Complete the sentences by using the verbs in brackets and shall/ will or the correct form of be going to:

Complete the sentences by using the verbs in brackets and shall/ will or the correct form of be going to:

Craig: Hey Mark! What (0) are you going to do (you do) during half term?

Mark: You (7) ___________ (not believe) it but I (8) __________ (visit) Switzerland!

Craig: Really? That's so exciting! Switzerland is great. I'm sure you (9) _________ (love) it!

Mark: I think so, too. My family and I (10) __________ (stay)  at a hotel near the Swiss Alps.

Craig: Wow!

Mark: Yeah, it's great I (11) __________ (play) in the snow every day. My brother and I (12) __________ also __________ (try) to learn how to ski.

Craig: You're so lucky. I wish I could go with you.

Mark: Maybe you ca. (13) __________ (I/ ask) my parents?

Craig: Definitely!

Mark: OK then. I (14) __________ (talks) to them tonight.

Craig: Great!

Mark: I think we should go to class now or we (15) __________ (be) late.

Craig: You're right. Let's go!

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