Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Minh Đức

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Kì thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 là kì thi rất quan trọng đối với các học sinh lớp 9. Vì vậy, Hoc247 xin gửi đến các em tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Minh Đức nhằm giúp các em làm quen với các dạng đề thi thử vào lớp 10. Hi vọng tài liệu sẽ là nguồn tham khảo hữu ích trong quá trình học tập của các em.




1. Đề số 1


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. gallery

b. gemstone

c. government 

d. guest

2. a. god

b. hot       

c. frost

d. ghost

3. a. clothes

b. potatoes      

c. garages 

d. caves

 (4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

4. a. capture

b. attract 

c. advise   

d. deny

5. a. consumer

b. reasonable   

c. advertising 

d. furniture


(6-25). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. We haven’t seen each other_______ last January.

a. for

b. on

c. since    

d. in

7. Whether we need more food depends______ how many people turn_______ .

a. in – over

b. on – out

c. in – up    

d. on – up

8. Too much exercise can be harmful but walking is good_______

a. for

b. at

c. to   

d. with

9. I took your bag instead of mine______ mistake.

a. in

b. of

c. by  

d. with

10. Many people are very concerned_______ global warming.

a. at

b. to

c. on       

d. about

11. I couldn’t sleep_____ very tired.

a. although I am

b. despite I was

c. despite of being

d. in spite of being

12. The policeman saw two thieves_____ a girl’s purse and they caught them at once.

a. to steal 

b. stealing

c. stole  

d. stolen

13. Chinese people are very happy that the 2008 Olympic Games______ in Beijing.

a. will be held

b. will hold

c. are holding 

d. hold

14. No matter how hard it is, we’ll keep_______ until we make it.

a. to try

b.  tried

c. trying    

d. try

15. Most rivers______ flow through the city are polluted.

a. what

b. whose

c. those    

d. that

16. Remote controls are used to_________ with TV.

a. control

b. interact

c. connect  

d. contact

17. I didn’t think I could ever get used to ______ in a big city.

a. live

b. living

c. lived             

d. not live

18. Our class volunteered ________ the classroom during the maintenance

workers’ strike.

a. to clean

b. cleaning

c. to cleaning   

d. clean

19. The sign warns you not_______ right on the red light.

a. turn

b. to turn


d. to be turned

20. Coming to England will be a good________ for you to improve your English.

a. possibility

b. occasion

c. opportunity

d. experience

21. What a nice day,________ ?

a. is it

b. isn’t it

c. does it       

d. doesn’t it

22. I’ve got the______ powerful computer in the world.

a. little

b. less

c. lesser  

d. least

23. I hadn’t been to New York before and         .

a. neither Jane had

b. either Jane hadn’t

c. Jane had neither

d. Jane hadn’t  either

24. ______ important tool the computer is! ~ I think so.

a. What a

b. How

c. What an        

d. How an

25. We_____ a strange object in the sky when we________ down the hill.

a. saw – were driving

b. saw – drove

c. had seen – drove

d. were seeing – were driving

(26-30). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

26. It is really annoyed (A) to talk to so (B) stubborn a person (C) like (D) him.

27. The taxi is such an (A) expensive means of (B) transport that people don’t take them (C) very often (D) .

28. Children enjoy telling and listening (A) to ghosts stories (B) , especially (C) on (D) Halloween night.

29. When (A) I came (B) in, everyone were watching (C) a film on (D) television.

30. The Internet is available (A) only in cities, so (B) I cannot easily (C) get access for (D) it.

(31-35). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

31. Global communication was transformed by the_______ of the Internet, (invent)

32. Many teenagers feel _________ to talk to their parents about their problems, (able)

33. They planned to visit all the__________ sites and tourist___________ in Tokyo, (history – attract)

34. She was very_________ of her achievements, (pride)

35. We kept up a___________  for many years, (correspond)


(36-45). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

A revolutionary change in human life (36)________ when early people began farming. People did not develop writing systems (37)________ thousands of year later. However, in a little more than fifty years people have (38)_______ computers that can do most of the (39)_____ which human beings can do! Such (40)______ is a little frightening. Will we use computers to control (41)________ world and make wars (42) more terrible than they are now? Or will we use them to (43) ______ the quality of life for all (44) ______? The students of today will have to decide (45) ________ the computers of tomorrow.

