Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Mai Dịch

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Dưới đây là Bộ 5 đề thi thử vào lớp 10 năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh Trường THCS Mai Dịch. Tài liệu được biên soạn nhằm giới thiệu đến các em dạng đề thi thử vào lớp 10 để các em làm quen với cấu trúc cũng như chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kì thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10. Mời các em cùng tham khảo!




1. Đề số 1

I. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. (20 pts)

1. “I’m sure the Whitleys were involved.” “They________ have since they know nothing about the business.”

A. can’t

B. wouldn’t

C. shouldn’t  

D. mustn’t

2. “Candy’s an excellent pianist, isn’t she?” “She______ to win the prize if she plays this well during the competition.”

A. is due

B.  is bound

C. is about    

D. is set

3. _______, the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.

A. Leaving uncovered

B. Having left uncovered

C. Left uncovered

D. Been left uncovered

4. His friends offered to_______ the next time he was in town so that he wouldn’t have to pay for a Hotel.

A. place him in

B. put him up

C. back him up

D. turn him out

5. Susan became so tired of city life that she decided to buy a piece of land ________ .

A. out of the ordinary

B. as the crow flies

C. far and away

D. in the middle of nowhere

6. The________ of our cruise includes stops at six ports in three different countries.

A. timetable

B. intention      

C. itinerary 

D. itemization

7. My mind went ________ when the official asked me my phone number – I couldn’t remember it at all.

A. empty

B. clear

C. blank 

D. vacant

8. The life______ of individuals in developed countries increases dramatically every decade.

A. expectation

B. exception

C. exertion   

D. expectancy

9. She believes that ail countries should _______ the death penalty as it is inhumane.

A. put down to

B. catch up on 

C. get down to

D. do away with

10. Although the journey was_______ with danger, it turned out to be a reward­-ing experience for everyone.

A. fraught

B. filled

C. full   

D. littered

11. One way to let off________ after a stressful day is to take some vigorous exercise.

A. cloud

B. tension

C. steam    

D. sweat

12. I’m amazed that this game ever_________ – it is so silly!

A. took in

B. caught on

C. took up  

D. caught by

13. They avoid the usual tourist attractions in favour of places that are     off the ______  track.

A. gone

B. worn

C. beaten 

D. ridden

14. Their research into the causes of cancer promises to break new___________ in the field and possibly lead to a cure.

A. earth

B. ground

C. soil  

D. land

15. The_____ of the building of the new shopping center are doing everything they can to prevent the project from even starting.

A. advocates

B. opponents

C. independents 

D. opposites

16. After three days in the desert, his mind began to play________ on him.

A. games

B. jokes

C. tricks     

D. fun

17. Finding the gorillas alive had been_______ his  wildest  

A. past

B. beneath

C. beyond     

D. without

18. He has been________ to supporting his nephews.

A. determined

B. allowed

C. compromised 

D. committed

19. She worried________ about her exam and couldn’t focus on her revision.

A. constantly

B. practically

C. decidedly    

D. effectively

20. Different measures have been__________ to help the homeless.

A. made

B. taken

C. done   

D. conducted

21. The noisy music________ the students from their test.

A. distracted

B. disrupted

C. dissolve

D. disqualified

22. Health food is now_______ in popularity.

A. growing

B. raising

C. getting

D. flying

23. ______ fire, please break the glass and ring the bell

A. In case of

B. During

C. Because of    

D. With a view to

24. Left-handed children are said to be_______ to accidents in the kitchen.

A. prone

B. clear

C. subject    

D. bound

25. It was_______ of Harry to arrive late and then try to dominate the meeting.

A. common

B. usual

C. ordinary   

D. typical

26. During their first date, Jane had nervously peppered the conversation with _________ talk

A. unimportant

B. tiny

C. small 

D. trivial

27. The match will be screened on ITV with _____ commentary by Andy Gray.

A. lively

B. live

C. alive   

D. living

28. The job creation scheme is still in its___________ .

A. childhood

B. babyhood

C. opening

D. infancy

29. I am subjected to_______ smoking in the office and at home.

A. passive

B. inactive

C. involuntary

D. reluctant

30. Chen advised me to use this remedy in_______ as it is extremely potent.

A. restraint

B. moderation

C. control   

D. regulation

31. I’m________my brother is.

A. nowhere like so ambitious

B. nothing near as ambitious as

C. nothing as ambitious than

D. nowhere near as ambitious as

32. Reports are coming in that a flood has hit a heavily-____________ area in the

south of India.

