Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Trường Thi

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Hoc247 xin giới thiệu đến các em Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Trường Thi nhằm giúp các em ôn tập thật tốt để chuẩn bị cho kì thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 sắp tới. Hi vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích trong quá trình học tập của các em. Mời các em cùng tham khảo nhé!




1. Đề số 1

A. Pronunciation (10 points)

I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each group. (5 points)

  1. A. author

B. other

C. there

D. they

  1. A. forest

B. control

C. product

D. ecology

  1. A. industry

B. translate

C. construction

D. satisfy

  1. A. baggage

B. courage

C. damage

D. invasion

  1. A. advantage

B. addition

C. advertise

D. adventure

II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (5 points)

  1. A. deposit

B. festival

C. institute

D. resident

  1. A. surprising

B. astonishing

C. amazing

D. interesting

  1. A. interview

B. industry

C. essential

D. difficult

  1. A. extreme

B. generous

C. lonely

D. clothing

  1. A. friendly

B. extra

C. along

D. orphanage


I. Choose the best answers to completes each sentence. (10 points)

1.  One problem for teacher is that each student has his/ her own ________ needs.

     A. separate

B. divided

C. individual

D. distinctive

2.  I was ________ in the book I was reading and didn’t hear the phone.

A. submerged

B. distracted

C. gripped

D. engrossed

3.  If we hurry, we might get there ________ to catch the early train.

     A. right

B. in time

C. on time

D. before time

4.  To get a passport, you must send in your birth  ________ and two photos.

     A. certificate

B. licence

C. paper

D. card

5.  She tries to set  ________ an hour a week for practice.

     A. about

B. down

C. aside

D. in

6.  ________ stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home.

     A. At all costs

B. By all means

C. In all

D. On the whole

7.  Robert and his wife  ________ to my house for tea yesterday evening.

     A. came round

B. came about

C. came down

D. came away

8.  Each of the guests  ________ a bunch of flowers.

     A. are given

B. is given

C. were given

D. give

9.  To everyone’s surprise, Mr Brown  ________ at the Trade Union meeting.

     A. turned in

B. turned over

C. turned up

D. turned round

10. Everyone burst out laughing. There was a lot of  ________.

    A. laughs

B. laughter

C. laughings

D. laugh

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 points)

1. I (meet) ________ John before I (be) ________ a fortnight in Paris.

2. The children were frightened because the lights suddenly (go) ________ out and they (sit) ________ in the dark.

3. What tune (play) ________ when we (come) ________ in?

4. She was badly hurt when her car hit another car. If she (wear) ________ her seat belt, she (not hurt) ________ so badly.

5. Coming into the room he (see) ________ Mary where he (leave) ________ her.

III. Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the passage. (10 points)

1. We go to the restaurant for ________ whenever we ‘re tired of eating meat. (vegetable)

2. Don’t worry. I ‘ll be waiting for you at the ________  to the pagoda . (enter)

3. The old theater of our city is being enlarged and ________. (modern)

4. Advertisements account for three fourths of the ________ of the newspaper. (come)

5. What is the ________ of the adjective “solid”. ( oppose)

6. ________ should complain if they are not satisfied with the service they receive. (Consume)

7. If your work is ________ you won’t get a raise. (satisfy)

8. ________ are alarmed by the rate at which tropical rain-forest are being destroyed.(Conserve)

9. The athletes take part in the Olympic Games in the true spirit of ________. (sport)

10. You can never be sure what he is going to do. He is so ________. (predict)

IV. Arrange these sentences to make a complete passage (10 points).

a. As they built bigger and bigger ships, they were able to sail further and further away.

b. They don’t really mean that the world is getting smaller, of course.

c. They found that as they sailed further away from their home countries, the world became bigger.

d. Then men began to use ships to explore the world.

e. Today there are no undiscovered countries left to put on the map, but there are many new worlds to discover out in space.

f. But 2,300 years ago the Egyptians and the Greek thought that the world was very small and flat that around it was the  ocean.

g. We often hear people  saying that the world is getting smaller.

h. So they had to make new maps to show the countries that they found.

i. And they discovered new countries that they didn’t know about.

j. What they mean is that with modern means of transport, we can now reach every part of the world very quickly.

