• Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    In the past, technology and progress was very slow. People "invented" farming 12,000 years ago but it took 8,000 years for the idea to go around the world. Then, about 3,500 years ago, people called "potters" used round wheels to turn and make plates. But it took hundreds of years before some clever person thought, if we join two wheels together and make them bigger, we can use them to move things.

    In the last few centuries, things have begun to move faster. Take a 20th-century invention like the aeroplane, for example. The first aeroplane flight on 17 December 1903 only lasted 12 seconds, and the plane only went 37 metres. It can't have been very exciting to watch, but that flight changed the world. Sixteen years later, the first plane flew across the Atlantic, and only fifty years after that, men walked on the moon. Technology is now changing our world faster and faster. So what will the future bring? One of the first changes will be the matter we use. Scientists have just invented an amazing new material called graphene, and soon we will use it to do lots of things. With graphene batteries in your mobile, it will take a few seconds to charge your phone or download a thousand gigabytes of information! Today, we make most products in factories, but in the future, scientists will invent living materials. Then we won't make things like cars and furniture in factories - we will grow them! Thirty years ago, people couldn't have imagined social media like Twitter and Facebook. Now we can't live without them.

    But this is only the start. Right now, scientists are putting microchips in some disabled people's brains, to help them see, hear and communicate better. In the future, we may all use these technologies. We won't need smartphones to use social media or search the internet because the internet will be in our heads! More people will go into space in the future, too. Space tourism has already begun, and a hundred years from now, there may be many hotels in space. One day, we may get most of our energy from space too. In 1941, the writer Isaac Asimov wrote about a solar power station in space. People laughed at his idea then, but we should have listened to him. Today, many people are trying to develop a space solar power station. After all, the sun always shines above the clouds!

    Câu hỏi:

    The writer says that in the past ________.

    • A. most inventions were to do with farming
    • B. it took time for new ideas to change things
    • C. people didn't want to use wheels
    • D. people didn't invent many things

    Lời giải tham khảo:

    Đáp án đúng: B

    Giải thích:

    Người viết nói rằng trong quá khứ, ________.

    A. đa số những phát minh đều liên quan đến việc trồng trọt

    B. mất rất lâu để những ý tưởng mới thay đổi mọi thứ

    C. mọi người không muốn sử dụng bánh xe

    D. mọi người không phát minh ra nhiều thứ

    Thông tin:

    People "invented" farming 12,000 years ago but it took 8,000 years for the idea to go around the world. Then, about 3,500 years ago, people called "potters" used round wheels to turn and make plates. But it took hundreds of years before some clever person thought, if we join two wheels together and make them bigger, we can use them to move things. (Mọi người đã “phát minh” ra việc làm nông từ 12,000 năm trước nhưng phải mất đến 8,000 năm để ý tưởng này lan rộng ra toàn thế giới. Sau đó, khoảng 3,500 năm trước, những người được gọi là “thợ làm gốm” đã sử dụng bánh xe tròn để quay và làm đĩa. Nhưng mất đến hàng trăm năm trước khi một số người thông minh nghĩ ra rằng, nếu chúng ta kết hợp hai bánh xe lại với nhau và làm chúng to hơn, chúng ta có thể sử dụng chúng để di chuyển đồ đạc.)

    → Chọn đáp án B


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