Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021-2022 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Tăng Bạt Hổ

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(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút)

1. Đề số 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Question 1: “Thanks a lot for you help” “______”

A. Don’t mention it

B. Oh, that’s too bad

C. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that

D. Of course

Question 2: Up ____ when it saw its master

A. jumped the dog

B. did the dog jump

C. the dog jumped

D. does the dog jump

Question 3: I’m sure it’s not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning. I don’t remember ___ anyone about it

A. to tell       B. being told               C. having told                        D. to be told

Question 4: I think the most ___ idea is to go by car

A. sensible                  B. sensitive                 C. senseless                 D. sensational

Question 5: He couldn’t afford to ___ his car repaired

A. pay           B. make                       C. do                           D. get

Question 6: “Do you think it’s going to rain?” “_____”

A. I hope not

B. I don’t hope

C. I don’t hope that

D. I don’t hope so

Question 7: “Can you give me some information?” “______”

A. No, thanks

B. Yes, I can

C. Certainly, sir

D. I’d love to

Question 8: Nobody answered the door, ____?

A. weren’t they           B. were they                C. did they                 D. didn’t they

Question 9: I have told her that I am not going to go ahead with my plans ___ she may think

A. whether        B. despite     C. however                  D. whatever

Question 10: It’s about time we ____ something to stop road accidents

A. do          B. did          C. had done                 D. have done

Question 11: It is widely believed that ____ human beings are descended from one common ancestor

A. every       B. all           C. every of                  D. all of

Question 12: The more you talk about the matter, ______

A. the situation seems worse

B. the worse seems the situation

C. the worse the situation seems

D. the situation seems the worse

Question 13: John can speak two languages. One is English, ____ is French

A. Other      B. The other               C. Another                  D. Others

Question 14: The blue curtain began to ___ after they had been hanging in the sun for two months

A. melt        B. die         C. dissolve                  D. fade

Question 15: I couldn’t tell what time it was because workmen had removed the ____ of the clock

A. hands       B. pointers                   C. arms                        D. fingers

Question 16: ____ he would have been able to pass the exam

A. If he studied more

B. If he were studying to a greater degree

C. Studying more

D. Had the studied more

Question 17: Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than _____

A. man        B. the man’s                C. the one of man’s     D. that of man

Question 18: Suppose flights ___ on that day – which other day could we go?

A. are fully booked

B. will be fully booked

C. would be fully booked

D. have been fully booked

Question 19: I really regret making my mistake. It was the one I ____

A. had not to make

B. ought not to have

C. should have not make

D. mustn’t make

Question 20: He doesn’t _____ his fellow – workers and there are often disagreements between them

A. get on with

B. take to        

C. put up with

D. go on with

Question 21: Nobody can fool me. I am never ____ in

A. taken       B. taking          C. given      D. giving

Question 22: Today’s newspaper has ___ interesting article on space travel

A. quite an                 B. nearly   C. so        D. such

Question 23: The spotted owl is in danger of soon becoming ____

A. extincted                B. extinction               C. extinct                    D. extinctive

Question 24: Everyone approved of the scheme but when we asked for volunteers they all hung ____

A. back          B. on          C. about        D. up

Question 25: The greatest number of Native America Indians is Navajos, one sixth ____ still live in traditional one-room houses called Hogans

A. for which

B. in which

C. with whom

D. of whom

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer

Until recently, growth hormone could only be obtained from the pituitary glands of dead people. This substance is used to treat children who did not produce enough of their own growth hormone and who could, therefore, grow up as dwarfs. The natural product was taken off the market after it was linked to a brain disease which attacked some of the children undergoing treatment with it. But now, a new synthetic growth hormone has been developed which, it is claimed, has no dangerous side effects. The new drug is called “Somatrem” and can be produced in unlimited quantities

For children who are deficient in their own growth hormone, Somatrem is an important medical advance. The problem is that the drug may be abused by people who are not medically in need of benefits. For example, athletes may take the drug in the belief that it will improve their physique and physical performance. Parents may want to obtain the drug for their children who are only marginally under average height. For such reasons , experts are recommending that registers be kept of Somatrem recipients. The implication of the use of Somatrem must be thoroughly understood before widespread distribution of the drug is undertaken

Question 26: What is this passage mainly about?

