Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Thanh Trì

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Dưới đây là Bộ 5 đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2021 Trường THCS Thanh Trì đã được Hoc247 biên soạn. Với các dạng đề khác nhau, các em sẽ có cơ hội luyện tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kì thi chọn học sinh giỏi sắp tới. Mời các em cùng xem chi tiết tư liệu ngay sau đây.




1. Đề số 1

I.  VOCABULARY:  (30 points)

Part 1:  Circle the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

1.  It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for ................... .

            A. a revision             B. a control               C. an investiagation             D. a check-up

2.  Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a better ................... .

            A. product                 B. outcome                C. amount                              D. crop

3.  When the starter gave the ................... all the competitors in the race began to run round the track.

            A. signal                    B. warning                 C. shot                                    D. show

4.  ................... from Bill, all the students said they would go

            A. Except                   B. Only                      C. Apart                                 D. Separate

5.  The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ................... new procedures to save time and money.

            A. manufacture         B. establish               C. control                              D. restore

6. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not .................... your television set.

            A. change                  B. adjust                    C. repair                                 D. switch

7.  The crowd at a football match are often ................. .

            A.  excite                  B. excited                  C. exciting                             D. excitement

8.  I'm very .................... in the information you have given me.

            A. concerned            B. surprised               C. bored                                 D. interested

9.  I saw a thief take Peter's wallet so I ran ................... him, but I didn't catch him.

            A. into                        B. after                       C. over                                   D. near

10. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to................... the match till Sunday.

            A. put off                   B. cancel                    C. play                                   D. put away  

Part 2:    Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Kids watch more TV

            A study into children's television (0) viewing habits reveals                 VIEW

that children whose parents have a high level of (1) _________________     EDUCATE

tend to watch less television than children from less educated

family(2) ________________ . The report also suggests that a high rate of   BACK

TV watching among children in poorer (3) _________________ areas          SUBURB

and in the provinces, compared to those living in large urban centre,

is often due to (4) _________________ and a lack of other kinds of               POOR

(5) _________________ in the area. Disco, cinema, theatre and sports          ENTERTAIN

(6) ________________  offer children in urban centre  a wider range             ACTIVE

of pastimes, which leads to far (7) ______________ hours being spent         FEW

in front of the box. (8) ______________, comedies and adventure films       COMMERCE

are children's (9) _______________ programmes, while twenty per cent       FAVOUR

of children said they preferred (10) _______________ films and thrillers.    VIOLENCE

Part 3:  Match each phrasal verb with the correct definition

1. fill in

2. turn into

3. go away

4. put away

5. run out of

6. get away with

7. join in

8. pick out

9. keep on

10. get over

A. participate

B. avoid punishment

C. select, choose

D. change into, become

E. continue

F. complete ( a form)

G. leave

H. recover from

I. use up completely

J. return something to its correct place

II.  GRAMMAR (20 points)

Part 1: Use the correct  forms of the verbs in the brackets to complete the passage below.

         I (write) (1) ....................................... to express my dissatisfaction of my stay at the Lord Hotel in London last weekend. I (book) (2) ...................................... the hotel in Sweden and also (receive) (3) ............................. information about the hotel. I (promise) (4) ................................ a luxury weekend. However, I (be) (5)..................................... not satisfied. The room was comfortable, but the traffic from the road opposite the hotel (make) (6) .................................... it impossible to (sleep) (7) ............................ I (ask) (8) ...................................... for another room, but no single rooms (be) (9) ................................. available. I required room-service one night and I (have) (10) .................................. to wait for almost one hour before someone came.

Part 2: Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

1. She was very conscious (1).................. her lack of experience on her first day at work.

2. He has a new solution (2).................. the problem.

3. Nobody helped him. He managed it (3).................. his own.

4 The drivers (4) ................... London kept their cars (5) ............... the left.

5. The summer holiday is coming. We are all excited (6) ................. going (7) ............. a long trip (8) ............ the South.

