• Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 

          The term 'virus is derived from the Latin word for poison. or slime. It was originally applied to the noxious stench emanating from swamps that was thought to cause a variety of diseases in the centuries before microbes were discovered and specifically linked to illness. But it was not until almost the end of the nineteenth century that a true virus was proven to be the cause of a disease. 

          The nature of viruses made them impossible to detect for many years even after bacteria had been discovered and studied. Not only are viruses too small to be seen with a light microscope, they also cannot be detected through their biological activity, except as it occurs in conjunction with other organisms. In fact, viruses show no traces of biological activity by themselves. Unlike bacteria, they are not living agents in the strictest sense Viruses are very simple pieces of organic material composed only of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, enclosed in a coat of protein made up of simple structural units (Some viruses also contain carbohydrates and lipids.) They are parasites, requiring human, animal, or plant cells to live. The virus replicates by attaching to a cell and injecting its nucleic acid.' once inside the cell, the DNA or RNA that contains the virus' genetic information takes over the cell's biological machinery, and the cell begins to manufacture viral proteins rather than its own. 

    Câu hỏi:

    Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    • A. New Developments in Viral Research
    • B. Understanding Viruses
    • C. Exploring the Causes of Disease
    • D. DNA Nature's Building Block

    Lời giải tham khảo:

    Đáp án đúng: B

    Kiến thức đọc hiểu: Tiêu đề nào sau đây là đúng nhất cho đoạn văn?

    A. Phát triển mới trong nghiên cứu virut

    B. Sự hiểu biết về vi rút

    C. Khám phá nguyên nhân của bệnh

    D. Khối xây dựng bản chất của DNA 

     Chọn đáp án B


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