A. The side effects of growth drugs

B. A medical breakthrough in growth hormone

C. The abuse of growth hormone

D. The problems of growth hormone-deficient children

Question 27: The people who couldn’t benefit from this drug are short because of ____

A. lack of a hormone

B. hereditary diseases

C. sever accidents

D. birth defects

Question 28: The phrase “linked to” is closest in meaning to ____

A. subjected to

B. caused by

C. inhibited by

D. connected to

Question 29: According to the passage natural growth hormone is not marketed now because _______

A. it may have caused a brain disease

B. people were killed by it

C. it failed to make people grow

D. not enough pituitary glands were available

Question 30: Why does the author claim that Somatrem is an advance on natural growth hormone?

A. I can be used by athletes

B. It is not necessary to use pituitary glands from dead people

C. It cannot be abused by people

D. It doesn’t have an adverse side effects

Question 31: The direct benefits of Somatrem will be gained by ______

A. professional athletes

B. undersized children

C. medical experts

D. concerned parents

Question 32: The word “people” refers to _______

A. children deficient in growth hormone

B. experts in the medical field

C. possible drug abuses

D. dead people

Question 33: The word “it” refers to _______

A. Somatrem

B. natural growth hormone

C. drug abuse

D. physical performance

Question 34: One might expect that Somatrem will be _____

A. in short supply

B. forgotten soon

C. in demand

D. taken off the market

Question 35: The word “recipients” is closest in meaning to ____

A. abuses                     B. receives                  C. salespersons           D. test subjects

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36-45

Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really more sophisticated than that of a computer. Researchers approaching the problem from a variety of points of view have all concluded that there is a great deal more stored in your minds than has been generally supposed. Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their brains electrically, he could elicit the total recall of specific events in his subjects’ lives. Even drams and other minor events supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in detail

The memory trace is the term for whatever is the internal representation of the specific information about the event stored in the memory. Assumed to have been made by structural changes in the brain, the memory trace is not subject to direct observation but is rather a theoretical construct that we use to speculate about how information presented at a particular time can cause performance at a later time. Most theories include the strength of the memory trace as a variable in the degree of learning, retention, and retrieval possible for a memory. One theory is that the fantastic capacity for storage in the brain is the result of an almost unlimited combination of interconnections between brain cells, stimulated by patterns of activity. Repeated references to the same information support recall. Or, to say that another way, improved performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory

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2. Đề số 2


Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part

Question 1: The predominant art forms created by Africans inhabiting areas south of the Sahara are masks and figures

A. phenomenal            B. sporadic      C. principal   D. exquisite

Question 2: Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals

A. irrefutable               B. imminent               C. formidable              D. absolute

Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Question 3: Can you tell me where ___ all morning?

A. you have been

B. you were

C. have you been

D. were you

Question 4: We regret to tell you that materials you order are out of _____

A. work       B. stock    C. reach    D. practice      

Question 5: They intended to ____ with the old computers as soon as they could afford some new ones

A. do away                 B. do up          C. do over    D. do down

Question 6: Sales ___ are paid a salary but they may also get commissions on sales

A. representations

B. presenters

C. presentations

D. representatives

Question 7: A report by the police four months ago indicated that alcohol was a connection between young people ___ in offence of violence

A. involved         B. to be involved         C. involving                D. involve

Question 8: I have bad toothache today. I ____ to the dentist yesterday when it started hurting

A. should go

B. should be

C. should have gone

D. should have been

Question 9: I want to ____ this old car for a Ferrari but I don’t have enough money now

