Ask question for the underlined words ?

Ask question for the inderlined words :

1. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................?

George often has a bath.

2. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................?

Mike eats corn-flakes for breakfast every morning.

3. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

The teacher is writing some examples on the board.

4. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

Tom is watching a film now.

5. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

My parents never smoke cigarettes.

6. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

Peter and Rob go to school by service bus.

7. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

Sam is doing his homework in his room.

8. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

I read two books every month.

9. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................?

I can't understand Hans because I don't know German.

10. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................?

No, Sally isn't writing a letter now.

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • Ask question for the inderlined words :

    1. How often does George have a bath?

    George often has a bath.

    2. What does Mike eat for breakfast every morning?

    Mike eats corn-flakes for breakfast every morning.

    3. What is the teacher doing?

    The teacher is writing some examples on the board.

    4. Who is watching a film now?

    Tom is watching a film now.

    5. How often do your parents smoke cigarettes?

    My parents never smoke cigarettes.

    6. How do Peter and Rob go to school?

    Peter and Rob go to school by service bus.

    7. Where is Sam doing his homework?

    Sam is doing his homework in his room.

    8. How many books do you read every month?

    I read two books every month.

    9. Why can't you understand Hans?

    I can't understand Hans because I don't know German.

    10. Is Sally writing a letter now?

    No, Sally isn't writing a letter now.

      bởi Hoàng Hà 24/08/2019
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