Tổng hợp các dạng bài tập câu điều kiện hỗn hợp

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1. Bài tập

1.1. Bài 1: Chọn câu thích hợp nhất điền vào chỗ trống

1. If he …………………….. the lottery last year, he……………………..rich now.

A. Have won/would be

B. had won/would be

C. won/would be

D. wins/will be

2. If you ……………………..the homework yesterday, you…………………..bonus today.

A. Had done/would get

B. had done/would have got

C. done/would get

D. does/will get

3. If the kids had gone to school last Thursday, they………..to the library now.

A. Would go

B. will go

C. could go

D. A&C

4. If it ……………………………last night, it would be cold this morning.

A. Had snowed

B. snowed

C. have snowed

D. was snowing

5. If Megan……………….to you, she……………………..in trouble right now.

A. Had listened/would be

B. had listened/would have be

C. had listened/would not be

D. A & B

6. If it had rained three hour ago, the streets………… wet now.

A. Would have be

B. will be

C. be

D. would be

7. If I ……………….to the beach last weekend, I would be tired today.

A. Have gone

B. goes

C. had gone

D. A & B

8. If we had bought that ticket yesterday, we……………….a lot of money now.

A. Will have

B. may have

C. would have had

D. would have

9. If you had done all your homework last night, you………games right now.

A. Will play

B. can play

C. plays

D. could play.

10. If Mai had not gone out last week, she………………die now.

A. Will

B. would

C. could

D. B&C

1.2. Bài 2: Viết lại các câu bên dưới bằng cách sử dụng câu điều hỗn hợp

1. She is living in China because she got married to a Chinese.
2. She did the homework last night so she gets a high score today.
3. I missed the end of the film so I don’t know who the murderer was.
4. Since he is an only child, his parents have spoiled him
5. I am not rich. I didn’t buy that house last month.

6. I am tired now because I went home late yesterday.

7. It rained yesterday so I don’t go to school today.

8. We reach Sally’s house now because we didn’t ask for direction earlier

9. Bob didn’t learn Chinese in high school, so he doesn’t have many job opportunities.

10. We can’t reach Tony’s house now because we didn’t ask for direction before.


1.3. Bài 3: Hoàn thành những câu sau với động từ còn thiếu

1. You always had the key with you, didn’t you?

If I (have)………….it, I (not ask)…………..you for it right now.

2. Alice and Mathew are happily maried. If Alice (not love)…………Mathew, she (not marry)………him.

3. If you (read)……………the map before at home, we (not be)…………….lost now.

4. If Mary (not study)………….Chinese, she (not find)…………….the joh she has now.

5. If I (not fall)…………..in love with him, I wouldn’t be in trouble now.

1.4. Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. We (have) ____ enough time if we wanted to see the castle.

2. In case you (buy) ____ a car, will you teach me to drive?

3. She (get) ____ angry if you had told her.

4. If they (support) ____ our product when we asked them, they would get a discount now.

5. Even if I (ask) ____ him, he won't come.

6. It will be a disaster unless Joyce (help) ____ us.

7. If you (have) ____ something to eat in the morning, you wouldn't feel sick now.

8. I wouldn't risk it if I (be) ____ you.

9. The chicken isn't very good. It (taste) ____ better if you had put some spices on it.

10. I won't go to the dance unless you (join) ____ me.

11. If the hotel in Paris had been full, we somewhere else. (stay)

12. If I got the job, I grateful to you. (be)

13. Unless she  (fail) ____ the test she will get her driving licence next week.

1.5. Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. How would you explain the meaning of this word if you (not know) ____ it?

2. We (not be) ____ angry if you had refused the dinner.

3. If I were you, I (not take) ____ it.

4. If Ken (not mend) ____ the car, who will do it?

5. If I (not be) ____ in a hurry when I got up, I wouldn't catch the train.

6. She won't finish it on time if she (not start) ____ right now.

7. Had I driven slowly, I (not crash) ____.

8. She would get fat if she (not stop) ____ eating.

9. Had he not let me know, I (not collect) ____ him at the airport tomorrow morning. (not collect)

1.6. Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. If you take my advice, you (be) ____ happy.

2. What would you do if you (be) ____ me?

3. If you (lend) ____ me some books I will give them back in two weeks.

4. I (send) ____ her a letter if I had found her address.

5. She the bread if she hadn't been hungry.

6. If she (come) ____ here I will tell her about the film.

7. I will be unhappy if you (leave) ____ me.

8. If you hadn't been so crazy you (not/buy) ____ this expensive house.

9. If the sun (shine) ____ I will go to the beach.

10. If I (win) ____ the lottery I would leave my country.

1.7. Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. If I (find) ______ a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight

2. If I saw a tiger walking across the park, I ____ (climb) the tree

3. Why don’t you drive your car to work? If I ____ (have) a car, I would drive

4. He might get rid of his cough if he _____ (not smoke) so much

5. She was sent to the prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she had paid the fine, she _____ (not be) sent to prison

6. The job is much worse than I expected. If I ____ (realize) how awful it was going to be I wouldn’t have accepted it

7. Provided you remember the password, you __ (be) in no danger.

8. I will lend you my radio as long as you _____ (bring) it back before Sunday

9. We would have gone to the talk if we _____ (know) about it

10. I ____ (buy) those shoes if I were you

1.8. Bài 8: Hoàn thành các câu sau dưới dạng đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện

1. If the salary were high, the job would be worth doing.

Were ___________________________________________________________.

