Bộ 4 đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 10 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường THPT Nguyễn Trãi

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Nhằm mục đích có thêm tài liệu cung cấp giúp các em học sinh lớp 10 có tài liệu ôn tập rèn luyện chuẩn bị cho kì thi giữa HK1 sắp tới. HOC247 giới thiệu đến các em tài liệu Bộ 4 đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 10 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường THPT Nguyễn Trãi với phần đề và đáp án, lời giải chi tiết. Hi vọng tài liệu sẽ giúp ích cho các em.

Chúc các em có kết quả học tập tốt!





Thời gian: 45 phút

1. Đề số 1


I. Listen to the conversation. Put the tips in the order that you hear them. You will listen twice.


a. Turn off your music

b. Take away things that stop you working 1

c. Turn off your phone

d. Have something to eat and drink on your desk

e. Put your pet outside

II. Listen and fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. You will hear the recording twice.

Aromatherapy has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, especially in India. It has become increasingly (1)_______ in the West and is enjoying a boom. Even Britain’s Prince Charles, a keen believer in the (2)________, persuaded the British government to offer it as part of the UK’s health system. Professor Kiecolt-Glaser tried to test whether scents worked in the same way as drugs work. She looked at the two most common oils that are used in aromatherapy, lemon and lavender. Aromatherapists say lemon oil improves our mood, while lavender helps to reduce (3)____________ and make us sleep better. Her research concluded that neither smell had any positive impact on the body. One of the volunteers was surprised at the findings and said she would not stop buying the (4)_______. "I know when I smell something like lavender, I feel more relaxed," she said.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

In India, working women lead a life of dual responsibilities if they are married and have a family. In the West, many women are hard-headed careerists and are committed to their jobs. Here in India women still have traditional roles to fulfill and prefer a career to avoid domestic drudgery. There are four categories of working women in India. Some work while they are waiting for matrimony. A majority work because they are qualified, want a second income and a different kind of life for part of the day. A small section consists of career-women. A sizeable section of women as breadwinners. It is quite apparent that with a majority of working women the family takes precedence over the job. They prefer to stay in joint families where their children can be taken care of while they are at work. When they come back in the evenings from the relatively modern surroundings of their work-spots, their personalities have to undergo a change to accommodate the demands of their time and attention by different family members whose predominant feelings are of having been neglected. These women often do their shopping on the way from the office. They reserve their weekends for heavy housework which will help them to cope with the rest of the week with relatively less tension.Weekends are also reserved for spending time with their spouses and children, for entertainment, family duties, visits and other such endless chores. Actually speaking, they hardly have time for personal needs. Despite the freedom and confidence in their jobs and pay packets, working women still prefer to leave the financial decision-making and budgeting to their husbands. They are unwilling to compromise on their dual burdens and prefer jobs with flexible timings. They are not unduly fashion-conscious but take pride in graceful clothing.

Indian working women are managing their double roles admirably.

Câu 1:Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?

A.Working women in the West. B.Working women in India.

C.Roles of a mother in the West. D.How women in India work in their companies.

Câu 2:How many types of working women in India?

A.five B.four C.two D.three

Câu 3:The word “spouses” is closest in meaning to______

A.friends B.partners C.parents D.managers

Câu 4:What do working women NOT reserve their weekends for?

A.their spouses and children

B.personal needs

C.heavy housework

D.family duties

Câu 5:The word “They” refers to_______

A.husbands B.women C.jobs D.packets

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Câu 6:Daily exercise and weight control strongly influence your chances of  staying_______

A.healthy B.inactive C.thankful D.fat

Câu 7: “Peter is a better player than John, isn’t he?”

“Oh, yes. He_______ the match tomorrow, I expect.”

A.will win B.is winning C.wins D.going to win

Câu 8:The technique of acupuncture involves placing hair-thin needles in various pressure ________.

A.groups B. places C. points D.lines

Câu 9:After a hard-working day, I went to ____ bed and had ____ most beautiful dream ever.

A. a – a B. a – the C.the - the D.Ø - the

Câu 10:It is common in Japan for three generations to live ______ the same roof.

