Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Đồng Khởi

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Dưới đây là Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Đồng Khởi đã được Hoc247 biên soạn. Với các dạng đề khác nhau, các em sẽ có cơ hội luyện tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kì thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10. Mời các em cùng xem chi tiết tư liệu ngay sau đây.




1. Đề số 1


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. scout

b. amount

c. fought

d. drought

2. a. predict

b. precious

c. prefer

d. precaution

3. a. maps

b. eggs

c. pens

d. hairs

4. a. complete

b. service

c. women

d. pretty

5. a. used to

b. cried

c. smiled

d. planned

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

6. a. unidentified

b. imagination

c. microorganism

d. innovation

7. a. delicious

b. generous

c. confidence

d. energy

8. a.  violent

b. teenager

c. viable

d. acquaintance

9. a. charity

b. considerate

c. humor

d. joyful

10. a. exchange

b. nuclear

c. gemstone

d. evidence


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. Thanks_____ the money he received, he was able to attend the university.

a. on 

b. for

c. of

d. to

12. I’m surprised ______ the amount of traffic today. I didn’t think it would be so busy.

a. with

b. at

c. about

d. to

13. Don’t laugh _____ your classmate when they are _____ trouble.

a. to – in 

b. at – for

c. at – in

d. on – on 

14. Put _____ your coat at once. We must hurry.

a. on 

b. in 

c. out 

d. over

15. Remember to go ______ your test paper before you hand it in. 

a. on 

b. over

c. off

d. into

16. The number of people suffering_______ heart disease has increased.

a. of

b. with

c. from

d. on 

17. Unfortunately I ran _____ film, so I couldn’t take any more photographs.

a. out to

b. down  

c. iuto 

d. off

18. You don’t have enough determination. You________ too easily.

a. end up

b. give up

c. get by

d. drop out

19. I do a lot of gardening. It_________ most of my free time.

a. uses up

b.  leave out

c. takes up  

d. cut down

20. Sarah is very creative. She’s always coming__________ new ideas.

a. out of

b.  away from

c.  forward to  

d. up with

21. ______  Annie told the truth, no one believed her.

a. In spite of

b. Unless

c. Because

d. Despite the fact that

22. Jane worked in a bookshop last summer_________ money for school expenses.

a. because to earn

b.  for she earned

c. so she earns

d. so that she could earn

23. I’m sure I’ll enjoy eating _________ you cook.

a. which

b. what

c. whatever 

d. whichever

24. Following the flood,_______ in the area________ major repair work.

a. each of building … need

b. every building … needs

c. every building … need

d. each buildings …  need

25. You don’t object_______ late tonight, do you?

a. to working

b. to work

c. work     

d. working

26. We________ each other later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.

a. see

b. are seeing

c. were seeing  

d. saw

27. Final-year students are naturally anxious about getting work after graduation,

a. excited

b. careful 

c. worried 

d.  interested

28. Only hotel guests have the of using the private beach.

a. privilege

b. possibility

c. occasion

d. allowance

29. If you had worked harder, you________ the final exam.

a. would pass

b. were passed

c. would have passed

d. would have been passed

30. People_____ outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose         

d. of whom

31. I’m really sleepy today. I wish I_________ up late last night.

a. didn’t stay

b.  hadn’t stayed

c. wasn’t staying

d. wouldn’t stay

32. Jane has never been to Italy,________?

a. has Jane

b. hasn’t Jane

c. has she  

d.hasn’t she

33. Two-thirds of the country’s ________ come from imported oil, while the remaining one-third come from coal.

a. energy

b. resource

c. industry      

d. mineral

34. Hurry! We’ve got to leave the house immediately. Otherwise, ________ the opening ceremony.

a. we’d miss

b. we’d have missed

c. we miss

d. we’re going to miss

35. ‘________ ’ ‘She’s a very nice mother.’

a. Who’s his mother?

b. How’s his mother?

c. What’s his mother?

d. What’s his mother like?

 (36-40). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

36. My mother took (A) me to the dentist’s (B) to have my decayed (C) tooth pull (D).

37. The lion has (A) long been (B) a symbol of strength (C), power, and it is very cruel (D).

38. We were very surprised (A) that Tom behave (B) in such (C) a rude (D) manner. 

39. The Nobel prize winning (A) candidate, accompanied by (B) his wife and children, are staying (C) in Sweden until (D) the presentation.

