Đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2018 môn Tiếng Anh - THPT Hàn Thuyên Bắc Ninh

60 phút 50 câu 784 lượt thi

Câu hỏi trắc nghiệm (50 câu):


  • Câu 1: Mã câu hỏi: 37886

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

    I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry.

    • A. unsuccessful
    • B. hopeful
    • C. successful
    • D. hopeless
  • Câu 2: Mã câu hỏi: 37894

    School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.

    • A. paid
    • B. required
    • C. divided
    • D. depended
  • Câu 3: Mã câu hỏi: 37896

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

    No one has seen Linda since the day of the party.

    • A. The party is going on without Linda.
    • B. No one has seen Linda for ages.
    • C. Linda has not been seen since the day of the party.
    • D. Linda is nowhere to be seen at the party.
  • Câu 4: Mã câu hỏi: 37900

    I should have finished my work last night but I was exhausted.

    • A. I did finished my work last night thought I was exhausted.
    • B. I was exhausted so I didn't finish my work yesterday as planned.
    • C. Last night I was exhausted but I tried to finish my work.
    • D. My work was finished last night but I was exhausted.
  • Câu 5: Mã câu hỏi: 37903

    Never have people been so well informed as they are now, thanks to TV news programs.

    • A. Thanks to TV news programs, people are now too well informed.
    • B. People have been so informative thanks to TV news programs.
    • C. TV news programs are very informative than before and people are better informed.
    • D. People are better informed than they have been, thanks to TV news programs.
  • Câu 6: Mã câu hỏi: 37906

    Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

    There are a number of natural disasters that can strike across the globe. Two that are frequently linked to one another are earthquakes and tsunamis. Both of them can cause a great amount of devastation when they hit. However, tsunamis are the direct result of earthquakes and cannot happen without them.

    The Earth has three main parts. They are the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is the outer layer of the Earth. It is not a single piece of land. Instead, it is comprised of a number of plates. There are a few enormous plates and many smaller ones. These plates essentially rest upon the mantle, which is fluid. As a result, the plates are in constant - yet slow - motion. The plates may move away from or towards other plates. In some cases, they collide violently with the plates adjoining them. The movement of the plates causes tension in the rock. Over a long time, this tension may build up. When it is released, an earthquake happens.

    Tens of thousands of earthquakes happen every year. The vast majority are so small that only scientific instruments can perceive them. Others are powerful enough that people can feel them, yet they cause little harm or damage. More powerful earthquakes, however, can cause buildings, bridges, and other structures to collapse. They may additionally injure and skill thousands of people and might even cause the land to change it appearance.

    Since most of the Earth's surface is water, numerous earthquakes happen beneath the planet's oceans. Underwater earthquakes cause the seafloor to move. This results in the displacement of water in the ocean. When this occurs, a tsunami may form. This is a wave that forms on the surface and moves in all directions from the place where the earthquake happened. A tsunami moves extremely quickly and can travel thousands of kilometres. As it approaches land, the water near the coast gets sucked out to sea. This causes the tsunamis to increase in height. Minutes later, the tsunami arrives. A large tsunami - one more than ten meters in height - can travel far inland. As it does that, it can flood the land, destroy human settlements, and kill large numbers of people.

    Which of the following statements does paragraph 1 support?

    • A. Earthquakes cause more destruction than tsunamis.
    • B. A tsunami happens in tandem with an earthquake.
    • C. The most severe type of natural disaster is an earthquake.
    • D. Earthquakes frequently take place after tsunamis do.
  • Câu 7: Mã câu hỏi: 37908

    The word "it" in bold in paragraph 2 refers to___________.

    • A. the Earth
    • B. the core
    • C. the crust
    • D. the mantle
  • Câu 8: Mã câu hỏi: 37911

    What is the passage mainly about?

    • A. How earthquakes and tsunamis occur.
    • B. What kind of damage natural disasters can cause.
    • C. Why tsunamis are deadlier than earthquakes.
    • D. When earthquakes are the most likely to happen.
  • Câu 9: Mã câu hỏi: 37912

    The word "adjoining" in bold in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to___________.

    • A. bordering
    • B. residing
    • C. approaching
    • D. appearing
  • Câu 10: Mã câu hỏi: 37913

    The word "perceive" in bold in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to___________.

    • A. comprehend
    • B. detect
    • C. prevent
    • D. locate
  • Câu 11: Mã câu hỏi: 37915

    Which of the following is true regarding the crust?

    • A. There many separate pieces that make it up.
    • B. It is the smallest of the Earth's three layers.
    • C. It is thicker on land than it is under the water.
    • D. The mantle beneath it keeps it from moving too much.
  • Câu 12: Mã câu hỏi: 37917

    Based on the passage, what is probably true about tsunamis?