36. a. occurred

b. depended

c. amazed

d. provided

37. a. to

b. from

c. until

d. in

38. a. invented

b. developed

c. contributed

d. devoted

39. a. ways

b. works

c. actions

d. things

40. a. movement

b. advantage

c. progress

d. transmit

41. a. the

b. a

c. an

d. no article

42. a. so

b. such

c. too

d. even

43. a. exchange

b. improve

c. succeed

d. supply

44. a. human

b. humane

c. humanity

d. humanist

45. a. to use

b. using

c. how using

d. how to use

(46-50). Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

Many people continue to skip breakfast despite its being the most important meal of the day.

Busy people often rush out the door in the mornings without giving their bodies the fuel they need to handle a long day at work. They end up feeling tired by the afternoon and resort to the office snack machine or biscuit tin.

Loysa Hourigan, from Nutrition Australia, said that catching up on food at lunchtime did not provide the body with enough sustenance to keep it going for the rest of the day. ‘Even if you have had lunch, you won’t have as much food as you need. Your brain gets, depleted of glucose and you feel tired,’ Ms Hourigan said.

According to Ms Hourigan, wholegrain bread and cereals provide endurance. Milk, eggs, and baked beans provide protein, which helps people to be alert. Rolled oats are also an excellent endurance food.

46. According to the passage, people should__________ .

a. not have breakfast

b. skip lunch

c. not eat snacks

d. have breakfast

47. The word ‘fuel’ in paragraph 2 means ___________ .

a. food

b. energy                 

c. nutrition I

d. tired

48. Ms Hourigan said that if we did not have breakfast, we would feel tired because________ .

a. we ate snacks and biscuits instead

b. there was no oxygen in our brain

c. our brain was full of glucose         

d. our brain ran out of glucose

49. According to Ms Hourigan, which of the following is not mentioned as endurance foods?

a. Rolled oats

b. cereals

c. wholegrain bread

d. bananas

50. Loysa Hourigan might work as a____________ .

a. teacher

b. nutritionist

c. writer                   

 d. business woman


(51-55). Choose the best sentence (a, b, c or d) made from the given cues.

51. How/ ungrateful/ you/ not greet/ former teacher/ meet/ him//

a.How ungrateful of you not to greet your former teacher when you met him.

b. How ungrateful you are not to greet your former teacher when you met him.

c. How ungrateful to you not to greet your former teacher when you met him.

d. How ungrateful of you not to greet your former teacher when meet him.

52. We/ rather/ spend/ holidays/ a farm/ seaside//

a. We’d rather spend on our holidays on a farm at the seaside.

b. We’d rather spend our holidays on a farm better than at the seaside.

c. We’d rather spend our holidays on a farm than at the seaside.

d. We’d rather spend our holidays on a farm than on the seaside.

53. He/ clever boy/ understand/ what/ you mean/ quickly//

a. He is so clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly.

b. He is such clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly.

c. He is a such clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly.

d. He is such a clever boy that he understands what you mean very quickly.

54. We/ survive/ start/ work/ cleaner/ safer/ sources of energy//

a. We won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy.

b. We won’t survive if we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy.

c. We will survive if we start work on cleaner, safer sources of energy.

d. We will survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy.

55. My teacher/ advise/ 1/ take part/ English-speaking contest//

a. My teacher advised I to take part in the English-speaking contest.

b. My teacher advised I took part on the English-speaking contest.

c. My teacher advised that I should take part in the English-speaking contest.

d. My teacher advised that I could take part in an English-speaking contest.

(56-60). Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.

