Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Mỹ Cát

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Hoc247 xin giới thiệu đến các em tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Mỹ Cát nhằm giúp các em luyện tập và chuẩn bị cho kì thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 sắp tới. Hi vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích trong quá trình học tập của các em. Mời các em cùng tham khảo nhé!




1. Đề số 1


Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three in the following question

1. A. that                     B. mother        C. this              D. think

2. A. physics               B. hesitate       C. basic           D. reserve

3. A. finished              B. developed   C. defeated     D. looked

4. A. tough                  B. rough          C. through       D. enough

5. A. exhibition           B. holiday       C. childhood   D. hilarious

6. A. laughed               B. watched      C. lived            D. cooked

7. A. Christmas           B. switch         C. character     D. chemical

8. A. honest                 B. exhaust       C. heir             D. height

9. A. handcraft                        B. handkerchief           C. handbag      D. handbook

10. A. called                B. prepared      C. expressed    D. raised


I. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

1. I’m really sorry. We _____ stop at a service station and phone you, but we didn’t want to waste any more time.

A. were due to            B. were going to                     C. were to                   D. were about to

2. It is not until December 25th _________the exam results will be announced.

A. which                     B. what                                   C. that                                     D. when

3. I saw a ___________ scarf in a shop near my house.

A. sweet little green silk                                             B. little green silk sweet

C. sweet green little silk                                              D. green little sweet silk

4. There has been a recommendation that Peter ______ the president of the country.

A. will be elected        B. be elected                           C. is elected                D. was elected

5. He kept his marriage for years, but eventually the truth ________.

A. came out                 B. went out                             C. came through          D. fell out

6. It was in this house ______.

A. I was born in          B. in which I was born            C. where I was born    D. that I was born

7. ______of half- starving wolves were roaming the snow- covered countryside.

A. Herds                     B. Flocks                                 C. Packs                      D. Swarms

8. When ______ to explain his mistake, the new employee cleared his throat nervously.

A. asking                     B. to be asked                         C. to be asking            D. being asked

9. ______, he felt so unhappy and lonely.

A. In spite of his being wealth                                    B. Rich as was he

C. Rich as he was                                                        D. Despite his wealthy

10. According to the _______of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intend to leave.

A. laws                        B. rules                                    C. terms                       D. details

11. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation’s_______.

A. inheritance              B. heritage                   C. possessions D. legacy

12. A part-time job gives me the freedom to_______ my own interests.                  

A pursue                      B. chase                       C. seek                                    D. catch

13. When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for_______15 minutes.

A. other                       B. others                      C. another                   D. the others

14. ____ I’ve told him not to go out with those people, but he wouldn’t listen. Just let him face the music now.

A. Many a time           B. Many the time        C. Quite a time            D. For a time

15. _______ in this national park declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in ten years.

A. For a number of tigers                                B. The number of tigers

C. A number of tigers                                                 D. That the number of tigers

16. _______ every industry in our modern world requires the work of engineers.

A. Wholly                   B. Hardly                    C. Most                       D. Virtually

17. Jane had a problem with her finances, so we talked _______ and now it's fine.

A. over                        B. it over                     C. over it                     D. over and over

18. When the electricity failed, he _______a match to find the candles.

A. rubbed                    B. scratched                C. struck                      D. started

19. I usually buy my clothes _______. It’s cheaper than going to the dressmaker.

A. on the house           B. off the peg              C. in public                  D. on the shelf

20. She tried to _______.

A. talk out of me the plan                               B. talk me the plan out of

C. talk me out of the plan                               D. talk out me of the plan.

II. In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either incorrect grammatically, or does not fit the sense of the text. Write the unnecessary word in the space beside the text. Tick (√) each correct line. There are two examples at the beginning. Transfer your answers to your answer sheet.

Talent scouts are looking for the next generation of supermodels have realized Africa’s potential. Lyndsey Mclntyre, a former model herself, recently opened one agency’s first African office. “African women are being graceful and serene” she says. “These qualities could to make them do very well in this business.” However, spotting supermodels is rarely easy, as well Mclntyre discovered when she visited the Orma tribe of remote north- eastern Kenya, whose women are reported to be especially striking. “The tribal leaders were a bit suspicious and I wasn’t allowed to be meet many of their girls,” she explains. Another problem is that the reports aren’t always reliable. Mclntyre discovered this when one of village’s “most beautiful girls” turned out to be its heaviest ones. She had to explain that Western advertisers prefer far slimmer women. The Orma are not alone in believing fat it is beautiful. In a recent Africa-wide beauty contest, all the Uganda contestants were disqualified for being a little too large around the hips. “I don’t understand the fashion industry’s obsession with small hips,” said one judge for the contest. “But because we want the girls to succeed and to see African models working internationally, we give the industry what it wants”

