Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s): Lucy has just finished her A levels and she has got a place at university, but she would really like a break from the academic world. Therefore, he decides to take a gap year and travel around the word!

Lucy has just finished her A levels and she has got a place at university, but she would really like a break from the academic world. Therefore, he decides to take a gap year and travel around the word! 

A. a year off                B. a year out                C. a year away            D. a year's trip

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • B. a year out

    a year out = a gap year: nghỉ một năm

      bởi Lê Tấn Vũ 28/07/2021
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