Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Lĩnh Nam

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Mời các em cùng tham khảo tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Lĩnh Nam do Hoc247 tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tài liệu bao gồm các dạng bài tập khác nhau, tổng hợp các kiến thức đã học. Hi vọng tài liệu này sẽ giúp các em ôn tập thật tốt cho kì thi chọn học sinh giỏi sắp tới. Chúc các em học tập tốt!




1. Đề số 1

I. LISTENING (20 points)

Part 1: Mady Poole love watching Tv  every morning, especially the Breakfast Time Quiz Show, called “Lucky Break”. She,s watching the show now and she,s very surprised because she has been chosen to have an interview for the quiz at the moment.

Now, listen to the interview between Mandy Poole and Russell Dean, the show,s presenter and answer the questions below.

1. Where does Mandy Poole live ?


2. What does she do ?


3. What is her husband,s name ?


4. What is he doing at the moment ?


5. What is the prize ?


6. What does Mandy have to do to win the prize ?


Part 2: Inthis part you will hear two friends who share a flat deciding what they need to buy at the shops. Listen carefully and fill in the missing information on their shooping list.


 Suppermarket:  two cartons of milk (0)

…………………………………………. (1)

 Booking office:

•           PICK UP…………………………………..(2)


•           FRUIT: -apples, …………………………..(3)


•           SALAD STUFF: -cucumber,………………………..(5)


•           TAKE JACKET AND ……………………………...(7) to cleaners.

•           SPICERS :………………………………...(8)


Part 1: Put a word from the list into each space, in a comparative form.Some word canbe used more than one.(9 points)

 Convenient               easy                           exciting                      expensive

Good                          interesting                 relaxing                     sociable        

  I,m not sure whether watching films is better than reading books, or not. Books are certainly (1)…………………….than films and probably (2)………………….,too (because you keep them). On the other hand, some films are (3)…………………..because of the special effects, although some people say that books can be just as (4)……………….  Going to see a film is a (5)…………………..activity than sitting alone and reading, it,s true. But if you don,t like a book, it,s much (6)………………….to stop reading it than it is to leave the cinema !. Some books are (7)……………………than others, just as films are. Personally, I find a good film (8) than readingif I,m tired, but in general I think books are (9)………………………

Part 2:Choose an adjective from the list on the left and put it with a preposition from the list to the right to complete the sentences. Use each adjective once only> The first one has been done as an example. (10 points)

 close        afraid          famous         good          preferable           short

 similar        grateful      full                sorry         tired    at     of

for    to

Example: They live close to the town center, which makes shoping easier for them.

1. could you lend me $30 ? –I,m a bit ……………….………….money at the moment.

2. I,m afraid I,m not very ……………………….…..speaking Italian but I,ll do my best.

3. I,m ………………doing the same thing all the time!. Can,t we do something different ?

4. At night that tree is ………………birds. The noise makes it difficult for me to get to sleep.

5. Her dress if very ……………………mine. Only, the belt is different.

6. Having a boring job is ……………………..having no job at all.

7. The town is…………………….its museum. People come from all over the world to visit it.

8. We had to go by sea because he,s …………………………flying.

9. It,s very kind of you. We,re very …………………………all your help.

10. Everybody felt very………………………….him after his terrible accident.

Part 3: Put he verb in brackets into passive voice in a suitable tense.

  Now that we have settled in to our new house, I thought, I,d tell you all about it. Before we bought it, it (own)(0) was owned by a foreigner, and (not live in )(1)…………………….for a long time. So we have been very busy redecorating! Since we moved in, all the room(paint)(2)…………………………,and the garden (reorganize)(3)………………….But we have had a few problems. Last week, the electricity (cut off)(4)…………………….., and nothing could (do)(5)…………………….until the bill (pay)(6)…………………..Next month some workmen are coming to do some building work. One wall in the living room (knock down)(7)……………………….., and the room (make)(8)....................................larger. Then perhaps we,ll have some peace and quiet. We (visit)(9)………………………by some of neighbours, but we (not invite back )(10)………………………….by any of them yet.I suppose they wanted to see what (do)(11)....................................to the house.

III READING (25 points)

Part 1: Read the passage and decide whether the statements (1-7) are TRUE or FALSE


 Camping is an activity in which people live temporarily in the outdoors. Campers participate in fishing, hunting, swimming, plant study, wildlife watching, and nature photography. It provides physical benefits when it envolves hiking to, from around a campsite, and many people believe that camping makes youngsters feel more confident.

