Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021-2022 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Bến Cát

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Mời các em tham khảo nội dung tài liệu chi tiết sau đây: Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021-2022 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Bến Cát. Tài liệu này bao gồm 5 đề thi do HOC247 sưu tầm và biên soạn kèm theo đáp án chi tiết. Hi vọng đây sẽ là một tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích giúp các em hoàn thành tốt kì thi THPT Quốc gia quan trọng sắp đến!





(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút)

1. Đề số 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. naked         B. looked         C. laughed      D. developed

Question 2: A. attempts     B. shares        C. looks            D. beliefs

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:  A. typical           B. favorite          C. division       D. organize

Question 4: A. certificate      B. necessary       C. economy     D. geography

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Question 5: What may happen if John doesn’t arrive on time?

   A. go along                       B. count on                       C. keep away                    D. turn up

Question 6: Tennis wear has become a very lucrative business for both manufacturers and tennis stars.

   A. illegal    B. profitable     C. circumstantial               D. expensive

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Question 7: No one knew precisely what would happen to human being in space.

   A. casually         B. flexibly           C. wrongly       D. exactly

Question 8: All the students got high marks in the test but Mary stood out

   A. got very good marks 

   B. got higher marks than someone

   C. got the most marks of all

   D. got the fewest marks of all

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 9: The major goals of primary education is to achieve basic literacy and numeracy among all students.

   A. The major goal            B. is            C. to achieve                     D. and

Question 10: The colonist who first settled in New England did so because they felt there was none social justice in their homeland of England.

   A. who         B. did so                            C. because                         D. none

Question 11: Having been finished her household chores, Mary decided to do some shopping.

   A. Having been finished

   B. chores

   C. to do

   D. shopping      

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions.

Question 12: They__________enthusiastically when their teacher__________in.

   A. discuss/ comes                                                       B. will have discussed/ comes

   C. will discuss/ came                                                  D. were discussing/ came

Question 13: It is parents’ duty and responsibility to__________hands to take care of their children and give them a happy home.

   A. shake                            B. hold                              C. join                               D. take

Question 14: The world’s biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife__________.

   A. prosperous                    B. perfect                          C. vulnerable                     D. remained

Question 15: She is___________I expected.                                                       

   A. more prettier than

   B. far prettier than           

   C. much more prettier than

   D. a lot prettier                

Question 16: __________ fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar system.

   A. Most of                        B. The most         C. Most       D. Almost the

Question 17: Most foreign students don’t like American coffee, and___________.

   A. I don’t too                    B. neither did I

  C. either don’t I                D. neither do I

Question 18: Nobody died in the accident, but 20 people were___________.

   A. damaged                      B. injured         C. spoiled        D. wounded

Question 19: If she___________ sick, she would have gone out with me to the party.

   A. hasn’t been.                  B. wasn’t                           C. weren’t.          D. hadn’t been

Question 20: ___________he was lazy, he failed the exam

   A. So           B. Consequently               C. Thus              D. Now that

Question 21: Who was the first person___________the South Pole?

   A. to reach                        B. who reaches                  C. reached      D. reaching

Question 22: There were__________ few tickets sold that the concert was cancelled.

   A. a          B. very                              C. so                                  D. such

Question 23: Don’t worry. They will do the job as __________ as possible.     

   A. economically                B. economical                   C. economic                      D. economy

Question 24: Peter: “How do you get to work?”

Mary: “___________.”

   A. It is very far

   B. I walk, of course

   C. About 2 kilometres

   D. I was taken there      

Question 25: John: “I don’t think I can do this.”

                      George: “___________.”

   A. Oh, come on 

   B. Give it a try

   C. No, I hope not

   D. Sure, no way!

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 26: It is not until a Vietnamese girl getting 18 years old that she is allowed to get married legally.

   A. A Vietnamese girl is not allowed to get married legally only when she gets 18 years old.

   B. A Vietnamese girl is allowed to get married legally only after she gets 18 years old.

   C. They never allow a Vietnamese girl to get married legally when she is 18 years old.

   D. The legal allowance for a Vietnamese girl to get married will be issued in 18 years.

Question 27: The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints.

