Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Thanh Liệt

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Mời các em cùng tham khảo tài liệu Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Thanh Liệt do Hoc247 tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tài liệu bao gồm các dạng bài tập khác nhau, tổng hợp các kiến thức đã học. Hi vọng tài liệu này sẽ giúp các em ôn tập thật tốt cho kì thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 sắp tới. Chúc các em học tập tốt!




1. Đề số 1


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.


a. proud  

b.  young   

c. found

d. out


a. school 

b. Christmas

c.  scholarship

d.  chopsticks


a. dea

b. head   

c. bread

d.  meat

(4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.


a. common

b. rubbish

c. machine

d. cyclone


a. animal 

b. bacteria   

c. dynamite    

d. pyramid


(6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. I had no money____ me when I came across a nice shirt.

a. by

b. at

c. on

d. over

7. Look_____ ! There’s a big hole in front of you

a. on

b. over

c. off

d. out

8. She often goes swimming ______ Sunday mornings.

a. on

b. over

c. in

d. at

9. Jack insisted that he didn’t need any help. I helped him anyway.

a. and

b. so

c. for

d. but

10. Thousands of people took part in a _____ of support for free higher education.

a. march

b. gathering

c. demonstration

d. crowd

11. It is estimated that four million ______ watched the show on television.

a. observers

b. onlookers

c. viewers

d. spectators

12. Some English words have the same pronunciation ___________ they are spelled differently, for example, dear and deer.

a. unless

b. since

c. even though

d. only if

13. If the engine gets too hot, it________ to smoke.

a. starts

b. is starting

c. would start

d. will be started

14. Do you know the man_______ over there?

a. stands

b. who stand

c. stood 

d. standing

15. I hope the children soon got used_______ in much smaller house.

a. live

b. to live

c. living   

d. to living

16. Help is needed for families________ homes were destroyed in the storm.

a. who’s

b. whose

c. which 

d. whom

17. The seeds____ into flour which is used for pancakes, noodles and breads.

a. grinded

b. are ground

c. are grounded 

d. ground

 18. _____the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.

a. To win

b. So he wins

c. That he wins

d. Winning

19. When I first met him, he wore__________

a. a brown nice leather jacket

b. a nice leather brown jacket

c. a leather nice brown jacket

d. a nice brown leather jacket

 20. ‘Won’t you have something to drink?’ ‘_________ ’

a. I’m sorry, I won’t.

b. Not for me, thank you.

c. I’m afraid I can’t.

d. I’ve no idea.

(21-25). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

21. She cried (A) very hardly (B) when she heard (C) the news of (D) the accident.

22. It has been (A) a (B) long time when (C) I last wrote to (D) you.

23. The food that (A) my mother is cooking (B) in the kitchen is smelling (C) delicious (D).

24. We found some (A) garden furnitures (B) in that (C) old house we bought (D).

25. I know little (A) English, so (B) I’ll have this letter to translate (C) into (D) Vietnamese

(26-30). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

26. The heating switches off _____________ . (automatic)

27. Malaysia has____________ climate, (tropic)

28. You should do what the_______________ told if you want to pass the driving test, (instruct)

29. He is a tourist guide so we all take his__________________ . (guide)

30. Your exam results are rather___________ . I expect you to do better, (disappoint)


(31-38). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

A 9.0 – 9.1 magnitude (31)_______ followed by a tsunami hit the east coast of Japan in March 11, 2011. With an underwater depth of 29 km, this was the largest earthquake to ever (32)_______ Japan in recorded history. Documented as the 4th most powerful earthquake in the world, it was (33)_________ for the death of 15,894 people with 6,152 injured and 2,562 people (34)________ . It also affected 20 prefectures, with over 127,000 buildings (35)________ destroyed and over 272,000 buildings “half collapsed”. The earthquake also caused a near nuclear (36)___________ when there was a partial meltdown in 3 (37)__________ of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, (38)____ is the 2nd largest nuclear disaster after Chernobyl.


a. hurricane

b. earthquake

c. typhoon 

d. cyclone


a. occur

b.  shake  

c.  strike

d. destroy


a. resulted

b.  sensible

c. reliable

d. responsible


a. missing

b. crossing

c. passing

d.  including


a. strongly

b. fully

c. completely

d.  frequently


a. energy

b. disaster

c.  weapon

d. waste


a. contributors

b. controllers 

c. stationers

d.  reactors


a. which    

b. that    

c. where

d. it

 (39-43). Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.