  People throughout the world enjoy hiking to wildness campsites. This activity is called backpacking because it envolves carrying  such essential camping gear as a tent, food, clothing, and sleeping bag on the back in a bag called backpack. Backpacking is best suited for those who are in good physical condition as it may require walking several miles.

  The key to any enjoyable camping tripm is planning .A decision on where to camp depends on personal preference, but planning the trip before leaving help campers avoid preventable accidents. Many situations- bad weather, injury, or simply a crowded campsite- are less alarming if campers are prepared.

1. Camping helps people enjoy outdoor activities and nature.             

2. The only purpose of camping is to have pleasure.                 

3. Camping not only strengthens your health but also makes you feel confident.                 

4. A form of camping is called backpacking because it envolves hiking to wildness campsites

5. Bcakpacking is suited for everyone.                

6. Careful planning can help campers avoid trouble.                 

7. A crowded campsite is good for all campers.             

Part 2: Read the following story carefully and then answer the questions that follow. (8 points)

The Shawl

  This story happened in Pheladelphia towards the end of nineteenth century. One winter evening Dr. S. Weir Mitchell sat down in an armchair and started reading a book, but after an exhausting day at the surgery, he soon felt asleep. A short while later he woke up suddenly when heard a doorbell ringing. There was a girl standing on the doorstep. It was cold and snow falling , but she was wearing only a thin shawl around her shoulders and she was shilvering “ My mother is very ill,” she said .”Please come”.

  Walking through the dark and snowy streets was not easy, but eventually they came to an old apartment building and the girl led the doctor up to a room on the third floor. There was a woman lying on the bed and the doctor recognized her as a former servant of his After examining her, he took out his notepad and looked around for the girl. “Where,s your daughter?” he asked the woman. I need her to go for some medicine.”

 “My daughter?” She said in surprise. “My daughter died a month ago”. “ But that,s impossible”, said the doctor. “She came to fetch me. I saw her . She was wearing a shawl”.

  “My daughter,s shoes and her shawl are in there,” said the woman, pointing to a small cupboard. The doctor stopped writing out the prescription and went to a cupboard. He saw the girl,s shawl lying on the shelf. It was folded and dry. It clearly had not been worn that night.


1. When and where the incident take place?


2. What was the weather like that night ? How did the girl feel? Why so?


3. What was the relationship between the doctor and the woman ?


4. Why did the woman show the doctor that her daughter,s shoes and shawl were in the cupboard?


5. Who was the girl who came to the doctor,s house?


6. Give a(n) synonym/ equivalent / explanation of the following words or phrases from the text

a. a shawl             =……………………………………………………………………….

b. exhausting       =………………………………………………………………………..

c. was shilvering =……………………………………………………………………………….

d. eventually       =……………………………………………………………………………….

e. medicine         =……………………………………………………………………………….

f. prescription     =……………………………………………………………………………….

Part 3: Fill in each numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space. The first one has been done for you(0). (10 points)

 Everyone is becoming aware that the environment is a (0) serious issue. However, we have not done (1)……………….to deal with this problem because we seem to wait for governments to (2)…………………actions. In my opinion, individuals can do many things to help (3)………………the problem. To begin (4)………………, we can be more responsible in the (5)………………..we dispose of waste. We should not throw rubbish into lakes and (6)……………… Moreover, we also need to (7)…………………..the water we use. Fresh water (8)……………………drinking is running out in many (9)………………… of the world. Finally, I think that if we use (10)…………………transport more we can reduce air pollution in cities

IV. WRITING (25 points)

Part 1: Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means nearly the same as the sentence(s) printed before it (6 points)

1. The dentists will have to take out infected tooth.

The infected tooth………………………………………………………………………………...

2. Driving on the left feels strange to me.

 I,m not used……………………………………………………………………………………...

3. Henry regretted buying that old car.

Henry wished……………………………………………………………………………………

4. We want to visit a museum. It opens at 12:00.

The museum……………………………………………………………………………………...

5. A boy,s bicycle was taken. He went to the police station.

The boy…………………………………………………………………………………………...

6. As a correspondent, Jack could write very fast.


Part 2: The sentence in column A, when combined, tell a story.Tell the story by rewriting the sentences in spaces provided in column B, keeping the meaning of orginal sentences with the words given in the column B. Make only those changes which are necessary. The first has been done for you(0).(5 points)

Column A     

 (0) We sensed Mary,s anxiety so we asked her what was wrong.

(1) She was on the verge of tears when she told us that she had lost her purse.

(2) “We,ll help you look for it,” we promised, trying to comfort her.

(3) Suddenly, the phone rang and Mary swiftly picked up the receiver.

(4) She turned around to tell us the good news and she was brimming with joy.