40. It’s (A) three years since (B) they have said (C) goodbye to each other (D).

(41-50). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

41. She found it _______ to do the same work day after day. (bore)

42. Some authors, such as Shakespeare, have maintained their_______ for several centuries, (popular)

43. Hard work always brings _______. (succeed)

44. _______ is always the best policy, (honest)

45. He lost the game because of his_________ . (care)

46. We’re full of_________ for all your hard work, (admire)

47. _______ was tightened at the airport before the president arrived, (secure)

48. If you’re all sitting__________ , then I’ll begin, (comfort)

49. Because of___________ our lifestyle has changed greatly, (industry)

50. Parents should__________ their children to discuss their problems, (courage)


(51-60). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.


A pioneer in the (51)________ of telecommunications, Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He moved to Ontario, and then to the United States, (52)______ in Boston, before beginning his career as an inventor. Throughout his life, Bell had been interested in the (53)________ of deaf people. This interest led him to invent the microphone and, in 18 76, his “electrical speech machine,” which we now call a telephone. News of his invention quickly (54)________ throughout the country, even throughout Europe. By 1878, Bell had set up the first telephone exchange in New Haven, Connecticut. By 1884, long distance connections were (55)_____ between Boston, Massachusetts and New York City. Bell imagined great (56)________ for his telephone, like the model from the 1920s, but would he ever have imagined telephone lines being used to (57)__________ video images? Since his death in 1922, the telecommunication industry had undergone an amazing revolution. Today, (58)_________ people are able to use a special display telephone to communicate. Fiber optics are improving the quality and speed of data transmission. Actually, your ability to (59) _______ this information relies upon telecommunications technology. Bell’s “electrical speech machine” paved the (60)______for the Information Superhighway. 

51. a. region

b. area

c. field

d. world

52. a. settling

b. fixing

c. arranging

d. dealing

53. a. guiding

b. training

c. development

d. education

54. a. extended

b. stretched

c. spread

d. expanded

55. a. realized

b. made

c. gained

d. obtained

56. a. uses

b. usages

c. users

d. using

57. a. transfer

b. emit

c. project

d. transmit

58. a. unhearing

b. unheard

c. non-hearing

d. mal-hearing

59. a. approach

b. access

c. promote

d. improve

60. a. way

b. road

c. route

d. path

(61-65). Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

Stress releases a number of different chemicals and hormones into your body that raise blood pressure, weaken your immunity to colds and illness, impair your memory, increase fat cell storage, and lead to depression. Doing exercise regularly is an effective and successful stress treatment for its bad effects. The set of good chemicals and hormones released during exercise are an important arsenal that can defeat the chemicals created by stress.

Canadian researchers have discovered that depressed people feel better about themselves after exercising from 20 minutes to an hour, three times a week for five weeks. In some cases the benefits last up to one year. It is important to note that severe cases of depression require medical review and a combination of treatments.

In another study, a team of Australian researchers found that those who did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week had lower blood pressure and responded best to acute stress.

61. According to the writer,__________ .

a. doing exercise causes depression

b. doing exercise causes stress

c. stress cannot raise blood pressure

d. doing exercise can defeat stress and depression

62. Chemicals and hormones released by stress _________ .

a. have bad effects on our health and mind

b. cause no effects on our health

c. can cure colds and illness

d. make us more intelligent

63. The word ‘that’ in line 2 refers to__________ .

a. stress

b. depression

c. chemicals and hormones

d. fat cell

64. People who get depression________ .

a. sometime have to use medicine

b. can get over by doing exercise only

c. need no medicine

d. never get over

65. When we are doing exercise, our body__________ .

a. releases no chemicals and hormones

d. releases good chemicals and hormones

c. suffers high blood pressure

d. releases negative and hormones

(66-75). Fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word to make a meaning passage.