   A. The thief wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints.

   B. The thief wore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints.

   C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints.

   D. The thief wore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints.

Question 28: He might have been joking when he said he was planning to leave home.

   A. The idea of leaving home probably amused him a great deal.

   B. I don’t know if he was serious when he expressed his intention of leaving home.

   C. He could have made a joke about the situation when he left home.

   D. He said he was going to leave home, but it turned out to be only a joke.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 29: My motorbike cannot start in the mornings. I think I will get the garage to repair it.

   A. My motorbike cannot start in the mornings, so I will have it repaired.

   B. My motorbike which I will have it repaired cannot start in the mornings.

   C. My motorbike which I will get it repaired cannot start in the mornings.

   D. My motorbike I will get it repaired which cannot start in the mornings.

Question 30: Sue and Brian met. Shortly after that, he announced they were getting married.

   A. As soon as Sue and Brian met, they announced they were getting married.

   B. Right at the time Brian met Sue, he announced they were getting married.

   C. Scarcely had Sue and Brian met when he announced they were getting married.

   D. Until Sue and Brian met, they had announced they were getting married.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

The General Certificate of Secondary Education or the GCSE examinations for (31)____________are the standard school-leaver qualifications taken by (32) ____________all UK students in the May and June following their 16th birthday. If you come to a UK (33) ____________school before you (34) ____________the age of 16, you will study towards GCSE examinations in up to 12 subjects. Some subjects are (35) ____________, including English and mathematics, and you can select others such as music, drama, geography, and history from a series of options.

Question 31: A. short B. long C. big D. a while
Question 32: A. similarly B. fortunately C. approximately D. virtually
Question 33: A. dependence B. independence C. independent D. independently
Question 34: A. reach B. come C. approach D. go
Question 35: A. necessary B. compulsory C. optional D. required

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

   When most people hear the term “National Park”, they automatically think of names such as “Yellowstone”, or “Yosemite”, or “Grand Canyon”. The big parks’ names bring to mind vast stretches of undisturbed wilderness perfect for hiking, camping, and nature-watching. But while this vision of America’s National Parks is wholly accurate and sufficiently breathtaking, there’s more.

   America’s National Park system has an incredible 388 places to visit. This number includes not only the big parks, but also monuments, historical sites, recreation areas, battlefields, as well as scenic lakeshores, and rivers. And the Parks themselves don’t just stop at geyser-fields and mule-excursions. In America’s National Parks, you can climb an active volcano in Hawaii, “spelunk” the vast underground world of Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, dive the exotic coral reef of Biscayne Bay in Florida or cast your fishing nets in the far reaches of the Pacific with the locals of American Samoa. Each of these 388 places has a unique appeal - from the natural to the manmade, from the ethereal to the factual, from the subtle to the overwhelming - with the whole collection offering vacationers a nearly endless range of interests and activities in which to explore and indulge.

   SeeAmerica.org is a great place to begin planning your trip to one of, or several of, America’s National Parks. From the home pages, you can search all of the Parks by name, region, activity, or even zip code. The site also serves as a portal to other important sites, like the National Park Sevice’s official website, www.nps.gov, and the National Park Foundation’s www.nationalparks.org. From SeeAmerica.org, you can get to all the information you will need to plan your trip from start to finish- from directions to the park, to park free, to typical weather conditions.

Question 36: What is the most popular national parks in the USA?

   A. Yellowstone       B. Yosemite         C. Grand Canyon             D. all are correct

Question 37: What is not true about the US national parks?

   A. They are undisturbed wilderness.

   B. There are 388 places to visit in each national park.

   C. They are perfect for camping.

   D. Tourists to the parks can enjoy nature-watching.

Question 38: What is NOT included in the national parks?

   A. monuments                   B. lakeshores                     C. zoos                              D. big parks

Question 39: The word “breathtaking” mostly means__________.

   A. extremely impressive

   B. not bad

   C. uninteresting 

   D. not shocking

Question 40: Which of these can be enjoyed in a national park in Hawaii?

   A. Climbing an active volcano

   B. Diving the exotic coral reef

   C. Going fishing with the locals

   D. Going on mule-excursions

Question 41: The word “indulge” mostly means___________.