A.under B. on C. by D.in

Câu 11:The ________ system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart.

A.respiratory B. nervous C. digestive D. circulatory

Câu 12:When a couple can the household chores in a way that both spouses feel satisfied with the outcome, they are showing mutual respect for one another.

A. do B.take C.make D. cut

Câu 13:Henry and Anna are talking before the exam.

Henry: Good luck to you in your exam!


A.Thank you! Same to you. C.Don't worry! I'll be fine.

B.Well, I'll see. D.Yeah. That's the one.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

Câu 14: A.contributed B.kissed C.fixed D.danced

Câu 15: A.create B.instead C.healthy D.breadwinner

Read the passage then choose the best option to fill in the gap:

One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. But how (16)____ is enough? Some people think that doing simple things like cleaning the house is helpful. Other people do heavy exercises every day, (17) ___, running or swimming. One thing experts do agree on is that (18) ___ kind of exercise is good for you. Along with exercise, having a healthy diet can help promote good health. Foods like vegetables and fruit should (19) ___ several times each day. It is also important to eat foods high in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. Fibers helps your body to (20) ___ the food you eat. It also helps your body in other ways such as decreasing the chance of getting some cancers, hearts disease and diabetes.

Câu 16: A.much B.many C.more D.far

Câu 17: A.for example B.like C.besides D.however

Câu 18: A.both B.some C.any D.all

Câu 19: A.eat B.be eaten C.eating D.been eaten

Câu 20: A.pump B.digest C.spoil D.prevent

Choose the word that has the main stress differently from that of the others.

Câu 21: A.skeletal B.atmosphere C.therapy D.internal

Câu 22: A.scientific B.presentation C.artificial D.incredible

Choose the underlined part that needs correction

Câu 23:Low fatty acid levels is caused a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.

A.higher B.memory loss C. of D.is caused

Câu 24:My responsibility is to get the laundry and take out the rubbish.

A.is B.responsibility C.take out D. get


I- Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket. (1 point)

1. He has a very good ________ with his uncle. relation

2. Indonesian believe that illnesses are caused either naturally or______ person

3. In Britain, the ________ Sunday lunch consists of roast meat, potatoes and other vegetables. tradition

4. The drugs have _______ the damaged tissue into repairing itself. stimulation

II- Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original one. (1 point)

---(Nội dung đầy đủ, chi tiết phần đáp án của đề thi số 1 vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập để tải về máy)---



1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.A

14.A 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B 21.D 22.D 23.D 24.D



I. 1b- 2a- 3e- 4d-5c


1. popular

2. therapy

3. stress

4. oils (thiếu s trừ 1⁄2)

II- Word form





II- Sentence rewrite

1. Nuts supply us with a great source of vitamin E.

→ We are supplied with a great source of vitamin E by nuts.

2. Three million chocolate bars were produced by this factory last year.

→ This factory produced three million chocolate bars last year.

3. I plan to travel to another country next year. (Using be going to)

→ I am going to travel to another country next year

4. Her parents have promised to buy her a new car.(Using will)

→ Her parents have promised that they will buy her a new car.

2. Đề số 2

I. Choose the words that best answer the following questions.

1. Which of the following words is stressed on the first syllable?

A. conserve

B. organism

C. interact

D. erosion

2. Which of the following words is stressed on the second syllable?

A. biodiversity

B. national

C. orphanage

D. survival

3. Which of the following words has the final pronounced /ɪd/?

A. eliminated

B. established

C. conserved

D. threatened

4. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

A. pair

B. rain

C. afraid

D. straight

5. Which of the following words has the letter p is silent?

A. protect

B. camping

C. cupboard

D. people

II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.

6. New laws have been passed to .......... wildlife in this area.,

A. establish

B. conserve

C. produce

D. endanger

7. They were seeking a solution to the ......... of the rain forests.

A. destroy

B. destroying

C. destroyer

D. destruction

8. Although he didn't have a ticket, Ken .......... come in.

A. could

B. can

C. might

D. was allowed to

9. Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are threatened with ......................