56. The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours.

It is a________________________________________________________________

57. The Vietnamese students find driving on the left difficult.

The Vietnamese students aren’t___________________________________________

58. Jane isn’t going to take part in the race and I’m not either.

Neither Jane__________________________________________________________

59. Be careful or you might fall.


60. If you worry, you will find it difficult to get to sleep.

The more_____________________________________________________________



1. b

2.  d

3. c

4. a

5. a


6. c

7. d

8.  a

9.  c

10. d

11. d

12. b

13. a

14. c

15. d

16. b

17. b

18. a

19. b

20. c

21. b

22. d

23. d

24. c

25. a

26. A (annoying)

27. C (it)

28. B (ghost stories)

29. C (was watching)

30. (to)


31. invention

32. unable

33. historic — attractions

34. proud

35. correspondence



36. a

37. c

38. b

39. d

40. c

41. a

42. d

43. b

44. c

45. d

46. d

47. b

48. d

49. d

50. b


51. a

52. c

53. d

54. a

55. c

56. It is a two-hour train journey from London to Bristol.

57. The Vietnamese students aren’t used to/ aren’t accustomed to driving on the left.

58. Neither Jane nor I am going to take part in the race.

59. If you are not careful; you might fall.

60. The more you worry, the more difficult you find it get to sleep.

2. Đề số 2


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. clear

b. ear         

c. heard

d. near

2. a. wool

b. woo

c. food  

d. foot

3. a. Christmas

b. mechanic

c. scholarship     

d. machine

 (4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

4. a. experience

b. efficient  

c. extensive

d. evidence

5. a. mineral

b. mysterious  

c. material

d.  minority


(6-25). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. Have you ever been______ Tokyo?

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. to

7. The shop was crowded_______ last-minute shoppers.

a. of

b. with

c. for

d.  in

8. Many young people are fond______ playing or watching football.

a. in

b. at

c.  on

d. of

9. Who is going to    your children while you’re at work?

a. bring on

b. look after

c. take over  

d. set up

10. I always start the day by going_______ my email.

a. round

b. for

c. in for 

d. through

11. We’d better set off ten minute early _____ there is a lot of traffic,

a. so that

b. as if

c. in case 

d. although

12. As an_______ , she showed no favor to any candidate.

a. organizer

b. employer

c. customer

d. examiner

13. She packed all ______ into the boot of the car.

a. luggage

b. luggages

c. the luggage

d. the luggages

14. I’d rather you______  with us.

a. come

b. came

c. have come 

d. are coming

15. ______ English, he is also very good at French and Germany.

a. Beside

b. Besides

c. Except 

d. Apart from

16. ______ more help, I could call my neighbor.

a. Needed

b. Should I need

c. I need 

d. I should need

17 Can you tell me _______ to the station? ~ About four miles.

a. how far is it

b. it is how far 

c. how far it is

d. is it how far

18. There are so many kinds of radios on sale that I can’t decide________ .

a. what to buy

b. to buy what

c. which to buy  

d. to buy which

19. Marỵ _____ to Australia for a while but she’s back again now.

a. has gone

b. went

c. would go

d.  is going

20. You never tell anyone your password,_______?

a. do you

b. don’t you

c. did you

d. didn’t you

21. To the one _______ feelings for me are so strong that the word love can’t describe them.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose   

d. that

22. Don’t talk loudly. No one ______ noise in the reading room.

a. is allowed to make

b. is allowed making

c. allows to make  

d. allows making

23. I have to finish all my housework before my mother________

a. will come

b. comes

c. came   

d. has come

24. You should read as much, as possible_______ English well.

a. so that to learn

b. for learning

c. in order to learn

d. so as learning

25. ______ is the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area.

a. Forestation

b. Deforestation

c. Afforestation

d. Reforestation

(26-30). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting.

26. The flat where (A) he lives (B) in is (C) not far from (D) his office.

27. A little (A) simple precautions (B) can prevent (C) accidents at home and on the job (D) .

28. The computer is said to be (A) one of the most (B) wonderful invention (C) in modem life (D) .

29. Rarely Americans(A) shake hands (B) to say goodbye, except (C) on (D) business occasions.

30. My sister has (A) never gone (B) skiing, and neither (C) did (D) I. 

(31-35). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

31. Big students aren’t___________ intelligent students, (necessity)

32. The flood caused widespread_____________ . (destroy)

33. He spent most of his_______________ in Egypt, (child)

34. There is a rapid_________ in the number of private cars at present, (grow)

35. Alexander G. Bell was one of the greatest ______________ . He invented the telephone, (invent)



1. c

2. c

3. d

4. d

5. a


6. d

7. b

8. d

9. b

10. d

11. c

12. d

13. c

14. b

15. b

16. b

17. c

18. c

19. b

20. a

21. c

22. a

23. b

24. c

25. b

26. A (which)

27. A (A few)

28. C (inventions)

29. A (Rarely do Americans)

30. 30. D (have)