(5) A stranger had found her purse and had handed it over to the police.       

Column B

(0) Sensing her anxiety, we asked Mary what was wrong.

(1) On…………………………………………..


(2) We tried……………………………………


(3) With………………………………………..


(4) Brimming………………………………….


(5) Her …………………………………………


Part 3: Write a paragraph (of about 150 words)in which you suggest several ways to protect the environment of your school . You can use the cues and the words/phrases that state an opinion and list points below. (14 points)

-not throw rubbish inside and outside classroom.

-put wastes in dustbins.

-not write or draw on desks or walls.

-water trees and plants in the school regularly and plant more trees.

-clean classrooms every day.

-not eat in classrooms or make too much noise at school.

*Expressions stating an opinion:

In my opinion, / As I see it, / To my mind, / Personally, I think that, /…

*Expressions listing points:

-In the first place, / To begin with, / …

-Furthermore, / Moreover, / …

-Finally, / Lastly,/ Conclusion, /…


I. LISTENING (20 points)


Part 1: (12 points)

Tape script of the listening test

Mandy: Hello ?

Russell:Hello. Is that Mandy Poole ?

Mandy:Yes, it is.

Russell:This is Russell Dean. You,re on Lucky Break.

Mandy:What? Oh, I don,t believe it!

Russell:Well, it,s true. Have you ever been on TV before ?

Mandy:No, I haven,t.

Russell:Well, Mandy. You,re now. Do you watch the show everyday ?

Mandy:Yes, I do

Russell:Where do you live ?

Mandy:I live in London.

Russell:What do you do ?

Mandy:I,m a teacher.

Russell:Are you married ?

Mandy:Yes, I am.

Russell:What,s your husband,s name ?

Mandy:His name,s Peter.

Russell:What does he do ?

Mandy:He works in an office.

Russell:Is he listening at the moment ?

Mandy:No, he isn,t. He,s having a shower.

Russell:Is he going to meet you on TV ?

Mandy:Yes, he is.

Russell:Well, now, today,s prize is a weekend for two in New York. I,m going to ask you four questions.

Two points for each correct answer

1. She lives in London.                                            2. She,s a teacher.

3. His name is Peter.                                                4. He,s having a shower.

5. A weekend for two(people) in New York.       6. She has to answer four questions.

Part 2: (8 points)

Tape script of the listening test.

A:  Have we run out milk then ?

B:  Yes, we need at least two cartonsif you,re going to make that rice pudding. And we,ll need sugar, so put down a kilo of that.

A:  OK. I think two cartons will do you,re right about the sugar.

B:  Also we must go and pick up the theatre tickets from the booking office. Youn paid for them, didn,t you ?

A:  Yes, and I,ve got them already actually, but I want to go there anyway and get a programme. Now let,s see. We must go to the markets and get fruit-apples, oranges, bananas-oh , and salad stuff, so that,s tomatoes, a cucumber,lettuce, and peppers. Oh no,we,re all right for tomatoes. I got some on my way home last night. Anything else?

B:  Dry cleaners. I need to take my suit and that jacket you gave me. And then if we,reround that way we could get coffee from that nice shop in King Street. Speciers, you know ?

A:  It,s much cheaper in the supermarket, you know.

B:  Oh, Renata, you,re such a meanie.

A:  All right. I give in …Now, come on. Let,s go…

One point for each answer:

1. one kilo of sugar              2. a program              3. oranges                  4. bananas

5. lettuce                                6. peppers                  7. suit                         8. coffee


Part 1: (9 points)

1. less expensive      2. more convenient              3. more exciting        4. exciting

5. more sociable       6. easier                                 7. more relaxing       9. more interesting

Part 2: (10 points)

1. short of                  2. good at                   3. tired of         4. full of                   5. similar to

6. preferable to         7.famous for              8. afraid of       9. grateful for          10. sorry for 

Part 3: (11 points)

1. was not lived in                            2. have been painted            3. has been reorganized

4. was cut off                                    5. be done                              6. was paid

7. is going to be knocked down      8. is going to be made          9. have been visited

10. have not been invited back       11. was being done

III. READING (25 points)

Part 1: (7 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7

Key     True    False   True    False   False   True    False

Part 2: (8 points) 5 points for 5 questions & answers; 3 points for six words / phrases.

1. The incident took place one winter evening in Philadelphia toward the end of nineteenth century.

2. It was cold and snowy. She was shilvering as / since / because she was wearing only a thin shawl.

3. She was a former servant of Dr. S. weir Mitchell.

4. To explain that her daughter died a month ago.

5. She was a ghost / the ghost of the woman,s daughter who died a month ago.

6. a. = a scarf (a large piece of cloth, made of wool, usually worn by a woman round the shoulders or head )

b. = very tired

c. = was trembling / shaking from cold or fear (because of…)

d. =at last, in the ens, finally.

e. =drug

f. = a form on which a doctor has written the name of the medicine/ drug that onr needs.