6. The children were amazed (9) .................... the lion show at the circus.

7. Her small garden looks very beautiful in spring because all the flowers are (10) .................... full bloom.

III. READING:  (25 points)

Part 1: Put ONE suitable word in each space

                    Miss Darby was one of those people who never threw anything away. “You never know when you might need it” was (1) ...................................... of her favorite sayings. She lived (2)  ...................................... herself in a large Victorian house across the road from us. Although I never went to her house, I knew it was full (3) ...................................... antique furniture, Persian carpets and so on. In every room, there were dozens of paintings so that her house was (4) ...................................... an art gallery. I remember my father (5) ...................................... that she was a “ Staffordshire Darby” but I had (6) ...................................... idea what he meant. I (7) ...................................... out years later that the Darby family had made their money from coal-mining in Staffordshire. We used to make up stories (8) ...................................... her. My sister Alice, (9) ...................................... was a romantic girl, told us that Miss Darby once had a lover, but he walked out one day and she (10) ...................................... saw him  again!

Part 2 :  Read the following passage and answer the questions.

           The world's oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution. However, little is known about the long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious problem of modern time is that man is destroying the earth's natural resources and transforming huge areas into waste land. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all wild life on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger of disappearing completely from the face of the earth. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man's whole  environment is being changed in a serious way.

1) What is the process of making something dirty ?


2)  Find a word or phrase from the passage with the same meaning as the air, water and land in which we live?


3)  What is the air surrounding the earth called ?


4)  What could be best replaced wealth, goods or products people can use ?


5)  What is a difficulty which needs attention and thought ?


Part 3: Read the passage and decide which is the best answer. Circle the letter A, B, C or

               D next to the word you choose.

      Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than 5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago.

             A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fibers used in paper, however, are plant fibers, and there are millions of them in one sheet. In addition to the plant fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes can make the paper different colors; resin may add weight and texture.

            Where do these fibers come from ? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that comes from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also  made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into  recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution.

1. According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by

  A.  the Chinese            B.  the Egyptians           C.  ancient cultures        D.  foresters

2.  What is the main ingredient in most paper ?                                                                   

  A.  resin                        B.  cardboard                C.  plant fiber                 D.  papyrus

3.  According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is

  A.  rags                         B.  trees                         C.  fabric                        D.  wastepaper

4.  According to the passage,  recycling paper is

  A.  bad for the environment                                C.  good for the environment

  B.  wasteful                                                         D.  economical                                                      

5.  According to the passage,  recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT

  A.  reduce the need for ink                                 C.  save energy

  B.  save forests                                                    D.  reduce air pollution

IV. WRITING:   (25 points)

Part 1: Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning remains the same.

Example:    He wrote the letter in two hours.

It took him two hours to write the letter.

1. The keepers feed the lions at 3 pm every day.

The lions       

2. We got lost because we didn't have a map.

If we  

3. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.

I would rather          

4. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn't go under it.

It was

5. That was a silly thing to say.


6. We've run out of tea.


7. I last saw him when I was a student.

I haven't        

8. Susan was too excited to sleep.

Susan was     

9. Robert has not had a job for two years.

Robert has been       

10. She will complete the work only she is paid extra.

She will not

Part 2 Use the words in the brackets to combine the following sentences. 

  1.  All the students love the principal. He is very kind. (because of)


  2. I have forgotten the tickets. I’m sorry for it. (having)


  3.  I saw it with my own eyes. I believed it. (if)


  4.  The house at the end of the street has been sold. It has been empty for years. (which)


  5. It's a pity he doesn't take the doctor's advice. (wish)


Part 3 : A friend of yours has written to you, asking for some advice. He wants to visit your country for three weeks this summer and would like to know which places to visit, where to stay, what sights to see, and what clothes to bring. Write to him, giving as many suggestions as you can  and mentioning any national customs that may seem strange to him. (about 200 words)


I. VOCABULARY:    (30  points)                                                                                                  

Part 1:  (10 points)























Part 2:  (10 points)

1. education              2. backgrounds         3. suburban               4. poverty

5. entertainment       6. activities                7. fewer                      8. Commercials

