Bộ 5 đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THPT Cẩm Phả

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1. Đề số 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions

Question 1:

A. sale

B. chalk

C. chalk

D. plane

Question 2:

A. toured

B. jumped

C. solved

D. rained

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:

A. financial

B. fortunate

C. marvellous

D. physical

Question 4:

A. prepare

B. survive

C. finish

D. appeal

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 5: The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious food.

            A. enormous    B. terrific         C. strange        D. awful

Question 6: In some Western cultures, people who avoid eye contact in a conversation are regarded as untrustworthy.

            A. embarrassed           B. quiet           C. reliable        D. suspicious

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 7: The dog is starving. It hasn’t got anything to eat for nearly a week.  

            A. quite happy            B. very hungry            C. rather full   D. extremely thirsty

Question 8: Safety regulations have made it obligatory for all employees to wear protective clothing.

            A. popular       B. optional      C. common     D. compulsory

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 9: The man                                             gave me the book is my uncle.  

            A. where         B. when           C. who            D. . which

Question 10: As the clouds drifted away, the pattern of the fields was clearly                                             from a height.  

            A. apparent     B. visible         C. foreseeable D. evident

Question 11: Jack’s father bought him a(n)                                    _ bike as a birthday gift.  

            A. blue Japanese expensive     B. expensive Japanese blue

            C. Japanese expensive blue     D. expensive blue Japanese

Question 12: The harder he studies,                                     .  

            A. the better results he gets    B. his results get better

            C. the better do his results get            D. the best results he gets

Question 13: We                                      full advantage of the fine weather and had a day out.

            A. took            B. created        C. did  D. made

Question 14: My best friend, Lan,                                      to England 10 years ago.  

            A. was moving            B. moves         C. moved        D. has moved

Question 15: The mobile phone is an effective means of                                       in the world nowadays.

            A. communicated        B. communication       C. communicate          D. communicative

Question 16: The teacher gave some                                       on how to prepare for the test.  

            A. consequences         B. effects        C. suggestions D. ways

Question 17: The audience showed their                                      by giving the world-famous orchestra a big round of applause.  

            A. intention     B. admiration  C. consideration          D. sympathy

Question 18: If  he were better qualified, he                                      get the job.  

            A. will B. can  C. may            D. could

Question 19: First our team should identify                                   _ specific need in the community and then carry out a project to address that need.

            A. an   B. Ø    C. a     D. the

Question 20: Peter is not a modest boy since he often shows                                     his prizes.

            A. around        B. up   C. off  D. through

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 21: Jolie and Tom are meeting at the supermarket. Jolie: "Hi, Tom. How are you doing?" Tom: "               . How about you?"  

            A. I'm waiting for my sister    B. I'm shopping for food

            C. I'm doing nothing              D. I'm doing well

Question 22: Maria and Alex are talking about the environment. Maria: "Our environment is getting more and more polluted. Do you think so?" Alex: "      . It's really worrying."

            A. I'll think about that            B. I don't agree           C. I don't think so       D. I can't agree more

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 23: Henry tasted the pleasures of modern city life. Then he found life in his village hard and unattractive.

            A. Having tasted the pleasures of modern city life, Henry found life in his village hard and unattractive.

            B. After Henry found life in his village hard and unattractive, he tasted the pleasures of modern city life.

            C. If Henry had tasted the pleasures of modern city life, he would have found life in his village hard and unattractive.

            D. Although Henry tasted the pleasures of modern city life, he found life in his village hard and unattractive.

Question 24: Books help broaden the mind. Books also provide a good source of entertainment.

            A. Books help broaden the mind, but they provide a good source of entertainment.

            B. Books help broaden the mind, and they provide a good source of entertainment.

            C. Books help broaden the mind, for they provide a good source of entertainment.

            D. Books help broaden the mind, or they provide a good source of entertainment.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 25: Without my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.