A. appearance

B. protection

C. extinction

D. destruction

10. We really ought to make a start on campaigns to ......... our polluted rivers and seas.

A. clean up

B. clear away

C. wipe out

D. tidy up

11. He came running ........ the room and threw his books ........ the floor.

A. into/ at

B. in/ to

C. to/ on

D. into/ onto

12. Rare species of plants or .......... can be found in this region.

A. fauna

B. flora

C. flowers

D. vegetation

13. The hydroelectric plant provides electricity for half the island's population.

A. using hydrogen to produce electricity

B. using radiating energy to produce electricity

C. using water power to produce electricity

D. using tidal power to produce electricity

14. Thy water is so contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking.

A. toxic

B. salty

C. dangerous

D. polluted

15. Without plants, mast water would .......... as soon as it falls.

A. run out

B. run off

C. run of

D. run away

III. Choose the correct answer that best completes each sentence.

16. If Al had come sooner, he ....... dinner with us.

A. could have eaten

B. would being eaten

C. was eating

D. could eat

17. 'Are you still employed at the bank?' 'Yes, I ......... there since 1982”

A. have working

B. worked

C. have been working

D. had been working

18. Orlando, a city in Florida, ......... for its main attraction - Disney

A. which is well - known

B. well - known

C. which well - known

D. is well - known

19. 'What's wrong with your stereo?' `The needle needs ...........

A. to replace

B. replacing

C. to be replace

D. replace

20. All the students .......... do well in writing.

A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them

B. which Mr. Davis teaches

C. that Mr. David teaches them

D. Mr. Davis teaches

21. The world .............a better place if we had known a hundred years what we know today about the earth's environment.

A. will be

B. was

C. should be

D. might be

22. If water is heated to 212 degrees F ........... as steam.

A. it can boil and escape

B. it is boiled and escaped

C. it boils and escapes

D. it would boil and escape

23. ......... resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.

A. Had he not

B. Hadn't he

C. He had not

D. If he had

24. .............television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a heal habit for a growing child.

A. To be watched

B. Being watched

C. Watching

D. Watch

25. It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They ........ extinct.

A. became

B. have become

C. become

D. are becoming

IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that be changed for the sentence to be correct.

26. Scientists suggest (A) that only one percent of (B) the world’s extinct (C) animals and plants has identified.(D)

27. Some (A) underground water is enough safe (B) to drink, but (C) all surface water must (D) treated.

28. Because (A) the expense of traditional (B) fuels and the concern that they might run out (C) many countries have been investigating (D) alternative sources of power.

29. Would (A) you mind bringing (B) your camera in (C) the graduation party tomorrow(D) ?

30. Biochemists have solved (A) many of the mysteries (B) about photosynthesis, the process which (C) plants make (D) food.

V. Choose the one option that best completes the passage

Yellowstone National Park, the first US national park, was (31) ........ in 1872. It is one of the largest parks. It spreads about 3, 500 square miles or 9, 063 square kilometers (32) ........ north-west Wyoming and parts of Idaho and Montana. It has many wild animals, (33) ......... bears, buffalo, elk, deer, antelope, coyotes, and lynxes, and is famous for its tine scenery, hot springs and geysers (underground hot spring that shoot hot water or steam up into the air). There are about seventy geysers in the park. The famous is old Faithful.

The park is a (34) ........... tourist attraction. It has about three million (35) ........... a year. It was made a World Heritage Site in 1978.

31. A. started

B. established

C. constructed

D. introduced

32. A. in

B. of

C. from

D. at

33. A. containing

B. including

C. adding

D. consisting

34. A. interesting

B. favorite

C. fashionable

D. popular

35. A. visitors

B. foreigners

C. migrants

D. trippers

VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers.

Rainforests circle the globe for twenty degrees of latitude on both sides the equator. In that relatively narrow band of the planet, more than half of all the species of plants and animals in the world make their home.

Sever hundred different varieties of trees may grow in a single acre, and just one of those trees may be the habitat for more than ten thousands kinds of spiders ants, and other insects. More species of amphibians, birds, insects, mammals and reptiles live in rainforests than anywhere else on earth.