Although people’s reactions to your dress will vary, (66)__________ will draw conclusions about you based on the way you dress. You need to determine (67)________ you are trying to say and then dress appropriately. There are times (68)________ it is in your best interest to meet the expectations of others. Business managers are likely to have clear idea 69)______ the images they want their businesses to portray. If you want to prosper with those businesses, you will want to (70)_______ in a way that is in line with those images. Likewise, audiences expect public speakers to dress appropriately for the audiences and occasion. People (71)________ the right to their individual differences, and we believe that society is moving in the right (72)________ in allowing persons to express themselves (73)_________ individuals. Nevertheless, your clothes are still perceived (74)_________ others as clues to your attitudes and behaviors. Clothes do communicate, however accurate or inaccurate (75) _______ may believe that communication to be.


(76-80). Choose the sentence (a, b, c or d) that is almost the same in meaning as the sentence given.

76. He failed the test many times, but he didn’t stop trying.

a. Failing the test discouraged him.

b. He didn’t stop trying although he failed the test many times.

c. He didn’t stop trying despite his first failure.

d. He never stops trying but fails to pass the test.

77. I stayed up late last night, and I am tired now.

a. If I didn’t stay up late last night, I wouldn’t be tired now.

b. If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t have been tired now.

c. If I didn’t stay up late last night, I wouldn’t have been tired now.

d. If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t be tired now.

78. Only with careful environmental planning can we protect the world in which we live.

a. Careful environmental planning protects the world we live in.

b. We can protect the world we live in with careful environmental planning.

c. Protecting the world we live in, we plan the environmental carefully.

d. Planning the environment carefully, we can protect the world in which we live.

79. It’s ages since I last saw a Hollywood film.

a. I saw a last Hollywood film since ages ago.

b. I haven’t seen any Hollywood film before.

c. I haven’t seen a Hollywood film for a long time.

d. I have seen a Hollywood film recently.

80. A majority of the students in this college are from overseas.

a. Everyone in this college is from overseas.

b. No one in this college is from overseas.

c. Few students in this college are from overseas.

d. Most of the students in this college are from overseas.

(81-85). Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.

81. After the beginning of the opera, late-comers had to wait before taking their seats.


82. She didn’t reply me for two weeks.

No reply_____________________________________________________

83. We shouldn’t be impolite to our parents in any circumstances.


84. My sister failed to get into art college.

My sister didn’t________________________________________________

85. Although he wasn’t experienced, he got the job.

Despite his___________________________________________________

(86-90). Write complete sentence using the suggested words.

86. It/ boring program/ 1/ turn/ the television/ go/ bed//


87. electric light/ invent/ before/ 1/ born//


88. If/ there/ no oxygen/ no life/ earth//


89. 1/ waiting/ her/ 9 o’clock//


90. we/ look forward/ receive/ your letter/ soon//


Đáp án 


1. c

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. d

9. b

10. a


11. d

12. b

13. c

14. a

15. b

16. c

17. a

18. b

19. c

20. d

21. d

22. d

23. c

24. b

25. a

26. b

27. c

28. a

29. c

30. c

31. b

32. c

33. a

34. d

35. d

36. D (pulled)

37. D (cruelty)

38. B (behaved)

39. C (is staying)

40. C (said)


41. boring

42. popularity

43. success

44. Honesty

45. carelessness

46. admiration



49. industrialization

50. encourage



51. c

52. a

53. d

54. c

55. b

56. a

57. d

58. c

59. b

60. a

61. d

62. a

63. c

64. b

65. b

66. people/ they

67. what

68. when

69. of

70. dress

71. have

72. direction

73. as

74. by

75. you


76. b

77. d

78. b

79. c

80. d

81. Once the opera had begun, late-comers had to wait before taking their seats.

82. No reply from her was said to me for two weeks.

83. In any circumstances should we not be impolite to our parents.

84. My sister didn’t succeed in getting into art college.

85. Despite his inexperience, he got the job.

86. It was such a boring program that I turned off the television and went to bed.

87. Electric light had been invented before I was born.

88. If there was/ were no oxygen, there would be no life on earth.

89. I have been waiting for her since 9 o’clock.

90. We are looking forward to receiving your letter soon.

2. Đề số 2


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. cease

b. decrease

c. release

d. deafness

2. a. hoped

b. annoyed

c. preferred

d. played

3. a. children

b. kitchen

c. teacher

d. school

4. a. minority

b. shrine

c. rivalry

d. mineral

5. a. exist

b. excite

c. exam

d. exhaust 

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is hot the same as that of the others.