    • A. They kill more people each year than earthquakes.
    • B. They are able to move as fast as the speed of sound.
    • C. They cannot damage ships sailing on the ocean.
    • D.  They can be deadly to people standing near shore.
  • Câu 13: Mã câu hỏi: 37920

    Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 3 about earthquakes?

    • A. How many people they typically kill
    • B. How often powerful ones take place
    • C. What kind of damage they can cause
    • D. How severe the majority of them are
  • Câu 14: Mã câu hỏi: 37923

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions

    • A. mended
    • B. faced
    • C. objected
    • D. waited
  • Câu 15: Mã câu hỏi: 37925

    • A. buses
    • B. charges
    • C. lorries
    • D. bushes
  • Câu 16: Mã câu hỏi: 37926

    Mark the letter A, B ,C ,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

    It was suggested that Pedro studies (A) the material more (B) thoroughly before attempting (C) to pass (D) the exam.

    • A. studies
    • B. more
    • C. attempting
    • D. to pass
  • Câu 17: Mã câu hỏi: 37928

    Excavations in some villages on the east bank (A) of the Euphrates River have revealed (B) an ancient community that had been laying (C) under later (D) reconstructions of the city of Babylon.

    • A. on the east bank
    • B. revealed
    • C. had been laying
    • D. later
  • Câu 18: Mã câu hỏi: 37930

    The puppy stood up slowly (A), wagged its (B) tail, blinking (C) its eyes, and (D) barked.

    • A. slowly
    • B. its
    • C. blinking
    • D. and
  • Câu 19: Mã câu hỏi: 37932

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    – I have gone to the doctor's to have a checkup.

    - You _______ You just had your check-up last week!

    • A. don’t need to go.
    • B. needn't go
    • C. didn’t need to go
    • D. needn’t have gone
  • Câu 20: Mã câu hỏi: 37933

    But for your support, we couldn't _______ this plan.

    • A. have been completed
    • B. be completed
    • C. have completed
    • D. complete
  • Câu 21: Mã câu hỏi: 37934

    ______ here for hours and I feel tired.

    • A. I had been standing
    • B. I have been standing
    • C. I have stood
    • D. I’m standing
  • Câu 22: Mã câu hỏi: 37935

    Many African and Asian nations have set aside land called _____ to protects the habitats of elephants and other wild animals.

    • A. reserves
    • B. wildlife
    • C. species
    • D. forest
  • Câu 23: Mã câu hỏi: 37938

    Despite many recent _____ advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers.

    • A. technologist
    • B. technologically
    • C. technological
    • D. technology
  • Câu 24: Mã câu hỏi: 37940

    I have asked my boss _____ me one day- off to see the doctor.

    • A. to give
    • B. that he give
    • C. giving
    • D. if could he give
  • Câu 25: Mã câu hỏi: 37941

    Due to severe weather condition, we had to wait long hours _____ the airport.

    • A. in
    • B. at
    • C. from
    • D. on
  • Câu 26: Mã câu hỏi: 37943

    ¼ of my income _____ to pay for my university debts.

    • A. has been used
    • B. were used
    • C. has used
    • D. are used
  • Câu 27: Mã câu hỏi: 37944

    The clown was wearing a _____ wig and red nose.

    • A. red funny plastic
    • B. red plastic funny
    • C. funny red nose
    • D. funny plastic red
  • Câu 28: Mã câu hỏi: 37945

    Benald wanted to know _____.

    • A. where I have been those days.
    • B. where I had been those day
    • C. where had I been those days
    • D. where I had been those days
  • Câu 29: Mã câu hỏi: 37946

    Not only _____ the exam but she also got a scholarship.

    • A. has she passed
    • B. she has passed
    • C. she passed
    • D. did she passed
  • Câu 30: Mã câu hỏi: 37948

    _____ long _____ his brother was at the party last night. They were both busy.

    • A. Neither/ nor
    • B. Both/ and
    • C. Either/ or
    • D. Neither/ or
  • Câu 31: Mã câu hỏi: 37949

    Mark the letter A ,B ,C ,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

    Jack is going to London to study next week.

    - Betty: “____________”

    - Jack: “Thanks. I will write to you when I come to London.”

    • A. Better luck next time! 
    • B. Have a go!
    • C. God bless you!
    • D. Have a nice trip!
  • Câu 32: Mã câu hỏi: 37950

    After finishing the duty at the company at 6 p.m.

    - Anna: “Shall we eat out tonight?”