C. READING (30 points)

I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question. (5 points)

People have been playing with marbles for thousands of years. The first marbles were probably either river stones that happened to be naturally round enough to roll or, more likely, rounded globs of clay that were baked hardness. Such very old clay marbles have been found in both Greek and Roman ruins, and quartz spheres have been dated at around 6000 B.C. Harder and more durable marbles tend to inspire different kinds of games than soft clay marbles, which crack very easily. So with the advent of hand rounded and polished marbles made of agate or some other rugged, igneous rock, the ‘golden age’ of marbles and marble play flowered. Stone marbles began to appear in the early 1800s in what is now the southern part of Germany. Shortly after, handmade glass marbles appeared in the same part of Europe. For the next 120 years, marbles and marble playing-there were literally hundred of games - flourished in both Europe and America. Marble players developed their own vocabulary for different sizes and materials of marbles, as well as for the many kinds of games to be played and the way marbles were used in the games. For example, if you were going to play a game of Ring-Taw, one of the most popular and enduring marbles games, you would lag for the first shot, and then knuckle down from the baulk, trying your best to get a mib or two with your opponent’s immie.

1. The author makes the point in the passage that playing with marbles  __________.

A. has been going on since ancient times      

B. is a relatively recent phenomenon

C. is losing popularity                        

D. is a very expensive pastime

2. According to the passage, which of the following was the least used substance for making marbles?

A. agate

B. glass

C. rock

D. clay

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of marbles became very popular in Europe and America __________.

A. in the 18th century                                     

B. in the 1970s                       

C. in 6000 B.C                                               

D. after glass marbles were developed

4. We can infer from the passage that marble playing __________.

A. is a game only for children            

B. has many variations in games

C. is played according to one set of rules      

D. uses only one kind of marble

5. We can conclude from lines 11-12 of the passage that the terminology of marble playing is __________.

A. specialized                                                 

B. used only by children

C. easy to understand                                    

D. derived from an ancient language

II. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (15 points)

Look on the bright side

Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, some one who always (1) _______ to be successful? Having some one around who always (2) _______ the worst isn’t really a lot of (3) _______ we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says,b “It looks (4) _______ rain.” But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it’s important to do something (5) _______ it. You can change your view of life, (6) _______ to psychologists, it only takes a little effort, and you’ll find life more rewarding as a (7) _______ . Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and confidence, but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (8) _______ . Optimists are more (9) _______ to start new projects and generally more prepared to take risks.

Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (10) _______ to the world. Some people are brought up to (11) _______ too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything (12) _______ wrong. Most optimists, on the (13) _______ hand, have been brought up not to (14) _______ failure as the end of the world-they just (15) _______ with their lives.

1. A. counted    

B. expected   

C. felt    

D. waited   

2. A. worries  

B. cares   

C. fears   

D. doubts

3. A. musement 

B. play   

C. enjoyment  

D. fun    

4. A. so    

B. to     

C. for    

D. like

5. A. with  

B. against 

C. about  

D. over    

6. A. judging  

B. according  

C. concerning 

D. following

7. A. result 

B. reason  

C. purpose 

D. product   

8. A. supply  

B. suggest  

C. offer    

D. propose

9. A. possible  

B. likely   

C. hopeful  

D. welcome  

10. A. opinion  

B. attitude   

C. view   

D. position

11. A. trust    

B. believe   

C. depend  

D. hope      

12. A. goes    

B. falls    

C. comes    

D. turns

13. A. opposite  

B. next   

C. other     

D. far          

14. A. regard  

B. respect  

C. suppose  

D. think

15. A. get up     

B. get on      

C. get out       

D. get over

III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete this passage. (10 points)