I was born in Newcastle, a city in the North East of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne. It is a quite big city of about 200,000 inhabitants. There is a cathedral and a university. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, which link Newcastle to the next town, Gateshead, where there is one of the biggest shopping centres in the world, the Metro Centre. ,

A few years ago, the main industries were shipbuilding and coal - mining, but now the chemical and soap industries are important.

I moved from Newcastle ten years ago but I often return. I miss the people, who are so warm and friendly, and I miss the wild, beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so many hills and streams.

39. Newcastle is ___________________ .

a. a city near the North East of England

b. a city in the North East of England

c. a city in the North of England

d. a small town in England

40. Newcastle has________________________ .

a. one of the biggest shopping centers

b. a wild, beautiful countryside

c. a population of about 200,000 people

d. one bridge that links it to the next town

41. Gateshead has one of_______________ in the world.

a. the largest rivers

b. the most important shipbuilding industries

c.  the most beautiful countrysides

d. the biggest shopping centres

42. According to the passage, the writer_____________ .

a. is still living in Newcastle

b. has never returned to Newcastle

c. doesn’t live in Newcastle any more

d. has come back to live in Newcastle

43. Which of the following is NOT true about Newcastle?

a. Its people is friendly.

b. Its main industry now is shipbuilding,

c. It has a cathedral and a university,

d. It is next to Gateshead


(44-46). Choose the sentence (a, b, c or d) that is almost the same in meaning as the sentence given.

44. You would like London if you visited it.

a. You’re unlikely to visit London.

b. You’ve never visited London,

c. You’re going to visit London soon.

d. You’ve already visited London.

45. Unlike his sister, Bob exercises every day.

a. Bob and his sister exercise every day.

b. Bob exercises every day, but his sister doesn’t.

c. Bob’s sister exercises every day, but he doesn’t.

d. Bob’s sister doesn’t exercise every day, and neither does he.

46. The bread was so stale to eat.

a. It was stale ‘to eat the bread

b. We cannot eat the bread because it was “burn.

c. Eating the bread was stale.

d. The bread was not fresh enough to eat.

(47-50). Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.

47. Who will take care of the children when you are away?

Who will look_____________________________________________________

48. John could not find the way to the hotel.

John was not_____________________________________________________

49. The door was so heavy that the child could not push it open.

The door was too__________________________________________________

50. It’s ages since we met Lopez.




1. b

2. d

3. d

4. c

5. b


6. c

7. d

8. a

9. d

10. c

11. c

12. c

13. a

14. d

15. d

16. b

17. b

18. a

19. d

20. b

21. B (hard)

22. A ( since)

23. B (smells)

24. B (furniture)

25. D (translated)


26. automatically

27. tropical


 29. guidance

30. disappointing 



31. b

32. c

33. d

34. a

35. c

36. b

37. d

38. a

39. b

40. c

41. d

42. c

43. b




44. b

45. b

46. d

47. Who will look after the children when you are away?

48. John was not able to find the way to the hotel.

49. The door was too heavy for the child to push it open.

50. We haven’t met Lopez for ages.

2. Đề số 2


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. author

b. ethnic 

c. health

d. gather

2. a.  flew    

b. drew    

c. knew

d. grew

3. a. celebrate 

b. capture   

c. conserve

d. comprise

 (4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

4. a. writer

b.  teacher

c. builder

d.  career

5. a. company

b. atmosphere

c. customer    

d. employment


(6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. Those boys are addicted_______ computer games.