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III. Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

            UK companies have received criticism from a business forum for what their report refers to as a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress code for office workers. This follows a case in which a male (1. EMPLOY) __________working in the post room of a large (2. ORGANISE) __________in the United Kingdom received a (3. SUSPEND) __________ for wearing jeans to work. Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for people dealing with (4. CUSTOM) __________to look well dressed, it questions whether employees who work behind the scenes necessarily need to dress formally. The authors of the report made a (5. COMPARE)  ___________ between the UK and other European nations where employers seem (6. CONCERN)___________about the need for their workers to wear smart clothes in the office. Their (7. ARGUE) ___________is based on research that claims workers are far more (8. PRODUCT) _________ when they have the (9. FREE) _________to dress in a way that they feel most (10. COMFORT) _______in.

IV. Complete the following sentences with one preposition/particle for each blank. Write your answers on your answer sheet.      

1. Kate fell _______ with her boyfriend and they stopped seeing each other. 

2. I’ve taken this watch _______ pieces, and now I can’t put it together again. 

3. I’m sure my brother will never get married because he hates the feeling of being tied _____.  

4. Deborah is going to take extra lessons to catch up______ what she missed why she was away. 

5. I don’t think anyone understood what I was saying at the meeting. I failed to get my point _______.


I. Read the following passage and choose the options among A, B, C or D that best complete the blanks. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

            Stressful situations that (1)________ almost everyday in life seem to be unavoidable. However, we can do little sometimes to avoid a misfortune or an unpleasant occurrence which may (2)________ us unexpectedly as only it can. At such a moment, one may hit the (3)_______,  give in to the helplessness of the situation or, ideally, put a brave face on it trying to (4)_________ the burden.

            Can you (5)_________ in your mind an hour spent in a traffic jam, say, this morning? Do you light one cigarette after another? Do you sound the horn every few seconds like the other neurotics? Or do you take a different (6)________ and make good use of the time drawing up a schedule for the days to come? To withstand the stressful moment you can also do a crossword puzzle, listen to your favorite music or even compose a menu for your Sunday dinner.

            In fact, whatever way you (7)________ to the annoying situation, you can exert no impact on it as the traffic jam will only reduce in due (8)_________. Nevertheless, your reaction might considerably influence your mood for the rest of the day. The inability to confront a stressful occurrence like that with a deal of composure and sensibility adds much more strain to your life and in this way puts your well – being in (9)_________. Surprisingly, it is seemingly negligible hardships we stumble on daily that run double the risk of developing serious health disorders rather than our isolated tragedies however painful they may be. (10)_______that so many of those wretched stresses and inducing troubles affect us in a day, we should, at best, try to avoid them or possibly make radical alterations in the way we lead our daily lifestyles.

1. A. devise                             B. create                      C. originate                             D. emerge

2. A. arise                                B. happen                    C. befall                                  D. occur

3. A. post                                B. roof                         C. bottom                                D. wall

4. A. subsist                            B. remain                     C. cow                                     D. bear

5. A. envision                          B. observe                   C. picture                                D. image

6. A. manner                           B. stance                     C. practice                               D. mode

7. A. strike                              B. deal                         C. respond                               D. challenge

8. A. term                                B. course                     C. timing                                 D. period

9. A. risk                                 B. weakness                C. insecurity                            D. jeopardy

10. A. Providing                     B. Given                      C. Hence                                 D. As much

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

            Students frequently complain (1)___________ studying for hours on (2)________ and then not doing well in their final exams. Many factors can (3) _________ in poor performances: (4) _________illness or a personal problem. Getting high grades can also put a terrible strain on students (5) _________ don’t want to let their parents down.

            Can students’ knowledge be judged by a (6) _________exam? Certainly not! If we want to be fair, students ought to be (7) _________on a regular basic. So does that mean more exams? Yes, but (8) _________many written ones. In many countries, student do not have to take written exams (9) _________ they don’t want to, they are (10) _________to take oral ones instead. This seems to be fairer way of assessing understanding, not just testing it.

III. Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question that follows. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Quite different from storm surges are the giant sea waves called tsunamis, which derive their name from the Japanese expression for “high water in a harbor.” These waves are also referred to by the general public as tidal waves, although they have relatively little to do with tides. Scientists often referred to them as seismic sea waves, far more appropriate in that they do result from undersea seismic activity.

Tsunamis are caused when the sea bottom suddenly moves, during an underwater earthquake or volcano for example, and the water above the moving earth is suddenly displaced. This sudden shift of water sets off a series of waves. These waves can travel great distances at speeds close to 700 kilometers per hour. In the open ocean, tsunamis have little noticeable amplitude, often no more than one or two meters. It is when they hit the shallow waters near the coast that they increase in height, possibly up to 40 meters.

Tsunamis often occur in the Pacific because the Pacific is an area of heavy seismic activity.Two areas of the Pacific well accustomed to the threat of tsunamis are Japan and Hawaii. Because the seismic activity that causes tsunamis in Japan often occurs on the ocean bottom quite close to the islands, the tsunamis that hit Japan often come with little warning and can, therefore, prove disastrous. Most of the tsunamis that hit the Hawaiian Islands, however, originate thousands of miles away near the coast of Alaska, so these tsunamis have a much greater distance to travel and the inhabitants of Hawaii generally have time for warning of their imminent arrival.

Tsunamis are certainly not limited to Japan and Hawaii. In 1755, Europe experienced a calamitous tsunami, when movement along the fault lines near the Azores caused a massive tsunami to sweep onto the Portuguese coast and flood the heavily populated area around Lisbon. The greatest tsunami on record occurred on the other side of the world in 1883 when the Krakatoa volcano underwent a massive explosion, sending waves more than 30 meters high onto nearby Indonesian islands; the tsunami from this volcano actually traveled around the world and was witnessed as far away as the English Channel.

1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses _______.

A. underwater earthquakes     B. storm surges           C. tides                        D. tidal waves

2. According to the passage, all of the following are true about tidal waves EXCEPT that _______.

A. they are caused by sudden changes in high and low tides

B. this terminology is not used by the scientific community

C. they are the same as tsunamis

D. they refer to the same phenomenon as seismic sea waves

3. The word “displaced” is closest in meaning to _______.

A. moved                                            B. filtered                    C. located                    D. not pleased

4. It can be inferred from the passage that tsunamis _______.

A. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean

B. generally reach heights greater than 40 meters

C. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean

D. are often identified by ships on the ocean

5. Water that is “shallow” is NOT _____________.

A. deep                                               B. clear                        C. coastal                    D. tidal

6. A main difference between tsunamis in Japan and in Hawaii is that tsunamis in Japan are more likely to ___________.

A. come from greater distances                                              B. originate in Alaska

C. arrive without warning                                           D. be less of a problem

7. The possessive “their” refers to ____________.

A. the Hawaiian Islands                                                         B. thousands of miles

C. these tsunamis                                                        D. the inhabitants of Hawaii

8. A “calamitous” tsunami is one that is _____________.

A. at fault                                B. disastrous                           C. extremely calm       D. expected

9. From the expression “on record”, it can be inferred that the tsunami that accompanied the Krakatoa volcano ____________.

A. was not as strong as the tsunami in Lisbon           

B. might not be the greatest tsunami ever

C. was filmed as it was happening                

D. occurred before efficient records were kept

10. The passage suggests that the tsunami resulting from the Krakatoa volcano ___________.

A. was far more destructive close to the source than far away

B. resulted in little damage

C. was unobserved outside of the Indonesian islands

D. caused volcanic explosions in the English Channel


I. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the words given. These words must not be changed in any way. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

1. The reduction in the price of the magazines led to a growth in sales. (RESULT)

Sales of the magazines __________________________________________. 

2. Georgia hasn’t written to me recently. (HEARD)

I ___________________________________________________________.

3. Dinner will be served immediately upon our arrival at the hotel. (SOON)

Dinner will be served ___________________________________________.

4. Barbara couldn’t sing or dance. (UNABLE)

Besides ______________________________________________________.

5. It was careless of you to leave without locking the door. (OUGHT)

You _________________________________________________________.

II. Write an essay to express your opinion on the following statement. Use specific reasons and details to support your idea.

“Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls”.