9. favourite              10. violent

Part 3:  (10 points)























II. GRAMMAR:    (20  points)

Part 1:  (10 points)

1)   am writing        2)   booked         3)   received          4)   was promised        5)   am not

6)   made                7)   sleep             8)   asked              9)   were                     10)   had

Part 2:  (10 points)

1)   of        2)   to        3)   on         4)   in - to        5)   about - on - to               6)   at               7)   in           

III. READING:  (25  points)         

Part 1:  (10 points)

1. one      2. by              3. of                        4. like              5. saying   

6.  no      7. found          8. about              9. who             10. never

Part 2 (5 points)

1)   The process of making something dirty is pollution

2) A word or phrase with the same meaning as the air, water and land we live is environment

3)  The air surrounding the earth is called atmosphere             

4)  Resources could be best replaced wealth, goods or products people can use

5) A difficulty which needs attention and thought is problem

Part 3:  (10 points) 2 points for each correct answer

1.  A.                2.  C.                   3.  B.                 4.  C.               5.  A.

IV. WRITING: (25 marks)

Part 1: (10 points)

1. The lions are fed at 3 pm every day

2. If we had had a map, we wouldn't have got lost

3. I would rather you delivered the sofa on Friday.

4. It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn't go under it.

5. What a silly thing to say!                                                                                 

6. There isn't any tea left.

7. I haven't seen him since I was a student.

8. Susan was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

9. Robert has been out of job/ jobless/ unemployed for two years.

10. She will not complete the work unless she is paid extra/ if she is not paid extra.

Part 2: (5 points)

1. All the students love the principal because of his kindness.

2. I’m sorry for having forgotten the tickets.

3. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.

4. The house at the end of the street which has been empty for years has been sold.

5. I wish he took the doctor's advice.       

2. Đề số 2


Part 1:I. Listen to 3 customers booking their holidays and complete the table. (1,0 pt)




Number of  people




Customer 1


(1)   ………




…… ……….………..

Customer 2



2 months



By air.

Customer 3








Part 2: II. You will hear a tourist guide talking to a group of people about a trip to the countryside. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. (1,0 pt)


Morning program:

            ®  breakfast at 8.30

            ®  meet in (1)……………………………………………………….

            ®  bus leaves at (2) …………………………………………………

            ®  picnic lunch in the (3) …………………………………………..

Afternoon program:

Choice of activities:

®  hill walk

®  visit to a (4)…………………………………………… or a farm

®  swim or take a trip by boat

What to bring:

            ®  a warm jacket

            ®  a (5) ………………………………………………………………..



III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by writing your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (0,6 pt)


A. equation

B. tradition

C. intention 

D. ambition


A. centre

B. recycle

C. necessary

D. focus


A. teenager

B. sugar

C. ginger

D. giant

IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently. (0,4 pt)


A. originally

B. mysteriously

C. elaborately

D. necessarily


A. discover

B. activate

C. terrify

D. normally


V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box ( 5,0  pts)

1. In order to avoid boredom, the most important  thing is to keep oneself _________.

A. occupying B. occupied   C. occupant   D. occupational

2. Two of the boys in the art class were doing self-portraits by looking at_____ in the mirror.

A. each other B. themselves           C. oneself      D. one another

3. We should protect plants and animals of the sea to keep its __________.

A. resource                            B. energy                   C. existence     D. biodiversity

4. There are many __________ desks in our classroom.

A. nice large round wooden                                   B. large nice round wooden

C. wooden round large nice                        D. nice round large wooden

5. It was raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him ______ he wouldn’t get wet.

A. so as to                              B. in order                 C. so that                         D. in order to

6. I’d rather you __________ out tonight.

A. not go                                B. don’t go                 C. didn’t go                   D. not went

7. I regret __________ you that the camping trip has been cancelled.

A. telling                                B. having told                       C. to tell               D. to telling

8. The more exercise you take, __________ you will feel.

A. better                                 B. the best                 C. the better                     D. the more better

9. When the headmaster ______ the room, all the pupils stood up.

A. came          B. arrived                             C. appeared   D. entered

10. All the boys are good at cooking, but ______ is as good as the girls.

A. either         B. neither       C. every         D. none

11. Our children are looking forward to ______ to the circus this weekend.

A. be taken    B. taking        C. being taken           D. take

12. The Smiths bought a very beautiful house ______ a fairly good price.

A. by  B. of  C. with           D. at

13. When Maria read the letter, she  couldn’t help _____ .   

A. cries          B. crying       C. to cry         D. cried

14. _______ I love you, I can’t let you do whatever you like.