a. on

b. for

c. to   

d. with

7. They will finish the work     

a. on

b. over

c.  in 

d. out

8. The design and material used for men were different___ __those used for women.

a. at

b. from

c. with 

d. in

9. We have to start early______ we won’t be late.

a. so that

b. because

c. although 

d. otherwise

10. Will you buy an electric car when they_______ available?

a. become

b. became

c.  are becoming

d. will become

11. Everybody must take part in________.

a. protecting

b.  preserving     

c. controlling

d. preventing

12. Neil Armstrong,________ first walked in the moon, lived in the USA.

a. who

b. that  

c. whom

d. whose

13. Baird produced the first TV picture in 1926,_________ ?

a. didn’t he

b. wasn’t he

c. doesn’t he

d. hasn’t he

14. Traditionally, the ao dai_________ by both men and women.

a. frequently wore

b. was  frequent worn

c. worn frequently

d. was  frequently worn

 15. We______wear helmets in order to keep the traffic law and protect ourselves.

a. may

b. can   

c. should  

d. need

16. She asked me if I ______ any other language.

a. speak

b.  spoke   

c. can speak   

d. would speak

17. Internet bars mustn’t let anybody_______ bad things.

a. watch

b. to watch

c. watching

d. watches

18. Would you be______ to hold the door open?

a. too kind

b. so kind  

c.  kind enough      

d. as kind

19. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you________ .

a. lived nearer

b. live near  

c. lived near

d. live nearer

20. Tm really sorry about that!’_______ ‘_____ !’

a. That’s right

b. Of course

c. You’re welcome 

d. It’s OK

(21-25). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

21. Should I (A) be out when you call, just leave (B) a message with (C) my assistant? (D)

22. If I have many (A) homework (B) to do, I will not be (C) able to attend (D) the meeting.

23. When I arrived (A) home, my father was reading (B) the newspaper and (C) my mother watched (D) TV.

24. Most of (A) their farm (B) work used to do (C) by hand (D).

25. In the (A) United States, Mother’s (B) Day is celebrated (C) on second (D) Sunday in May.

(26-30). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

26. It was completely_______because of poor planning, (fail)

27. Reduce means not buying products which are_______. (package)

28. We find the rice-cooking contest________. (interest)

29. The main source of income for most newspapers is_______ advertising, (commerce)

30. Computers were a wonderful_______at the time, (invent)



1. d

2. c


4. d

5. d


6. c

7. a

8. b

9. a

10. a

11. d

12. a

13. a

14. d

15. c

16. b

17. a

18. c

19. a

20. d

21. D (.)

22. A (much) 

23. D (was watching)

24. C (to be done)

25. D (the second)


26. failure

27. overpackaged

28. interesting

29. commercial

30. invention



31. a

32. c

33. b

34. c

35. d

36. d

37. b

38. a



39. T

40. F

41. F

42. F

43. T


44. a

45. c

46. c

47. Would you mind not playing your music so loudly?

48. Why don’t we go camping tomorrow?

49. This pool is no shallow enough for children to swim in.

50. What a beautiful house!

3. Đề số 3


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. couple

b. abou

c. doubt 

d. without

2. a. fear

b. dear      

c. bear

d.  hear

3. a. honest

b. honey   

c. homeless  

d.  hope

 (4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

4. a. industry

b. vehicle

c. erosion    

d.  energy

5. a. saucepan

b. migrant

c. pancake 

d. typhoon


(6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. I’d rather not have been absent_______ class yesterday.

a. in

b. for

c. from 

d. of

7. She wants to be independent_______ her parents.

a. to

b. of

c. on 

d. with

8. She got up when the alarm went_______.

a. in

b.  up

c. over 

d. off

9. The children were so______ by the film on TV that they didn’t want to go to bed early.

a. interested

b. bored

c. attracted 

d. attached

10. I have to go to the meeting _____ I want to or not.

a. because

b. whether

c. although

d. only if

11. After Jack’s mother died, he was_______ up by his aunt.

a. grown

b. taken

c. set 

d.  brought

12. It looks like they’re going to succeed________ their present difficulties.

a. despite

b. because of

c.  even though     

d.  yet

13. Jane is the______ of the three girls.

a. prettier

b. prettiest

c. pretty 

d.  most pretty

14. There’s plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You______ decide now.

a. mustn’t

b. can’t

c. needn’t 

d. oughtn’t

15. Robert asked what time  _______ close that evening.

a. the office

b. will the office 

c. would the office

d.  the office would

16. Five million bottles of champagne_______next year.

a. will produce

b. will be produced

c. will be producing

d. will have produced

will produce will be produced  c. will be producing d. will have produced

17. What_______ if you_________ an alien from outer space?

a. will you do – meet

b. do you do – meet

c. would you do – me

d. would you do – would meet

18. In Viet Nam, people enjoy _______ newspaper and magazine.

a. read to

b. read  

c. reading    

d.  in reading

19. We stopped _______ a some magazines on our way to the station.

a. to buy

b. buying  

c. for buying 

d.  having bought

to buy buying                 c. for buying            d. having bought

20. ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’ ‘______’

a. Yes, I would

b.  Yes, I do like.

c. Yes, please.

d. Yes, of course.