            A. Had my tutor not helped me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.

            B. If my tutor didn’t help me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.

            C. If it hadn’t been for my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.

            D. If my tutor hadn’t helped me, I could have made such a good speech

Question 26: This is my first visit to Paris.  

            A. I have never visited Paris before.   B. I am used to visiting Paris.

            C. I used to visit Paris.                       D. I have visited Paris many times before.

Question 27: "You got an A in Chemistry. Congratulations!" Peter said to his classmate.

            A. Peter encouraged his classmate to get an A in Chemistry.

            B. Peter persuaded his classmate to get an A in Chemistry.

            C. Peter insisted on getting an A in Chemistry for his classmate.

            D. Peter congratulated his classmate on getting an A in Chemistry.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 28: Each student have to write a paragraph about the benefits of learning English.

            A. have            B. paragraph    C. benefits      D. learning

Question 29: His parents don’t allow him staying out late on weekdays.

            A. His parents B. staying out  C. late D. on weekdays.

Question 30: Some of the tunnels in the cliff are totally natural; some others were carved out by soldiers for defensible purposes.

            A. of    B. totally         C. some others            D. defensible

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

When you first arrive in a foreign culture, often your first reaction is completely positive. Everything seems exciting, different and fascinating. It’s an (31)                                           . If you are just on a short holiday, you will probably never leave this phase.

(32)                     , if you stay longer, your attitude can start to change. As you start to realize  (33)               little you really understand the new culture, life can get frustrating. People misunderstand what you are trying to say, or they may laugh at you when you say something incorrectly. Even simple things, like posting a letter, can seem very difficult to you. Thus, you are likely to get angry or upset when things go wrong.

With time, though, you start to (34)                       to become more comfortable with the differences and better able to handle frustrating situations. Your (35)              of humor reappears. Finally, you may feel enthusiastic about the culture once again, enjoy living in it, and even prefer certain aspects of the culture to your own.

(Adapted from Navigate – Coursebook, OUP 2015)

Question 31:

A. adventure

B. adventurous

C. adventurer

D. adventurously

Question 32:

A. Therefore

B. Or

C. However

D. Nor

Question 33:

A. whether

B. how

C. if

D. what

Question 34:

A. replace

B. maintain

C. adjust

D. keep

Question 35:

A. taste

B. sense

C. touch

D. sound

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Marriage nowadays is a choice people make on their own, but this has not always been the case in society. Thousands of years ago, the average lifespan was shorter than it is today. A man usually lived until he was about 40 years old, while women died even sooner because of childbirth. There were many wars and illnesses, and people had to protect themselves by having more children while they were still young. The parents lived through their children.

Marriage was not so much a romantic love story but a business transaction, or deal. Most marriages were arranged between parents while their children were still very young. It was the custom that the fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to marry. The mothers had little say in it since they rarely made any decisions outside the household. The fathers would meet to arrange the wedding date and the money given for the bride on her wedding date. The more money and land a girl had, the more chances she had to marry well. Therefore, it was important that her father choose the bridegroom very well. Usually, it was someone who came from a good family or who was rich too. It was very unlikely that people married outside their social class. A few well-off and rich merchants got to marry poorer noblewomen and became King’s business advisors. In a way, poor peasants had an easier choice as it was less important whom they married.

The practice of arranged marriage is still common in some countries in the Middle East, such as India or Pakistan. Here, social classes are still strongly divided and very well-kept. Often, however, arranged marriages are a sign that people do not want to let go of the past, which gives them comfort and security in an ever-changing world.

(Adapted from Longman Essence Reading, Vol. 2)

Question 36: What does the passage mainly discuss?

            A. Marriage as a business transaction today.  B. Mothers' roles in their children's marriage.

            C. Marriage practices in modern society.       D. The practice of arranged marriage.

Question 37: The word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to                                      .  

            A. marriage     B. a choice      C. society        D. the average lifespan

Question 38: According to paragraph 1, women died even sooner than men because of                                      .