A. Much as    B. Whatever C. Whether    D. Despite

15. A large number of students in this school                English quite fluently.

A. speak         B. speaks       C. is speaking              D.  has spoken

16. It is essential that every student _______ to learn English at university.

A. to have                  B. have                            C. has                                D. had

17. Jack: “Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer?”

Alex: “___________.”

A. Do you think I would?                                B. I wouldn’t. Thank you.

C. Yes, you’re a good friend.                           D. Yes, I’d love to. Thanks.

18. She spoke quietly to him ______ nobody else could hear a word.

A. because                 B. in case                       C. in order that                D. although

19. Nobody but Tam and Lan _________ interested in Physics.

A. is    B. are  C. have                 D. seem

20. They came and informed us ________ their decision.

A. about         B. with           C. for           D. on



PART 1: I. Listen to 3 customers booking their holidays and complete the  ( 10 pts-2 points for each correct answer)




Number of  people




Customer 1



4 days




By air

Customer 2



2 months



By air

Customer 3



2 weeks




By train or coach

PART 2:  II. Fill in the missing information in the numbered space (10 pts-2 points for each correct answer)

1. the dining room

2. 9.15

3. forest

4. village

5. hat/ sun-hat



III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by writing your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (6 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x 3 = 6 điểm

1. A

2. D

3. B


IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently. (4 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x 2 = 4 điểm

1. D

2. A


V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (50 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x 25 = 50 điểm

1. B

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. C

9. D

10. D

11. C

12. D

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. B

17. D

18. C

19. A

20. A

21. B

22. C

23. B

24. D

25. B

VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your choice (A,B,C or D)  in the space provided below. (10 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x 5 = 10 điểm

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B


VII. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x 5 = 10 điểm

1. specialized/specializes       2. affordable     3. surprisingly    4. education  5. unemployed

VIII. Complete the sentences with the right  form of the verbs  in bracket. (10 pt)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x 5 = 10 điểm

1. is                                 2. was being watched                 3. have been disappearing

4. attending                     5. to ask


IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. (20 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x  10 = 20 điểm

1. C

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. A

X.  Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. (20 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x  10 = 20 điểm

1. part

2. Like

3. used

4. However

5. that / which

6. The

7. spread

8. order

9. in

10. came

XI.  Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.  (10 pts)  Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x  5 = 10 điểm

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A


XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (10 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x  5 = 10 điểm

1. To (the best of) my knowledge, he is still working in Korea.

2. It came as no surprise to us (to hear) that he was/had been successful.

    It came as no surprise to us (to hear) that he (had) succeeded.

3. So heavily did it rain that they cancelled the flight.

4. Neither he nor I am present at the meeting.

5. I could hardly understand what my teacher said.

XIII. Complete each sentence using the word given, so that it has a simmilar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap (10 pts)

Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm x  5 = 10 điểm

1. Jack is crazy about  football and never misses a match.

2. My uncle was a sailor until he was thirty.

3. Do you feel like watching TV?

4. I had a game of tennis against  June

5. Disneyland is popular with young children.

XIV. Write a paragraph of 120-150 words about the benefits of playing sports for children. Use the information to help you (fun and exciting; keep kids strong and healthy; develop teamwork and leadership skills). (20 pts)


Playing sports offers children physical and social benefits. First of all, playing sports is fun and exciting. It gives kids/children something to do and a group to belong to/to take part in. Secondly, being active by playing sports is going to keep kids/children strong, fit and healthy. Growing bodies need lots of daily exercise and the best way to do this is to play sports. In addition, sports help develop teamwork and leadership skills. Kids/ Children quickly learn that they have to work together as a team to win the game. In short, it is obviously that all children should play sports. It helps them make new friends, keep fit and healthy, and learn how to work with others.