Unfortunately, half of the world's rainforests have already been destroyed and at the current rate, another 25 percent will be lost by the year 2000. Scientists estimate that as many as fifty million acres are destroyed annually. In other words, every sixty seconds, one hundred acres of rainforest is cleared. When this happens, constant rains- erode the former forest floor, thin layer of soil no longer supports plant life, and the ecology of the region is altered forever. Thousands of species of plants and animals are condemned to extinction and since we aren't able to predict the ramifications of this loss to a delicate global ecology, we don't know what we may be doing to the future the human species as well.

---(Nội dung đầy đủ, chi tiết phần đáp án của đề thi số 2 vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập để tải về máy)---


1 - B

2 - D

3 - A

4 - A

5 - C

6 - B

7 - D

8 - D

9 - C

10 - A

11 - D

12 - B

13 - C

14 - D

15 - B

16 - A

17 - C

18 - D

19 - B

20 - D

21 - D

22 - C

23 - A

24 - C

25 - D

26 - D

27 - B

28 - A

29 - C

30 - C

31 - B

32 - A

33 - B

34 - D

35 - A

36 - B

37 - C

38 - B

39 - A

40 - D

3. Đề số 3


Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (√) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording twice.

1. The next speaker has been the symbol of the city for over the past forty years.

2. She has worked for the city council for more than two terms.

3. She was introduced to be the Governor of a state in the US.

4. She did her PhD course in the State University.

5. She used to study at the Harvard University.

Questions 6-8:There are three questions in this part. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B, or C. You will listen to the recording twice.

6. What did the woman do as a social worker?

A. She connected people.

B. She helped the poor.

C. Both A and B are correct.

7. How did the woman describe the help that the young people gave to the poor?

A. Unbelievable.

B. Wonderful.

C. Different.

8. How were the poor treated in the past?

A. People didn’t want to talk to them.

B. People didn’t bother them.

C. People just wanted to talk about them.


Questions 9-11: Write the stress pattern (Oo) or (oO) of the following compound words.

An example has been done for you.

online game .....oO.....

9. greenhouse ..........

10. solar charger ..........

11. electronic book ..........

Questions 12-14: Reorder the utterances to make conversations.


A. About 4 p.m. What were you doing then?

B. I was having a meeting in the office at that time.

C. I called you yesterday, but you didn’t answer the phone.

D. Oh, really? What time was it?


A. I teach small kids.

B. I volunteer every Friday morning.

C. What do you do?

D. What do you teach?

E. I teach English and Maths.


A. I saw an advertisement on the Internet about volunteer work and applied for it.

B. Oh, I see. Do you like the job?

C. How did you get your volunteer job?

D. Sure, do you want to join us?

Questions 15-18: Identify the underlined part (A, B, C, or D) that needs correction in each of the following questions.

15. I haven’t seen(A) Hoa again (B) since we have graduated (C) from (D) high school.

16. I was(A)lieing (B) in the bath when the phone rang (C).

17. You looked(A)so sick yesterday (B). Have you not visited (C) the doctor yet (D)?

18. We didn’t have(A)new windows be installed (B) on our house because (C) it was too expensive (D).

Questions 19-22: Match the word with its definition. Write your answers (A, B, C, D or E) in the provided spaces. There is an extra definition you DO NOT USE.



19. charity __________


an advantage for profit gained from something

20. invention __________


an event in which people compete for first prize in a sport or an activity

21. benefit __________


the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc

22. contest __________


a disadvantage or problem that makes something less acceptable



a unique or novel device, method, composition or process


Questions 23-30: Read the text about volunteering in Britain and answer the questions that follow.

Doing some forms of voluntary work has never been more popular with British people. Over 20 million people were engaged in voluntary activities in 2013. Volunteering means giving up time to do work of benefit to the community. It can take many forms, from working with children with learning difficulties, or in an animal hospital, or planting trees. When London won its bid to host the 2012 Olympics, up to 70,000 volunteers were needed to help ensure that the games were a success.

Volunteers can be anyone of any age. Students and full-time workers often manage to involve in some voluntary work. But what motivates volunteers? Some do it for a sense of selflessness while others find they have free time available. Many mention the opportunity to get to know people they would not normally meet.

