(1)…………....by plane from London to Paris. Marie, his French friend,(2)………….... him in Paris and together they took a train from Paris to Marseilles. Marseilles is the(3)………….... where Marie’s family lives. It is a very large port. A lot of people live in Marseilles and (4)…………....are many interesting shops and cafes there. Paul started French at school two years ago and he spoke French all the time with Marie and her family. (5)………….....it was very difficult for him but soon it became(6)…………....easier. One day Marie and her parents(7)………….... Paul for a picnic in the mountains. They climbed a big hill . From the top of the hill, they had a wonderful(8)………….... In the (9)………….... they could see the sea. Paul was very sad when it was time to go back to London and school. He is already looking (10)…………..... to next summer when Marie is going to spend her holidays with his family in England.

    1. A. got B. moved C. went D. transferred

    2. A. met B. saw C. took D. greeted

    3. A. country B. town C. capital D. village

    4. A. they B. those C. these D. there

    5. A. At first B. At beginning C. At starting D. At first time

    6. A. much B. so C. too D. extremely

    7. A. brought B. took C. carried D. got

    8. A. view B. sight C. scene D. scenery

    9. A. space B. air C. distance D. way

    10. A. through B. forward C. on D. out



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  • Nguyễn Vân Cách đây 5 năm

    19. He can swim and_________ can I A. to B. too C. so D. such

    20. Let’s wait_________ the rain stops. A. before B. after C. until D. when

    21. _________ this street, you will see my school on the left. A. Reach B. Take C. Arrive D. Come

    22. _________ does it take you to school? About 15 minutes. A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much

    23. He_________ this car since he________it. A. hasn’t used/ buys . B. hasn’t used /bought C. didn’t use / buy D. didn’t use/ bought

    24. Tourists enjoy traveling ________ boat along the Mekong river . A. on B. in C. by D. at

    25. Phong sometimes stays ________ his uncle’s farm . A. on B. in C. at D. for

    26. Ba and Tam usually go fishing ________ weekends . A. on B . in C. from D. for

    27. The students will visit the capital ________summer . A. on B . in C. at D. from

    28. They heard a very strange noise ________midnight . A. on B. in C. at D. with

    29. Our little brother took a long nap from 2p.m ________4p.m A. till B. up C. from D. to

    30. The competitions will take place ________ 8am and 2p.m A. from B. between C. up to D. at

    31. The children came back home ________ 8p.m A. after B. till C. up to D. on

    32 . She talked________an hour to persuade her parents . A. in B. for C. from D. at

    33. Every Saturday , they play tennis ________9p.m . A. till B. up to C. from D. on

    34. They have learnt English ________ many years . A. in B. from C. for D. since

    35 . The boys often go skiing ________ winter . A. in B. at C. for D. on

    36. Thu wishes she ________the tennis championship. A. can win B. will win C. could win D. wins 37. Phong wishes he ________ Hanoi someday . A. will visit B. would visit C. visits D. can visit

    38. Lan wishes she ________an astronaut. A. was B. were C. is D. are

    39. They wish they ________their test in time . A. could finish B. can finish C. will finish D. finish

    40. Hoa wishes she ________to Hue by train . A. will travel B. would travel C. travels D. travel

    41. The boys wish their team ________the game . A. didn’t lose B. won’t lose C. don’t lose D. doesn’t lose

    42. That little girl wishes she ________ enough money to by that toys. A. has B. had C. will have D. have

    43. The farmers wish it ________ so heavily this season. A. wouldn’t rain B. doesn’t rain C. won’t rain D. don’t

    44. Ba’s uncle wishes he________ good crops this year. A. would get B. gets C. got D. get

    45. The children wish they ________ back to visit their grandparents . A. come B. would come C. will come D. can come

    46. Huong wishes she ________ part in the performance . A. can take B. could take C. takes D. take 47. My sister wishes she ________ her bicycle to school . A. can ride B. rides C. could ride D. will ride

    48 . Her parents wish she ________ the scholarship next school –year. A. would get B. will get C. gets D. get

    49. They get up quite late , ________They missed the train . A. and B. but C. so D. because

    50. The students in grade 9 worked extremely hard , ___they passed the examination easily. A. so B. but C. and D. because

    51. They often go to that ________to pray . A. market B. hotel C. shrine D. restaurant

    52. We have some ________students for the program. A. exchange B. exchanged C. to exchange D. exchanging

    53. Are you a stamped ________ ? A. collection B. collector C. collect D. collecting

    54. Cattle and sheep are grazing in the ________ A. bridges B. rivers C. meadows D. garden

    55 . Getting to the village is a very ________journey. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests

    56. The weather is nice. Shall we ________ mountains this morning ? A. go B. travel C. climb D. come

    57. My village lies near the________of the mountain and by the river. A. foot B. leg C. feet D. hand 58. He is considered one of the greatest ________of the country. A. heroes B. heroin C. heroines D. heros

    59. What do you think about his ________ of coins? A. collect B. collector C. collection D. collecting 60.There is a small bamboo ________at the entrance to the village. A. forest B. forestation C. forest range D. wood



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  • Nguyễn Phương Khanh Cách đây 5 năm

    em chưa rõ về chuyển câu chủ động sang câu bị động, với câu wish. Mong giúp em

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  • Bin Nguyễn Cách đây 5 năm

    Chọn từ cho thích hợp : 

    Children don't understand my _______objects are dangerous. ( house/home/household/work)

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  • Nguyễn Hiền Cách đây 5 năm

    bài 1 Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning

    1 We can't live together forever

    I wish ...........................................................

    2 the students should wear unifroms when they are at school


    3 ba usually walked to school when he was at primary school

    Ba usually,.........................................................................

    4 he spends fifteen minutes getting to school

    It take...................................................................

    bài 2: Write complete sentences with the cues given

    1 Last weekend/my family/have/two-day trip/ home village


    2 She/be/tired/so/go/home.


    3 How long/you/learn/French?


    4 He/wish/he/can/play/piano


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  • Nguyễn Vũ Khúc Cách đây 5 năm

    Hãy sắp xếp những câu sau thành một bài hội thoại hợp lí:

    A : What time are they?

    B : Literature. It' s an interesting subject.

    C : I have English, history, music and physical education.

    D : What' s your favorite subject, Minh?

    E : I have literature clases on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    F : Today is Monday, so you have a literature class. What other class do you have?

    G : When do you have it?

    H : On Monday and Wednesday my literature classes are at 7.00 on Friday it's at 9.40.




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  • Trần Mạnh Nam Cách đây 7 năm

    Who do you think i ran...in the library this morning?

    A.down  B.over   C.in    D.into 

    Ko biết câu này có sai đề ko nhỉ ?? trả lời giúp mình vs

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