3. Đề số 3

I/Circle the letter before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others. (5 points)

1. A. float                      B. broad                     C. goat                       D. coat

2. A. office                     B. promise                 C. service                   D. expertise

3. A. physical                B. mythology                        C. rhythmic               D. psychological

4. A. danger                   B. angel                      C. anger                     D. magic

5. A. black                     B. blade                     C. blab                       D. Play

II/ Choose the best option: (a), (b), (c) or (d).  (24 points)

1. Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he _______ it before.

(a) saw                                   (b) had seen               (c) has seen                (d) was seen

2. A cold wind _______ for the last three days.

(a) has been blowing                        (b) blows                   (c) is blowing                        (d) blew

3. I wish I _______ younger.

(a) had been                           (b) would be              (c) were                      (d) have been

4. She said she _______ to me, but she didn't.

(a) would have written         (b) will have written (c) would write         (d) will write

5. She told him that if he _______ his promise, she _______ speak to him again.

(a) break-would never         (b) break - will never (c) broke - will never (d) broke-would never

6. I'll see you in August when I _______ back.

(a) will come                                     (b) came                     (c) will have come    (d) come

7. We were very pleased _______ the service.

(a) with                                  (b) on                          (c) at                           (d) from

8. He mumbled throughout his speech so I could _______ understand a single word.

(a) really                                (b) fully                      (c) hardly                   (d) hard

9. I have _______ told her not to do that and yet she always does.

(a) admittedly                       (b) repeatedly           (c) wholeheartedly   (d)frankly

10. It was a very long day but we _______ arrived in time for tea.

(a) eventfully                        (b) unusually             (c) dully                     (d) eventually

11. What would you like to eat for lunch? _______ I don't mind.

(a) Nothing                            (b) Something           (c) Everything           (d) Anything

12. I asked if _______ wanted an ice cream.

(a) anyone                             (b) someone              (c) everyone              (d) no one

13. The steamer Mongolia was built _______ iron.

(a) from                                  (b) by                          (c) with                      (d) of

14. Two men were walking up and down the dock at Suez _______ the crowd of natives.

(a) within                               (b) among                  (c) in                           (d) between

15. "You say, consul," Fix asked for the twentieth time, "that this steamer is never _______ schedule?"

(a) behind                              (b) before                   (c) after                      (d) off

16. ____ from Bill, all the students said they would go.

(a) Except                              (b) Only                     (c) Apart                    (d) Separate

17. If only he _______ told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn't have gone so wrong.

(a) had                                    (b) has                        (c) would have          (d) should have

18. You may think that this is a _______ job for someone who is applying for a marketing post.

(a) peculiar                            (b) stranger                (c) usual                     (d) typical

19. Suddenly _______ hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate.

(a) felt                                                (b) having felt           (c) feeling                  (d) feels

20. Everyone thought she would accept the offer. _______, she turned it down.

(a) However                          (b) So                         (c) Too                       (d) Moreover

21. I am sure I could very easily _______ all the requirements

(a) complete                          (b) fulfil                     (c) commit                 (d) finish

22. He says he will pay ; I don’t think he will, _______.

(a) though                              (b) even though         (c) in case                  (d) but

23. Safety should come first. _______ lives shouldn’t be put at risk.

(a) People                              (b) Peoples                (c) People’s               (d) Peoples’

24. Would you be _______ my letters while I am away ?

(a) too good as to forward   (b) as good as forward

(c) so good as to forward     (d) so good as forwarding

III/ Identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English. Supply the right one. (7 points)