31. necessary

32. destruction

33. childhood

34. growth

35. inventors



36. b

37. a

38. c

39. a

40. b

41. d

42. a

43. c

44. c

45. b

46. d

47. c

48. a

49. d

50. b


51. c

52. c

53. a

54. d

55. b

56. Taking an exam always makes her nervous.

57. I thought the film was more interesting than the play.

58. My English teacher asked me how much time I spent on English.

59. It’s time you handed in all term papers.

60. He left the room without saying goodbye to anybody.

3. Đề số 3


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. teenage

b. garbage

c. carriage

d. shortage

2. a. shift

b. sight

c. hike

d. tidal

3. a. exchange

b. brochure

c. challenge

d. charity

4. a. wet

b. letter

c. enter

d. pretty

5. a. decided

b. collected

c. watched

d. invited

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

6. a. rivalry                b. dormitory

c. documentary

d. nominate

7. a. annoyance        b. government

c. experiment

d. participate

8. a. precious             b. terrified

c. innovate

d. commercial

9. a. intermediate       b. institute

c. interactive

d. innovation

10. a. comprise          b. compulsory

c. correspond

d. communicate


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. I was responsible ______ the teacher  ______ keeping the class in order while she went out.

a. to – for

b. for – for

c. to – in

d. with – for

12. Some people say that Sue is unfriendly, but she’s always very nice _______ me.

a. with                   

b.  about                 

c.  to                               

d. on

13. There has been a big increase________ the price of land recently.

a. to

b. in

c. with                    

d. of

14. He lives a rather lonely life. He doesn’t have much contact_____ other people.

a. to

b. on

c. in                        

d. with

15. She works quite hard. You can’t accuse her______ being lazy.

a. at

b. with

c. of                       

d. in

16. I saw your school’s advertisement_________ today’s edition of Vietnam News.

a. in

b. on

c. of                       

d. from

17. I’m glad Sarah is coming to the party. I’m really looking_____ seeing her again.

a. up with

b. out for

c. forward to           

d. back on

18. Don’t let me interrupt you. Carry_______ with your work.

a. out

b. on

c. over                   

d. through

19. The football match had to be called______because of the weather.

a. on

b. out                                 

c. off                               

d. by

20. Nobody believed Paul at first, but he ______to be right.

a. worked out

b. came out

c. found out           

d. turned out

21. Parents love and support their children _______ the children misbehave or do foolish things.

a. even if

b. since

c. if                        

d. only if

22. Ms Jackson was assigned the fifth-grade science class ______ she has the best qualifications among the available faculty.