A. crowded

B. personalised    

C. peopled 

D.  populated

33. It was_______ a victory that even Smith’s fans couldn’t believe it.

A. such surprising

B. so surprising 

C. too surprising

D. surprising

34. I always clean the flat before my mom comes round, but she always finds at least one _______ of dust and says it’s filthy. .          


B. gust     

C. speck

D. blade

35. Everyone_______ around the old woman on the floor, but no one offered her any help.

A. crowded

B. spread

C. put   

D.  hung

36. I do agree there________ simple solution to this problem.

A. is no

B.  be not   

C. not to be

D. not being

37. I know you didn’t want to upset me but I’d sooner you________ me the whole truth yesterday.

A. could have told

B. told

C. have told  

D. had told   

38. As the drug took_______ , the patient became quieter.

A. effect

B. force    

C.  influence     

D. action

39. The dawn redwood appears_________ some 100 million years ago in northern forests around the world.

A. was flourished

B. having to flourish

C. to have flourished

D. have flourished

40. His comments_________ little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case.

A. reflect

B. bear           

C. give

D. possess

II. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each space in the following passage. (15 pts)

We often assume the best way to (1)__________ to a decision is to spend ages taking into account a lot of information before we arrive at our conclusion. We (2)_______ the evidence in the belief that instant decisions are unreliable. However, there are arguments for a reassessment of that (3)________ It   may  be that (4)____________ our subconscious mind does a better job in a moment than our conscious mind does. When Evelyn Harrison, a(n) (5)_________ on sculpture, was shown a statue that the J. Paul Getty Museum had purchased for $10 million, she (6)__________ out that it was a fake. It came (7)___________ a shock to the museum. Harrison was (8)_______________ to explain why she had formed that impression, but it was enough to (9)_______   doubt on the statue. Now most experts have come round to her (10)_______ , but now did she (11)________ the difference between that and the (12)________ article so quickly? It’s probable that her subconscious mind sorted through information that escaped the (13)__________ of her conscious mind. Although we are rarely, (14)_________ , aware of our subconscious mind, it can be surprisingly (15) ________

1. A. come

B. go

C. reach

D. make

2. A. measure

B. observe

C. weigh

D. give

3. A. outlook

B. view

C. proof

D. support

4. A. many a time


B. from time to time

C. all the time


D. the time of the life

5. A. scholar

B. specialist

C. artist

D. expert

6. A. put

B. figured

C. mumbled

D. blurted

7. A. as

B. with

C. in

D. by

8. A. incapable

B. difficult

C. unable

D. hard

9. A. put

B. lay

C. cast

D. place

10. A. place

B. position

C. argument

D. point

11. A. make

B. tell

C. realize

D. seek

12. A. inimitable

B. true

C. actual

D. real

13. A. notice

B. procession

C. realization

D. guard

14. A. let alone

B. in fact

C. even then

D. if ever

15. A. influential


C. effective

D. productive


1. Asteroid may be fragments (A) of a planet shattered (B) long ago (C) or from material (D) the nuclei of old comets.

2. Between (A) the ages of nine and fifteen, almost (B) all young people undertake (C) a rapid series of (D) physiological changes.

3. Ponds are noted (A) for their rich and varied types of (B) plant and animal life, all maintain (C) in a delicate ecological balance (D).

4. The explorers said that (A) they could make (B) the round trip shorter if (C) the weather had not been that bad (D).

5. The Pinebrook Inn has (A) a courtesy bus which (B) runs every thirty minute (G) both to and from (D) the downtown area.

6. Most authorities consider both (A) dreaming while (B) sleep and daydreaming to be (C) forms of fantasy (D).

7. Antique auctions (A) are getting more and more (B) popular in the United States because of increasingly (C) public awareness of the value of (D) investing in antiques.