Traveling to all corners of the world is (1) _______ easier and easier. We live (2) _______ a global village, but how well do we know and understand each other ? Here is (3) _______ simple test. Imagine you have arranged a meeting at  4 p.m . What time should you expect your foreign business colleagues to arrive? If they are German, they ‘ll be exactly (4) _______ time. If they are American, they ‘ll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are British, they be 15 minutes (5) _______, and you should allow up to an hour for the Indians. Therefore, these are some small  advice in (6) _______ not to behave badly abroad. In France you shouldn’t sit down in a cafard until you are shaken hands with everyone you know.In Afghanistan you ‘d  better spend at last 5 minutes (7) _______ hello.  In  Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It is offensive. In the Middle East  you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking. Also, you should care not to admire (8) _______ in your host’s home. They will feel that they have to give it to you.In Russia you must your hosts drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly. In Thailand you should clasp your hands (9) _______ and lower your head and your eyes when you  greet  someone. In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as (10) _______. You shouldn’t try to have a conversation  until it is eaten. 

  D. WRITING (20 points)

I. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them. (10 points)

1. My brother studies now harder than he used to.

My brother .............................................................................................................................

2. Please don’t ask me that question.

I’d rather ................................................................................................................................

3. I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.

I haven’t ................................................................................................................................

4. John only understood very little what the teacher said.

John could hardly ..................................................................................................................

5. Tom will be twenty next week.

It’s Tom’s ..............................................................................................................................

6. She is fond of her nephew although he behaves terribly.

She is fond of her nephew in .................................................................................................

7. He prefers reading books to watching TV.

He would ...............................................................................................................................

8. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the bus.

If ............................................................................................................................................

9. The train takes longer than the plane.

The plane ...............................................................................................................................

10. I don’t suppose you have change for 2 pounds, do you?

Do you happen ......................................................................................................................

II. Use the promps provided to write full sentences to make a complete letter. (10 points)

Dear Sir / Madam,

1. I / like / express / concern / increasing number / karaoke bars / city.

2. There be / lot / reason / I object / places.

3. Firstly, / owners / take / much money / those / come / sing.

4. Secondly, / they cause / much noise / neighborhood.

5. Thirdly, / there / number / pupils / play truant / just / go / those places / sing.

6. Last / least / these bars / do harm / appearance / city / because / their / ugly flashing lights.

7. I want / say / I / not / old fashioned person.

8. I hope / authority / take / matter / careful consideration.

9. I / not mean / ban them / but / there should / effective way / control / this kind / entertainment places.

10. I / look / see / city council / do / this master.

Yours truly, Thomas Cruise.


A. Pronunciation (10 points)

I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each group. (5 points) - 1/ each.

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. D

5.   C

II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (5 points) - 1/ each.

1. A

2. D

3. C

4. A

5.   C


I. Choose the best answers to completes each sentence (10 points) - 1/ each.

1.   C

2.   D

3.   B

4.   A

5.   C

6.   B

7.   A

8.   B

9.   C

10. B

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (10 points) - 1/ each.

1. met – had been.

2. had gone – were sitting.

3. was being played – came.

4. had been wearing – wouldn’t have been hurt.

5. saw – had left.

III. Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the passage (10 points) - 1/ each.

1. vegetarians

6. consumers

2. entrance

7. unsatisfactory

3. modernized

8. Conservationists

4. incomes

9. sportsmanship

5. opposite


IV. Arrange these sentences to make a complete passage (10 points)

g  b  j    f   d  c  i   a   h    e

C. READING (30 points)

I. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question (5 points) - 1/ each.

1. A

2. D

 3. D

 4. B

5. A

II. Read the text and decide which answer best fits each space (15 points) - 1/ each.

1.    B

2.    C

3.    D

4.    D

5. C

6.    B

7.    A

8.    C

9.    B

10. B

11.   C

12.   A

13.   C

14.   A

15. B

III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete this passage (10 points) - 1/ each.