   A. wander off                   B. enjoy yourself              C. live alone                     D. interfere with

Question 42: Which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A. The names of parks just suggest part of the pleasure of visits to them.

   B. There are 388 places of interest in the US national park system.

   C. All you see at national parks are natural.

   D. There are great variety of things for vacationers to enjoy.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

   In most discussions of cultural diversity, attention has focused on visible, explicit aspects of culture, such as language, dress, food, religion, music, and social rituals. Although they are important, these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the tip of the iceberg of culture. Much of culture is taught and learned implicitly, or outside awareness. Thus, neither cultural insiders nor cultural outsiders are aware that certain “invisible” aspects of their culture exist.

   Invisible elements of culture are important to us. For example, how long we can be late before being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest or attention through listening behavior, what we consider beautiful or ugly. These are all aspects of culture that we learn and use without being aware of it. When we meet other people whose invisible cultural assumptions differ from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behavior as cultural in origin.

   Differences in invisible culture can cause problems in cross-cultural relations. Conflicts may arise when we are unable to recognize others’ behavioral differences as cultural rather than personal. We tend to misinterpret other people’s behavior, blame them, or judge their intentions or competence without realizing that we are experiencing cultural rather than individual differences.

   Formal organizations and institutions, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces, governments, and the legal system are collection sites for invisible cultural differences. If the differences were more visible, we might have less misunderstanding. For example, if we met a man in a courthouse who was wearing exotic clothes, speaking a language other than ours, and carrying food that looked strange, we would not assume that we understood his thoughts and feelings or that he understood ours. Yet when such a man is dressed similarly to us, speaks our language, and does not differ from us in other obvious ways, we may fail to recognize the invisible cultural differences between us. As a result, mutual misunderstanding may arise.

Question 43: What is the main purpose of the passage?

   A. To explain the importance of invisible aspects of culture

   B. To describe cultural diversity all over the world

   C. To point out that much of culture is learned consciously

   D. To explain why cross-cultural conflict occurs

Question 44: The word “deliberately” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to___________.

   A. slowly      B. accurately            C. intentionally   D. randomly

Question 45: The phrase “the tip of the iceberg” in bold in paragraph 1 means that___________.

   A. other cultures seem cold to us

   B. visible aspects of culture are learned in institutions

   C. we usually focus on the highest forms of culture

   D. most aspects of culture cannot be seen

Question 46: It can be inferred paragraph 3 that conflict results when___________.

   A. people think cultural differences are personal

   B. people compete with those from other cultures

   C. One culture is more invisible than another culture

   D. some people recognize more cultural differences than others

Question 47: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

   A. We are often aware that we are learning about culture

   B. Visible aspects of cultures receive much attention in discussion of cultural diversity

   C. People misinterpret other people’s behavior because they know they are experiencing cultural differences

   D. Invisible cultural differences are often witnessed at formal organizations and institutions

Question 48: The author implies that institutions such as school and workplaces___________.

   A. are aware of cultural differences

   B. teach their employees about cultural differences

   C. reinforce invisible cultural differences

   D. Share a common culture

Question 49: The “exotic” in bold in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to___________.

   A. colourful        B. strange          C. familiar         D. beautiful

Question 50: Which of the following would most likely result in misunderstanding?

   A. Learning about our own culture in school

   B. Unusual food being cooked by foreign visitors

   C. Strange behavior from someone speaking a foreign language

   D. Strange behavior from someone speaking our language




















































2. Đề số 2


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. finished        B. raised          C. cooked      D. stopped

Question 2: A. occasion      B. explosion    C. provision    D. inversion

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:  A. capture                     B. picture        C. ensure        D. pleasure

Question 4:  A. overwhelming          B. entertainment

                     C. stability                     D. application

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.

Question 5: Many species of plants and animals are in__________of extinction.

   A. dangerous                     B. danger          C. dangerously                  D. endangered

Question 6: We should participate in movement__________to conserve the natural environment.

   A. to organize       B. organizing       C. organized        D. which organized

Question 7: __________money, he would buy a new car.