8. An X-ray microscope enables (A) a person to see on (B) solid materials such as (C) metal and bone (D).

9. The growth rate (A) of the Pacific Rim countries is twice faster than (B) other comparable (C) areas during (D) the Industrial Revolution.

10. Computers have (A) made access (B) to information instantly available (C) just to push (D) a few buttons.

IV. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the question. (10 pts)

In the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried. In 1825, the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation depended on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters.

In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office to get their maiL The confusion and congestion of indiviual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed. Although their activities were only simi-legal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia theywere a half day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. 

Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confinedto cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism. As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery. In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States, fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest, nearly three-quarters of the population, still received no mail unless they went to their post office

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The increased use of private mail services

B. The development of a government postal system

C. A comparison of urban and rural postal services

D. The history of postage stamps

2. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the USA in the early 19th century_________ .

A. the recipient had to pay to receive the letters

B. the recipient paid the same for all kinds of letters

C. postage stamps for letters came into use

D. the mail carriers earned a lot of money from the government

3. Which of the following was seen as a disadvantage of the postage stamp?

A. It had to be purchased by the sender in advance.

B. It increased the cost of mail delivery,

C.It was difficult to affix to letters.

D. It was easy to counterfeit.

4. Why does the author mention the city of Philadelphia?

A. Its postal service was inadequate for its population.

B. It was the site of the first post office in the United States,

C. It was the largest city in the United States in 1847.

D. It was commemorated by the first United States postage stamp.

5. In the 1950s, ________. 

A. American people were happy with every postal service

B. people in Philadelphia had their letters delivered free of charge by the government

C. there was a preference among Americans for private mail services

D. the American government managed their mail businesses satisfactorily

6. The word “THEY’ refers to________ .

A.Boston and Philadelphia

B. businesses

C. arrangements

D. letters

7. The private postal services of the 19th century claimed that they could do which of the following better than the government?

A. Deliver a higher volume of mail

B. Deliver mail more cheaply

C. Deliver mail faster

D. Deliver mail to rural areas

8. In 1863 the United States government began providing which of the following to mail carriers?

A. A salary

B. Housing

C. Transportation

D. Free postage  stamp

9. All of the following statements are true of the American postal service in the second half of the 19th century EXCEPT_______

A. Delivery service distinguishes cities from the countryside

B .People paid more to get their letters delivered to their home

C. Small towns did not provide delivery service

D. About 55 million people had to get to the post office to receive their mail

10. The word “CONFINED” is closest in meaning to_______ .

A. granted

B. scheduled          

C.   limited              

D. recommended

V. Supply the appropriate forms of words ini the brackets. (15 pts)

1. The students were _______ to hear that the class had been cancelled. (JOY)

2. A sports club has just been established and aims to have a__________ of 500 in the next two years. (MEMBER)

3. The spectators booed “when the second goal was____________ . (ALLOW)

4. _______ we didn’t buy better quality goods from the beginning. (REGRET)

5. A fatal_____________ was made by air traffic control. (CALCULATE)

6. Despite having a_______ job, she has difficulty making ends meet. (PAY)

7. When the lab findings and the research results were _________ , an amazing discovery came to light. (RELATE)

8. I really believe that it should be a major mistake to_________ any drugs that are currently illegal. (CRIME)

9. The attack in the city center last night is said to________ the kind of behavior amongst young people that many people object to. (EXAMPLE)

10. Theo and his twin brother are always together. They are .__________ .


11. Reading is an effective way to___________ your vocabulary. (RICH)

12. John considers reading others’ diaries an______________ invasion of privacy. (PERMIT)

13. His failure in the exam was a real___________ for his parents. (LET)

14. There is_____________ a great demand for organic vegetables. (DENY)

15. Having a deep___________ of strangers, he felt reluctant to talk to the

newcomer. (TRUST)