            A. wars            B. illnesses      C. childbirth    D. marriage

Question 39: According to paragraph 2, richer girls were more likely to                                       .  

            A. become noblewomen         B. marry well

            C. succeed in business                        D. marry peasants

Question 40: The author mentions all of the following in the passage EXCEPT                                      .

            A. People tended to marry outside their social class

            B. Men made almost all decisions inside the family

            C. Marriage used to be a deal between two families

            D. The wedding date was decided by the fathers

Question 41: The word "bridegroom" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to                                       .  

            A. bridesmaid B. bride           C. daughter-in-law      D. son-in-law

Question 42: The phrase "let go of" in paragraph 3 mostly means                                       .  

            A. give up       B. turn off       C. save up       D. give in

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

A ghostly animal creeps silently through a Florida swamp. It’s a rare type of big cat known as a Florida panther, one of only 80 to 100 such panthers left in the world. Scientists must work to save these remaining panthers from extinction, but their secretive nature is making it difficult. They are attaching a special transmitter to each Florida panther so they can follow their movements, range, and habits. The technology these transmitters use is called satellite tracking.

The scientists are dedicated professionals, but they are not pioneers. Their colleagues before them have attached tiny transmitters to many different kinds of wild animals, including birds, fish, and big cats. So the Florida scientists are using their methods. Firstly, they must trap and tranquillize the panther. Then, the transmitter is attached to a harness and strapped to the panther’s body. Each harness is custom designed and manually adjusted for panthers so it fits comfortably. Scientists don’t want the transmitter to interfere with the panther’s natural habits. The point of tracking them is to find out as much as they can about their natural habits.

Once the tracking transmitter is in place, the information it records is sent to an orbiting satellite. The satellite can see the transmitter that is attached to the panther, even when it is out of sight of a biologist on the ground. The satellite collects information from the transmitter about the

panther’s exact location. Once the information is received, it is transmitted back to Earth so it can be recorded by the scientists.

Scientists can use the information in many different ways. They can follow the panthers on the ground and observe their behavior. Alternatively, they can use the information to determine the panthers’ ranges and to understand their social patterns. They can also track how environmental changes like weather conditions affect their movements and health. All this information can be used to provide ideal conditions for the endangered panthers. It can also be used to protect the panthers from danger.

In the end, the panther silently slips away through the trees. Around its shoulders a transmitter is sending signals via satellite to a dedicated biologist. The biologist is using the information the transmitter provides to save the Florida panthers from extinction. With the help of satellite tracking these beautiful cats have a better chance of survival in the modern world.

(Adapted from http://www.thereadingplanet.com)

Question 43: What is the passage mainly about?

            A. Scientists dedicated to saving Florida panthers.

            B. Different methods of tracking Florida panthers.

            C. The use of a tracking device to protect Florida panthers.

            D. Florida panthers' secretive nature and habits.

Question 44: According to the passage, what information does the satellite collect from the transmitter?

            A. The chance of panthers’ survival.  B. The panther’s exact location

            C. The biologists on the ground.        D. The total number of panthers.

Question 45: Florida panthers are characterized as the animals that                                     .  

            A. tend to remain hidden from people           B. are abundant in number

            C. live with the spirit of ghosts          D. can be easily followed

Question 46: According to the passage, which of the following about the tracking transmitter is NOT true?

            A. Scientists use the information the transmitter provides to save the panther.

            B. The transmitter helps scientists learn about the panther’s habits.

            C. The transmitter is fastened to the panther’s body for tracking purposes.

            D. The Florida panther is the first animal to be attached with the transmitter.

Question 47: The phrase "tranquillize the panther" in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by              .  

            A. feed the panther properly   B. make the panther calm

            C. put the panther in a cage    D. handle the panther carefully

Question 48: The phrase "custom designed" in paragraph 2 probably means                                       .  