A. change                    B. exchange                C. sell                          D. replace

Question 10: Those students do not like to read novels ____ text books

A. in any case

B. leaving out of the question

C. forgetting about

D. much less

Question 11: It’s hard to _____ on less than a million a month

A. make ends meet

B. make a fuss

C. make up your mind

D. make a mess

Question 12: I’m sure the answer to my letter ____ before next Friday evening

A. will arrive               B. will have arrived C. arrives        D. is arriving

Question 13: It’s English phrasal verbs ___ puzzle learners most

A. which                     B. that               C. who                         D. O

Question 14: “It’s kind of you to help me tidy the room” “____”

A. Really

B. You’re welcome

C. That’s alright

D. It doesn’t matter

Question 15: ____ the double, she took the victim to the hospital

A. To      B. For                          C. On                         D. With

Question 16: “Which of the two boys is a boy Scout?” “___ of them is”

A. All      B. None                       C. Neither                  D. Either

Question 17: Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once ___ cacti and sagebrush could live

A. nor         B. not the                    C. none other              D. nothing but

Question 18: That flowers are ___ everywhere is a sign of spring

A. coming out                        B. breaking out           C. taking over             D. going over

Question 19: Art critics do not agrees on what ___ a painting great

A. qualities to make

B. qualities make

C. are qualities to make

D. do qualities make

Question 20: The house still remains in ___ after the hurricane

A. a good condition

B. good condition

C. good conditions

D. the good condition

Question 21: He read it quickly so as to get the ____ of it before settling down to a thorough study

A. detail                      B. run                          C. core                         D. gist

Question 22: This is ___ the most challenging task I have ever done

A. by far       B. by all means           C. by the way              D. by rights

Question 23: Peter was born and brought up in Cornwall and he knows the place like the ____

A. nose on his face

B. back of his hand

C. hairs on his head

D. tip of his tongue

Question 24: His aunt bought him some books on astronomy and football, ____ he had interest in

A. neither of whom

B. neither of which

C. neither of what

D. neither of them

Question 25: Mercury differs from other industrial metals ____ it is a liquid

A. whereas                  B. in that                    C. because of              D. consequently         

Question 26: “You have a good voice” “_____”

A. Appreciate it

B. Well-done

C. Yes, of course

D. You’ve done a good job

Question 27: Many difficulties have ___ as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel

A. raised      B. been raised             C. risen                        D. arisen

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer from question 28-37

Dissociative identity disorder is a psychological condition in which a person’s identity dissociates, or fragments, thereby creating distinct independent identities within one individual. Each separate personality can be distinct from the other personalities in a number of ways, including posture, manner of moving, tone and pitch of voice, gestures, facial expressions, and use of language. A person suffering from dissociative identity disorder may have a large number of independent personalities or perhaps only two or three

Two stories of actual women suffering from dissociative identity disorder have been extensively recounted in books and films that are familiar to the public. One of them is the story of a woman with 22 separate personalities known as Eve. In the 1950s, a book by Corbert Thigpen and a motion picture starring Joanne Woodward, each of which was titled The three faces of Eve, presented her story; the title referred to 3 faces, when the woman known as Eve actually experienced 22 different personalities, because only 3 of the personalities could exists at one time. Two decades later, Carolyn Sizemore, Eve’s 22nd personality, wrote about her experiences in a book entitled I’m Eve. The second well-known story of a woman suffering from dissociative identity disorder is the story of Sybil, a woman whose 16 distinct personalities emerged over a period of 40 years. A book describing Sybil’s experience was written by Flora Rheta Schreiber and was published in 1973; a motion picture based on the book and starring Sally Field followed

Question 28: It is NOT stated in paragraph 1 that someone suffering from dissociative identity disorder has ____

A. a psychological condition

B. a fragmented identity

C. a number of independent identities

D. some violent and some nonviolent identities

Question 29: It is indicated in paragraph 1 that distinct personalities can differ in all of the following ways EXCEPT ___