 (21-25). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting.

21. The New York (A) subway system is the most longest (B) underground railroad (C) in (D) the world.

22. He always drives (A) his car too (B) fast that (C) he  often causes (D)  

23. I’d rather to stay (A) at home than (B) go (C) out at (D) weekends.

24. Children are not allowed to go (A) out alone (B) after midnight because (C) lack of security (D).

25. His grandfather left (A) him 50,000 dollars, this (B) was too big a sum (C) to him.

(26-30). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

26. Japan is an_______________ country, (industry)

27. Kate’s___________ has kept her away from school for a week. (ill)

28. It doesn’t cut at all. (use)

29. Some students in my class are starting to learn another language and they

find it________________ . (enjoy)

30.  The news caused great________________ among her friends, (excite)



1. a 

2. c

3. a

4. c 

5. d


6. c

7. b 

8. d

9. c

10. b

11. d

12. a

13. b

14. c

15. d

16. b

17. c

18. c

19. a

20. c


21. B (longest)

22. B (s0) 

23. A (stay)

24. C (because)

25. C (which)


26. industrial/ industrialized 

27. illness

28. useless

29. enjoyable

30. excitement



31. a

32. c

33. b

34. b

35. d

36. a

37. c

38. d

39. c

40. d

41. a

42. a

43. b




44. c

45. d

46. c

47. Mary told John that she was taking her French exam the following day.

48. I wish she didn’t phone me at work when I was busy

49. Nothing could be done to stop people polluting the river

50. It rained so heavily that the game was called off. 

4. Đề số 4


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. pipe

b. sight 

c. mineral 

d. pilot

2. a. flood

b. typhoon  

c. food

d. tool

3. a. option

b. question

c.  pollution

d. collection

 (4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

4. a. meteor

b. volcano 

c. typhoon

d. parade

5. a. describe

b. distinguish

c. destroy 

d. decorate


(6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. She’s extremely well qualified______ the job.

a. in

b.  by

c. for 

d.  to

7. He is very capable________ learning and understanding things.

a. with

b. of  

c. at 

d. about

8.  Put______ the cigarette, please. I don’t like the smell of it.

a. out

b. in

c. up 

d. off

9. ______ the wet weather, the football match went ahead.

a. Although

b. Owing to

c. Because of 

d. Despite

10. Many designers took __________ from Vietnamese’s ethnic minorities.

a. artificiality

b. inspiration

c. fashion   

d. information

11. She spoke quietly_______ nobody else could hear a word.

a. because

b. although

c. so that     

d. therefore

12. My pen friend,_____ photos I showed you, will come to see me next week.

a. her

b. which

c. who

d. whose

13. He lent me several books, but_______ of them was interesting.

a. neither

b. both

c. none

d. all

14. My father will have a_______ holiday next month. We’ll go to Nha Trang.

a. five days

b.  five-days

c. five-day  

d. five day’s

15. Nowadays more and more people are shopping on the_________ .

a. Television

b. Computer

c.  Newspapers   

d. Internet

16. She lives in New York, but she_________ in Washington D.C. right now.

a. works

b. worked

c. is working 

d. has worked

17. It was pleasant to meet________ interesting people.

a. so

b. such

c.  that 

d. too

18. The house was    to live in, so we moved to a bigger one.

a. small enough for us

b.  too small for us

c. enough small for us

d. so small to us

19. I told you_______ the computer, didn’t I?

a. don’t switch off

b. not switch off

c. not to switch off

d. to not switch off

20. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘ ______ ’

a. I’m sorry you can’t.

b. No, it’s all righ. I can manage,

c. Not for me. Thank you. 

d. I’d rather you couldn’t.