VI. Supply each blank with one suitable word. (15 pts)

The development of the sport of skateboarding can be (1)___________ back to the early 1890s, when children in California used wooden boards to ‘surf the streets. During the 1950s, the (2)_______ of the sport increased and manufacturers began producing the first factory-made boards. By the 1960s, the sport had (3)_______an impressive following, not just in the USA, but (4)___________ . However, by 1965, (5)_______ about safety resulted in regulations being (6) _______ to ban skateboarding in most public places in the USA. This effectively killed the sport there for the next decade. Companies that had been making a (7)_______ selling skateboards suddenly faced huge losses and many (8)________ out of business. Over the next eight years a few enthusiasts continued practicing the sport but, although they tried hard to raise its profile, they were (9)___________ in their efforts. Then in 1973, some technological breakthroughs revolutionized the sport. The invention of new materials (10)_________ that manufacturers (11)_________ strengthen the boards but at the same time make them lighter and more manoeuvrable. Such improvements also made the boards (12)________ dangerous and pressure from an increasing number of users (13)_________ to the installation of special skateboarding parks. Despite the various (14)__________ it has suffered over the years, the sport is now stronger than (15)____________ .

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. (20 pts)

1. He played so well that he received a standing ovation from the audience. (SUCH)

→ His___________________________________________________________

2. Sam tried extremely hard to convince her, but it was no use. (BRING)

→ Hard__________________________________________________________

3. Unless you take the train, you will be late for work. (MAKE)

→ Only by_______________________________________________________

4. Surprisingly, the website wouldn’t allow me to access certain pages. (WHICH)

→ The website denied______________________________________________

5. She worked hard during her final year. Therefore, she easily got admitted to this prestigious high school. (INDUSTRY)

→ Had it_________________________________________________________

6. Looking back, I really believe I did everything I could do to stop her. (MORE)

→ I can honestly say, with____________________________________________

7. When he arrived at the airport, his family welcomed him warmly. (GIVEN)

→ On____________________________________________________________

8. “I must say goodbye to Peter at the airport,” said Helen. (OFF)

→ Helen insisted____________________________________________________

9. Jane said’it would be a good idea if I called in the plumber to check the plumbing. (CHECKED)

→ Jane urged_______________________________________________________

10. Arguing about the referee’s decision would be a waste of time. (ARGUMENT)

→ There’s   _________________________________________________________

Đáp án


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. C

7. C

8. D

9. D

10. A

11. C

12. B

13. C

14. B

15. B

16. C

17. C

18. D

19. A

20. B

21. A

22. A

23. A

24. A 

25. D

26. C

27. B

28. D

29. A

30. B

31. D

32. D

33. B

34. C

35. A

36. A

37. D

38. A

39. C

40. B


1. A

2. C

 3. B

4. B

5. D

6. D

7. A

8. C

9. C

10. B

11. B

12. D

13. A

14. D

15. C



1. D

2. C

3.  B

4. B

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. D


1. B

2. A

3.  A

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. C


1. overjoyed

2. membership

3.  disallowed

4. Regrettably

5.  miscalculation

6. well-paid

7. interrelated

8. decriminalise

9. exemplity

10. inseparable

11. enrich

12. impermissible

13. letdown

14. undeniably

15. mistrust



1. traced

2. popularity

3. gained/ had

4. worldwide

5.  concerns

6. introduced

7. fortune

8. went/ were

9. unsuccessful

10. meant

11. could

12. less

13. led

14. setbacks

15. ever



1. His performance was such a good one (that) he received a standing ovation from the audience.

2. Hard as/ though Sam tried, he could not bring her (a)round (to her way of thinking).

3. Only by taking the train will/ can you make it to work/ make it to the workplace on time.// Only by taking the train will/ can you make it in time to/ for work.

4. The website denied me access to certain pages, which was surprising/ surprised me.

5. Had it not been for her industry during her final year, she would not have been admitted to this prestigious high school.