Part 3: (10 points)

1. much          2. take            3. solve          4. with            5. way            

6. rivers          7. save            8. for               9. parts           10. public

IV WRITING ( 25 points)

Part 1: (6 points)

1. The infected tooth will have to be taken out by the dentist.

2. I,m not used to driving on the left.

3. Henry wished he hadn,t bought that old car.

4. The museum (that) we want to visit opens at 12:00.

5. The boy whose bicycle was taken went to the police station.

6. Because Jack was a correspondent , he could write very fast.

Part 2: (5 points)

1. One the verge of tears, she told us that she has lost her purse.

2. We tried to comfort her by promising to help her to look for it.

3. With swiftness, Mary picked the receiver when the phone rang suddenly.

4. Brimming with joy, she turned around to tell us the good news.

5. Her purse, which had been found by a stranger, had been handed over to the police.

Part 3: Writing –composition (14 points)

2. Đề số 2

I. VOCABULARY: (30 points)

Part 1: Circle the letter A,B,C or D next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.(10 points)

1. I didn,t go to the party as I felt a bit under……………………..

  A. the weather                    B. the water               C. the clouds             D. the blankets

2. I disagree. My ideas are entirely opposite………………………………..yours.

  A. to                         B. from                       C. of                           D. against

3. The more ………………………….we walk the longer it will take us to get home.

  A. slowest                           B. slower                   C. slowly                   D. slow

4. Would you ………………………………opening the window, please ?

  A. care                                 B. mind                      C. like                         D. help

5. I,ll …………………………..you just one more story before you go to sleep.

  A. speak                              B. tell                         C. say                         D. talk

6. Your car is very …………………………….. .It hardly seems to use any petrol at all.

  A. economical                    B.economic               C. ecumenical           D. ecological

7. By appearing on the soap powder commercials, she became a………………………………….name.

  A. housewife                      B. housekeeper         C. house                     D. household

8. I,m in a terrible………………………………. . I don,t know what to do.

  A. problem                          B. quandary              C. loss            D. trouble

9. How you invest your money is none of my ………………………………..

  A. affair                               B. business                C. matter                    D. care

10. If the level of VAT  is ………………………………….this year, small businesses will be affected.

  A. raised                              B. risen                      C. arisen                    D. raising

Part 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses (10 points)

1. Jane felt very ……………………………when she saw the police car. (RELIEF)

2. They reached the hotel just as ……………………………………fell. (DARK)

3. When Jack left home, he began to enjoy his……………………………………(INDEPENDENT)

4. You are ………………………………to choose how to spend the evening. (FREEDOM)

5. Your house is ………………………………..by several burglar alarms. (PROTECTION)

6. You should go to a doctor and have a thorough …………………………………..(EXAMINE)

7. The phone doesn,t work. It has been ………………………….(CONNECTION)

8. Linda has a rapid……………………………..from her illness. (RECOVERED)

9. This road is much………………………………than I thought. (LENGTH)

10. The radio gave them a …………………………….about the storm. (WARNED)

Part 3: Complete the sentences using one of the best words from the box. Four of words aren,t used. (10 points)

1. When you have a party, you have to do a lot of ………………………………….

2. The …………………………of the telephone revolutionized communication between people.

3. She has to go to hospital to have a serious operation. She feels…………………………………….

4. She is very good at fixing things around the house. She is ……………………………………….

5. People are born, grow up and finally die. It,s ………………………………………………

6I can,t see you nat five because I have another…………………………………..

7. A good adventure film is full of ……………………………………………

8. She sent me a present after I helped her to pass the exam. She feels …………………………to me.

9. He has a lot of power in his office. He is very…………………………………….

10. Students should listen to what the teacher is saying in class. They should be ………………………

II GRAMMAR (20 points)

Put each verb in brackets into the most suitable tense.

1. I (think)………………………………..of selling my car but I (not decide)………………………….…………..yet.

2. Penny (live)………………………………….here ever since she (arrive)………………………………from England.

3. I usually (drink)……………………………………….coffee but yesterday I (give up) …………………………………..

4. Decorating is difficult, but I (finish)………………………………..painting the kitchen and now I (do)………………………..the living room.

5. This exercise (look)……………………………difficult. You (do)……………………………….one like it before ?

6. I,m afraid that you can,t talk to Jack now. He (get) ………………………………….very dirty playing football and he (have)…………………………………….a bath.