1. D  2. C  3. C  4. C  5. A  6. C  7. B  8. D  9. B  10. C


I. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (10pts)

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. D

9. C

10. C

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. A

15. B

16. D

17. B

18. C

19. B

20. C

II. In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either incorrect grammatically, or does not fit the sense of the text. Write the unnecessary word in the space beside the text. Tick (√) each correct line.  (5pts)

1. being

2. to

3. well

4. √

5. √

6. be

7. the

8. of

9. √

10. it

III. Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. (10pts)


2. organization/  organisation

3. suspension

4. customers

5. comparison

6. unconcerned

7. argument

8. productive

9. freedom

10. comfortable

IV. Complete the following sentences with one preposition/particle for each blank. (5pts)

1. out

2. to

3. down

4. on

5. across


I. Read the following passage and choose the options among A, B, C or D that best complete the blanks. (10pts)

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. B

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. (10pts)

1. about

2. end

3. result

4. an

5. who/that

6. single

7. tested

8. not

9. if

10. allowed

III. Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question that follows. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10pts)

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. A


I. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the words given. These words must not be changed in any way. (5pts)

1. Sales of the magazines grew/increased/went up as a result of the reduction in the price.

2. I haven’t heard /have heard nothing from Georgia for/in a while.

3. Dinner will be served as soon as we arrive at the hotel.

4. Besides being unable to sing, Barbara couldn’t dance either.

5. You ought not to have left without locking the door.

2. Đề số 2


Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three in the following question

1. A. plays       B. works          C. lives            D. buys

2. A. frogs       B. villagers      C. fields          D. insects

3. A. page       B. village         C. damage       D. luggage

4. A. safety      B. ready           C. entry           D. occupy

5. A. league     B. equal           C. creature      D. menace

6. A. food       B. school         C. root             D. wood

7. A. facility    B. society        C. necessity     D. economy

8. A. stamped  B. indulged     C. accomplished          D. practised

9. A. friends    B. clubs           C. tunes           D. stamps

10. A. nowadays         B. ruins            C. pesticides    D. dykes


I. Choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence   below. Identify your answers by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet.

1. The park __________ hundreds of species of endangered animals.

A. contains                              B. consists                   C. composes                D. holds

2. It’s 4 miles further if you don’t take the __________ cut.

A. narrow                                B. by                           C. short                       D. half

3. There are fast-growing __________ of fir tree here in this park.

A. varieties                              B. variances                 C. variants                   D. variations

4. “What are you doing?”

A. No                                      B. Neither                   C. None                       D. Nothing

5. I like listen to sweet __________ in my free time.

A. guitar                                  B. ballads                    C. pops                        D. jazz

6. These pills will __________ your pain.

A. prevent                               B. ease                         C. simplify                  D. avoid

7. He was a(n) __________  man who was determined to be rich by any means.

A. ambitious                            B. mature                    C. brilliant                   D. romantic

8. She study hard and got a degree with __________ colors.

A. scarlet                                 B. red                          C. soaring                    D. flying

9. The old manager has just retired, so Jack takes __________ his position.

A. on                                       B. out                          C. in                            D. up

10. It is __________ for you to stay in New York with just a few dollars in your pocket.

A. incapable                            B. unable                     C. impossible               D. irresponsible

II. Put the words in capitals in the right forms.


Margaret started English Literature this term, and I am afraid that her (1)__________ to the subject has not been entirely (2)__________. She has not shown much enthusiasm, and does not always pay (3)__________ in class. Her assignments are often (4)__________, because she is so untidy, and because of her (5)__________ to check her work thoroughly. She failed to do any (6)__________ before the end of term test, and had poor results. She seems to have the (7)__________ idea that she can succeed without studying. She has also had many (8)__________ and has frequently arrived late for class. This has resulted in several (9)__________. Although Margaret is a (10)__________ student in some respects, she has not had a satisfactory term.


    2. SUCCESS

    3. ATTEND

    4. READ

    5. FAIL

    6. REVISE

    7. MISTAKE

    8. ABSENT

    9. PUNISH

    10. GIFT

III. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be    there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.


The every time I go to a supermarket I ask myself why I go shopping there so often. Last time I ended up buying all the kinds of things when the all I really wanted was a packet of rice and a small loaf, but could find neither of them. I looked in every one corner of the shop but there was simply no a sign of these products. I looked carefully on either side of the aisles but it was no any good. I ought to confess here that I had forgotten my glasses! All of I could see was rows of colorful shapes of all sizes. I decided to ask an assistant. They were all a busy of course and none of them was anywhere nearby in any case. Meanwhile I had been filling my basket with all the kinds of things I thought I wanted. After I had paid, I had no money left for the weekend, but I hadn’t bought either of the things I wanted!