  1. getting

  2.  in

  3. a

  4. on

  5.    late

  6. order

  7.  saying

  8. anything

  9. together

  10.  possible

D. WRITING (20 points)

I. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them. (10 points)

1. My brother didn't use to study as/ so hard as he does now/ used to study more lazily than he does now.

2. I’d rather you didn’t ask me that question.

3. I haven’t seen Bob since I was in Ho Chi Minh City.

4. John could hardly understand what the teacher said.

5. It's Tom's twentieth birthday next week.

6. She is fond of her nephew in spite of his terrible behavior.

7. He would rather read books than watch TV.

8. If he had hurried he would/could have caught / wouldn’t have missed the bus

9. The plane does not take as long as/takes a shorter time than/ is quicker/faster than the train.

10. Do you happen to have change for 2 pounds?

II. Use the promps provided to write full sentences to make a complete … (10 points) - 1/ each.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

1. I would like to express (my) concern about the increasing number of karaoke bars in the/ our city.

2. There are a lot of reasons that/ why I object to these/ those places.

3. Firstly, the owners take too much money from those people who come to sing.

4. Secondly, they cause/ are causing too much noise in/ to the neighborhood.

5. Thirdly, there are a number of pupils who/ that play truant just to go to those places to sing.

6. Last but not least, these bars do harm to the appearance of the city because of their ugly flashing light.

7. I (also) want to say (that) I am not an old fashioned person.

8. I hope (that) the authority will take this matter into careful consideration.

9. I do not mean to ban them, but there should be an/ some effective way to control this kind of entertainment places.

10. I look/ am looking forward to seeing the city council doing something about this matter.
Yours truly, Thomas Cruise.

2. Đề số 2

Câu I (1,0 điểm): Trong các từ sau, tìm 4 từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm là /e/.









Câu II (1,5 điểm): Viết dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. There (be) …………………. 20 students in class 9A. They are learning English now.

2. When I (arrive) …………………. yesterday, he was watching TV.                    

3. They (live) …………………. here since 2003.                                                    

4. My brother likes (play) …………………. soccer in his free time.

5. The boy is too young (ride) …………………. a motorbike.                                

6. A modern hospital should (build) …………………. in this town soon.  

Câu III (2,0 điểm): Tìm 1 lỗi sai trong 4 từ được  gạch chân ở mỗi câu sau và sửa lại bằng 1 từ thích hợp.

1. Hello, I name is Linda and I’m a student from the USA.             

2. The last time I went to London was at September.           

3. My father often spends a hour working in the garden everyday.  

4. Jane is only 10 years old but she cooks very good.

Câu IV (1,0 điểm): Chọn 1 từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống của đoạn văn dưới đây.







Many tourists like to send postcards to their friends and family. They send them when they are (1)………… holiday. These postcards often have pictures on one side and a message (2) ………… be written on the other. The pictures on them are better (3) ………… the photos they take. The first postcards were sent at the end of the nineteenth century. There was a picture of a town on them. Later on, they had pictures showing important events. People liked to see them because there were not (4) ………… pictures in the newspapers then.

Câu V (2,0 điểm): Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.

Cornwall is situated in the south-west of England. It is famous for its beautiful scenery. There is not much industry so many people still earn their living by fishing. Another important source of income is tourism. There are a lot of tea-shops, souvenir shops and above all "bed and breakfast". You can see signs for these small hotels everywhere. Most of them are pretty houses or bungalows with nice gardens and they are run by family who lives there. Cornwall is also well-known for its history and legends. For example, in Titagel you can visit the ruins of King Arthur's Castle where King Arthur is said to have sat with his knights at the famous round table. Tourists often come to visit Cornwall in summer because the weather is warm and sunny.

1. Where is Cornwall situated?

2. Why do many people still earn their living by fishing?

3. Who are the hotels run by?

4. What is the weather like in Cornwall in summer?

Câu VI (2,5 điểm): Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi, bắt đầu bằng cụm từ cho sẵn.