7. I (wait)…………………………for you here for ages! Why (you not phone)………………………..me ealier?

8. (You visit)……………………………….this company before ? When (you come)…………………………….here for the first time ?

9. (You still do)……………………………….your homework ? I (finish)…………………………….mine ages ago.

10. We (live)………………………………….in Scotland for two years and then we (move)…………………………………to Northern Ireland.

III. READING (25 points)

Part 1: Put ONE suitable word in each space. (10 points)

  I have recently taken up cooking as a hobby. A lot (1)………………………my friends find this  very amusing as I am not very (2)…………………………at it yet. It,s much (3)………………………difficult (4)…………………….I thought it was. There are no (5)…………………………things to remember to do and it,s very easy to (6)…………………mistakes. Last week I invited several people round so I try out a new (7)…………………….

  Everything was ready in the kitchen, so I relaxed with my guests and we (8)…………………….a drink. But I,m not (9)………………………to giving dinner parties and I suddenly remembered that the chicken was in freezer. We had to wait two hours (10)……………………….dinner !

Part 2: Read the passage and dicided which is the best answer. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the word you choose. The first one has been done for you (o) (15 points)


  He was a music-hall comedian in England before he went to America in 1910. In those (0) days he often (1)…………………Chaplin. He made his first short film in 1918 but id not (2)…………….. to establish himself in the competitive (3)…………..of the screen comedy. The first film he made with his famous fat (4)…………….was call Putting pants on Philip in 1927. Many critics (5) …………….that he was the more creative (6)……………….of the partnership. The humorist Leo Mc Carey (7) ………………..him a rare comic who was intelligent (8)…………………to make up his own gaps. (9)…………………he was remarkably talented, while his partner was (10)…………………so and this is the key to understanding their relationship. As a (11)………………, throughout their career together he (12)……………………on being paid twice as much as his friend because he believed he was (13)……………….twice as much. While he wrote the films and (14)………………part of their creation, his partner was incapable of creating anything at all- it was amazing how hw managed to find his (15)………………….to the studio.

(0) A. time                             B. periods                  C. days                       D.weeks

1.  A. copied                         B. followed               C. resembled             D. liked

2.  A. succeed                       B. reach                     C. fail                         D. manage

3.  A. job                                B. field                       C. position                 D. place

4.  A. pair                              B. collegue                C. partner                  D. match

5.  A. persist                          B. claim                     C. refuse                    D. review

6.  A. person                         B. member                 C. actor                      D. piece

7.  A. considered                  B. said                        C. described              D. saw

8.  A. even                             B. quite                      C. enough                  D. also

9.  A. Although                     B. Moreover              C. However               D. So

10. A. less                              B. least                       C. little                       D. hardly

11. A. fact                              B. conclusion             C. matter                    D. result

12. A. persisted                    B. insisted                 C. kept                       D. demanded

13. A. valued                        B. making                  C. worth                     D. acting

14. A. took                            B. made                      C. was                       D. had

15. A. car                               B. road                       C. route                      D. review


I. VOCABULARY: (30 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key     A         A         C         B         B         A         D         B         B         A

Part 2: (10 points)

1. relieved

2. darkness

3. independence

4. free

5. protected

6. examination

7. disconnected

8. recovery

9. longer

10. warning

Part 3: (10 points)

1. prepaqration         2. invention               3. worriede                4. practical    5. natural

6. appointment          7. excitement 8. grateful                  9. influential 10 attentive

II GRAMMAR (20 points)

1. am thinking-haven,t decided

2. has lived / has been living –arrived

3. drink-gave

4. have finished-am doing

5. looks-have you done

6. got-is having

7. have been waiting-didn,t you phone

8. have you visited-did you come

9. Are you still doing-finished

10. lived-moved

III. READING (25 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

1. of                2. good           3. more           4. than            5. many

6. make          7. recipe         8. had             9. used            10.for

Part 2: (10 points)

1 A      2 D      3B       4C       5B       6B       7A      

8C       9B       10A     11D     12B     13C     14A     15D

IV WRITING (25 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

1. I,ve been writing / I,ve written this letters for two hours

2. I don,t own a bicycle now.

3.This cheese has a terrible taste.

4. I last saw John two years ago.

5. What do you think of this painting ?

6. The pork doesn,t taste as good as the beef.

7. Does it cost a lot ?

8. What does Ducan do ?

Mary is still at work.

This is the first time she has been to Paris.