A. manner of dressing

B. manner of moving

C. manner of speaking

D. manner of gesturing

Question 30: The word “recounted” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____

A. told about

B. counted again

C. explained clearly

D. illustrated

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3. Đề số 3


Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

 COVID-19 has forced us into social distancing, isolation and quarantine. These conditions are likely fostering (1) _____ anxiety and loneliness in our cities. However, COVID-19 is an opportunity to build a new kind of contact on (2) _____ we know and learn from this situation. It's possible to promote social and emotional well-being. Integrating public and online spaces is one of the approaches for building better communities. Our new online communication skills can help us develop a better physical-digital interface for bringing people together. Video conferencing is flexible and can enable long-distance connection and “work from home” hubs. (3) _____, social media platforms, such as Facebook, Meetup, WhatsApp or art-based apps like Somebody, are (4) ______ for organising physical meetings too. These can help with community volunteering, socialising, or simply sharing guerrilla-garden herbs for local cooking. A better physical-digital interface could help new jobs flourish in "interactive" creative industries that virtually connect (5) ______ isolated individuals. New art spaces could be established, putting connective digital infrastructure, such as audio-visual platforms, within physical spaces to help face-to-face and virtual audiences interact.

(Adapted from https://theconversation.com/reconnecting-after-coronavirus)

Câu 1 (TH): A. national B. widespread C. global D. international
Câu 2 (TH): A. that B. what C. whom D. which
Câu 3 (TH): A. In contrast B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Moreover
Câu 4 (TH): A. grateful B. careful C. awful D. useful
Câu 5 (TH): A. another B. every C. other D. one

Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Câu 6 (TH): Mike's inviting Sue to go dancing.

- Mike: "Shall we go dancing tonight?"

- Sue: “________________”.

A. Yes, let's

B. Not a little bit

C. Never mind

D. I can't agree with you

Câu 7 (TH): Mike and Susan are talking about changes in the modern society.

- Mike: "Our living standards have been improved greatly."

- Susan: “_______________”

A. Sure. I couldn't agree more.

B. Yes, it's nice of you to say so.

C. No, it's nice to say so.

D. Thank you for saying so.

Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Câu 8 (VDC): You never really know where you are with her as she just blows hot and cold.

A. keeps testing

B. keeps going

C. keep changing her opinion

D. keeps taking things

Câu 9 (TH): With the Artemis program, NASA will land the first woman and next man on the Moon by 2024, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before.

A. crude                       B. rustic                       C. traditional               D. latest

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 10 (TH):             A. participant         B. particular                C. enthusiast          D. preferential

Câu 11 (NB):             A. technique           B. finish                       C. reduce                D. impress

Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Câu 12 (TH): Many places of (A) history, scientific, (B) cultural, or scenic (C) importance (D) have been designated national monuments.

A. history   B. cultural                   C. importance             D. have been

Câu 13 (VD): The villagers are (A) highly appreciable of the (B) volunteers' efforts in (C) reconstructing their houses after the (D) devastating storm.

A. highly appreciable

B. volunteers' efforts

C. reconstructing

D. devastating

Câu 14 (NB): Basic knowledge (A) of social studies, such as (B) history and geography, (C) are considered a basic part of the education of (D) every child.

A. of      B. history  C. are       D. every

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 15 (VD): I don't think you know where she is, ______?

A. don't I                     B. don't you                 C. do I                          D. do you

Câu 16 (VD): Yesterday, when I went shopping with my mother, we _____ my old teacher, who I hadn’t seen for nearly 15 years.

A. ran into                   B. turned out               C. took out                  D. saw with

Câu 17 (VD): As a parent, you should try to create a safe _____ environment for your children to grow up.

A. house                      B. homing                    C. housing                   D. home

Câu 18 (VD): Ten million text messages are sent on _____ every minute.