a. although

b. whereas

c. if                        

d. since

23. He felt______ when he failed the driving test the second time.

a. discouraged

b. annoying

c. undecided

d. determined

24. The weather was terrible. I wish it  _____ warmer       

a. were

b. was

c. has been             

d. had been

25. The teacher gave us five minutes to _____ the maths problem.

a. look out

b. find out

c. take out              

d. work out

26. Every computer consists of a number of systems_______

a. by working

b. work

c. that work            

d. they work

27. Mary’s father was very surprised when she told him all_________ .

a. that had happened

b. had happened

c. what had happened

d. happened

28. Not a very good film,______ ?

a. was it

b. wasn’t it

c. did it                   

d. didn’t it

29. Sarah couldn’t have got my message. Otherwise she  _______ .

a. would reply

b. should reply

c. would have replied

d. should have replied

30. I wonder where we________ ten years from now.

a. are living

b. will live

c. will be living

d. will have lived

31. I think that with our solidarity we can_____ this difficulty.

a. overtake

b. overdo

c. overwork                         

d. overcome

32. It’s obvious that neither the workers_____ to fight the new rules.

a. nor the manager intend

b. nor the manager intends

c. intend nor the manager

d. or the manger intend



1. a

2. a

3. b

4. d

5. c

6. c

7. b

8. d

9. b

10. c


11. a

12. c

13. b

14. d

15. c

16. a

17. a

18. b

19. c

20. d

21. a

22. d

23. a

24. d

25. d

26. c

27. a

28. a

29. c

30. c

31. d

32. b

33. a

34. c

35. b

36. C (hard)

37. B (they are)

38. A (Thanks to)

39. A (boring)

40. A (locking)

41. beliefs

42. independence

43. pollutants

44. provision

45. native

46. dissatisfied

47. unfriendly

48. unharmed

49. satisfactory

50. strengthen


51. c

52. b

53. d

54. c

55. a

56. b

57. d

58. a

59. c

60. d

61. b

62.  a

63. b

64. d

65. c

66. to

67. carry

68. at


70. less


71. shorter

72. role/ part

73. of

74. not

75. those


76. d 

77. b

78. c

79. b

80. c

81. Would you mind if I came to the club with you tonight?

82. She won’t let her children go out in the evenings.

83. Had it not been for Laura’s report, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the project.

84. The car driver is said to have been driving very fast at the time of the crash.

85. Hardly had I shut the door when I realized that I had left the key inside.

86. I am writing to you about the noise from your flat.

87. I am constantly disturbed by the noise from your record player  late at night.

88. I have spoken to you a number of times about this matter and you did say/ said you would try to be more reasonable.

89. But you continue to play your record player till the early hours of the morning.

90. I hope we can manage to sort this out pleasantly.

4. Đề số 4


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. what

b. bottle

c. clock

d. hole

2. a. faxed

b. offered

c. studied

d. borrowed

3. a. machine

b. suggestion

c. shouting

d. emotion

4. a. deny

b. terrify

c. energy

d. liqify

5. a. sample

b. simple

c. sugar

d. solar

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others

6. a. minority

b. priority

c. necessary

d. facility


7. a.  unpolluted

b. infrastructure

c. disappointment

d. intermediate


8. a. economic

b. mathematics

c. environmental

d. electricity


9. a. grocery

b. comfortable

c. rivalry

d. withdrawal


10. a. practicality

b. politician

c. uncontrollable

d. comfortable



(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. Are you fond_____ pop music?

a. in

b. of

c. with

d. on

12. I started to feel afraid______ going out alone at night.

a. in

b. at

c. of

d. for

13. I’ve been working______ this project for an hour.

a. in

b. on

c. with

d. for

14. They wanted us to pay ______ cheque.

a. for

b. in

c. on

d. by

15. PO box stands _____ ‘Post Office’ box.

a. as

b. like

c. for

d. by

16. Have you had any experience ______ computer?

a. in

b. on

c. with

d. about

17. I had no idea that he was lying to me.’I was completely take_____

a. over

b. off

c. down

d. in

18. It is wrong to ______ the poor

a. look down

b. look down on

c. look upon

d. look up to

19. Why don’t you______ for a more famous school?

a. come up

b. get on

c. go in

d. look out

20. Hard work can often make for lack of intelligence.

a. up

b. in

c. into

d. out

21. The children are allowed to watch television after dinner ______ they have finished their homework. Homework must come first.

a. unless

b. only if

c.  even  if              

d.  in case

22. Some fish can survive only in salt water,______ other species can live only in fresh water.                                                         

a. since

b. unless

c.  if                        

d.  whereas

23. ______ down the street, I ran into an old friend.

a. While walking

b. When walked

c. Having walked

d. During walking

24. Last night police said that they_______ the missing girl.

a. find

b. have found

c.  were finding      

d. had found

25. If you’d only listened to my advice, you______ so many problems.

a. won’t have

b. hadn’t had

c.  wouldn’t have     

d.  wouldn’t have had



1. d

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. c

6. c

7. b

8. c

9. d

10. d


11. b

12. c

13. b

14. d

15. c

16. a

17. d

18. b

19. c

20. a

21. b

22. d

23. a

24. d

25. d

26. d

27. d

28. a

29. d

30. a

31. d

32. d

33. b

34. d

35. c

36. B (destructive)

37. B (with)

38. C (couldn’t have been)

39. C (couldn’t have been)

40. B (terrible)


41. poverty



44. disappointed

45. environmental

46. uncomfortably

47. productively

48. electrified

49. electrified 

50. distinguishable




51. c

52. d

53. a

54. b

55. c

56. d

57. b

58. a

59. c

60. a

61. b

62. a

63. d

64. b

65. a

66. least

67. widely

68. of

69. number

70. number

71. parts/ coutries

72. both

73. in

74. chosen

 75. They


76. c

77. c

78. b

79. d

80. a

81.Not until he got the office did he remember about the document.