1. They clean this room everyday.                                                    

à This room …………………………

2. Mary is taller than Anne.                                                               

à Anne is not as …………………….

3. Why don’t we watch a film now?                                     

à What about ………………………?

4. “Would you like to have some coffee?”, said Tom to Mary.        

à Tom invited Mary …………….......

5. I cannot remember the man’s name. He phoned me last night.    

à The man whose ……………….......


Câu I: Ngữ âm (0,25 x 4 = 1.0 điểm)

1. pen

2. many

3. test

4. seven

Yêu cầu viết đúng số lượng từ theo qui định, chính xác.

- Viết quá từ qui định: mỗi từ trừ 0,25 điểm.

- Sai lỗi chính tả ở từ nào không tính điểm đáp án đó.

Câu II: Dạng động từ (0,25 x 6 = 1,5 điểm)

1. are  

3. have lived/been living

5. to ride

2. arrived

4. playing / to play

6. should be built

Yêu cầu viết đúng dạng, chính xác.

- Viết sai chính tả, thừa từ hoặc thiếu từ ở phần đáp án: không tính điểm câu đó.

Câu III: Lỗi sai (0,25 x 4 = 1,0 điểm)

1. I           à    my

3. a             à    an / one / 1

2. at         à     in / before / after  (last)

4. good      à    well / (hoặc một trạng từ thích hợp )

Yêu cầu viết chính xác 1 từ theo qui định.

- Tìm được lỗi sai: 0,25 điểm; sửa chính xác: 0,25 điểm

- Viết sai chính tả, thừa từ hoặc thiếu từ ở phần lỗi hoặc phần sửa thì không tính điểm phần đó.

Câu IV: Điền từ (0,25 x 4 = 1,0 điểm)

1. on

2. can

3. than

4. any

Yêu cầu viết chính xác từ cần điền.

- Viết sai chính tả, thừa từ hoặc thiếu từ ở phần đáp án: không tính điểm từ đó.

Câu V: Đọc, trả lời câu hỏi (0,5 x 4 = 2,0 điểm)



Cornwall is / It is (situated) in the south-west of England / in England.

0,5 điểm


the south-west of England / England.

0,25 điểm



(Many people still earn their living by fishing) because there is not much industry.

0,5 điểm


There is not much industry so many people still earn their living by fishing.

0,5 điểm


Because there is not much industry so many people still earn their living by fishing.

0,25 điểm



The hotels / They are run by family who live(s) there / living there.

0,5 điểm


Most of them are pretty houses or bungalows with nice gardens and they are run by family who live(s) there.

0,25 điểm


The weather / It is warm and sunny.

0,5 điểm


The weather is / It is warm

0,25 điểm


The weather is / It is sunny.

0,25 điểm


(Tourists often come to visit Cornwall in summer) because the weather is warm and sunny.

0,25 điểm



Yêu cầu hiểu bài đọc, trả lời đúng thông tin sát với câu hỏi, chép chính xác

- Trong một câu trả lời, nếu sai 1 lỗi thì trừ ½ số điểm;

-  Nếu sai 2 lỗi trở lên không tính điểm câu đó.

Câu VI: Viết lại câu  (0,5 x 5 = 2,5 điểm)

1. This room is cleaned (by them) everyday (by them).

2. Anne is not as tall as Mary (is).

3. What about watching a film now?

4. Tom invited Mary (to have / to drink) some coffee.

5. The man whose name I cannot remember / forget phoned me last night.

3. Đề số 3


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. precious              B. preparation C. pretty          D. repetition

2. A. architect             B. parachute    C. choir           D. psychology

3. A. treason                B. reason         C. season         D. jealous

4. A. aggressive          B. suggest       C. energy         D. garbage

5. A. measure              B. vision          C. pleasure      D. pension

II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others.