A. normal                    B. common                  C. general                    D. average

Câu 19 (VD): The house was burgled while the family was _____ in a card game.

A. buried                     B. busy                         C. absorbed                 D. helping

Câu 20 (VDC): Am I nervous? Of course not. Look at my hand - it's as steady as _____.

A. a bridge                  B. a rock                      C. steel bars                 D. a stepladder

Câu 21 (TH): You don't usually have to go into _____ hospital to have your ears cleaned. The doctor can do it at the surgery.

A. an                            B. x (no article)          C. the                           D. a

Câu 22 (NB): If you _____ the lottery, what would you do with the money?

A. win                          B. had won                  C. will win                  D. won

Câu 23 (VD): Teacher, are we expected to learn all the new words _____ heart?

A. at                             B. to                             C. in                             D. by

Câu 24 (TH): It's worth _____ this book.

A. reading                    B. to read                     C. read                         D. being read

Câu 25 (NB): I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I _____ to play.

A. try                            B. tried                         C. have tried                D. am trying

Câu 26 (TH): _____ extremely bad weather in the mountains, we're no longer considering our skiing trip.

A. Due to                     B. Although                C. Because                  D. Despite

Câu 27 (TH): She saw a mouse _____.

A. when she was having a bath

B. as long as she had a bath

C. as she had had a bath

D. as soon as she has had a bath

Câu 28 (VD): The song _____ by our listeners as their favorite of the week is "Goodbye Baby" by Tunesmiths.

A. chosen                    B. choosing                 C. was chosen             D. which chosen

Câu 29 (TH): Mom left the chicken out on the table so that it could _____ slowly.

A. frosted                    B. frost                         C. frosty                       D. defrost

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

 Do you feel like your teenager is spending most of the day glued to a phone screen? You're not too far off. A new survey from the Pew Research Center reveals the surprising ways that technology intersects with teen friendships – and the results show that 57 percent of teens have made at least one new friend online. Even more surprisingly, only 20 percent of those digital friends ever meet in person.

 While teens do connect with their friends face-to-face outside of school, they spend 55 percent of their day texting with friends, and only 25 percent of teens are spending actual time with their friends on a daily basis (outside of school hallways). These new forms of communication are key in maintaining friendships day-to-day – 27 percent of teens instant message their friends every day, 23 percent connect through social media every day, and 7 percent even video chat daily. Text messaging remains the main form of communication – almost half of survey respondents say it's their chosen method of communication with their closest friend.

 While girls are more likely to text with their close friends, boys are meeting new friends (and maintaining friendships) in the gaming world – 89 percent play with friends they know, and 54 percent play with online-only friends. Whether they're close with their teammates or not, online garners say that playing makes them feel "more connected" to friends they know, or garners they've never met.

 When making new friends, social media has also become a major part of the teenage identity – 62 percent of teens are quick to share their social media usernames when connecting with a new friend (although 80 percent still consider their phone number the best method of contact). Despite the negative consequences-21 percent of teenage users feel worse about their lives because of posts they see on social media – teens also have found support and connection through various platforms. In fact, 68 percent of teens received support during a challenging time in their lives via social media platforms.

 Just as technology has become a gateway for new friendships, or a channel to stay connected with current friends, it can also make a friendship breakup more public. The study reveals that girls are more likely to block or unfriend former allies, and 68 percent of all teenage users report experiencing "drama among their friends on social media."

(Source: https://www.realsimple.com)

Câu 30 (TH): The word "digital" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.

A. analogue                 B. numeracy                C. numerous                D. online

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4. Đề số 4


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Câu 1 (TH): A. says B. plays C. stays D. sprays
Câu 2 (NB): A. humour B. honest C. honour D. hour

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 3 (NB): A. nature B. marriage C. value D. belief
Câu 4 (NB): A. official B. disturbance C. informal D. recommend

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 5 (VD): I have two brothers. One of them is in high school, ________ is in college.

