Viết một đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh nói về sức khỏe research group observed that children of women who eat much chocolate during their pregnancy frequently laugh and are more active than children of other women?
Viết một đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh nói về sức khỏe
Trả lời (1)
1. Trong đời sống con người, cười là dấu hiệu của một cơ thể khoẻ mạnh. Trong quan hệ xã hội, người có đầu óc hài hước thường dễ tạo được sự cảm thong của người khác. Tính khôi hài phần nào đó biểu hiện trí tuệ ngươgi ta và tự cười mình là một thái độ, một việc làm chỉ có ở người có văn hoá.
In people’s lives, laugh is a sign of a healthy body. In social relationships, people with sense of humor easily create others’ sympathy. To some extent, sense of humor manifests human intellectual and self-laugh is an unique atiitude or action of cultured people.
2. Nhóm nghiên cứu nhân thấy những người phụ nữ ăn nhiều chocolate trong suốt thời gian mang thai thì con của họ cười nhiều và chúng năng động hơn những bàm ẹ không hề ăn chocolate trong thời gian mang thai. những người thường ăn choclate cho biết là con của họ rất dễ thích ứn với môi trường mới trong khi đó thí con của những người không thường ăn chclate có vẻ rất sợ hãi trong môi trường mới.
A research group observed that children of women who eat much chocolate during their pregnancy frequently laugh and are more active than children of other women. Women regularly eating chocolate said their children easily adapt themselves to new environments while children of other women seem to be frightened at such strange surroundings.
3. Hiện sản lượng gas sản xuất trong nước chỉ đảm bảo đáp ứng được khoảng 40-50% nhu cầu trên thị trường, số còn lại chủ yếu dựa vào nguồn nhập khẩu. “ Do vậy, khi giá gas trên thị trừong thế giới tăng ngay lập tức sẽ ảnh hửong trực tiếp đến thị trường trong nước”, ông Trình cho biết. Từ ¼, tổ chức các nước xuất khẩu dầu (OPEC) cắt giảm sản lượng kkhiến nguồn cung nhiên liệu đốt bị sụt giảm mạnh.
Currently, domestic gas output has supplied 40-50 percent of total demand on the domestic market, the rest must be imported. “Therefore, the hike of gas prices on the world market will affect local prices directly.”, said Mr. Trinh. Since 1st March, fuel supplying sources has sharply decreased because of an output cut of organization of petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC).
4. Ngày 26-3-2004, Cơ Quan Quản Lý thực- dựợc phẩm Hoa Kỳ (FDA) đã công nhận kỹ thuật test nhanh HIV (Oraquick) trên mẫu nứoc bọt của người do công ty Oraure Technologies của Mỹ sang chế. với một chiếc que có gạc thấm vào nước bọt và lợi răng rồi nhúng vào một dung dịch xét nghiệm, chỉ sau 20 phút sẽ cho biết kết quả với độ nhạy chuyên biệt đến 99,7 %.
On March 26th , 2004, the Food and Drug Adinistration (FDA) approved a rapid H.I.V test basing on sample of people’s saliva named Oraquick, an invention of Orasure Technologies Inc. of Bethlehem, Pa. the testing device, which resembles a dipstick used to attach to saliva and gums of teeth, is then inserted into the vial containing a liquid solution. It takes only 20 minutes to get the results with a 99.7 percent accuracy rate.
5. Công nghệ lăng-xê- bộ phim đầu tiên của một hang phim tư nhân mới khởi chiếu đã bất ngờ làm sôi động các rạp chiếu TPHCM, dù đây chỉ là một phim vedio với kinh phí thấp, khôn g có diễn viên ngôi sao và tên tuổi các nhà sản xuất đều mới toanh.
The movie named “ coong nghe lang-xe” (promotional system)- the first works of a private film studio-which was recently debuted, suddenly has created an exciting atmosphere at HO Chi Minh city’s cinemas although it is only a video film with a low cost, no movie-stars, and unknown producers.
bởi Nguyễn YA30/12/2019
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Once being a basic food of farmers and poor families in Vietnam, com tam or broken rice is now a favourite dish of most Vietnamese. It is said that the best broken rice can be found in Saigon. When you come to Saigon, you should try this dish at least one time and you will not regret it.