1. Today the number  of people which enjoy winter sports is  almost double that of twenty years ago.

                    A                               B                                    C                             D

2. He couldn't find the  dictionary because it was packing  in the case  ready for sending .

                               A                                              B                  C                           D

3. The athlete really surprised  to hear that he had won  the race after all .

      A                         B                                          C                                 D

4. He sounded his horn sudden  when he saw the really  old man step carelessly  off  the sidewalk.

                                          A                                      B                                    C        D

5. Your friends became very  angrily  over a seemingly  little  problem.

                                        A        B                         C           D

6. The coal  is the world's  most abundant fossil  fuel .

         A                  B                                     C       D

7. A traveller can reach  some of the village  along the Amazon only  by riverboat

                               A                             B                                      C              D



1. B                 2. D                 3. D                 4. C                 5. B


1. b      2. a                  3. c                  4. c                  5. d                  6. d                  7. a                  8. c

9. b      10. d               11. d               12. a                13. d               14. b               15. a                16. c

17. a    18. a                19. c                20. a                21. b               22. a                23. c                24. c


1. B » who     2. B » packed            3. B » was really surprised             4. A » suddenly

5. B » angry   6. A » coal                 7. B » the villages


1. conversation        2. researcher       3. housework            4. supporting       5. unpleasant

6. interruption           7. meaningful     8. argumentative      9. listeners            10. impression


1. F                 2. T                 3. T                 4. F                 5. T

6. T                 7. F                 8. F                 9. NI               10. T


1. fat, sugar and salt.

2. tiredness, irritability, poor general health.

3. aerobic exercise and muscle- strengthening exercise

4. running, bicycle riding, swimming

5. weight-lifting

6. carbohydrates

7. vitamins

8. The main idea of the passage is how to lead a healthy life.


1. I asked my mother if / whether she had spoken to the headmaster.

2. That film isn't worth seeing.

3. We wouldn't have been able to buy the car if you hadn’t bought your cheque book.

4. The flight to London was not as expensive as I had thought it would be.

5. You must have been tired after the match.

6. You had better go the dentist's immediately.

7. The flight was cencelled owing to the snow.

8. Maria and Philip are getting married, although they haven’t got/do not have very much money.

9. It‘s 4 years since I last ate Chinese food.

10. I don’t mind anywhere we go.


A: Hello, John. Nice to see you. Did you have a comfortable journey?

B: Yes, thanks. I came up here yesterday on the 10 a.m. (train) from King's Cross.

A: Have you found a good hotel? Where are you staying?

B: At the Queen's in Princess Street. I booked a few days ago so I had no trouble at all.

A: Good. That's one of the best in the city. How long are you staying?

B: For three days. .

A: Do you know Edinburgh at all?

B: No. I haven't been here for many years. I think I'll spend the afternoons looking round Edinburgh.

A: I shan't be very busy this afternoon. If you like, I'll take the afternoon off and show you round.

B: Thanks very much. That'll be very pleasant.

4. Đề số 4


I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences (2 marks).

1. I _______ a letter to my friends

A. posted                   B. isussed                  C. collected               D.published

2. We can’t go camping today. The weather is _______.

A. fine                        B. warm                     C. snowy                    D. sunny.

3. The prupose of the examination was to _______ the students’ knowledge of the subject.

A. try                          B. inspect                   C. prove                     D. test

4. She asked me _______ I like tiked eating chocolates.

A. if                            B. and                         C. that                         D. but

5. He used to walk a long way to work. Now he _______ to work.

A. still walks                         B. no longer walks   C. walks                     D. did not walk

6. This is the place where the car turned _______.

A. on                          B. off                          C. up                           D. over.

7. Tom’s _______ finished his homework.

A. just                        B. frequently             C. often                      D. usually

8. The children _______ to the zoo.

A. were enjoyed to take                   B. enjoyed being taken

C. were enjoyed talking                   D. enjoy taking.

9. Let’s go, _______ we?

A. don’t                      B. shall                       C. will                                    D. do

10. The synonym of the verb “deny” is _______.

A. permit                   B. refuse                    C. allow                     D. admit

II. There are 5 mistakes in the passage below. Write out the mstakes and

correct them (1 mark).