Part 2: (15 points)

1. you             2.                  3.up        4. more      5         6.a               7.long         8.from    

9.                  10. part           11.      12.to            13.it      14. was         15. 

3. Đề số 3

I. LISTENING (20 points)

Part 1: (10 points)Listen to these people and complete the chart :



Normal transport


Transport today




ten or fifteen minutes



bank clerk



by car



by underground






about an hour

by bus

Part 2: (10 points)Listen to the news stories and complete the gaps. Write the words in the right hand side column

And now some other news. Many of Britain,s top fashion designers have been at a ………………in Manchester and today a new prize for young fashion


designer has been awarded for the first time. It,s called The Motana Prize, and it has been won by 19-year-old Paul Kennedy, a………at.


Epping Forest Art College. Paul,s revolutionary casual wear was considered to be the…………invention of the 1,200 items that were.


examined by the judges. What is very surprising about the………...is that.


Paul is not studying fashion design. He,s at Epping Forest Art College to study ………….design.


And now some………….news. England manager Lee Sharpe has been.


Sacked affter England,s 5-3 defeat by Albania at Wembley……………


England, who scored three goals in the first half, played very badly in the second half and will probably lose their chance of playing the World Cup Final in ………..Sharpe said it was the most embrassing night of his professal life.


And now some news from outer…………. According to a report in the


National Reporter, building have been seen on the moon. Space experts at the Kennedy Space Centre in California are convinced that the buildings were built by creatures from another…………….



Part 1: Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word given:

1. When he retired, he was ………..………with a gold watch.                         (presentation)

2. The ……………….of this company depends on you !                                  (succeeded)

3. I wish he wouldn,t keep……………………..so much.                                  (arguments)

4. When I spoke to her, I………………….what he wanted.                             (explanation)

5. I can,t …………………..your reason for being late.                                      (accepted)

6. If things go wrong, don,t be ……………………….                                       (encourage)

7. Being able to type is a ………………………office skill.                             (basically)

8. Don,t send a receipt , that is ……………………..                                          (necessarily)

9. She is an extremely…………………..sales representative.                          (persuation)

10. I,m sorry, but I ……………………with you completely.                           (agreement)

Part 2: Put each verb into a suitable tense, or into the passive in a suitable tense.

1. I,m sorry I (not write) haven,t written to you lately but my house (break into)…………….….a few weeks ago and I (feel)………………rather upset since then.

2. Before we (get)………………………married, you (promise)…………………..that you (help)……………………with the housework.

3. She told us that she (just phone)…………………….the main office and that our order (send)…………………….on the previous day.

4. I (not realise)…………………...that the electricity bill (have to pay)…………………last month and now the power (cut off)…………………

5. Nothing (do)………………….about the hole in the road so far and so I (think)……………a letter (should write)……………………to the local council.

6. As soon as the house (decorate)………….., we (want)………….to go away for a few days.

III. READING: (35 points)

Part 1: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B,C or D best fits space. The first one has been done for you (0).


  Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn,t have done or something you didn,t do which you should have ? At one (0)…………..or another we probably all have. There,s no(1)…………..in getting depressed about it now-it,s no (2)…………..crying over a spilt milk. However, there may be some (3)…………in thinking about exactly what happed and why because we might be able to (4)…………some conclusions for the future. One thing we all do now and again is to lose our (5)………….with a friend or close (6)…………….The odd thing is that we more display great anger (7)……………..someone we,re (8)……………..of than towards strangers. The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to let off a bit of steam in a safe (9)……………, whereas the (10)…………..of insulting a stranger or a (11)……………at work could be far more serious.

  Being honest is usually (12)……………of as a virtue and undoutedly this is the (13)………….   On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone, (14)…………..them exactly what we feel, and then have found ourselves (15)…………with feelings of guilt and remorse. Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut ?


I. LISTENING (20 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

1. university study               2. by bicycle             3. by bus                                4. by car

5. half an hour                       6. shop assistant       7. about 20 minutes              8. by car

9. doctor                                10. by bus / taxis

Part 2: (10 points)

1. fashion show         2. student                   3. most                       4. award         5. theatre

6. sports                     7. last night                8. Japan                      9. space          10. planet


Part 1: (10 points)

1. presented               2. success      3. arguing                   4. explained              5. accept

6. discouraged          7. basic           8. unnecessary          9. persuasive             10. disagree  

Part 2: (15 points)

1. was broken into-have been feeling             2. got-promised-would help

3. had just phoned-had been sent / was set    4.did not realise-had to be paid-has been cut off

5. has been done-think-should be written      6. has been decorated- want

III. READING (35 points)

Part 1 (15 points)