 (21-25). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

21. Some artists have few (A) or (B) no formal (C) art training (D).

22. All employees are required to wear their identification badges in work.

23. I suggest (A) that he will go (B) to the doctor as soon as (C) he returns (D) from school.

24. Oxygen plays (A) an important (B) role in maintaining (C) live (D).

25. When (A) George returned (B) to (C) his house, he was reading (D) a book.



1. c

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. d


6. c

7. b

8. a

9. d

10. b

11. c

12. d

13. c

14. c

15. d

16. c

17. b

18. b

19. c

20. b

21. A (little)

22. D (at) 

23. B (goes/ go/ should go)

24. D (life)

25. D (read)


26. relaxation

27. relaxation

28. social

29. polluted

30. protection



31. d

32. b

33. c

34. d

35. a

36. b

37. c

38. a



39. b

40. d

41. c

42. c

43. b


44. b

45. c

46. c

47. We really enjoyed the firework which was displayed on New Year’s Eve last year.

48. Scientists are thinking of how to use the rise and fall of the tide to produce electricity.

49. Minh wishes he could speak English fluently as a native speaker.

50. We haven’t seen Martin since we left the college.

5. Đề số 5


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. type

b. myth 

c. style 

d. supply

2. a. course

b. trouser

c.  house

d.  account

3. a. keen

b.  kind

c. keep

d.  know

(4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.

4. a. campus

b. scenery 

c. slavery

d. compose

5. a. remote 

b. respond   

c. recent 

d. resource


(6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

6. When she came_____ , she found herself in a hospital.

a. out

b. round

c. off 

d. over

7. I was disappointed_______ the grade I received on my last essay.

a. for

b.  on

c. with 

d. to

8. Mr. Grisby is _______ charge of the marketing department.

a. on

b. at

c. in 

d. for

9. The game was canceled________ torrential rain.

a. In spite of

b. instead of

c.  because of

d.  provided that

10. I went to three bookstores, but I didn’t find the book__________ .

a. I needed

b. I needed it

c. that I needed it

d. to which I needed

11. We _____ be here. That sign says NO TRESPASSING.

a. couldn’t

b.  don’t have to

c. might not

d. aren’t supposed to

12. I expect________ at the airport by my uncle.

a. to meet 

b. to be met

c. meeting 

d. being met

13. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones___________ .

a. repair

b. to repair

c. repaired  

d. to be repaired

14. Do you mind______you some advice? ~ Not at all. I’d appreciate it.

a. giving

b. me to give

c.  if I give 

d.  if I gave

15. The students are looking forward________ their weekends in the countryside.

a. to spend

b. spend

c. spending

d. to spending

16. Yesterday we watched television all evening_______ we didn’t have anything better to do.

a. when

b. as

c. while

d. though

17. Neither you nor me_______ responsible for the bad result.

a. are 

b. am 

c. is

d.  have

18. Please don’t leave until your teacher________ back.

a. comes 

b. will come

c.  is coming  

d. came

19. Nowadays children prefer playing computer games___________ books.

a. than reading

b. to read  

c. to reading

d. than read

20. Make exercise a part of your daily__________ .

a. chore 

b. frequency

c. action    

d. routine



1. b

2. a

3. d

4. d

5. c


6. b

7. c

8. c

9. c

10. a

11. a

12. b

13. c

14. c

15. d

16. b

17. b

18. a

19. c

20. d

21.  B (was)

22. D (yours)

23. B (because)

24. B (because)

25. B (to let)


26. advertising

27. complaints

28. beautify

29. extremely

30. extremely



31. b

32. d

33. a

34. c

35. a

36. b

37. d

38. d



39. c

40. b

41. a

42. d

43. c


44. c

45. b

46. a

47. Despite his careful driving, he crashed his car

48. I wish you could stay longer.

49. This mobile phone is more expensive than I thought.

50. I have never seen such a thrilling film before/ so thrilling a film before.


Trên đây là một phần trích đoạn nội dung Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Thanh Liệt. Để xem thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích khác các em chọn chức năng xem online hoặc đăng nhập vào trang hoc247.net để tải tài liệu về máy tính.

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