6. a. distinguish

b. disappear

c. deposit

d. linguistics

7. a. comment

b. commit

c. comprise

d. conserve

8. a. profitable

b. temperature

c. efficiency

d. ultimately

9. a. assistant

b. commercial

c. tradition

d. minimize

10. a. nominate

b. celebrate

c. decorate

d. collapse


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. Thank you for lend me the guidebook. It was full_________ useful information.

a. up

b. of

c. in  

d. with

12. Please come in and sit down. I’m sorry _________ the mess.

a. about

b. with

c. of     

d. in

13. Don’t let this opportunity go_________ .

a. by

b. off

c. up  

d. over

14. We would be grateful______ any information you can give us.

a. to

b. for

c. about          

d. at

15. My parents arrived________ Tan Son Nhat airport at 8.30 last night.

a. at

b. in

c. from    

d. for

16. The teachers are looked________ by many people.

a. up at

b. forward to

c. up to     

d. out for

17. It is ten years_______ we moved to Los Angeles.

a. when

b. since

c. from

d. after

18. She tried to set______ a few minutes each day for her exercises.

a. about

b. down

c. aside    

d. in

19. It was warm, so I_______ my jacket.

a. put on

b. got out

c. brought away  

d. took off

20. I didn’t want to be disturbed, so I       my mobile phone.

a. turned on

b. switched off

c. took in     

d. dropped out

21. _______ carefully I explained, she still didn’t understand.

a. Whatever

b. Whichever

c. However

d. Whenever

22. The professor told me that I was doing well, my final grade was awful.

a. so

b. therefore

c. in spite of      

d. yet

23. If she______ sick, she would have gone to the party with me.

a. wasn’t

b. weren’t

c. hasn’t been  

d. hadn’t been

24. He won’t mind if I use his phone, _______?

a. do I

b. don’t I

c. will he

d. won’t he

25. The Vietnamese people worship their__________ .

a. ancestors

b. elders

c. heirs      

d. grandfathers

26. After hovering over the park for a short while, the strange flying object vanished

a. landed

b. attacked

c. rose        

d. disappeared

27. In the rush hour the traffic________ in the city is terrible.

a. condensation

b. concentration

c. congestion   

d. accumulation

28. Look! Jimmy together with his friends  football in the park.

a. is playing

b. are playing

c. play   

d. was playing

29. It is no use_______ to school if you_______ to work hard.

a. going – do not ready

b. to go – do not ready

c. going – are not ready

d. go – do not ready

30. The bus was so crowded that we had________ to move there.

a. few rooms

b. not a room

c. not many rooms

d. little room

31. The students who are most successful are usually____ who______ come to all the          

a. one

b. the one     

c. ones   

d. the ones

32. I passed the TOEFL. ~ Congratulations! Surely you_________ very hard.

a. worked

b. had worked

c. have worked

d. were working

33. Did you tell Carol where________ us this evening?

a. should she meet

b. she  meets

c. she to meet  

d. to meet

34. What’s the name of the girl_________ at the party last night?

a. we met her mother

b. who’s mother we met

c. her mother we met

d. whose mother we met

35. ‘Why don’t you come and stay with us for a few days?’  ‘______’

a. I’d love to

b. It’s my pleasant,

c. That’s all  right,

d. Never mind

Đáp án


1. d

2. a

3. d

4. d

5. b

6. b

7. a

8. c

9. d

10. d


11. b

12. a

13. a

14. b

15. a

16. c

17. b

18. c


20. b

21. b

22. c

23. d

24. c

25. a

26. d

27. c

28. a

29. c

30. d

31. d

32. b

33. d

34. d

35. a

36. A (took)

37. . B (some tips)

38. B (the car costs) 

39. D (painter) 

40. B (has)

41. believable

42. receipt

43. solution

44.  admirable

45. attendances

46. environmentalists   

47. pollution

48. compulsion

49. energetic 

50. enjoyment


51. a

52. d

53. b

54. c

55. d

56. c

57. b

58. a

59. b

60. d

61. c 

62. d

63. b

64. a

65. d

66. with

67. such

68. natural

69. result

70. enough


71. protecting/ saving/ preserving


72. danger


73. however

74.  much

75. being


76. d

77. c

78. d

79. d

80. c

81. Henry regretted not having invited Jane to his birthday party.

82. On arrival at the shop, the goods are inspected carefully.

83. We were prevented from having our picnic because of/ due to the heavy rain./ We were not able to have our picnic because of the heavy rain.