   A. Was he to have

   B. If he do have

   C. If he has

   D. Were he to have

Question 8: __________down to dinner than the telephone rang.

   A. No sooner I had sat 

   B. No sooner had I sat

   C. Scarcely I had sat

   D. Hardly had I sat

Question 9: Remember to bring with you your school certificate and letters of__________from your teachers and your previous employers when you come to the interview.

   A. assignment                   B. invitation

   C. recommendation          D. advertisement

Question 10: - “Did he make any comments?”

- “Yes, he said it was imperative that we__________on time tomorrow.”

   A. had been                       B. be       C. have been                     D. will be

Question 11: The kind-hearted woman__________all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.

   A. spent         B. lived            C. dedicated                     D. wasted

Question 12: He is the man__________car was stolen last week.

   A. whom       B. that              C. which                           D. whose

Question 13: When the police investigate a crime, they__________evidence such as fingerprints, hair or clothing.

   A. look into        B. look up to                     C. look after                     D. look for

Question 14: Body language is the potent form of__________communication

   A. verbal                           B. non-verbal                    C. tongue                          D. oral

Question 15: It gets__________to understand what the professor has explained.

   A. more difficult than

   B. more and more difficult

   C. the more difficult

   D. difficult more and more

Question 16: We often take this small road home to avoid heavy__________on the main street.

   A. sounds                          B. movement                     C. vehicles                        D. traffic

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 17: - Ann: “Thank you for the nice gift you brought to us.”

- Daisy: “__________”

   A. Yes, you’re welcome.

   B. Don’t mention it.

   C. Actually I myself don’t like it.

   D. All right. Do you know how much it costs?

Question 18: - Laura: “What a lovely house you have!”

- Mary: “__________”

   A. I think so. 

   B. Of course not. It’s not costly.

   C. Thank you. Hope you will drop in. 

   D. No problem.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 19: In spite of his poorness, he is honest.

   A. Although he is poor, but he is honest. 

   B. Although he is poor, he is honest. 

   C. Despite he is poor, he is honest.

   D. In spite of he is poor, he is honest.

Question 20: These people started working for this company in 1986.

   A. These people have been working for this company since 1986.

   B. These people haven’t worked for this company in 1986.

   C. These people worked for this company since 1986.

   D. These people have been working for this company in 1986.

Question 21: We got wet yesterday because we didn’t remember to bring our raincoats.

   A. If we had remembered to bring our raincoats, we wouldn’t have got wet yesterday.

   B. We would get wet yesterday if we didn’t remember to bring our raincoats.

   C. If we remembered to bring our raincoats, we wouldn’t get wet yesterday.

   D. If we had remembered to bring our raincoats, we wouldn’t get wet yesterday.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Although speech is the most advanced fonn of communication, there are many ways of communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every known culture. The basic function of signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as, for example, the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, its potential for communication is very great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meanings in and of themselves. A stop sign or a barber pole conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with the receiver’s cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural messages.

   Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage in communication. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver. Without an exchange of ideas, interaction comes to a halt. As a result, means of communication intended to be used for long distances and extended periods must be based upon speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are only a few.

Question 22: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Speech             B. Gestures      C. Communication            D. Signs and signals

Question 23: The phrase “impinge on” is closest in meaning to__________.  

   A. vary         B. intrude       C. improve                        D. way

Question 24: The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to__________                          

   A. function      B. environment                 C. sign                               D. way

Question 25: What does the author say about speech?

   A. It is the only true form of communication.

   B. It is the most advanced form of communication.

   C. It is necessary for communication to occur.

   D. It is dependent upon the advances made by inventors.

Question 26: The word “potential” in paragraph 1 could be replaced by__________    

   A. range       B. organization                  C. possibility          D. advantage

Question 27: The word “intricate” in paragraph 1 could be replaced by__________.

   A. inefficient     B. historical          C. uncertain        D. complicated

Question 28: It may be concluded from the passage that__________.

   A. only some cultures have signals and symbols

   B. symbols are very easy to define and interpret

   C. waving and handshaking are not related to culture

   D. signals, signs, symbols and gestures are forms of communication

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 29: She performed all her duties conscientiously.