            A. specially made for panthers           B. functioned according to a custom

            C. skilfully created by hands  D. created by famous designers

Question 49: The word "their" in paragraph 4 refers to                                      .  

            A. the panthers’ ranges           B. the transmitters       C. the panthers            D. the scientists

Question 50: Which of the following could best describe the author’s attitude in the passage?

            A. Objective    B. Negative     C. Sarcastic     D. Sympathetic




















































2. Đề số 2

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions

Question 1:

A. resistance

B. essential

C. instant

D. informant

Question 2:

A. mineral

B. miniature 

C. minor 

D. minimum

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges

Question 3: Lucy is going to do some shopping. Ann offers to help her. Ann: “ Would you like me to get you a taxi?” Lucy: “ ___________________”

            A. That would be delightful. Thanks. B. Well, let’s see.

            C. Yes, I see.              D. Yes, please if it’s no bother.

Question 4: Jeanne and Mike are talking about Bonnie. Jeanne: “_______ .”

Mike: “ Really? What did he say?”

            A. Can you call Bonnie tomorrow?

            B. I ran into Bonnie on the way to work.

            C. Is Bonnie the one who won the lottery? 

            D. Bonnie just went to California for a holiday.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: Sometimes it takes me about three hours finishing my round.

            A. Sometimes  B. me   C. hours          D. finishing 

Question 6: The economy of Maine is based to a great extent in its forest, which over 80 percent of its surface area.

            A. economy of            B. to a             C. in its           D. percent of 

Question 7: Little have people done to alleviate the sea pollution caused by the  facories in central Vietnam, haven’t they?

            A. have people done   B. caused        C. in central    D. haven’t they

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

Shyness may not seem to be a serious complaint, but for some who suffer from it, it can become unbearable. Even talking to a small group of people you know can seem like an ordeal- it can feel as if you’ve been asked to give a speech on a topic you know very little about to a number of experts. You start to feel hot and shaky, your heart beats faster, your knees feel weak, you begin to stutter and the whole experience seems to last forever.

The fact of the matter is that shyness is something we often recognize in others: “blushing” is one of the more visible signs, for example. Yet we don’t judge someone harshly because of this. But shyness does mean that you are harder to approach, so you become more (14) isolated. As one shy person put it, “It’s like being in a prison, and it’s very hard to break out.”

Experts on the subject have come up with various possible solutions, and one has been singled out as being the key to success- namely, finding an interest in common with the other people. Spending a lot of time on the sidelines watching other people and envying them because they are much more outgoing doesn’t help; remembering that some of those people you most envy are probably shy themselves, does. The secret is how you deal with it. And experts have come up with four things you can do today to help. Firstly, you can start by listening to other people. You will find yourself getting interested in what they’re talking about and asking questions- and before you know it, you’ll be having a conversation.

Secondly, you could try asking neighbors if you can walk their dog. Like children, pets can be excellent icebreakers for conversations with passers-by. Thirdly, try joining a class to learn something like tap-dancing or flamenco, where people are likely to laugh a lot. You’ll feel relaxed, and also you’ll be much too busy concentrating on what you are doing to feel shy. Lastly, try telling yourself that it doesn’t matter if you say or do something silly. Most people make a fool of themselves every so often- and it’s not the end of the world if you do!

Question 8: One of the symptoms of shyness in a stressful situation is____

            A. pain in the knees                B. an increased heart rate

            C. sweating a lot                     D. excessive talkativeness

Question 9: Why do shy people become more reserved?

            A. Other people lack the patience to talk to them.

            B. They dread being judged by others

            C. Their social unease makes them more difficult to talk to.

            D. They see that others are shy too.

Question 10: The word “blushing” in paragraph 2 is closet meaning to _______

            A. smiling        B. going red    C. going green            D. sweating

Question 11: What do experts believe is the essential measure to be taken?

            A. Discovering shared interests with others.

            B. Comparing yourself to other people.

            C. Studying others’ behavior in social situations.

            D. Finding out what makes other people shy.

Question 12: How can listening to others prove helpful in combating shyness?

