Read and answer the questions he lives in a small house in the city?

1. Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi:

Hi! His name is Huy. He's eleven years old. He's a student. he lives in a small house in the city. His house is near a park. He gets up at half past five. Then he brushes the teeth and washes his face. He has his breakfast, then he goes to school at half past six. The school is near his house. Classes start at seven o'clock.

1. What's his name? ........................................................

2. What does he do? ...........................................................

3. Does he live in the city? ..................................................

4. What time does he get up? ..................................................

5. Does he go to school at 6 o'clock? ..............................................................

6. How old is Huy? ......................................................................

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • 1. Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi:

    Hi! His name is Huy. He's eleven years old. He's a student. he lives in a small house in the city. His house is near a park. He gets up at half past five. Then he brushes the teeth and washes his face. He has his breakfast, then he goes to school at half past six. The school is near his house. Classes start at seven o'clock.

    1. What's his name? .............................HIS NAME IS HUY..........................

    2. What does he do? ........................HE IS A STUDENT...................................

    3. Does he live in the city? .....................YES, HE DOES.............................

    4. What time does he get up? ...............................AT HAFT PAST FIVE...................

    5. Does he go to school at 6 o'clock? ...................................NO , HE DOESN'T...........................

    6. How old is Huy? ............................HE IS ELEVEN YEARS OLD..........................................

      bởi Liêu Á Phàm 10/11/2019
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