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I. Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the correct answer. Identify your

   choice by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


For all the arguments about prison, there is no getting (1)__________ from the fact that it exists. Once the judge and (2)__________ have done their job, we have to (3)__________ thousands of men and women occupied until they are (4)__________.

Sport is ideal (5)__________ prisoners for many reasons. Being (6)__________ punishes people by taking away their freedom; just because someone gets in (7)__________ with the law, we have no (8)__________ to take away their health as well. Secondly, the (9)__________ that you feel when you are (10)__________ up for a long prison (11)__________ can make you very anti-social and aggressive. The (12)__________ thing we want is for people to come out (13)__________ ten years, or even ten months, and (14)__________up the first person they see. Sport provides a way of controlling that (15) __________.



1. B  2. D  3. A  4. D  5. D  6. D  7. D  8. B  9. D  10. D


  I. 10 pts: 1 pt/item

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. C

II. 10pts: 1pt/ item

1. introduction

3. attention

5. failure

7. mistaken

9. punishments

2. successful

4. unreadable

6. revision

8. absences

10. gifted

III. 15 pts: 1pt/item

1. the

4. one

7. any

10. a

13. the

2. the

5. a

8. of

11. √

14. √

3. √

6. √

9. √

12. √

15. the


I. 15 point: 1 pt/item


4. C

7. B

10. D

13. A

2. B


8. A

11. C

14. B

3. D

6. D

9. C

12. B

15. D

II. 5 points: 1 pt/ item

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

III. 5 points: 1 pt /item

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. B


I. 5 points: 1pt/ item

1. Watch thieves if you go to that part of town.

2. Please make yourself at home.

3. I built this on my own.

4. I’m not really keen on this kind of music.

5 Most university students depend on the financial support of their parents.

3. Đề số 3

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. candy

B. sandy

C. many

D. handy


A. earning

B. learning

C. searching

D. clearing


A. pays

B. stays

C. says

D. plays


A. given

B. risen

C. ridden

D. whiten


A. cough

B. tough

C. rough

D. enough

II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others.


A. eleven

B. elephant

C. energy

D. envelope


A. preparation

B. decoration

C. television

D. exhibition


A. leather

B. paper

C. iron

D. ceramics


A. mirror

B. invent

C. wallet

D. engine


A. discovery

B. calculator

C. aero-plane

D. difficulty

III. Fill each blank with a suitable word or phrase.

11. The car can't have broken down. I_________ serviced last week.

12. If I_________ in that situation, I certainly wouldn't have had the courage to do what you did.

13. Although he had a difficult time during the war, it_________ harm.

14. It's no_________ the cold and wet, you'll just have to put up with it.

15. I won't have_________ their cars in the street outside the entrance to my house!

16. In times of hardship we have to learn to do_________ some basic necessities.

17. I'm_________ death of spiders!

18. I heard the thunder_________ in the distance.

19. He's been_________ weather for ages and still isn't back at work.

20. We made the uniforms ourselves as we couldn't_________ made.

IV. Find one underlined part marked A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.

21.  Musical comedies, as an American form of entertainment, often take its subjects from America’s

                                       A                                                B                           C

present or past.                


22.  Of all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water, followed by long

       A                                                         B                                                                                       C

periods covering by water.


23.  The fruit of the plantain looks much like a banana, and it is not so sweet or so pleasing in flavor.

                                                            A                            B                                          C              D

24.  The viceroy butterfly, an insect that birds like to eat, has a color pattern similar to that of the

                                                            A                                                                        B          C

monarch butterfly, whom birds do not like to eat.    


25. Behavior therapy uses rewards and punishments to encourage patients to act in a way healthier.

                                                                        A                                               B     C     D

V. Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

From what we had read in the (26. ADVERTISE)________, it promise to be the holiday of a lifetime – not only a quality hotel in a top (27. SEA)_________ resort, but also (28. SURPRISE)_________ cheap with it! We should have known it was too good to be true! We arrived at the airport to discover we only had (29. STAND)_________ tickets and there was no guarantee we would be flying. Luckily, two places became free at the last minute and we took off. The flight lasted at least (30. TWO)_________ as long as it should have and by the time we arrived, we were both feeling rather (31. POOR)_________ , probably because of the dubious in-flight meal we had had. We were met by our guide, who seemed (32. LANGUAGE)_________ incompetent and understood very little of what we said to him. Instead of the hotel we had seen in the photograph back home, he took us to a squalid little guesthouse much (33. FAR)_________ away from the resort than we were expecting. We wanted to explain that there had been a (34. DREAD)_________ mistake but it was (35. USE)_________ trying to complain – nobody could understand us.