84. Brilliant as/ though he was, he never became famous.

85. Extensive research into renewable energy sources has been carried out by scientists.

86. Nowadays, our lives have been much improved by the progresses made in science and technology.

87. Wearing uniform encourages students to feel proud of their school.

88. I regret to inform you that your application has been refused.

89. I had lived in London for a long time before I moved to Bristol.

90. His talk was so interesting that we listen for an hour.

3. Đề số 3


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that the others.

1. a. produce

b. consume

c. introduce

d. introduction

2. a. recycle

b. picture

c. circle

d. rice

3. a. volcano

b. natural

c. grateful

d. nature

4. a. stopped

b. looked 

c. missed

d. traveled

5. a. champagne

b. choice

c. chicken

d. champion

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

6. a. bureau

b. priority

c. category

d. junkyard

7. a. pesticide

b. category

c. profitable

d. linguistics

8. a. meteor

b. disaster

c. career

d. surprise

9. a. computer

b. memory

c. serious

d. special

10. a. discussion

b. assistant

c. character

d. expensive


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. We should provide every child________ a chance to go to school.

a. for

b. of

c. to 

d. with

12. Joey promised he’d phone today, but he’s let me_________

a. up

b. down

c. out

d. off

13. There was a long pause. The second went _____ slowly. 

a. by

b. away

c. over

d. in

14. Please take the picture________ the wall. It’s too old now.

a. in

b. up

c. off  

d. on

15. She herself would use the back staircase as the entrance ________  her flat, approaching it from the courtyard.

a. on

b. in

c. to   

d. for

16. Typhoon Chanchu was forecast to move north-north-east _______ 22 kilo­meters an hour.

a. at

b. for

c. in 

d. with

17. I can _____ with most things but I cannot stand noisy children,

a. put aside

b. put down

c. put up  

d. put off

18. Mark works so hard that he’s sure to_________ .

a. give up

b. wor off    

c. turn over     

d. get ahead

19. We believe scientists will _______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution,

a. set off

b.  put off

c. come up with

d. catch up with

20. There is no evidence that the intruder gained access_________ the source code for Office or any Windows products.

a. on

b. to

c. of  

d.  for

21. The flowers will soon start to bloom ________ the winter is gone and the weather is beginning to get warmer.

a. even if

b. now that

c. so

d. even though

22. He retired early________ ill-health.

a. on account of

b. on behalf

c. in spite of

d.  in place of

23. Nobody knew what to say,_________ ?

a. did it

b. didn’t it

c. did the

d. didn’t they

24. That’s the doctor for________ Cliff works.

a. that

b. who

c. whom       

d. whose

25. Two of the factories in our small town have closed.________ , unemployment is high.

a. Consequently

b. Because

c. So that  

d. For

26. ______ wins the match will go on to play Barcelona in the final.

a. Who

b. The people who 

c. Whoever

d. People who

27. Not only his parents but also his brother _________ to New York. They haven’t been back yet.

a. was going

b. were going 

c.  has gone       

d. have gone

28. Vitamin c_______ by the human body. It gets into the blood stream quickly.

a. absorbs easily

b. is easily absorbed

c. is easily absorbing

d. absorbed easily

29. The more exercise you do,_________ .

a. so fitter you become

b. you become fitter

c. the fitter you become

d. the more fit you become

30. Nothing in the world is _______ if you set your mind to do it.

a. impossible

b. wonderful

c. interesting     

d. necessary

31. At this time tomorrow      over the Atlantic.

a. we’re flying

b. we’ll fly

c. we’ll be flying

d. we’ll have flown

32. Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the great composers in the history of music,