A. another        B. other   C. the other                 D. the another

Câu 6 (VD): In general, the company receives hundreds of ________ for a post they offer.

A. applies       B. applications           C. applicants               D. applicability

Câu 7 (TH): It was not until August ________ the two sides finally reached an agreement.

A. when      B. before         C. while        D. that

Câu 8 (TH): His English teacher recommends that he ________ a regular program.

A. begin        B. begins         C. will begin               D. is beginning

Câu 9 (TH): There was a nice atmosphere in the office ________. Everyone gets on with everyone else.

A. when I work           B. who I work             C. where I work          D. which I work

Câu 10 (VD): The doctor told him to lose weight quickly or he will pay the ________ later life.

A. fine          B. fee        C. cost                          D. price

Câu 11 (TH): I ________ the book about artificial intelligence by tomorrow, then you can borrow it.

A. will have finished

B. will finish

C. will be finishing

D. finish

Câu 12 (VD): People in this country have ________ good progress in eliminating domestic violence.

A. done     B. set           C. put        D. made

Câu 13 (VD): The Professor ________ his ideas clearly in the lecture.

A. put across               B. ran across    C. came across            D. cut across

Câu 14 (VDC): I couldn't believe that they were brothers. They were different as ________.

A. dogs and cats         B. fire and water         C. milk and honey      D. chalk and cheese

Câu 15 (TH): If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in a short ________ of time.

A. period                     B. aspect        C. arrangement           D. activity

Câu 16 (TH): Only in the Civil War ________ killed or wounded.

A. soldiers in America were

B. so many American soldiers were

C. many in America were

D. were so many American soldiers

Câu 17 (TH): The news was ________ to them that they were all dead silent.

A. such shock  

B. such a shock

C. so shock

D. too shock

Câu 18 (VD): Yesterday, my sister bought a ________.

A. beautiful small new pink French plastic hairbrush

B. new beautiful small pink French plastic hairbrush

C. pink French beautiful small new plastic hairbrush

D. small beautiful new pink French plastic hairbrush

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underline word(s) in each of the following questions

Câu 19 (VD): If two people in a romantic relationship are lovey-dovey, they show their love for each other in public by touching each other and saying loving things.

A. lovesick                  B. romantic                 C. demonstrative        D. affectionate

Câu 20 (TH): You must be on-time for your interview or you will not be accepted for the job.

A. well-time                B. early                        C. exact                        D. punctual

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Câu 21 (VD): Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.

A. moving up              B. holding back          C. giving up                D. keeping off

Câu 22 (TH): We were all in a good mood because the weather was good and we were going on holiday the next day.

A. relaxed and comfortable

B. at ease and refreshed         

C. happy and disappointed

D. sad and impatient

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Câu 23 (TH): Two friends meet on the first day at school.

- Mark: "What does your new teacher look like?”

- Phil: “_____________”

A. She likes beef noodle soup and tofu.

B. She is tall and slim with blond hair.        

C. She looks younger than her age.

D. She is usually friendly and cheerful.

Câu 24 (TH): Two teenagers are talking with each other.

- Mike: "Why don't you take some time out and rest?”

- Thomas: "_________________”

A. That's a good idea.

B. Great. I'll see you then.      

C. Because I have nothing to do.

D. It's very interesting.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

 The relationship between Britain and the US has always been a close one. Like all close relationships it has had difficult times. The US was first a British colony, but between 1775 and 1783 the US fought a war to become independent. The US fought the British again in the War of 1812.

 In general, however, the two countries have felt closer to each other than to any other country, and their foreign policies have shown this. During World War I and World War II, Britain and the US supported each other. When the US looks for foreign support, Britain is usually the first country to come forward and it is sometimes called “the 51st state of the union”.