6. I can honestly say, with hindsight, I could not have done anything more to stop her.

7. On (his) arrival at the airport, he was given a warm welcome (by his family).

8. Helen insisted on seeing Peter off at the airport.

9. Jane urged me to have the plumbing checked.// Jane urged that I (should) have the plumbing checked.

10. There’s no point (in) having an argument about the referee’s decision.

2. Đề số 2

I. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, c or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5 pts)

1. West Malaysia and East Malaysia_______ comprise an area of 329,758 sq km.

A. each other

B. together

C. one another

D. both

2. We have arranged to meet each other__________ 8:00 AM this weekend.

A. to

B. on

C. in 

D. at

3. Juventus did their best;_______  Barcelona won the match and the cup.

A. but

B. however

C. moreover     

D. otherwise

4. The examiner_______ that they keep silent during the exam.

A. said

B. requested

C. told

D. admired

5. “I promies I will study harder next term.” _______ “

A. Good idea

B. I hope so

C. No, thanks

D. I’m sorry I can’t

6. People speak Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil_________

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

7. You should reduce   of water your family uses.

A. the number

B. the quality

C. a number

D. the amount

8. A lot of Vietnamese people who live___________ want to celebrate Tet in Viet Nam, their motherland.

A. foreign

B. far

C. aboard      

D. abroad

9. Peter, bring a raincoat just__________ . It looks like rain to me.

A. in case

B. in time

C. in turn   

D. in spite

10. Typhoons often ______ in Viet Nam from June to November.

A. predict

B. occur

C. pass    

D. warn

II. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting. (0,5 pt)

11. She asked (A) me if I am able to (B) speak any other foreign language (C) and I said that I could speak Thai. (D)

12. AAG has confirmed (A) the broken in some (B) of the sections (C) of the undersea cable. (D)

III. Choose the word (A, B, c or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (l,5 pts)

The word jeans (13)_______from  a   kind of material that was made in Europe. It is a strong material and it does not (14)____________ out easily. In the 1960s, many university and college (15)_______ wore jeans. Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s fashions; embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on. In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became (16)__________ . In the 1980s jeans finally became (17)___________ fashion clothing when famous designers started (18)________ their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them. Sales of jeans always go up and up because jeans have never been out of fashion.

13. A. gets

B. goes

C. arrives

D. comes

14. A. go


C. call

D. come

15. A. teenagers

B. pupils

C. students

D. youngsters

16. A. higher

B. costlier

C. longer

D. cheaper

17. A. low

B. high

C. up

D. old

18. A. doing

B. getiing

C. making

D. buying

IV. Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow it are True or False. (1.0 pt)

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our sun. Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the sun’s energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a number of days, so on cloudy days you can use solar energy too. Sweeden has an advanced solar energy program. There, all buildings will be heated .by solar energy; cars and buses will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015.

19. Few countries in the world are ready to use solar energy.

20. We can hardly use solar energy on cloudy days.

21. Solar panels are used for water heating.

22. Some types of vehicles in Sweeden will use solar power by 2015.

Đáp án


1. B

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. B 

7. D

8. D

9. A

10. B

II. 11. B               12. B

III. 13. D             14. B                    15. C                   16. D                    17.  B              18. C 


19. False

20. False

21. False

22. True


23. polluted

24. commercials

25. disappointing

26. joyfully

27. forecast

28. fashionably


29. waters

30. will become

31. has read

32. revising


33. If Emily was / were not sick today, she would be able to go to school.

34.    Messi, who we consider a soccer genius, plays for Barcelona, Spain.33. If Emily was / were not sick today, she would be able to go to school.

35.    Passover is celebrated in Israel in late March or early April.

36.    It has been 10 years since we (last) saw this film.

3. Đề số 3

I. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank (2 pts)

1. _______ could only have been made by someone incompetent.

A. How serious a mistake

B. Such serious mistake

C. So serious is this mistake

D. So serious a mistake

2 . She insisted that the report____________ as his source of information.

A. ot be mentioned

B. not to mention

C. not mentioning

D. not mention

3. _______ traveling is educational, it can also be stressful and expensive.

A. Since

B. Providing

C. While      

D. Even

4. They arrived home only to find their house_________ in their absence.

A. was burgled

B. has burgled

C. had been burgled

D. was burgling

5. There isn’t a_______ of truth in his words. What a liar!

A. wealth

B. trace

C. pack   

D. grain

6. Don’t count your_______ before they’re hatched.

A. ducklings

B. chickens

C. puppies       

D. birds

7. Manh: Should I buy a new bike or a used one?

Dung: Buy______ you can afford.