a. outstanding

b. large

c. reliable

d. deliberate

Đáp án 


1. d

2. b

3. b

4. d

5. a

6. b

7. d

8. a

9. a

10. c


11. d

12. b

13. a

14. c

15. c

16. a

17. c

18. d

19. c

20. b

21. b

22. a

23. c

24. c

25. a

26. c

27. c

28. b

29. c

30. a

31. c


33. d

34. a

35. b

36. C (by which)

37. A (had met)

38. D (to speaking)

39.  A (most)

40. A (most)

41. imaginative

42. contaminated

43. Uncertainty

44. considerably

45. inability

46. competitive

47. failure

48. inexperience

49. misunderstood

50. productive


51. b

52. c

53. c

54. d

55. a

56. b

57. d

58. c

59. c

60. b

61. c

62. c

63. b

64. a

65. b

66. ways/ means 

67. more

68. more

69. for

70. made

71. vocabulary

72. it

73. meaning

74. what

75. express/ show/ display



76. b

77. a

78. d

79. a

80. c

81. The company is thought to be planning a new advertising campaign.

82. I have no intention of going to the university.

83. The teacher asked Jimmy if he had finished his test yet.

84. If only I had come to your birthday party last night.

85. No matter how intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this.

86. It’s important (for you) to do exercise before going to class.

87. If he had worked hard, he would have passed last year’s exams.

88. He didn’t allow us to go for a sail yesterday as a strong wind Was blowing.

89. The first important book (which was) printed by Gutenberg was published in 1456.

90. As soon as I got off the bus I rushed to the school.

4. Đề số 4


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.


a. worse

b. horse

c. sword

d. order


a. country

b. count

c. noun

d. ground


a. instead


c. ready

d. steady


a. astonished

b. toured

c. rubbed

d. erased


a. honor

b. honesty

c. hour

d. hurricane

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the other


a. environment

b. pollution

c. accessible

d. infrastructure


a. correspond

b. rivalry

c. volunteer

d. mausoleum


a. unidentified

b. imagination

c. disappointed

d. interactive


a. ethnic

b. nuclear

c. sewage

d. persuade


. a. aboard

b. funnel

c. alien

d. terrified


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or dj that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. We stayed at home because Chris wasn’t keen_________ going out.

a. of

b. with

c. for 

d. on

12. Mark got______ the bus when it stopped then he walked into a cafe.

a. on  

b. off  

c. out of 

d. down

13. I was taken ______ when I received the electricity bill.

a. to

b. off

c. over      

d. in

14. The professor broke ______ her lecture when she heard a cell phone ringing,

a. away

b. in

c. off  

d. out

15. He took it_______ granted that it was not his duty to do the housework.

a. by

b. in

c. on

d. for

16. I’m exhausted______ all the hard work of the past week.

a. with

b. from

c. for

d. by

17. These days everybody is aware__________ the dangers of smoking.

a. of

b. in

c. for

d. to

18. Her parents died when she was a child and she was_______ by her grandparents.

a. taken in

b. grown  up

c. looked for

d. brought up

19. A few hour after the injection the feeling of numbness in your arm will_______ 

a. wear of

b. fade out    

c. drop away  

d. fall in

20. People often ask children what they want to be when they__________ .

a. grow up

b. get on 

c. brought up     

d. look back

21. She went right on talking as though she__________ a word I’d said.

a. didn’t hear 

b. couldn’t hear

c. hadn’t heard

d. couldn’t have heard

22. Titanic is really wonderful. I have never seen _______ .

a. such good

b. a such good

c. so good a 

d. so a good

23. My glasses are in my book bag, but I don’t remember_________ them there.

a. putting

b. to put 

c. put         

d. I put

24. One major______ of the area is the lack of public transport.

a. disapproval

b. dislike

c. disadvantage

d. disappointment

25. ________ weather is unusual in autumn, so we have to stay at home,

a. That bad

b. Such a bad  

c. Such bad     

d. So bad

Đáp án


1. a

2. a 

3. b 

4. a   

5. d  

6. d  

7. b 

8. b  

9. d   

10. a

11. d

12. b 

13. b

14. c  

15. d   

16. b 

17. a

18. d   

19. a

20. a

21. c 

22. c

23. a

24. c

25. c

26. d 

27.  a 

28. d  

29. c

30.  b   

31. c

32. b

33. b

34. d

35. c

36. B (whom)

37. B (to take)    

38. A (is) 

39. D (didn’t they)

40. A (so many)


41. choice  

42. determination 

43. unsuitable 

44. cultural

45. convenience

46. horror

47. Freedom      

48. keenness

49. ease

50.  qualification



51. b

52. b

53. b

54. c

55. d

56. b

57. a

58. c  

59. b        

60. c

61. b

62. c

63. d

64. d

65. c

66. plays

67. with

68. what       

69. they

70. are  

71. would

72. wake 

73. out

74. on

75. Everything


76. d

77. d

78. a

79. b  

80. c

81. I wish I hadn’t spoken to him so rudely yesterday.

82. If there hadn’t been her help, I couldn’t have finished my theme in time./ If it hadn’t been for her help, I couldn’t have finished…

83. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.