 But the special relationship that developed after 1945 is not explained only by shared political interests. An important reason for the friendship is that the people of the two countries are very similar. They share the same language and enjoy each other's literature, films and television. Many Americans have British ancestors, or relatives still living in Britain. The US government and political system is based on Britain's, and there are many Anglo-American businesses operating on both sides of the Atlantic. In Britain some people are worried about the extent of US influence, and there is some jealousy of its current power. The special relationship was strong in the early 1980s when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister in Britain and Ronald Reagan was President of the US.

(Adapted from Background to British and American Cultures)

Câu 25 (VD): What is the passage mainly about?

A. The strong friendship between the UK and the US.

B. The close relationship between Britain and the US.

C. A special relationship the UK developed during the World Wars.

D. A special influence the US had on the UK during the World Wars.

Câu 26 (VD): The phrase "come forward” in paragraph 2 mostly means _______.

A. be willing to help

B. be able to help

C. be reluctant to help

D. be eager to help

Câu 27 (NB): The word “They” in paragraph 3 prefers to __________.

A. countries

B. people

C. political interests

D. British ancestors

Câu 28 (TH): Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the special relationship between Britain and the US?

A. The people of the two countries are very similar.                       

B. Many Americans have British ancestors.                                     

C. British Prime Minister and the US President are close friends.  

D. Many Anglo-American businesses are operating in the two countries.

Câu 29 (TH): Britain and the US are close to each other NOT because of their ___________.

A. foreign policies

B. power

C. political interests

D. language

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

 The first Academy Awards ceremony was held on 16 May, 1929 over dinner in Hollywood's Roosevelt Hotel. (30) ______ was attended by 270 people, each paying 5 dollars to bring a guest, and hosted by silent-movie actor Douglas Fairbanks, who gave out the awards in a few minutes. The 12 winners had been (31) ______ three months beforehand and the very first “Oscar” - a 34 cm-tall gold-plated statuette designed by MGM's art director, Cedric Gibbons - had already been handed to German actor Emil Jannings, who had sailed to Europe a few weeks before. Actually, Jannings was the runner-up in the Best Actor category, the real winner was Rin Tin Tin, a celebrity dog, but the new awards ceremony wanted to be (32) ______ place seriously.

 According to (33) ______ a librarian in the offices of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which awards the prizes, saw a statuette and said “Gee! He looks just like my Uncle Oscar." The name stuck, and (34) ______ did the "Little Man", who remains the single most prized object in the entire multi-billion-dollar movie business.

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5. Đề số 5


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. hands B. occasions C. associates D. others
2. A. pay B. clay C. essay D. said

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

3. A. design B. marry C. caring D. special
4. A. exciting B. charity C. convenient D. surprising

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

5. The conical leaf hat is made _____ a special kind _____bamboo and young and soft palm leaves.

A. in/for                 B. of/of                        C. on/for            D. from/of

6. ____ should try to make good impression on interviewers.

A. apply                  B. Applicants                   C. Applying        D. Applied

7. The city is determined to rid itself of problems with drainage, waste, air and noise pollution ___ to make Vietnam’s aged capital a clean and green city.

A. so that                  B. in order that           C. to order         D. so as

8. If it rained heavily, the fields _____ flooded now.

A. will be               B. had been                        C. would be        D. can be

9. They search ____ for the missing documents but they were never found.

A. to and for           B. high and low           C. up and down   D. back to back

10. If one ____ a killing, one must expect to suffer the consequences.

A. creates                 B. makes                          C. commits         D. shows

11. After finishing the presentation, I suggested ___ to the cinema.

A. us to go               B. that we to go                C. going            D. we going

12. They ____ for more than five miles but they did not stop to rest.

A. were walking      B. have walk              C. had been walking D. have been walking

13. The spirit of the Asian Games has been ___ over a long period of time, and passed from one Games to the next spreading massages of unity, warmth and friendship.