A. the one whichever

B. which one that

C. those that

D. whichever one

8. Dung: “Merry Christmas!”

Manh: “_______”

A. You, too

B. Merry Christmas,

C. You are welcome

D. You bet.

9. I hope everything is OK. They_________ several hours ago.

A. would have called

B. supposed to call

C. must have called

D. were to have called

10. He was a great athlete when he was younger. He now still_____________ if he

hadn’t had that accident.

A. would have been

B. had been  

C. will be 

D. would be

11. After a month-long investigation, the police still aren’t sure who____________

A. is blamed by them

B. do they blame

C. to lay the blame on        

D. to be blaming

12. The food wasn’t bad, but I’d to go somewhere else next time.

A. rather

B. prefer

C. better    

D.  liked

13. The company is famous for making sturdy work clothes that can ___________ hard wear.

A. stand up for

B. stand up to

C. stand in for

D. stand up against

14. Employees are advised to take_______ of the changes in the company policy.

A. hold

B. effect

C.  root   

D. notice

15. The day their first child was bom, the new parents were___________ with joy.

A. overpowered

B. overtaken

C. overcome  

D.  overthrown

16. By the time you finish your job, everyone________

A. has gone

B. will have gone

C. had gone      

D. was going

17. The ,______ child is forever asking questions. He!s incredibly curious.

A. acquisitive

B. acquitted

C. inquisitive    

D. exquisite

18. If you think you are right, then . Don’t let him bully you into changing your mi

A. stand your ground

B.  hit it off

C. kick the bucket

D. give the green light

19. At the end of the broadcast, the TV station received a_______ of complaints.

A. hurricane

B. tsunami

C. tornado     

D. torrent

20. Dung: “Stop talking. You are so noisy.”

Manh: “_____ He is the noisiest in this class.”

A. Why not?

B.  Look, who’s talking

C. You can say that again

D. You bet!

21. A: “Have you told your dad what’s bothering you?

B: “I’d______ in you than in my parents.”

A. rather to confide

B. better confide

C. rather my confiding

D. sooner confide

22. ________ is over your head is just an exaggeration.

A. That this entrance exam

B. When this entrance exam

C. This entrance exam which

D. This entrance exam

23. When I decided to study two foreign languages at the same time, I knew I ______ off more than I could chew.

A. took

B. bit

C. cut      

D. broke

24. My visit was supposed to be a surprise but my sister__________ it away.

A. gives takes

B. takes   

C. brings     

D. shows

25. _______ he couldn’t solve that mathematical

A. As intelligent as was he

B. Intelligent as he was

C. So intelligent was he

D. Although he is intelligent

26. The test was given_________ short notice, so we all couldn’t finish it well.

A. by

B. in

C. for

D. on 

Đáp án


1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. D

8. A

9. A

10. D

11. C

12. B

13. B

14. D

15. C

16. B

17. C

18. A

19. D

20. D

21. B

22. A

23. B

24. B

25. B

26. D

27. C

28. D

29. B

30. D

31. A

32. A

33. B

34. A

35. B

36. A

37. D

38. C

39. B

40. C










1. B

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. D

11. C

12. A

13. D

14. D

15. A











1. C

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. A




1. A

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. A




1.brainwave/ brainstorm

2.  newsy

3. fashionable

4. disabled

5. dishearten 

6. incalculable

7. indications

8. outnumbered

9. theoretically

10. Shatterproof






3. once       

4. weather  

5. through

6. resulted 

7. where     

8. badly      

9. extinct

10. efforts

11. lists

12. raised     

 13. Laws

14. produce   

15. co-exist


1. Hurtful as the truth is you have to come to terms with it.// Hurtful as it is, you have to come to terms with the truth.

2. Such was a strong wind that we could hardly walk. 

3. The moment this drug takes effect, you will start to feel better.

4. My dad has gone abroad and the office is now under my charge.

5. Had he not won that scholarship, he would not have been over the moon.

6. No sooner had he got round to replying to her than he received another letter from her.

7. I’d rather you had not taken me for a ride yesterday

8. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

9. To our amazement he told an untruth.

10. Hardly a day goes by when television viewers don’t witness any sort of violence or crime on their screens. // Hardly a day goes by without television viewers witnessing some sort of violence or crime on their screens.