VI. Choose among A, B, C, or D the one that best fits each of the blanks.

36. The child was told to__________ for being rude to his uncle.

            A. forgive                    B. apologize                C. excuse                     D. confess

37. This is the__________ of the bicycle which was stolen.

            A. information                        B. detail                      C. example                  D. description

38. Some drives, after__________ annoy their fellow-motorists by slowing down again immediately.

            A. passing along          B. passing by               C. overtaking              D. taking over

39. It is__________ unlikely that the Queen agree to open the new Town Hall.

            A. greatly                    B. highly                     C. mainly                     D. largely

40. I don't think he'll ever__________ the shock of his wife's death.

            A. get by                     B. get over                  C. get off                    D. get through

41. Some school have very__________ rules of behavior which must be obeyed.

            A. strict                       B. strong                     C. straight                   D. solid

42. It was difficult to__________ a date which was convenient for everyone.

            A. organize                  B. arrange                    C. elect                                    D. provide

43. It's difficult to pay one's bills when prices keep__________.

            A. growing                  B. raising                     C. rising                       D. gaining

44. You may not have to stay the night but take a toothbrush just in__________.

            A. preparation             B. case                         C. time                                    D. order

45. She remembered the correct address only__________ she had posted the letter.

            A. since                                   B. following                C. after                                    D. afterwards


I. (5pts) 1 pt/correct answer.           

1. C     2. D     3. C     4. D     5. A

II. (5pts) 1 pt/correct answer.

6. D     7. C     8. D     9. B     10. A

III. (10pts) 1 pt/correct answer.

11. only had it

12. had been

13. did him no/ did not (seem to) do him any           

14. good/ use grumbling/ complaining about

15. people parking

16. without     

17. frightened/ scared to

18. rumbling

19. under the

20. afford to have them

IV. (5pts) 1 pt/correct answer.        

21. C   22. D   23. B   24. D   25. D                                                  

V. (10pts) 1 pt/correct answer.

26. advertisement

27. seaside      

28. surprisingly

29. standby    

30. twice

31. poorly       

32. linguistically

33. farther/ further     

34. dreadful

35. useless

VI. 10pts) 1 pt/correct answer.        

36. B   37. D   38. C   39. B   40. B   41. A   42. B   43. C   44. B   45. C

VII. (10pts) 1 pt/correct answer.     

46. A   47. B   48. D   49. D   50. A   51. C   52. B   53. B   54. C   55. C

VIII.    (10pts) 1 pt/correct answer.

56. wrong

57. which       

58. other/ some

59. by 

60. example/ instance

61. fact           

62. of

63. out

64. Thanks

65. whether/ if

IX. (10pts) 1 pt/correct answer.      

66. A   67. C   68. C   69. B   70. B   71. D   72. D   73. B   74. B   75. B

X. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer.

76. You should take the price into consideration before you decide whether to buy it or not.

77. There isn’t much call for cars with large engines any more.

78. The coal produced in this region has been halved in the 20 years.

79. The likelihood is small of the PM calling an early general election.

80. The policeman’s prompt action averted an accident.

XI. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer.

81. If it hadn’t been for my father’s money, we could not have managed.

82. There has been a dramatic rise/increase in the house prices this year.

83. They stole everything except for/but/apart from the television.

84. He tried in vain to search for the stolen car.

85. No sooner had the guests left than she started to clean up the house.

4. Đề số 4


I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line.( 5p)

1.A.several                              B. suppose                   C. decisive                  D. sister

2.A. muddle                            B. struggle                   C. bush                        D. interrupt

3.A. ready                               B. measure                  C. steak                       D. stealth

4.A. wind                                B. behind                    C. mind                       D. find

5.A.chalice                              B. challenge                C. choice                     D. chemist

II. Pick out the word that has the stress syllable differently from that of the other words.(5p)

1.A. application                       B. certificate               C. biology                   D. security

2. A. university                       B. punctuality             C. agricultural             D.mathematician

3. A. identify                          B. secondary               C. luxuriously              D. majority

4. A. academic                                    B. engineering             C. availabe                  D.sympathetic

5.A. obligatory                        B. geographical           C. international           D. undergraduate


I. Choose the best option ( A, B, C or D) to complete sentence below and write your answers in the answer sheet.( 10p)

1. She refused to eat meat under any ………………… .

A. circumstances                     B. occasion                  C. opportunity             D. reason

2. It was difficult to guess what he ……………. to the news would be.

A. feelings                               B. reaction                   C. capital                     D. opinion

3. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually …… to its original splendour.