   A. irresponsibly       B. liberally        C. responsibly      D. insensitively

Question 30: Peter is on cloud nine as he’s just got an acceptance letter from that big company he applied for.

   A. agreement          B. confirmation    C. refusal       D. admission

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

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3. Đề số 3


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. promote        B. complete      C. maintain        D. follow

Question 2. A. dominant       B. attitude        C. sacrifice        D. combustion

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. emerge          B. religious      C. centralise       D. effective

Question 4. A. asked             B. needed        C. stopped         D. increased

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 5: If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it.

   A. hardly        B. scarcely                         C. completely                    D. badly

Question 6: Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground.

   A. changed his decision

   B. refused to change his decision

   C. felt sorry for us

   D. wanted to continue

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 7: The best hope of avoiding downmarket tabloid TV future lies in the pressure currently being put on the networks to clean up their act.

   A. expensive                     B. famous                          C. poor quality                  D. uncreative

Question 8: In mountainous areas, it’s important to replenish stocks before the winter comes.

   A. exchange                      B. empty                           C. refill                              D. repeat

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 9: - John: “I’ll drive you home if you don’t mind. I’ve got something to do in your area.”

- Mary: “___________”

   A. I’d love to. 

   B. That’s so nice of you.

   C. Really? I love it when you are busy. 

   D. Are you sure?

Question 10: - Paul: “She has accepted my proposal.”

- Mike: “___________”

   A. Wow! Congratulations!

   B. What a nice girl!

   C. Thanks, but don’t worry.

   D. I am sorry to hear that.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 11: Only when you grow up___________the truth.

   A. you will know              B. you know                     C. do you know                D. will you know

Question 12. Thanks to the help of the teacher, she is___________ encouraging progress in math.

   A. doing                            B. making                          C. checking                       D. stopping

Question 13: If you___________it, nobody would know.

   A. didn’t mention

   B. wouldn’t mention 

   C. hadn’t mentioned

   D. shouldn’t mention

Question 14. English           all over the world.

   A. is spoken                      B. spoke                            C. speak                            D. speaks

Question 15. He has not been offered the job because he cannot meet the___________of the company.

   A. information                  B. education                      C. applicants                     D. requirements

Question 16. Hamlet,__________was written by Shakespeare in 1600, is considered to be his greatest work.

   A. which                           B. that                               C. whose                           D. who

Question 17. The rooms needs ___________for the wedding.

   A. to decorate                   B. decorating

   C. to being decorated       D. being decorated

Question 18. When we met John last year, he___________from Harvard already.

   A. graduated 

   B. had graduated

   C. has graduated

   D. will have graduated 

Question 19: Schooling is compulsory___________all English children from the age of 5 to 16.

   A. to                   B. with          C. for                                D. by

Question 20: It is the underserved___________that damaged his life and his family.

   A. reputable    B. reputed                         C. reputation                     D. disrepute

Question 21. The monk insisted that the tourists___________ the temple until they had removed their shoes.

   A. not enter       B. not entering                  C. not to enter                   D. to not enter

Question 22. This species of African elephants is___________

   A. dying on                       B. dying of                        C. dying out                      D. dying away

Question 23: After a hard-working day, I went to___________bed and had___________most beautiful dream ever.                         

   A. the - the           B. a - the          C. a - a                              D. ∅ – the

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.

   What do you do well? What do you enjoy doing? Your answers to these two questions will help you identify your (24) ___________. An employer will consider you (25) ___________for a position when you can show them that you know who you are, what you can offer and what you have studied. Sometimes it is difficult to know what your weaknesses are. Clearly not everyone is equally good at everything. You may need to improve yourself and so (26) ___________courses in that field may turn a weakness into strength. You will need to spend some time on your self-assessment. Your honesty and desire for self-improvement will lead to success in getting the right job. Explore the following seven areas to start to get to know yourself: your attitude, your skills, your personality, the level of responsibility you feel comfortable with, your interests and your needs. Ask yourself if you have any (27) ___________talents and if you need to consider your physical health when choosing a job. Be as honest and realistic as you can, and ask for other people’s (28)___________if necessary.