1.  A. official               B. literacy        C. inventory    D. stationery

2. A. diversity             B. severe         C. ecosystem   D. courageous

3. A. prediction           B. compulsory C. intelligent   D. judgement

4. A. valuable              B. entertain     C. honesty       D. mountain.

5. A. realize                 B. product       C. mechanic    D. separate


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks.

1. It is recommended that he _______ this course

            A. took            B. takes           C. take             D. taking

2. Various societies define _______ in many rather complex ways.            

            A. that is successful                B. what success is       C. that success is         D. what is success

3. I could not turn in my paper on time because my word processor _______. 

            A. fell down    B. turned down           C. tore down   D. broke down

4. “You must always ­­_______ us the truth” the judge said to the man.

            A. tell B. confess       C. speak          D. say

5. Her father is a _______ drinker. He is always drinking.

            A. strong         B. heavy          C. addictive    D. capable

6. Don’t set off fireworks too closely to your house, _______?

            A. do you        B. don’t you    C. will you      D. won’t you

7. Trains stop here in order to _______ passengers only. 

            A. pick up       B. get off         C. pull up        D. pull in

8. In recent years, more and more people _______ for things with credit cards.

            A. pay B. are paid       C. are paying   D. have been paying

9. He was the first person _______ the fire.

            A. discover      B. to discover  C. discovering D. discovered

10. “Who was the man with you yesterday?”   - “He was _______.”

            A. the next door man              B. the man next to the door   

            C. the man next by the door    D. the man next door 

11.   John: “I didn’t pass my driving test.”   -Anna: “_______!”

            A. Better luck next time                      B. So poor       C. Congratulations      D. That was nice of them

12. You can _______ your sister to our party tonight.

            A. bring           B. carry           C. take             D. get

13. You need more exercise, so you should _______ golf.

            A. carry out     B. take in         C. turn up        D. take up

14. I like that photo very much. Could you make an _______ for me?

            A. increase      B. enlargement            C. expansion   D. extension

15. His roses won the first ________in the local flower competition.

            A. prize           B. award          C. cup  D. reward



I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently…(5x1=5pts)

1. C

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. D

II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from …(5x1=5pts)

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. C


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps. (15x1=15pts)

1.   C

2.   B

3.   D

4.   A

5.   B

6.   C

7.   A

8.   D

9.   B

10. D

11. A

12. C

13. D

14. B

15. A

II. There are TEN mistakes in the passage. Find them out and correct them. (10x1=10pts)

1. because

2. from

3. percentage

4. millions

5.   a

6. greatly

7. Most of

8. gradually

9. lessen

10. as

III. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the given words. (10x1=10pts)

1. unsatisfactory

2. products

3. disagree

4. typically

5.   socializing

6. mysteriously

7. significant

 8. frightening

 9. repeatedly

10. cancellation 


I. Choose the best answer to fill each blank in the following passage. (10x1=10pts)

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. D

5.   C

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. C

10. B

II. Read the passage and choose the answers to the questions below. (5x2=10pts)

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. A

III. Fill each blank in the following passage with a suitable word. (10x1=10pts)

1. crazier

2. raise

3. a

4. who

5.   to

6. since

7. around

8. feeling

9. something

10. would


I. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. (5x1=5pts)

1. I have difficulty (in) reading his handwriting.

2. No sooner had he returned from his work than he got down to writing a letter.

3. The harder you work, the more successful you are.

4. Nam advised Lan not to accept his marriage proposal.

5. Try as hard as I might, I could not open the window.

II. Finish the second sentence so that it has …. (5x1=5pts)

1. There is nothing left in the fridge.

2. That old typewriter is not worth repairing. / It is not worth repairing that old typewriter.

3. Frank never takes any notice of my advice.

4. John could hardly understand what the teacher said. /Hardly could John understand……

5. What I am really impressed by is her ability to run a company. / I’m really impressed by her….

III. Write a composition on the following topic (about 150-200 words) (15pts)

- Layout and length.

- Grammar, structures and vocabulary.

- Content.