A. repaired                              B. renewed                  C. restored                  D. renovated

4. He didn’t know anyone at the wedding ………….. than the bride and the groom.

A. except                                 B. other                       C. apart                       D. rather

5. When you are an old age pensioner, you have to learn to ………… a very small income.

A. live on                                B. live up to                C. live out                   D. live down

6. I felt so much better, my doctor ………….. me to take a holiday by the sea.

A. suggested                           B. considered              C. accepted                 D. advised

7. He said that the plane had already left and that I …………….. arrived an hour earlier.

A. must have                           B. had to                     C. should have                        D. was supposed to

8. Alice didn’t expect ……………. to Bill’s party.

A. to ask                                  B. being asked                        C. to be asked             D. asking

9.The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it’s worth ……………… a packed lunch.

A. take                                                B. to take                    C. taking                     D. taken

10. When the alarm went off, Mick just turned ………..…. and went back to sleep.

A. down                                  B. over                                    C. up                           D. out

II.Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense.( 10p)

1.When he ( not arrive) ……….. by 6.00, I ( know) ………. He ( miss) ………… the bus.

2. Something ( tell) ………….. me that you ( not listen) ……………  to a single word I (say) ……….. in the past tense minutes.

3. Same ( not receive) ……………..…… the parcel the last time I ( speak) …………….. to him.

4. When you ( feel) ……….… hungry, room service ( bring) ………….. you whatever you want.


SECTION I: Phonetics (10 POINTS)

I. A. (1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points)

1.  B

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. D

B.  (1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points)







I . (1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points)


2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. B

II .( 1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points)

1. didn’t arrive/ knew/ hadn’t missed

2. tells/ haven’t been listening/ have said

3. hadn’t received/ spoke

4. feel/ will bring

III .( 1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points)

1. hardened                                                     6. eduacational

2. survivors                                                      7. attendances

3. advisory                                                      8. computerize

4. Installation                                                  9. unexpected

5. socially                                                        10. dependent

IV .( 1p for 1 correct answer X 10 = 10 points)

1. On                                                               6. on

2. for                                                               7. for

3. to                                                                 8. at

4. from                                                            9. from

5. with                                                           10. out


I.(10 points): 2 pts/ each correct answer.

1. Because the United States is a place where the previous identities of each immigrant group are melted down to create an intergrated, uniform society.

2. Because it better represents the diverse multicultural society of the United States.

3.It means a picture create by assembling many small stones or tiles.

4. They have established communities alongside those populated by the descendants of European immigrants.

5. They are Vietnamese Americans and Korean Americans.

II. (10 points): 1 pts/ each correct answer.


2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. B

10. D

III.(5 points): 1 pts/ each correct answer.

1.  D

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. C


I.( 1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points)

1. If it hadn’t been for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic, we would have been stranded there for hours.

2. He suggested inviting the Browns to the party on Sunday.

3. Had it not been for the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been passed.

4. That commentator, whose name I’ve forgotten, is very well-known.

5. Not until he came into the light did I recognise him.

II.( 1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points)

1. It’s worth asking George to help.

2. I haven’t seen him since I lived in London.

3. I am not used to going into town by car.

4. He plays this piece more beautifully than anybody/ anyone else.

5. I was prevented from going to work by transport strike.

III.( 1p for 1 correct answer X 5 = 5 points)

1.Teacher’s day in Vietnam falls on the twentieth of November each year.

2. Generally/ In general, it is meant for schoolchildren to show their appreciation to their teachers who have guided them in their studies.

3. It is a time to forget the bad experiences students may have of their teachers scolding and punishing them.

4. Students give their teachers flowers and small gifts.

5. Small parties are held and there is an atmosphere of fun and amazenment in the school.

5. Đề số 5

I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. arrow                              B. loud                                    C. moldy                     D. poultry

2. A. basilisk                           B. bison                       C. basic                       D. basin

3. A. subtlety                          B. indebtedness          C. bombard                 D. combing

4. A. benevolent                      B. content                   C. molecules                D. technique

5. A. conscience                      B. bronchitis                C. shuttle                     D. chauffeur

II. Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from that of the others in each line.