84. I’d rather you didn’t mention this matter to anyone else.

85. The joke (that) I told Michael made him laugh heartily.

86. I can’t stand being kept waiting for such a long time.

87. We are going to have our car serviced next week.

88. I strongly advise that all of you should take part in the contest.

89. You won’t be able to do this exercise unless you are good       at English.

90. The police say that nobody was injured during the fire which lasted two and a half hours.

5. Đề số 5


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. poetry      

b. grocery      

c. terrify

d. sticky

2.  a. heat   

b. seat 

c. great

d. meet

3.  a. churches 

b. chemist

c. chairman

d. changes

4.  a. used

b. matched

c. walked

d. walked

5.  a. closure

b. conclusion

c. conclusion

d. pressure

 (6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

6. a. meteor

b. typhoon  

c. highlands  

d. spacecraft

7. a. carriage

b. damage     

c. parade

d. earthquake

8. a. provide

b. persuade 

c. conserve

d. access

9. a. campus

b. scenery    

c. respond 

d. viable

10. a. primary

b. compulsory 

c. occasion 

d. appliance


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. The president refused to make any judgement_________ the situation.

a. on

b. with

c.  for 

d. to

12. Can we move _______ to the next item on the agenda?

a. in

b. by

c. up  

d. on

13. Mars, the small red planet that is fourth in order of distance from the sun, was named______ the god of war.

a. in

b. with

c. for  

d. after

14. This accounts _______’ 90 percent of reported pollution incidents,

a. on

b. for

c. of  

d. in

15. Unfortunately, the company will have to cut__________ on staff.

a. back

b. away

c. out   

d. off

16. They stepped______ the stairs many times just for fun.

a. to and fro

b. back and forth

c. up and down

d. in and about

17. Ernest Hemingway’s books have been translated______ many languages

a. in

b. to

c. into  

d. from

18. Our house was broken ______ a few days ago, but nothing was stolen.

a. out

b. in

c. off   

d. into

19. A new group has been _______ by the United Nations.

a. set on

b. set up

c. put up     

d. put on

20.  _______ knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learned through practice.

a. Because

b. Despite

c. Whereas  

d. Even

Đáp án

1. c

2. c

3. b

4. a 

5. d

6. b 

7. c

8. d

9. c    

10. a

11. a

12. d

13. d

14. b  

15. a

16. c 

17. c

18. d

19. b  

20. c  

21. a

22. a

23. b

24. a

25. a

26. a

27. b

28. b

29. d

30. b  

31. a

32. d 

33. b

34. a

35. c

36. A (nothing) 

 37. C (others)

 38. D (yet)

 39. B (much)

 40. A (hasn’t worn)

 41. luckily

 42. Preventing  

 43. necessities 

 44. environmentally

 45. unsuccessful

 46. decisions 

 47. behavior  

 48. enrich

 49. nonexistent

 50. discouraged



51. b

52. a

53. c

54. a

55. b

56. d

57. d

58. c

59. a

60. b

61. b

62. c

63. b

64. a

65. d

66. from

67. world

68. pay

69. how

70. problems

71. disease

72. do

73. who

74. drinking

75. wash


76. c

77. c

78. a

79. d

80. b

81. If Pete had had more time, he would/ could have finished the test yesterday.

82. Their constant encouragement made her job easier.

83. I suggest you look/ should look for another job,

84. He was too tired to stay awake until the end of the film.

95. The air in the city continues to be polluted with traffic fumes.

86. On rainy days, I would like to stay home to read books, to watch TV or to do other things.

87. He had the roof repaired and the fence mended yesterday.

88. I wish I had been on the beach with you last weekend.

89. Did you get used to reading English books when you were there?

90. He is said to have made a serious mistake when he was working for a bank.


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