    - Jane: “___________”

    • A. It is very kind of you to invite me.
    • B. You are very welcome.
    • C. That‟s a great idea. 
    • D. That‟s understandable.
  • Câu 33: Mã câu hỏi: 37953

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

    My friend Albert as decided to buy a motorbike. His car was stolen last week.

    • A. My friend Albert, whose car was stolen last week, has decided to buy a motorbike.
    • B. My friend Albert whose car was stolen last week has decided to buy a motorbike.
    • C. My friend Albert has decided to buy a motorbike which car stolen last week.
    • D. My friend Albert has decided to buy a motorbike has his car stolen last week.
  • Câu 34: Mã câu hỏi: 37954

    The children ran to the field to see the dragon, but it was no longer there.

    • A. The dragon went by the time the children ran to the filed.
    • B. The dragon had gone by the time the children ran to the filed.
    • C. The dragon had gone after the children ran to the filed.
    • D. When the children ran to the filed, the dragon went.
  • Câu 35: Mã câu hỏi: 37959

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

    Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus.

    • A. large quantity
    • B. excess
    • C. small quantity
    • D. sufficiency
  • Câu 36: Mã câu hỏi: 37961

    During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.

    • A. holding back
    • B. holding at
    • C. holding by
    • D. holding to
  • Câu 37: Mã câu hỏi: 37962

    Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

    In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world. Since then, there have been a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how sensational The Beatles were at that time. They were four boys from the north of England and none of them had any training in music. They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans and they had some success with these songs. Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own songs. The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970. They stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them – their fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some of their songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out. Throughout the world many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them. 

    The passage is mainly about ___________ .

    • A. Why the Beatles split up after 7 years
    • B. The Beatles’ fame and success
    • C. How the Beatles became more successful than other groups
    • D. Many people’s ability to sing a Beatles song
  • Câu 38: Mã câu hỏi: 37963

    The four boys of the Beatles___________.

    • A. Were at the same age
    • B. Came from a town in the north of England
    • C. Came from the same family
    • D. Received good training in music
  • Câu 39: Mã câu hỏi: 37964

    The word “sensational” is closest in meaning to

    • A. shocking
    • B. bad
    • C. notorious 
    • D. popular
  • Câu 40: Mã câu hỏi: 37965

    The first songs of the Beatles were _____

    • A. paid a lot of money
    • B. broadcast on the radio
    • C. written by themselves
    • D. written by black Americans
  • Câu 41: Mã câu hỏi: 37966

    What is not true about the Beatles?

    • A. They became famous when they wrote their own songs
    • B. They had a long stable career
    • C. The members had no training in music
    • D. They were afraid of being hurt by fans
  • Câu 42: Mã câu hỏi: 37967

    The Beatles stopped their live performances because

    • A. They spent more time writing their own songs
    • B. They did not want to work with each other
    • C. They had earned enough money
    • D. They were afraid of being hurt by fans
  • Câu 43: Mã câu hỏi: 37968

    The tone of the passage is that of________

    • A. neutral
    • B. criticism
    • C. admiration
    • D. sarcasm
  • Câu 44: Mã câu hỏi: 37969

    Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

    Water is necessary for life. People can live only a few days (44) _____ it. Yet nearly 25 million people die each year because of it. Both industrial nations and less-developed countries are worried about the (45) ______ and quantity of water in the world.

    Even though people, animals, agriculture, and industry use a lot of water, there is more than enough on the Earth. Water covers about three-fourths of the Earth's surface. However, 97.4 percent of it is salt water. Three-fourths of the Earth's fresh water is frozen in glaciers and in the great polar ice caps. Most of the water we use (46) _____ from rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. Less than one percent of the Earth's water is usable, and we use it over and over again.

    One of the (47) ______ about water is distribution. Water is not always distributed where the large (48) ______ centers are. Some regions get enough rain, but it is all in one or two short rainy seasons.

    • A. in
    • B. without
    • C. for
    • D. with
  • Câu 45: Mã câu hỏi: 37970

    • A. quality
    • B. condition
    • C. situation
    • D. characteristics 
  • Câu 46: Mã câu hỏi: 37971

    • A. gets
    • B. arrives
    • C. goes
    • D. comes
  • Câu 47: Mã câu hỏi: 37972

    • A. facts
    • B. things
    • C. problems
    • D. cases
  • Câu 48: Mã câu hỏi: 37973

    • A. population
    • B. men
    • C. women
    • D. people
  • Câu 49: Mã câu hỏi: 37974

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

    • A. employer
    • B. reunite
    • C. understand
    • D. recommend 
  • Câu 50: Mã câu hỏi: 37975

    • A. study
    • B. compare
    • C. eastward
    • D. frighten

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