1C       2A       3A       4A       5A       6D       7C      

8B       9D       10B     11D     12A     13B     14A   15D

Part 2: (20 points)

1. accident     2. junction                 3. slowed / broke      4. manage      5. push / take

6. waved        7. fast / quickly         8. skidded                  9. hit               10. injured / hurt / hit

11. blame       12. left                        13. put                        14. able          15. time

16. court        17. denied                  18. fault                     19. waved      20. fine

IV. WRITING (20 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

1 My sister is too young to ride a bicycle.

2. Dad was telling a story when there was a knock at the door.

3. This video has sold over a million copies already.

4. I felt sleepy because I had been sitting in front of the computer all evening.

5. She is always complaining about public transport.

6. The bus in our city is getting more and more inefficient.

7. Let,s go and see/ to see a film tonight .

8. We went on a holiuday to Italy last year/ to Italy on a holiday last year.

9. Children don,t go to school on Saturday.

10. While he was studying law he met his future wife.

Part 2: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key                d          a          k          i           e          j           c          h          f           b

4. Đề số 4

I. LISTENING (20 points)

Part 1: Listen to the interview with Saul Robbins about his daily life and choose the correct answer. You will hear the recording three time.(6 points)

1. Saul lives in ………………………

            A. Paris                                  B. London                             C. New York

2. He is a …………………

            A. director                             B. reporter                             C. producer

3. He works for …………………

            A. a newspaper                     B. a radio station                  C. a TV station

4. He goes to work at …………………in the afternoon

            A. two                                    B. four                                    C. five

5. When he gets up he ………………….first.

            A. brushes his teeth              B. has a shower                    C. gets dressed

6. He has …………………..for breakfast.

            A. some toast                        B. some ice-cream               C. a cup of coffee

7. He goes to work …………………

            A. on food                             B. by car                                C. by train

8. He finishes work at ………………..in the morning.

            A. two                                    B. four                                    C. five

9. After work he goes for a …………………with his friend.

            A. walk                                  B. drink                                  C. meal

10. He ……………………travels to other countries.

            A. sometimes                        B. usually                              C. never

11. He ………………his job.

            A. likes                                  B. doesn,t like                       C. hates

12. In his free time, he plays……………..

            A. tennis                                B. football                             C. badminton

Part 2: Listen and write down the times in works . You will hear the recording three times. (9 points)

1…………………….           2…………………..…                      3……………………..

4…………………….           5……………………..                      6…………………….

7………………………        8……………………..                      9…………………….

Part 3: Listen to the interview and answer the questions. You will hear the recording three times (5 points)

1. Where did Julia go for her holiday ?     …………………………………………………….

2. How did she go there ?                            …………………………………………………….

3. How long did the journey take ?            …………………………………………………….

4. Wher did she stay ?                                  …………………………………………………….

5. What things did she do ?                         …………………………………………………….


Part 1: Choose the correct answer among A,B,C or D.(10 points)

1. When the party was …………………we helped them clear up the house.

            A. up                          B. off                          C. out                         D. over

2. Jack can,t remember ……………….the telephone number down.

            A. write                      B. to write                  C. writing                   D. written

3. Has Sue finished ………………….yet ?

            A. washing up           B. to wash up            C. wash up                 D. wash upping

4. Jane stopped the car………………a newspaper.

            A. buying                   B. to buy                    C. buy                        D. bought

5. I………………..your name. Could you tell me again ?

            A. am forgetting                   B. ,ve been forgetting         

           C. ,ve been forgetten                        D. was forgetting


I. LISTEN (20 points)

Part 1 : (12 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10        11        12

Key                C         B         A         C         B         C         A         A         B         C         A         A

Part 2: (9 points)

1. Five past one .                   2. Ten o,clock                                   3. Twenty past nine             

4. Twenty-three minutes     5. Eighteen minutes past three       6. Quarter to eight   

7. Half past seven                 8. Twenty-five past eleven             9. Ten to twelve

Part 3: (5 points)

1. Scotland                            2. By train                 4. About five hours

4. At her friends, flat                        5. She visited the castle and did a lot of shopping


Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key                D         C         A         B         C         D         A         B         D         D

Part 2: (15 points)

1.have been living    2. have…been doing            3. have worked / have been working

4. Have…met            5. have worked                     6. made

7. saw                         8. finished                             9. have become

10. met                       11. have…done / have…been doing         12. finished / have finished

13. have been helping          14. have been working                     15. have.. been doing

Part 3: (8 points)

1. regularly                2. competition           3. preparation           4. challenging

5. friendship              6. Dedicated              7. ambitious              8. achievement