4. Đề số 4


I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced (8 points):

1. A. tidal                                B. sight                        C. mineral                    D. describe

2. A. energy                            B. generous                 C. category                  D. suggest

3. A. chemistry                       B. kitchen                   C. watch                     D. catch

4. A. mutual                            B. nature                     C. capture                    D. nation

5. A. looked                            B. moved                    C. gained                     D. prepared

6. A. farmers                           B. hats                         C. rooms                      D. prisons

7. A. village                            B. passage                   C. teenage                   D. message

8. A. few                                 B. new                         C. threw                      D. knew

II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words (2 points):

9. A. admire                            B. honor                      C. title                         D. difficult

10. A. comprise                       B. correspond              C. compulsory             D. depend


Part I. Give the correct tense/form of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences (10 points):

a) A: I (1. not see) ………………………..your brother recently.

     B: He (2. not be) ………….out of his room since he (3. buy) …………………... a new computer.

b) While Mr. Brown (4. read) ……. a newspaper, his two children (5. listen) ….to an English song.

c) My mother would rather I (6. not go) ………………….out late at night.

d) My children enjoy (7. allow) ……………….(8. stay) …………..up late when there is something special on TV.

e) I suggest (9. give) ……………..her a surprising party.

f) She looks as if she (10.be)……………..very rich.

Part II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (10 points):

1. My brother can repair electric ……………………………..very well.


2. We must learn about keeping the environment ………………………………..


3. He was …………………….when he failed his driving test.


4. Mr. Smith is a ………………………..person. If he says he will do something, you know that he will do.


5. He left the room without …………………………………….


6. The ……………………of finding new oil reserves has been led to more drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.


7. On a ……………………..day, we receive about fifty letters.


8. I’m sorry about my …………………………., but I hate waiting.


9. There is a ……………………….of fruits in Vietnam.


10. During his …………………, his family lived in the country.




I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced (8 points):

II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words (2 points):

01 point /1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points

1. C     2. C     3. A     4. D     5. A     6. B     7. C     8. C     9. A     10. B


Part I. Give the correct tense/form of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences (10 points):

01 point /1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points

1. haven’t seen            2. hasn’t been              3. bought         4. was reading 5. were listening

6. didn’t go                  7. being allowed        8. to stay          9. giving          10. were

Part II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (10 points):

01 point /1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points

1. appliances    2. unpolluted   3. hopeless       4. dependable  5. explanation

6. necessity      7. typical         8. impatience   9. variety         10. childhood

Part III. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete these sentences (10 points):

0,5 point /1 correct answer x 20 = 10 points

1. A     2. C     3. C     4. A     5. A     6. C     7. C     8. A     9. B     10. C

11. B   12. A   13. D   14. D   15. D   16. A   17. C   18. B   19. D   20. B

Part IV: Identify the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) in each sentence below that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct (5 points):

01 point/1 correct answer x 5 = 5 points

1. C     2. C     3. B     4. D     5. A

SECTION C. READING (30 points):

Part I. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space (10 points):

01 point/1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points

1. B     2. C     3. C     4. A     5. D     6. D     7. B     8. D     9. D     10. B

Part II. Read the passage and do the following tasks (10 points):

01 point/1 correct answer x 5 = 5 points

1. A     2. C     3. A     4. B     5. C

11.  T   12. F    13. F   14. F    15. T

Part III: Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage (10 points): 01 point/1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points

1. left   2. for   3. what 4. spend           5. but

6. check           7. traveling      8. journey           9. is   10. money

SECTION D. WRITING (25 points)

Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (10 points):

01 point/1 correct answer x 10 = 10 points

1. My application was turned down.

2. I hate being laughed at.

3. The inspector accused him of stealing the jewels.

4. Galileo is regarded as the father of modern astronomy.

5. I find it not easy/ difficult to do all this work in half an hour.

6. He has worked/has been working for this company for two years.

7. I don’t mind giving you a lift.

8. James will have the mechanic repair his car.

Or: James will have his car repaired (by the mechanic).