2. Would you visit me if I were sent to prison?

Were ___________________________________________________________.

3. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.


4. If I were rich, I could afford to buy an expensive car.

Were ___________________________________________________________.

5. If I were you, I would tell him the truth

Were ___________________________________________________________.

6. If he weren’t busy right now, he could help them.

Were ___________________________________________________________.

7. If she had said sorry, he wouldn’t have been angry.


8. If the computer hadn’t broken down and I wouldn’t have had to stop my work.


9. If he hadn’t been angry, I would have said something.


10. If his friends hadn’t been late, they wouldn’t have missed the train.


1.9. Bài 9: Hoàn thành những câu sau sử dụng từ trong ngoặc và câu điều kiện hỗn hợp

1. English is important in this job. If Isabel ………………………… (not speak) it, she………………………… (not understand) most of our hotel guests.

2. Tony misread the map. That’s why he got lost. If he ………………………… (read) the map properly, he ………………………… (not get) lost.

3. If you’re not using your old digital camera, why ………………………… (you/not sell) it? If I ………………………… (be) you, I …………………………(advertise) it on the internet and sell it.

4. You had the car key with you all the time, didn’t you? Don’t be silly! If I ………………………… (have) the car key, I………………………… (not ask) you for it right now, would I?

5. If the weather ………………………… (not be) so miserable yesterday, we………………………… (go) out fishing.

2. Đáp án

2.1. Bài 1: Chọn câu thích hợp nhất điền vào chỗ trống

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. D

9. D

10. D

2.2. Bài 2: Viết lại các câu bên dưới bằng cách sử dụng câu điều hỗn hợp

1. If She hadn’t got married to a Chinese, She wouldn’t be living in china

2. If She hadn’t done the homework last night, She wouldn’t get a high score today.

3. If I hadn’t missed the end of the film, I would know who the murderer was.

4. If he weren’t an only child, his parents wouldn’t have spoiled him.

5. If I were rich, I would have bought that house last month.

6. If I hadn’t gone home late yesterday, I wouldn’t be tired now.

7. If It hadn’t rained yesterday, I wouldn’t go to school today.

8. If we had asked for direction earlier, we would reach Sally’s house now.

9. If Bob had learned Chinese in high school, he would have many job opportunities.

10. We could reach Tony’s house now if we had asked for direction before.

2.3. Bài 3: Hoàn thành những câu sau với động từ còn thiếu

1. had had / wouldn’t ask

2. didn’t love / wouldn’t have married

3. had read / wouldn’t be

4. hadn’t studied / couldn’t find

5. hadn’t fallen

2.4. Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. would have

2. buy

3. would have got

4. had supported

5. ask

6. helps

7. had had

8. were

9. would taste

10. join

11. would have stayed

12. would be

13. fails

2.5. Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. did not know

2. would not have been

3. would not take

4. does not mend

5. had not been

6. does not start

7. would not have crashed

8. did not stop

9. would not collect

2.6. Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. will be

2. were

3. lend

4. would have sent

5. wouldn't have stolen

6. comes

7. leave

8. wouldn't have bought

9. shines

10. won

2.7. Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc

1. find

2. would climb

3. had

4. did not smoke

5. would have not been

6. had realized

7. would be

8. have brought

9. had known

10. would buy

1.8. Bài 8: Hoàn thành các câu sau dưới dạng đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện

1. Were the salary high, the job would be worth doing.

2. Were I sent to prison would you visit me.

3. Had I seen the signal I would have stopped.

4. Were I rich and I could afford to buy an expensive car.

5. Were I you, I would tell him the truth.

6. Were he not busy right now, he could help them

7. Had she said sorry, he wouldn’t have been angry.

8. Had the computer not broken down and I wouldn’t have had to stop my work.

9. Had I he not been angry, I would have said something.

10. Had his friends not been late, they wouldn’t have missed the train.

1.9. Bài 9: Hoàn thành những câu sau sử dụng từ trong ngoặc và câu điều kiện hỗn hợp

1. didn’t speak/wouldn’t understand

2. had read, wouldn’t have got

3. don’t you sell/ were/ would advertise

4. had had/ wouldn’t be asking

5. hadn’t been/ would have gone

Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Tổng hợp các dạng bài tập câu điều kiện hỗn hợp. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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