            In 1783, two French brothers built the first balloon to take people into the air. One hundred and twenty years lately, in 1903, the Wright brothers built the first plane with an engine and flew in it. This was in the United States.

Then, in 1918, the US Post Office begun the first airmail service. Aeroplanes changed a much in the next thirty years. Then, in 1950s, aeroplanes became much faster because they had jet engines. In1976,Concorde was build in the UK and France. It is the fastest passenger plane in the world and it can fly at 2500 kilometers an hour, so the journey in London to New York is only four hours. Today millions of people travel on aeroplane, and it is difficult to think of a world without them.


Correct words

Ex: 00. lately












III. Supply correct form of the verbs in brackets (2 marks).  

I had two accidents last month. First, my friend and I were riding on our bicycles and it (1)______________ (rain). We (2) ______________ (ride)fast because we (3) ______________ (want) to get home. I (4)______________ (turn) the corner when suddenly, a cat (5)______________ (run) in front of my bike. I tried (6) ______________ (stop), but I fell and (7) ______________ (break) my arm. Then a few days after that, I (8) ______________ (walk) up the stairs in my apartment when I (9)______________ (hurt) my ankle. Fortunately, I (10) ______________ (not break) it, but it wasn’t a good month.




01. A   02. C 03. D 04. A 05. B   06. D 07. A 08. B   09. B   10. B


01. begun » began    02. much » lot           03. build » built        04. in » from   05. on » by


01 was raining           02. were riding          03. wanted                 04. was turning 

05. ran                        06. to stop                 07. broke                   08. was walking       

09. hurt                       10. didn’t break


01. refusal                  02. communication  03. pollution             04. thoughtless

05. neighborhood     06. action                  07. suggestions         08. decision  

09. politely                10. unfortunately


01. of              02. at                          03. in                         04. with          05. out


Passage 1. (2 điểm)


01. F               02. T              03. F               04. F                          05. T


01. C               02. A 03. D              04. B                           05. C

Passage 2. (2 điểm)

01. C               02. A              03. C               04. B                           05. B  

06. A               07. D              08. C               09. D                          10. C



01. Ba is smaller than Nam (Ba isn’t so/ as big as Nam).

02. Why don’t we go abroad for our holiday this year.

03. Lan is the youngest (person) in the group.

04. He wanted to know how much we thought it would cost.

05. You need not book tickets for the show in advance.

06. Were those books returned to the library.

07. It was painful to listen to the story of their sufferings.

08. It took one hour and a half to fly to Ho Chi Minh City.

09. Because of the boy’s good behaviour, every body loves him.

10. Miss. Lan has been a television presenter for five years.


01. I am glad to receive your letter.

02. I have just got some wonderful news.

03. I have passed the final examination at the university.

04. My father will be very pleased when he hears this.

05. He has already promised to pay for a holiday abroad if I pass.

06. So I will come to England.

07. I’d like to study English in a school near your home.

08. I will look for an advanced course which perhaps lasts for three or four hours a day.

09. Can you help me to find one?

10. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

5. Đề số 5

I.VOCABULARY(30 points)

Part I: Circle the letter (A,B,C or D) next to the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.

1. You look tired. Why don,t you have a ………………………………..?

   A.lie                        B. rest                         C.stay                         D. stop

2. What,s the time now ? It,s ………………………………………twelve o,clock.

   A. at                                    B. near                       C. nearly                    D. most

3. Could you …………………………………a picture of us with my camera ?

   A. take                                B. make                      C. get                          D. do

4. Why don,t people put their rubbish in the litter…………………………………..?

   A. bottles                            B.bins                         C. stops                      D. boxes

5. I don,t need as many as twenty.Just give me…………………………………..

   A. a hundred                      B. thirty                     C. zero                       D. a dozen

6. Who,s going to help me …………………………………the balloons  for the party ?

   A. blow down                    B. blow up                 C. get down               D. get up

7. Charles has been out of ……………………………..for over a year now.

   A. work                               B. job                         C.employ                   D. employed

8. I……………………………..have toast but I wasn,t very hungry this morning.

   A. nearly                            B. normally               C. quite                      D. well

9. Take your overcoat with you ………………………………..it gets cold.

   A. although            B. in case                   C. unless                    D. until

10. We had to ……………………………..the match because of the bad weather.

   A. call back                        B. think over             C. call off                   D. get out

Part 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of words in parentheses.