6. A. comic                              B. clementine              C. climax                     D. thermonuclear

7. A. diligent                           B. dimension               C. action                      D. innate

8. A. characterize                    B. absence                   C. datum                     D. charcoal

9. A. solicitor                          B. separately               C. spacious                  D. sequence

10. A. parachute                      B. armchair                  C. accent                     D. accidentally

III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

11. Assembly lines are useful for producing a large _______ of identical products.

      A. quality                          B. quantity                  C. quandary                D. qualification

12. Only the _______ of the building is going to be remodeled.

      A. insides                          B. interior                    C. indoors                   D. inner

13. Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete _______ to me.

      A. indifference                  B. disinterest               C. importance              D. interest

14. After years of neglect there was a huge _______ program to return the city to its former glory.

      A. restoration                    B. preservation            C. conservation           D. refurbishment

15. The assistant suggested _______ the next day when the manager would be there.

      A. we are coming back     B. to come back                      C. we will come back  D. we came back

16. I never get a _______ of sleep after watching a horror film.

      A. wink                             B. blink                                   C. night                       D. ounce

17. As it was Christmas, the _______ at church was much larger than usual.

      A. audience                       B. convention              C. congregation           D. grouping

18. The sheep were huddled into a _______ to protect them from overnight frosts.

      A. cage                              B. kennel                     C. hutch                      D. pen

19. The jury _______ the defendant “not guilty”.

      A. gave                              B. returned                  C. subscribed              D. found

20. Many _______ crafts such as weaving are now being revived.

      A. customary                     B. habitual                   C. traditional               D. ordinary

21. He managed to finish his thesis under the _______ of his tutor.

      A. guidance                       B. help                         C. aid                          D. assistance

22. Mr. Henry was given a medal in _______ of his service to his country.

      A. gratitude                       B. knowledge              C. recognition             D. response

23. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _______ any solutions.

      A. thought over                 B. come up with          C. looked into             D. got round to

24. You _______ as well seek for a fish in the tree as try to do that.

      A. must                             B. would                     C. should                     D. might

25. _______ calculations have shown that the earth’s resources may run out before the end of the next century.

      A. Raw                              B. Rude                       C. Crude                     D. Blunt

26. By the time you receive this letter, I _______ for China.

      A. will have left                B. have left                 C. would have left      D. will leave

27. Prizes are awarded _______ the number of points scored.

      A. resulting from               B. adding up               C. presented to            D. according to

28. The needs of gifted children in schools have long been _______ neglected.

      A. dolefully                                   B. woefully                 C. idly                         D. pathetically

29. I must take this watch to be repaired; it _______ over 20 minutes a day.

      A. increases                       B. gains                       C. accelerates              D. progresses

30. It had been a trying afternoon, _______ at about six o’clock in the television breaking down.

      A. culminating                  B. leading                    C. arriving                   D. finalizing


I. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer.      

1. B     2. A     3. C     4. C     5. B

II. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer.

6. D     7. B     8. A     9. A     10. D

III.  (20pts) 1 point/correct answer.

11. B   12. B   13. A   14. A   15. D   16. A   17. C   18. D   19. D   20. C

21. A   22. C   23. B   24. D   25. C   26. A   27. D   28. B   29. B   30. A

IV. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer.

31. valuable

32. frightened

33. length

34. worldwide

35. tightened

36. terrified    

37. lowered

38. repeatedly

39. embarrassment

40. heights

V. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer.

41. acquired

42. explicitly  

43. a few

44. to  

45. to

46. vocational 

47. as

48. assume      

49. certain

50. intended

VI. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer.

51. B   52. C   53. C   54. A   55. D   56. C   57. D   58. B   59. A   60. D

VII. (20pts) 2 points/correct answer.

61. A   62. B   63. C   64. D   65. C   66. A   67. C   68. B   69. D   70. B

VIII. (20pts) 2 points/correct answer.

71. An increased number of travelers is being stopped by customs officials this week.

72. Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye.

73. The moment I decided to get up to dance, the band decided to stop playing.

74. At no time did he suspect that the bicycle had been stolen.

75. Other than to offer to lend her some money, how could I help?

IX. (20pts) 2 points/correct answer.

76. To this day his achievements are unsurpassed in the field of technology.

77. Peter pulled a face as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine.

78. The construction of the building will take longer than originally planned, which is unfortunate.

79. What he told me whetted my appetite for the rest of the story.

80. They chose not to drive for fear of too much snow.


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