A relatively new phenomenon is the hope of meeting new friends or even a life partner through volunteering. In a recent British survey, 20% of 18-24 year-olds and 8% of over-65s said their love lives had improved since they began volunteering. The same poll found that nearly half of volunteers enjoyed improved health and fitness, a quarter lost weight - especially those working with children or doing conservation projects - and two-thirds felt less stressed. So, it seems volunteering may improve your life, and you may even find the person of your dreams.

(Adapted from "Volunteering – for Love" by Magus, 2013)

Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D for each of the following questions.

23. What does the text say about doing voluntary work in the UK?

A. It has never been popular with the British.

B. The number of volunteers reached its highest level in 2012.

C. Volunteers gain no benefit from the work.

D. Volunteers were needed for the success of the 2012 Olympics.

24. What does the word “It” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A. The community.

B. Volunteering.

C. Voluntary activity.

D. Voluntary work.

25. Which is NOT a reason for people to do voluntary work?

A. They care for others.

B. They have spare time.

C. They usually meet people.

D. They want new friends.

26. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?

A. The survey on the volunteers’ life in Britain.

B. The hope of volunteers when doing voluntary work.

C. The better situation of doing voluntary work in Britain.

D. The benefits of volunteering to voluntary workers.

Briefly answer the following questions, using the information from the text.

27. What is volunteering?


28. List ONE form of voluntary activities as mentioned in the text.


29. Who can do voluntary work in Britain?


30. How can volunteering help improve the life of volunteers?



Questions 31-34: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces.

---(Nội dung đầy đủ, chi tiết phần đáp án của đề thi số 3 vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập để tải về máy)---


1. T

2. F

3. F

4. T

5. F

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. greenhouse .....Oo.....

10. solar charger .....oO.....

11. electronic book .....oO.....

12. C D A B

13. B C A D E

14. C A B D

15. C

16. B

17. C

18. B

19. C

20. E

21. A

22. B

23. D

24. B

25. C

26. D

27. Volunteering means giving up time to do work of benefit to the community.

28. ANY of these: working with children/working in an animal hospital/planting trees/doing

conservation projects.

29. Anyone of any age.

30. Improve their love lives as well as their health and fitness.

31. was surprised

32. is used for covering/is used to cover

33. have been changed

34. have ever eaten Indian food

4. Đề số 4

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. take

B. family

C. grateful

D. table

2. A. nursing

B. nurture

C. turn

D. future

3. A. society

B. sociable

C. groceries

D. finance

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. breadwinner

B. homemaker

C. washing-up

D. equally

5. A. routine

B. laundry

C. household

D. finance

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Do you have to do __________?

A. the mess

B. your bed

C. the washing-up

D. the cook

7. Do you have to ______ the rubbish out?.

A. take

B. make

C. empty

D. do

8. My mother ______ the responsibility for running the household.

A. holds

B. takes

C. runs

D. bears

9. We share the house with our grandparents and our uncle’s family. It is a(n) _________ family

A. nuclear

B. extended

C. crowded

D. multi-generation

10. Are you free on Sunday evening? I’d like to ________ to the cinema?

A. ask you

B. ask out you

C. ask you out

D. ask you away

11. My mother is very good at ________her time between work and family.

A. leaving

B. splitting

C. sharing

D. taking

12. When a couple can _______ chores in a way that both spouses feel satisfied with the outcome, they are showing mutual respect for one another.

A. cut

B. run

C. take

D. divide

13. The children, all three, have done _________, mopped, dusted, helped on the house and in the yard.

A. laundry

B. clothes

C. groceries

D. rubbish

14. Our parents _______ hands to provide for the family and make it happy.

A. were joining

B. are always joining

C. join

D. joins

15. My grandparents ______ with my family at present and my grandmother _______ me how to cook several traditional Vietnamese dishes.

A. stay - instructs

B. stay - is instructing

C. are staying - instructs

D. are staying - is instructing

IV. Fill in each blank with the correct word/phrase from the box.

breadwinner heavy lifting iron chores responsibilities

share nurture homemaker groceries laundry

16. If your partner has agreed to buy the _______, you might plan the week’s meals and make the shopping list.

17. We should pay attention to the conditions that _________ and strengthen early childhood development and health across the life course.