1. She was the only …………………………………………….left in the town. (INHABIT)

2. Her…………………………………………wants $10.000 for her safe return. (KIDNAP)

3. It was …………………………………………., so they had to drive very slowly. (FOG)

4. I live in the ……………………………………………..part of the country. (SOUTH)

5. We must make a …………………………………………….about where to go. (DECIDE)

6. What kind of …………………………………………….is there in this town ? (ENTERTAIN)

7. Is there any more……………………………..…………….about the accident ? (INFORM)

8. What,s the correct……………………………………….of this word ? (PRONOUNCE)

9. The train made a late………………….……….……………..(DEPART)

10. She gave a ……………………………………………of the new computer. (DEMONSTRATE)

Part 3: Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition.

1. We will have to use the stairs. The lift is……………………………………..of order.

2. Surely Peter can,t do all that work…………………………………his own.

3. Turn right…………………………….the traffic lights and you will see the cinema.

4. This letter is full…………………………..mistakes. Could you do it again, please ?

5. You,re very different ……………………………your brother.

6. Parents are responsible……………………………………educating their children.

7. Could you explaining this rule…………………………………me ?

8. Helen is excited……………………………………winning the prize.

9. I am very busy …………………………………….my lesson and tasks today.

10.Who,s the woman dressed……………………………..green ?


I. VOCABULARY: (30 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key     B         C         A         B         D         B         A         B         B         C

Part 2: (10 pionts)

1. inhabitant

2. kidnapper

3. foggy

4. southern

5. decision



8. pronunciation

9. departure

10. demonstration

Part3: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key     out      on        at         of        from/to           for       to         about/at          with    in

II. GRAMMAR (20 points)

Part 1: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10        11

Key     g (given)        j           h          i           b          k          d          e          c          f           a

Part2: (10 points)

1. have been

2. had

3. have stopped

4. am waiting

5. have changed

6. decided

7. has become / is becoming

8. moved

9. will be staying / am staying / am going to stay

10. will be going / am going

III. READING (25 points)

Part 1: (7 points)

1.False            2. True            3. False           4. True            5. True            6. True            7. False

Part 2: (10 points)

Question        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Key     C         A         D         B         A         B         C         C         B         D

Part 3: (8 points)

1. stay

2. resort

3. and

4. do


6. Since /As / Because

7. reserve / book

8. from

IV. WRITING (25 points)

Part 1: (7 points)

1. Where is the ruler that I left on the desk ? (delete it)

2. The people whose luggage was lost had to wait a long time.

3. Although Mary was ill, she went to school. (delete but)

4. Carol can,t swim today. She has a cold.

5. In the end there was a war between the two countries.

6. As soon as we are ready, w will phone you.

7. That was a very strange question to ask

Part 2: (8 points)

1. Despite his inexperience, he got the job.

2. Unless you are a student, you can,t get special reduced prices

3. This restaurant is the most expensive.

4. Jim was the worst player on the field.

5. If I had gone to bed early, I would have woken up at 5:00.

6. Harry hasn,t got enough money to go on holiday.

7. They invited me to go to the concert with them tonight.

8. I wish I could dance as well as her. / I wish I danced as well as her./ I wish I were a fantastic dancer like her.

Part 3: (10 points)

1. The school year is going to come to an end.

2. I,m looking forward to the summer vacation.

3. On this occasion, I,ll go to your country.

4. I intend to stay in your house for two weeks.

5. I hope your parents will be kind enough to provide me with food and accomodation.

6.In this opportunity, We,ll amuse ourselve heartily.

7. On the first day in the morning, we,ll go for a long walk around the country.

8. And in the evening, we,ll swim in the river.

9. On the following days, we,ll help nyour parents with their farmwork, and…

10. Please give my regards to everybody. I hope


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