III. READING (22 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key                B         C         A         B         D         A         B         A         D         C

 Part 2: (12 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6

Key                E          B         F          G         C         A

IV WRITING (25 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

1. I wish I could go to the game next Saturday

2. Is it necessary for me to fill in any forms?

3. If I hadn,t heard the two of them talking, I wouldn,t have found out the truth.

4. I need to post this letter tonight.

5. This is such good food that I,m going to have some more.

6. I,d like you to give me some advice.

7. She told me not to smoke in the house.

8. I asked them why they had not metioned the problem before.

9. If you did enough exercise, you would be fit.

10. I bought myself some good new clothes which I need for my new job.

5. Đề số 5

I. LISTENING:  ( 20 points)

I. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers. You will hear the recording three times.

1. Karen and Josh were away at ..................

     a. Christmas                                 b. Easter                                 c. the weekend

2. WOMAD was a ................ festival.

     a. film                               b. music                                 c. dance

3. Where was the festival?

     a. Reading                        b. Bristol                                c. York

4. The festival was .................

     a. funny                            b. fabulous                            c. awful

5. Where was Karen's favourite band from?

     a. Uganda                         b. Colombia                           c. Korea

6. Which kind of food doesn't she mention?

     a. North African              b. Mexican                            c. Turkish                 

    d. Japanese                                   e. Indian

7. How many people were there?

     a. hundreds                                  b. thousands                          c. a million

8. Karen enjoyed the festival apart from .....................

     a. the food                        b. the bands                           c. the weather

9. What was the weather like at the festival on Saturday morning?

     a. dry and sunny              b. cold and wet                      c. cloudy but warm

10. What was the weather like on Sunday?

     a. dry and sunny              b. cold and wet                      c. cloudy but warm

11. Where were they?

     a. in a tent                        b. in a hotel                           c. in a caravan

12. How long were they there?

     a. Friday to Sunday         b. only on Saturday              c. Saturday and Sunday

Part 2: Listen to the conversations and write down the times (10 points).

1. The museum opens at .....................

2. The film starts at .....................

3. The train leaves at .....................

4. This programme finishes at .....................

5. The shops close at .....................

6. Her parents' plane  arrives at .....................

7. Lessons finish at .....................

8. The supermarket closes at .....................


I.LISTENING: (20 points)

Part 1: (12 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10        11        12

Key                C         B         A         B         A         C         B         C         C         B         C         A

Part 2: (8 points)

1. 10 o,clock             2. 7.45            3.11.10           4. 8.15            5. 5.30            6. 2.20

7. 12.50                      8. 8.30


Part 1: :(10 points)

1. highest- height-highly                 2. producers-products-production-productive

3. sociable-socialize-socially

Part 2:(10 points)

Underground             mororway      side road        car park                      horserace      

Chocolate milk                     workhouse     teaching staff filling station traffic lights

Part 3:(10 points)

1. went                       2.fell   3. had worked / had been working 4. to close      5. getting

6. couldn,t / wouldn,t have got       7. was given  8. to enter      9. work                       10. will lock

III. READING ( 25 points)

Part 1:(5 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5

Key                D         A         D         C         B

Part 2:(10 points)

1. to                2. and             3. teaching     4. your                                    5. practise

6. test              7. class                       8. at                 9. learnt / studied      10. knowledge

Part 3:(10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key                A         A         A         C         B         A         B         C         A         B

IV. WRITING: (25 points)

Part 1:(10 points)

1. It took her a long time to get over her illness.

2. I wish I hadn,t said that to him.

3. The mechanic had the tyres checked on my car.

4. I need to post this letter tonight.

5. The only thing I am interested is why you did it.

6. Unless you stop smoking, you,ll be ill.

7. If I were you, I wouldn,t touch that switch.

8. It took us three hours to paint that door.

9. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expexted.

10. This is the first time I have eaten that food.

Part 2:(10 points)

1. I don,t like it when she tells me that I have to study.

2. Parachuting / To parachut is a dangerous sport.

3. He studies here at this table.

4. The guide gives useful information about the city.

5.She cleaned the house and afterward / then she ironed the clothes.

6.She both speaks and writes French very well.

7. He is very mature despite his age.

8. She sent her teacher a beautiful Christmas .

9. Tom said that if he had to do his homework tonight, he wouldn,t be able to attend the concert.

10. 

11. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the higher grade.

12. Science and technology are part of the knowledge of educated people.

13. 

14. Everyone who takes the examination will receive his / her score reports in three weeks.

15. Tom spent such an enjoyable holiday in Europe this summer that he plans to return as soon as he saves enough money.


Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Lĩnh Nam. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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