            A. It’s the first step to getting into conversation.

            B. People will see you care about their interest.

            C. You develop useful psychological skills.

            D. It’s a visible sign of becoming less shy.

Question 13: It’s suggested in the text that a shy person should_____

            A. take up social hobby          B. learn to laugh more

            C. learn to relax                      D. help other people in the community

Question 14: Shy people should realize that everybody_________

            A. says stupid things sometimes         B. makes jokes sometimes

            C. is self-conscious                 D. is foolish

Question 15: The major aim of the author of the text is to________

            A. offer useful hints on how shy people can help themselves.

            B. present recent findings about the nature of shyness.

            C. give important advice on how to deal with shy people.

            D. raise the reader’s interest in shyness as a social problem.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each of pair of sentences in the following questions

Question 16: The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages. He did not want them to leave.

            A. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages in order not to want them to leave.

            B. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages though he wanted them to leave.

            C. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages so that he did not want them to leave.

            D. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages because he did not want them to leave.

Question 17: Tuition fees were increased. There were many objections from students and parents.

            A. There were many objections from students and parents, so tuition fees were increased.

            B. Tuition fees were increased because there were many objections from students and parents.

            C. Tuition fees were increased despite the fact that there were many objections from students and parents.

            D. There were many objections from students and parents while so tuition fees were increased. 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 18: We had better leave him a note because it is possible they will arrive late.

            A. We had better leave him a note in case they may arrive late.

            B. We had better leave him a note in case they will arrive late.

            C. We had better leave him a note in case they are likely to arrive late.

            D. We had better leave him a note in case they arrive late.

Question 19: “ It would be a good idea that we should try to get local support for new motorway”, said Joe.

            A. Joe suggested that they try to get local support for new motorway.

            B. Joe claimed we should try to get local support for new motorway.

            C. Joe suggested that they try getting local support for new motorway.

            D. Joe wanted to know why they shouldn’t try getting local support for new motorway.

Question 20: The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recent months.

            A. There has been a steady decline of the rate of inflation during recent months.

            B. There is a steady decline of the rate of inflation during recent months.

            C. There is a steady decline of the rate in inflation during recent months.

            D. There has been a steady decline in the rate of inflation during recent months.

Read the following pasage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blnaks.

A book has just been published to help parents to deal with their children's naughty behavior at home. The author, Dr James Bruno, says that the first positive discipline technique is for parents to remain (21)_____ because nervous parents don't get good results. Parents who often (22)____ their temper find that their children stop taking any notice of them. When parents yell at their children to make them (23)____ an order, children often act as if they did not hear them,The second challenge is to know how to correct bad behavior in an effective way. (24)_____ children by preventing them from watching their favorite TV program is not an ideal solution. Nor is telling them off when their friends are present. Dr Bruno believes parents should (25)____ clear rules for children to follow. If children refuse to follow these, they know they will be disciplined

Question 21:

A. quite

B. calm 

C. still 

D. silent

Question 22:

A. break

B. leave 

C. forget 

D. lose

Question 23:

A. hear

B. comply

C. obey

D. accept

Question 24:

A. Hurting

B. Harming 

C. Punishing

D. Damaging

Question 25:

A. install

B. design 

C. draw 

D. establish




















































3. Đề số 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1:

A. allow 

B. tomorrow  

C. slowly  

D. below

Question 2:

A. included       

B. wanted

C. noticed

D. decided

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:

A. society

B. elaborate

C. incredible

D. dedicate

Question 4:

A. require

B. digest 

C. reserve

D. swallow

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: Unlike the old one, this new copier can perform their functions in half the time

            A. Unlike        B. can perform            C. their functions        D. in half the time

Question 6: Science, with its invention and discoveries have revolutionized man’s life.