18. Past studies have shown that couples who ______household chores report feeling happier overall.

19. Couples who share ________ at home are happier overall.

20. It takes a housewife a lot of time to _______clothes for the household.

21. I have watched my husband and children take over much of my role as a ___________.

22. The husband replaces the light bulbs while the wife does the __________.

23. Nowadays in nuclear families, homemaker and __________ roles have evolved into something that makes it impossible to define exactly.

24. Many couples find that they look at the division of __________ differently .

25. Men and boys do most of the ________ in the family.

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best tits the blank space in the following passage.

Working Mothers

In the United States today, more than half of mothers with young children work, compared to about one third (26)______ 1970s. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career (27)______ but also for the income.

In many families today, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years (28)______ . Some women (29)______ to work soon after (30) ______birth because they know that most employers are not sympathetic to working mothers who wish to take time off to be with their young children.

Some people still think that a “good mother” is one who (31)______ work to stay home with her children. However, no scientific evidence says children are harmed when their mothers work. A child who is emotionally well adjusted, well loved, and well cared for will thrive regardless of (32) ______the mother works outside the home.

In most families with working mothers, each person (33)______ a more active role in the household. The children tend to (34)______ one another and help in other ways. The father as a (35)______ is more likely to help with household chores and child rearing. These positive outcomes are most likely when the working mother feels valued and supported by family, friends, and coworkers.

26. A. in

B. in the

C. at

D. at the

27. A. enjoy

B. satisfy

C. satisfaction

D. pleasant

28. A. develop

B. to develop

C. developing

D. developed

29. A. return

B. turn

C. happen again

D. exchange

30. A. producing

B. making

C. taking

D. giving

31. A. gives up

B. stop

C. end

D. puts up

32. A. where

B. when

C. how

D. whether

33. A. plays

B. does

C. makes

D. takes

34. A. look at

B. look after

C. look for

D. look up

35. A. bread

B. breadwinning

C. breadstick

D. breadwinner

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Home Life in Japan

It is common in Japan for three generations to live under the same roof. This is becoming less common today, but still exists, certainly in the countryside.

Husbands in Japan give their salaries to their wives. They are returned a sum of money as pocket money, otherwise how to use the rest is the wife's decision. The finances of a family are the responsibility of the women who handle most of the household expenses. There are exceptions in instances when something of value, like a car, is being bought. This is changing with more women going to work.

Japanese fathers in contemporary urban households spend so much time at work, and the company demands on them are so great. It means that they often really have very little time or energy to spend with their children. The responsibility for raising children, overseeing the education fall onto the mothers. Mothers play an enormous role in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong. Babysitters are rarely used and mothers often sleep with their babies. A mother will also spend hours with children doing school work. Few Japanese men help with housework. There is more pressure today for this to change.

Most families in Japan today are nuclear families, such as those in the United States. That is to say that a married couple lives together with their children, perhaps with one grandparent. But for the most part, the Japanese family today looks much like the American family.

---(Nội dung đầy đủ, chi tiết phần đáp án của đề thi số 4 vui lòng xem tại online hoặc đăng nhập để tải về máy)---


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1 - B; 2 - D; 3 - B;

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4 - C; 5 - A;

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6 - C; 7 - C; 8 - B; 9 - B; 10 - C;

11 - B; 12 - D; 13 - A; 14 - C; 15 - D;

IV. Fill in each blank with the correct word/phrase from the box.

16 - groceries; 17 - nurture; 18 - share;19 - chores; 20 - iron;

21 - homemaker; 22-  laundry; 23 - breadwinner; 24 - responsibilities; 25 - heavy lifting;

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best tits the blank space in the following passage.

26 - B; 27 - C; 28 - C; 29 - A; 30 - D;

31 - A; 32 - D; 33 - A; 34 - B; 35 - D;

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

36 - B; 37 - C; 38 - A; 39 - B; 40 - D;


Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Bộ 4 đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 10 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường THPT Nguyễn Trãi. Để xem toàn bộ nội dung các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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