give the correct form of verb?

III. Correct the verbs

1. Basketball ( become) very popular all around the world in 1990s

2. My father( play ) roller skating

When he( be ) a child

3. She never (allow) her children to stay up late

4. You ought( finish )your monework before (watch) TV

5. The disesde ( spread ) fast now

6. Marconi (invent) the radio

7. The children must ( be ) back by six o'clock

8.I like( watch ) basketball

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • III. Correct the verbs

    1. Basketball ( become)became very popular all around the world in 1990s

    2. My father( play ) played roller skating

    When he( be )was a child

    3. She never (allow) allows her children to stay up late

    4. You ought( finish )to finish your monework before (watch) TV

    5. The disesde ( spread )is spreading fast now

    6. Marconi (invent)invented the radio

    7. The children must ( be )be back by six o'clock

    8.I like( watch )watching basketball

      bởi Nguyễn Hoàng Minh Hiếu 20/08/2019
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