            A. Science, with          B. have            C. revolutionized        D. man’s life.

Question 7: Building thousands of years ago, the ancient palace is popular with modern tourists.

            A. Building     B. ago  C. the ancient  D. popular with

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions.

Question 8: Population explosion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to ______ the demand for food.

            A. make           B. need            C. have            D. meet 

Question 9: ______ in this national park declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in 10 years.

            A. That the number of tigers   B. The number of tigers

            C. For a number of tigers        D. A number of tigers

Question 10: This is the third time James ______ the volunteer program to the village.

            A. has joined   B. has been joining      C. joined         D. joins

Question 11: George won five medals at the competition. His parents ______ very proud of him.

            A. shouldn’t have been           B. must have been       C. could have been     D. mightn’t have been

Question 12: ______, he would have been able to pass the exam.

            A. If he studied more             B. Studying more

            C. If he were studying more   D. Had he studied more

Question 13: My parents will have celebrated 30 years of ______ by next week.

            A. marry          B. married       C. marriageable           D. marriage 

Question 14: Poor management drove my father’s company to______ of collapse.

            A. the foot      B. the rim        C. the brink     D. the ring

Question 15: The weather is ______ nice that the children want to stay outside all day.

            A. very            B. too  C. so    D. enough 

Question 16: The singer was ______ on the piano by her sister.

            A. discarded   B. accompanied          C. performed  D. played

Question 17: I am sorry I have no time at present to______ detail of our plan.

            A. bring in       B. take into     C. go into        D. come in

Question 18: He did not share his secrets with other people, but he ______ in her.

            A. confessed   B. concealed   C. confided     D. consented 

Question 19: We bought some______ glasses.

            A. German lovely old B. old lovely German  C. lovely old German D. German old lovely

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 20: - Long: “Do you fancy going to the movie this evening?” - Hoa: “______”

            A. Not so bad. And you?       B. I'm sorry. I don't know that.

            C. Not at all. Go ahead!         D. That would be nice!

Question 21: - Peter: “Why don’t you have some chicken soup first?” - John: “______”

            A. Of course not.                    B. It’s so cold.           

            C. Not for me, thank you.      D. I am full.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 22: The air is naturally contaminated by foreign matter such as plant pollens and dust.

            A. filled           B. concentrated           C. polluted      D. occupied

Question 23: Shake a leg or you will miss the train.

            A. Hurry up     B. Slow down C. Watch out  D. Put down

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 24: People sometimes choose partners who compensate for their own shortcomings.

            A. strengths     B. disadvantages         C. weaknesses D. benefits

Question 25: You should pat yourself on the back for having achieved such a high score in the graduation exam.

            A. praise yourself        B. criticize yourself     C. check up your back            D. wear a backpack




















































4. Đề số 4

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1:

A. Empty

B. Deny

C. Sleepy

D. Hurry

Question 2:

A. Scholar

B. Character

C. Charity

D. Chemist

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:

A. History

B. Musician

C. Computer

D. Conclusion

Question 4:

A. Career

B. Agree

C. Coffee

D. Fourteen

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: Some underground water is enough safe to drink, but all surface water must be treated.

            A. some           B. enough safe            C. but  D. treated

Question 6: Stars in our universe vary in temperature, color, bright, size, and mass.

            A. stars            B. vary            C. bright          D. mass

Question 7: Neither Russia nor the United States have been able to discover a mutually satisfactory plan for gradual disarmament.

            A. nor  B. have been able        C. a mutually  D. satisfactory plan

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 8: Parsley is cultivated throughout much of the world.

            A. seen            B. cooked        C. grown         D. bought

Question 9: While some bacteria are beneficial, others are harmful in that they cause disease.

            A. detrimental B. curative       C. demanding D. dominant

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 10: He was killed in a tragic accident at the age of 24.

            A. boring         B. comic          C. unhappy     D. mysterious

Question 11: He decided to make Hanoi his permanent home.