82. Alan’s illness was caused by working too hard at exam time.

83. You should not have left the window open last night.

84. There is no satisfactory answer for that question.

85. There isn’t anybody else who does it better than Jackson.

86. The old castle is believed to have been built three hundred years ago.

87. The village where I was born is very far from here.

88. He’s trying to get used to working late.

89. The harm of smoking is a question that has not entirely been settled.

90. By the time the firefighters arrived, the house had already been burn to ashes.

5. Đề số 5


(1-5). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. respond

b. novel

c. work

d. cotton

2. a. unique

b. chemistry

c. quarter

d. occasion

3. a. viable

b. dynamite

c. priority

d. responsible

4. a. pleased

b. erased

c. increased

d. amused

5. a. father

b. healthy

c. weather

d. clothing

(6-10). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

6.  a. managerial


c. unbelievable

d. inability

7.  a. equality

b. difficulty

c. discovery

d. simplicity

8.  a. plentiful

b. adequate

c. sociable

d. commercial

9.  a. citizenship

b. category

c. benefit

d. priority

10.  a. temperature

b. thunderstorm

c. mysterious

d. ultimately


(11-35). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

11. This type of music is quite popular_______ teenage boys and girls.

a. with

b. to

c. for             

d. of

12. I love to look up at the stars_________ the sky______night

a. in – in

b. on – at

c. at – at      

d. in – at

13. When are your friends going back_____ Italy?

a. in

b. for

c. to

d. Ø

14. Have you ever read anything_______Earnest Hemingway?

a. of

b. by

c. from

d. for

15. I didn’t intend to take your umbrella. I took it ______ .

a. by chance

b. by accident

c. by mistake    

d. on purpose

16. How are you getting_______ in your new job? Are you enjoying it?

a. on

b. off

c. in      

d. with

17. Things are changing all the time. It’s difficult to keep_________ all these changes.

a. out of

b. up with

c. back from 

d. on about

18. We let the kids decorate their rooms__________ they want to.

a. wherever

b. whatever   

c. whenever    

d. however

19. I ______ to see Chris on my way home.

a. dropped in


c. got by

d. crossed out

20. Don’t _____ until tomorrow what you can do today.

a. call off

b. put off

c. take off 

d. run off



1. c 

2. c

3. d

4. c

5. b


6. b

7. b

8. d

9. d

10. c


11. a

12. d

13. c

14. b

15. c

16. a

17. b

18. d

19. a

20. b

21. a

22. d

23. c

24. b

25. d

26. d

27. b

28. c

29. a

30. d

31. b

32. a

33. b

34. d

35. d

36. D (pulled)

37. D (cruelty)

38. B (behaved)

39. C (is staying)

40. C (said)


41. boring

42. popularity 

43. success

44. Honesty

45. carelessness

46. admiration

47. Security

48. comfortably

49. industrialization

50. encourage



51. c

52. a

53. d

54. b

55. c

56. a

57. b

58. d

59. d

60. b

61. d

62. b

63. a

64. c

65. d

66. people/ they

67. what

68. when 

69. of

70. dress

71. have

72. direction

73. as

74. by

75. you



76. b

77. d

78. b

79. c 

80. d

81. Once the opera had begun, late-comers had to wait before taking their seats.

82. No reply from her was said to me for two weeks.

83. In any circumstances should we not be impolite to our parents.

84. My sister didn’t succeed in getting into art college.

85. Despite his inexperience, he got the job.

86. It was such a boring program that I turned off the television and went to bed.

87. Electric light had been invented before I was born.

88. If there was/ were no oxygen, there would be no life on earth.

89. I have been waiting for her since 9 o’clock.

90. We are looking forward to receiving your letter soon.


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