A. gone over            B. put off                     C. looked for       D. built up

14. It is only recently that ballets have been based on themes _____ American life.

A. reflecting            B. reflects       C. is reflecting     D. reflected

15. They are not coming, ______?

A. are they               B. aren’t they             C. they are         D. don’t they

16. I cannot remember if I saw that play on ____ television or at the cinema.

A. a                        B. an        C. x                      D. the

17. It is not easy to _____________ our beauty when we get older and older.

A. maintain            B. develop      C. gain      D. collect

18. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Colombian writer whose book One Hundred Years of Solitude is among his most famous, ________________ the Nobel prize in 1982.

A. who won              B. having won            C. which won        D. won

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

19.  Every opponent must take a drug test before the race.

A. friend                  B. ally            C. partner              D. competitor

20.  The movie was so funny that we couldn’t help laughing.

A. chuckling           B. crying                    C. weeping        D. moaning

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

21.  My father is willing to contribute to household chores.

A. agreeable              B. reluctant                C. ready                     D. responsive

22.  He is extremely smart. He's head and shoulders above anyone else in the class.

A. better than

B. inferior to

C. more clever than

D. superior to

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

23- "What’s the matter? You don’t look very well." - "_____________________________."

A. I feel a little under the weather

B. I feel a little under the impression

C. I feel a little out of the blue

D. I feel a little out of order

24. - Kate: __________!

- Jackie: Thanks, I will write to you when I come to London.

A. Have a nice trip

B. Better luck next time

C. Let’s go ahead

D. Have a go

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.

Most people work to earn a living, and produce goods and services. Goods are (25) ____agricultural (like wheat and milk) or manufactured (like cars and paper). Services are such things (26) ____ education, medicine and commerce. Some people provide products. An example can be a man who produces goods such as rice. Some provide services. In a hotel, services can range from cleaning, washing to arranging tours within and outside the city where (27) ____. Other people provide both goods and services. For example, in the same garage, a man may buy a car or some service which helps him to maintain his car.

The work people do is called economic activity. All economic activities together make up the economic system of a town, a city, a country or the world. Such an economic system is the sum (28)___ and what they want. The work people undertake either provide what they need or provides the money with (29)____ they can buy essential commodities. Of course, most people hope to earn enough money to buy commodities which are non-essential but which provide particular personal satisfaction, like toys for children, visits to cinema, computer games and books.

25. A. either B. both C. neither D. only
26. A. else B. for C. with D. as

27. A. are the guests staying

B. the guests are staying

C. are staying the guests

D. staying the guests are

28. A. what people do

B. of total what people do

C. total of what people do 

D. of what people do in total 

29. A. that            B. without which    C. the money            D. which         

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

Most educational specialists believe that early childhood education should provide children with an awareness of their own abilities and the self-confidence in those they have. One of the approaches recognized by many experts as promoting these qualities is the Montessori method, first practiced by an Italian called Maria Montessori in the early 1900s. However, Nancy McCormick Rambusch is the one credited for popularizing the method in the US, where today there are over 400 Montessori schools.

The method helps children learn for themselves by providing them with instructional materials and tasks that facilitate discovery and manipulation. Through such exploration, children develop their senses and learn how to do everyday tasks without adult assistance. Other benefits include improvement in language skills, and acquaintance with elements of science, music and art.

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1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - D; 6 - B; 7 - D; 8 - C; 9 - B; 10 - B

11 - C; 12 - D; 13 - D; 14 - A; 15 - A; 16 - C; 17 - A; 18 - D; 19 - D; 20 - A;

21 - B; 22 - B; 23 - A; 24 - A; 25 - A; 26 - D; 27 - B; 28 - C; 29 - D; 30 - C;

31 - D; 32 - A; 33 - B; 34 - D; 35 - B; 36 - B; 37 - A; 38 - B; 39 - A; 40 - B;

41 - A; 42 - D; 43 - A; 44 - A; 45 - D; 46 - D; 47 - A; 48 - C; 49 - B; 50 - C


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