9. If Carter hadn’t eaten four cream cakes, he wouldn’t have felt sick.

10. I apologize for being rude to you yesterday.

Part II. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that has the same meaning with the given one using the suggested word. Do not change the given word in any way (5 points):

01 point/1 correct answer x 5 = 5 points

1. Teddy wished he hadn’t bought the second-hand TV.

2. Nga advised Ba to help his parents .

3. I don’t have an intension to tell/ of telling you my plan.

Or: I have no intension to tell/ of telling you my plan.

4. Burning forests will destroy the wildlife habitat.

5. The heavy rain prevented us from going to school.

Part III. Write a letter of about 150 words to tell the soldiers in the Truong Sa Islands about the recent changes in your home town or home village. (10 points):

5. Đề số 5

I. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)

1. Disneyland_____________its 60th birthday on Saturday 18 July, 2015.

A-celebrated   B-congratulated          C-complicated D-complished

2. _____________the 3rd day of the Lunar New Year, pupils often pay their teachers a visit.

A-to     B-on    C-in     D-at

3. Our little son was sleepy when we were walking to the park;__________, we went home early.

A-therefore     B-however      C-moreover     D-although

4. People ____________do not love nature may not love anything else in life.

A-whom          B-whose          C-which          D-who

5. Speaker 1: “Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?” – Speaker 2: “______________”

A-You’re right.           B-Not at all! Go ahead.          C-Sure, thanks.           D- Really? Good!

6. The small bamboo forest ____________the entrance to the village makes it picturesque.

A-at     B-in     C-on    D-to

7. About 70% of the earth’s _______________is covered with water.

A-world          B-atmosphere  C-ocean           D-surface

8. The teacher ____________Van if she had ever tried calling a helpline.

A-said B-advised        C-asked           D- suggested

9. Speaker 1: “______________”           - Speaker 2: “Sơn Đoòng is a new tourist destination.”

A- Let’s eat out this evening! B-We need a holiday, dear!

C-I miss my relatives in Huế! D-I’d like to cook something special food

10. I chose to buy the house in District 9 ___________avoid noise and pollution.

A-so that         B-in order that C-so as to        D-in order not

II. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. (0.5 pt)

11. One of the great pleasures of to travel to another country is eating different dishes.

                                       A                 B                                      C                 D

12. The drought that caused by El Nino weather patterns is hitting Thailand and Cambodia.

                 A               B                                         C                D

III. Read the following letter. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or False, and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 17 and 18.

Dear Daddy,

            I am writing this to tell you how much you are missed and loved, especially on such a special day as today. I will always remember that day – my graduation day. You were standing there with tears in your eyes while I was walking towards the stage to get my diploma, a moment in time that would last foreever. You are such a devoted father who has always taken very good care of family and me. I now live independently, Dad, and I’ve experienced the difficulties of being and adult, and I am going to have my own children with all the burden of being a parent. I understand and love you more. After all, I will always be your little naughty son! Happy Father’s Day.



1. A     2. B     3. A     4. D     5. B     6. A     7. D     8. C     9. B  10. C      


11. B (to travel Š traveling)  

12. B (that caused Š that was caused)


13. True                       14. True                       15. False                      16. False

17. C   18. D


19. C   20. D   21. A   22. C   23. C   24. A


25. (modern Š modernize)

26. (fluent Š fluently)

27. (occasional Š occasion)

28. (embroider Š embroidered)

29. (depend Š dependence)

30. (variety Š various)


31. Our parents were happy to hear all of us had made considerable progress.

32. The Academy of Language offers you a good and friendly environment to practise your English.


33. We wish we could try all the special food of the village.

34. She said that she wanted to send her son to a university in the UK.

35. If you don’t work hard enough, you won’t pass this entrance examination.

36. Three more new schools will be opened in the town next autumn by the Prime Minister. 


Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Trường Thi. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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