---(Để xem tiếp nội dung và đáp án của đề thi số 3 các em vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập vào HỌC247 để tải về máy)--- 




















































4. Đề số 4


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. call               B. cup                           C. coat            D. ceiling

Question 2: A. laughed       B. washed                     C. helped        D. weighed       

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. color            B. passion                     C. behave        D. children

Question 4: A. victory         B. arrangement             C. envelope      D. temperature

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5: We try to help our mother___________household chores.

   A. make                             B. take      C. build                             D. do

Question 6: Would you mind___________me a favour and posting this letter for me?

   A. making                         B. doing      C. getting                          D. giving

Question 7: An economic___________is a time when there is very little economic activity, which causes a lot of unemployment and poverty.

   A. improvement                B. depression   C. development                D. mission

Question 8: The___________of the bank where he worked was not in the center of the city.

   A. branch          B. seat                               C. house                            D. piece

Question 9: She was___________so frightened that she was shaking like        

   A. a leaf                            B. jelly               C. the wind                       D. a flag

Question 10: They wanted us to pay___________cheque.                                  

   A. for                                B. in                   C. on            D. by

Question 11: I wish you a very happy___________  

   A. retire                             B. retirement                     C. retiring                          D. retired

Question 12: Due to ever more spreading poaching, there___________a dramatic decline in the number over the last decade.                                                                                                       

   A. was                               B. is             C. has been                       D. had been

Question 13: If everyone___________, how would we control the traffic?      

   A. could fly                       B. can fly             C. flies         D. had flown

Question 14: We have bought extra food___________our guests stay for dinner.           

   A. so that                          B. when           C. if            D. in case

Question 15: Because his argument was confusing, ___________people undestand it.

   A. few                               B. little         C. many       D. much

Question 16: Do you remember the day___________we first met?

   A. where                           B. when          C. whom         D. which

Question 17: He’d prefer___________chicken soup rather than___________milk.

   A. having/ having

   B. to have/ drink

   C. have/ drink

   D. had/ drank

Question 18: John never comes to class on time and___________.

   A. neither does Peter        B. so does Peter                C. so doesn’t Peter           D. neither doesn’t Peter

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify stars according to brightness.

   A. shine                             B. record                           C. categorize                     D. diversify

Question 20: When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits.

   A. fell                                B. exploded                      C. called                            D. rang

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 21: If you stick to your guns, you refuse to change what you are saying or doing despite the opposition or criticism of other people.

   A. be changeable               B. be persistent                 C. be inflexible                 D. be constant

Question 22: Thousands are going starving because of the failure of this year’s harvest.

   A. poor        B. rich                C. hungry                          D. full

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 23: Ms Dandy is at the doctor’s.

-  Doctor: “Take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest.”

-  Ms Dandy: “___________. I’ll do it.”

   A. No problem

   B. Thank you

   C. I’d love to

   D. I’m afraid I can’t

Question 24: John is talking to his colleague about exercising.

-  John: “Walking is an easy way to exercise everyday.”

-  John’s colleague: “___________. And it’s not as expensive as working out at the gym.”

   A. I’m not so sure

   B. You’re right

   C. I think we should walk everyday

   D. That’s not the way I see it.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.

   How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a (25) ___________. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (26) ___________certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. These sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, are called words. Great writers are those (27)           ___________not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that (28) ___________powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can (29)___________men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

---(Để xem tiếp nội dung và đáp án của đề thi số 4 các em vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập vào HỌC247 để tải về máy)--- 




















































5. Đề số 5


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. supposed      B. reduced        C. dissolved                  D. encouraged

Question 2: A. young            B. country          C. encourage                 D. ground

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. decent           B. install             C. attract                       D. approach

Question 4: A. common        B. verbal            C. social                        D. polite

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5: ____________colleges and____________universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education.

   A. ∅ - ∅         B. ∅ - the        C. The - ∅       D. The – the

Question 6: Taking part___________the Advanced Engineering project gave me a chance to use my knowledge to help society.

   A. to             B. at               C. in               D. on

Question 7: Whenever something goes wrong, everyone____________it on me.