Com tam literally means broken rice. Broken rice originally consisted of grains which were broken during the harvesting and cleaning of rice. In the past, as most people preferred to eat the long, whole grain rice, broken rice grains were difficult to sell and usually eaten by the Vietnamese working class because of the cheap price. Nowadays, often favored over long grain rice for its unique flavour and texture, broken rice is one of the best-loved fares in Vietnam.
Local broken rice eateries can practically be found on every street in Saigon. A broken rice dish is served with many beautiful colours from grilled pork chop with multi-flavour to steamed egg, shredded pork skin, pickles, vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers ... and especially sweet fish sauce that is the spirit of the dish.
1. Today, com tamis only eaten by poor Vietnamese.
2. Com tamis made from broken rice grains.
3. In the past, most people didn’t eat broken rice grains because they were cheap.
4. It is difficult to find a place to eat com tam in Saigon.
5. The most important part of com tamis sweet fish sauce.
6. Com tamis now a favourite dish of Vietnamese people, especially Saigonese.
23/11/2022 | 1 Trả lời
Egg coffee, called Cà Phê Trứng in Vietnamese, was first invented by Nguyen Giang in 1946. There was a shortage of milk in Hanoi due to the French War. Mr. Nguyen reatively began adding whisked eggs to his coffee instead.
The original version was a bit, well, eggy. But over time the recipe was modified with the addition of sugar, condensed milk, and even Laughing Cow cheese. No one knows the recipe for sure since it’s a secret recipe. These days Egg Coffee is a staple of Hanoi coffee culture and a must-try while in Hanoi!
What does it taste like? Well it’s incredibly thick and rich and creamy. Closer to a dessert than a beverage. Liquid tiramisu is the most accurate description we’ve heard.
Nguyen Giang still has a café where you can try his famous recipe, or you can grab a cup of Egg Coffee at dozens of coffee shops all over Hanoi.
1. Who invented egg coffee?
2. Why did Nguyen Giang add whisked eggs to his coffee?
3. What is the recipe to make egg coffee nowadays?
4. What does egg coffee taste like?
5. Where can we buy this type of coffee?
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Vietnamese food culture varies by regions from the north to the south. In Northern Vietnam, food is characterized by light and balanced. Northern Vietnam is seen to be the cradle of Vietnamese cuisine with many notable dishes like Pho, Bun Rieu, Bun Thang, Bun Cha, BanhCuon, etc. Then, food culture in Northern Vietnam became popular in Central and Southern Vietnam with suitable flavors in each regions.
The regional cuisine of Central Vietnam is famous for its spicy food. Hue cuisine is typical Central Vietnam’s food culture. Food in the region is often used with chili peppers and shrimp sauces, namely, Bun Bo Hue, BanhKhoai, BanhBeo, etc.
In Southern Vietnam, the warm weather and fertile soil create an ideal condition for planting a variety of fruit, vegetables and livestock. Thus, food in the region is often added with garlic, shallots and fresh herbs. Particularly, Southerners are favored of sugar; they add sugar in almost dishes. Some signature dishes from Southern Vietnam include BanhKhot and Bun Mam.
1. It is considered that Vietnamese cuisine __________.
A. originated from the North
B. became more and more popular
C. always combines taste and colour
D. can be found only in Northern Vietnam
2. What are the features of Northern Vietnamese food?
A. It’s delicious and healthy.
B. It’s sweet and sour.
C. It’s light and balanced.
D. It’s a bit fatty and salty.
3. Hue cuisine is notable for its __________.
A. colorful food
B. spicy taste
C. bitter taste
D. light flavor
4. In Southern Vietnam, __________.
A. the warm weather makes it hard to plant fruit and vegetables
B. fresh herbs are always used in cooking
C. people love sweet food
D. sugar is often added to dishes
5. Which of the followings is NOT true?
A. Food in Vietnam changes region to region.
B. Southerners do not like northern food due to its light flavor.
C. Chill peppers and shrimp sauces are among the frequently used ingredients.
D. Bun Bo Hue is a typical dish of the Central Vietnam cuisine.
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