            A. intermittent            B. solitary        C. frivolous     D. temporary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 12: The planet Mercury _________round the Sun every eighty-eight days.

            A. has travelled           B. is travelling C. travelled     D. travels

Question 13: There is _________horror movie on _________TV tonight.

            A. a/the           B. the/0           C. a/0  D. 0/0

Question 14: _______you start, _________you will finish.

            A. The soon/the more quickly B. The sooner/the quicker

            C. The sooner/the quickly       D. The sooner/the more quickly

Question 15: We arrived __________Ho Chi Minh City _______9 p.m. ________a hot summer day.

            A. in/at/on       B. at/in/in        C. at/in/in        D. on/of/on

Question 16: There is too ________bad news on TV tonight.

            A. many          B. much           C. a few          D. a little

Question 17: You should seriously consider ________a dancer. You are such a great performer

            A. becoming    B. to become   C. become       D. will become

Question 18: The doctor recommended that the patient ________as soon as possible.

            A. is operated  B. operated     C. would be operated D. be operated

Question 19: Not until now __________ popularly recognized that man is destroying the environment.

            A. has it become         B. does it become       C. it has become         D. it becomes

Question 20: If I were you, I would take more ________in my work.

            A. confidence B. pride           C. dedication  D. solution

Question 21: Her mother told her not to be too ________and advised her to try to do things herself.

            A. independent           B. dependence            C. depending  D. dependent

Question 22: Jack has two elder brothers, __________are famous actors.

            A. both of which         B. both of who            C. both of whom        D. both of them

Question 23: Susan was alone in the house when the fire __________.

            A. broke out    B. broke down            C. broke up     D. broke away.




















































5. Đề số 5

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1:     A. finished      B. developed   C. defeated     D. looked

Question 2:     A. hesitate       B. reserve        C. physics       D. basic

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:     A. bamboo      B. forget          C. deserve       D. channel

Question 4:     A. endanger    B. furniture     C. determine   D. departure

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: The number of students attending English courses at our university are increasing.

                       A.                              B.                                          C.                                    D.

Question 6: Scuba diving is usually carried out in the ocean in that people can explore the

                                           A.                         B.                           C.                                     D.

 underwater world.

Question 7: To be successful in an interview, you should control the feeling of pressure and

                                      A.                                                        B.

making a good impression on the interviewer.

    C.                                    D.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 8: For the last 20 years, we______ significant changes in the world of science and technology.

            A. witness       B. have witnessed       C. witnessed   D. are witnessing

Question 9: Housewives find it easier to do domestic chores thanks to_____ invention of labour-saving devices.

            A. the  B. a      C. an   D. some

Question 10: Air pollution is getting _______ serious in big cities in the world.

            A. more and more                   B. the more and the more

            C. the most and the most        D. most and most

Question 11: Ms Brown asked me __________ in my class.

            A. there were how many students      B. how many students there were

            C. were there how many students      D. how many students were there

Question 12: Her fiancé is said________from Harvard University five years ago.

            A. having graduated   B. to have graduated  C. being graduated     D. to be graduated

Question 13: Many rare and precious species are now _______the verge of extinction.

            A. in    B. from            C. on   D. by

Question 14: They are always_______ of what their children do.

            A. support       B. supporting  C. supportive  D. supportively

Question 15: Women in some parts of the world are still struggling for_______ job opportunities to men.

            A. equal           B. various        C. suitable       D. legal

Question 16: The manager_______ his temper with the employees and shouted at them.

            A. had B. lost  C. took            D. kept

Question 17: All nations should_______ hands to work out a plan to solve the problem of global warming.

            A. join B. hold0          C. shake          D. lend

Question 18: Garvin is_______ a new computer application to see whether it works.

            A. ooking after            B. putting on   C. trying out   D. turning up

Question 19: Terry is a very imaginative boy. He always comes_______ interesting ideas.

            A. out of         B. down on     C. up with       D. in for





















































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