   A. accuses       B. insists         C. blames                          D. Charges

Question 8: He was the only____________that was offered the job.

   A. applicant                       B. apply       C. application                    D. applying

Question 9: The college he_____________to has accepted him.

   A. applied         B. required         C. decided                        D. Achieved

Question 10: - Tom: "____________" - Alice: "Yes, a bit. On certain courses I work until 5:30."

   A. Do you have any overtime hours?

   B. Are you working overtime?

   C. Have you ever worked till 5.30?

   D. Do you work any overtime?

Question 11: You can choose to get a job when you have finished the____________.    

   A. compulsory                   B. confidential                  C. primary                         D. secondary

Question 12: That____________boy often plays tricks on his friends.

   A. honest                           B. obedient          C. mischievous                  D. well-behaved

Question 13: A school year is often divided_____________two semesters.

   A. into                               B. for                 C. in                  D. About

Question 14: Most of the students are strongly____________of the school's approach.

   A. support                         B. supportive              C. supported                     D. Supporter

Question 15: The making of good habits____________a determination to keep on training your child.

   A. is requiring                   B. require     C. required                        D. requires

Question 16: Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn't have enough____________.

   A. confide               B. confident        C. confidence     D. confidential

Question 17: - Ann: "____________" - Bill: "I start at nine and finish at four."

   A. What time do you work?

   B. When do you start working?

   C. How long do you work?

   D. What are your working hours?

Question 18: He graduated with doctorates of____________and surgery from Sorbonne, gaining the highest honours that year.

   A. medicine   B. medicate      C. medication                   D. Medical

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 19: The sign says, "Keep off the grass."

   A. The sign says, "Grass should not be grown here."

   B. The sign says, "Water the grass, please."

   C. The sign says, "Don't walk on the grass."

   D. The sign says, "Have someone cut the grass immediately."

Question 20: We always stand by you when you are in need.

   A. We can never stand your necessity.

   B. We cannot do anything for you though you are in need.

   C. Whenever you are in need, we stand next to you.

   D. We always continue to support and help you when you are in need.

Question 21: Go over the report before you submit it.

   A. Type the report quickly and then submit it.

   B. Before you write the report you have to find enough information.

   C. Before you submit the report, you should finish writing it.

   D. Read the report carefully before you submit it.

Question 22: I will take up golf this year.

   A. I will build a golf court this year.

   B. I will begin to play golf this year.

   C. I will enter a golf competition this year. 

   D. I will stop playing golf this year.

Question 23: Housewives do not have to spend a lot of time doing housework any more.

   A. Housewives have to spend more and more time doing housework.

   B. No longer do housewives have to spend a lot of time doing housework.

   C. Never have housewives spent as much time doing housework as they do now.

   D. Housework will never be done by housewives any more.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 24: Punctuality is imperative in your new job.

   A. Being efficient             B. Being courteous           C. Being cheerful             D. Being on time

Question 25: If petrol prices go up any more, I will have to use a bicycle.

   A. increase     B. raise         C. develop                        D. Ascend

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 26 to 32.

   An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelt - a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapour might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions.

   Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities.

   However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles. The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air.

   The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.

Question 26: What does the passage mainly discuss?

   A. How much harm air pollutants can cause.

   B. The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere.

   C. The economic impact of air pollution.

   D. What constitutes an air pollutant.

Question 27: The word adversely in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to____________.

   A. quickly       B. considerably                 C. negatively        D. admittedly

Question 28: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that____________.

   A. the definition of air pollution will continue to change

   B. water vapour is an air pollutant in localized areas

   C. most air pollutants today can be seen or smelt

   D. a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities

Question 29: The word Thesein the second paragraph refers to____________.

   A. the compounds moved to the water or soil

   B. the components in biogeochemical cycles

   C. the pollutants from the developing Earth

   D. the various chemical reactions

Question 30: According to the passage, human-generated air pollution in localized regions____________.

   A. will damage areas outside of the localized regions

   B. can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants

   C. will react harmfully with natural pollutants

   D. can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants

---(Để xem tiếp nội dung và đáp án của đề thi số 5 các em vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập vào HỌC247 để tải về máy)--- 





















































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