4. Đề số 4

I. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, c or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5 pts)

1. Disneyland its 60th birthday on Saturday 18 July, 2015.

A. celebrated

B. congratulated

C. complicated

D. complimented

2. ________ the 3rd day of the Lunar New Year, pupils often pay their teachers a visit.

A. To

B. On       

C. In      

D. At 

3. Our little son was sleepy when we were walking to the park;____________ , we went home early.

A. therefore

B. however

C. moreover  

D. although

4. People_________ do not love nature may not love anything else in life.

A. whom

B. whose

C. which  

D. who

5. – Speaker 1: “Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?”

– Speaker 2:”__________ ”

A. You’re right

B. Not at all! Go ahead.

C. Sure, thanks

D. Really? Good!

6. The small bamboo forest______________ the entrance to the village makes it picturesque.

A. at

B. in

C. on     

D. to

7. About 70% of the earth’s___________ is covered with water.

A. world

B. atmosphere

C. ocean       

D. surface

8. The teacher________ Van if she had ever tried calling a helpline.

A. said

B. advised

C. asked  

D. suggested

9. – Speaker 1: “____

– Speaker 2 : “Sơn Đoòng is a new tourist destination.”

A. Let’s eat out this evening!

B. We need a holiday, dear!

C. I miss my relatives in Huế!

D. I’d like to cook something special for the trip.

10. I chose to buy the house in District 9_________ avoid noise and pollution.

A. so that

B. in order that

C. so as to

D. in order not

II. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, c or D) that needs correcting. (0,5 pt)

11. One of the great pleasures (A) of to travel (B) to another country is (C) eating different (D).

12. The drought (A) that caused (B) by El Nino weather patterns (C) is hitting (D) Thailand and Cambodia.

III. Read the following letter. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or False, and choose the correct answers (A, B, c or D) for the questions 17 and 18.

Dear Daddy,

I am writing this to tell you how much you are missed and loved, especially on such a special day as today. I will always remember that day – my graduation day. You were standing there with tears in your eyes while I was walking towards the stage to get my diploma, a moment in time that would last forever. You are such a devoted father who has always taken very good care of the family and me. I now live independently, Dad, and I’ve experienced the difficulties of being an adult, and I am going to have my own children with all the burden of being a parent. I understand and love you more. After all, I will always be your little naughty son! Happy Father’s Day.

13. This is a letter written by a man to his father.

14. The father cried when his son was on his way to the stage.

15.   The letter is sent from a son to his father on the son’s graduation day.

16.  The writer of this letter has no difficulty living an adult’s life.

17.  What is the letter mainly about?

A.   The writer’s study at university

B.   The writer’s childhood memory

C.   The writer’s thankfulness to the father

D.   The writer’s marriage life

18.  Which of the following can be inferred from the letter?

A.   The father is quite irresponsible.

B.   The writer is in disagreement with the father.

C.   The writer has a lot of experience in work.

D.   The writer very much respects the father.

Đáp án 


1. A

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. C

9. B

10. C


11. B

12. B


13. True

14. True

15. False

16. False


17. C 

18. D

19. C

20. D

21. A

22. C

23. C

24. A


25. modernize/ modernise

26. fluently     

27. occasion

28. embroidered

29. dependence        

30. various


31. Our parents were happy to hear all of us had made considerable progress.

32. The Academy of Language offers you a good and friendly environment to practise your English.


33. We wish we could try all the special food of the village.

34. She said that she wanted to send her son to a university in the UK.

35. If you don’t work hard enough, you won’t pass this entrance examination. / I If you don’t work hard enough, you will fail this entrance examination. 

36. Three more new schools will be opened in the town next autumn by The Prime Minister. / …. be opened in the town by The Prime Minister next autumn. / I …. be opened by The Prime Minister in the town next autumn.

5. Đề số 5

I. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, c or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5 pts)

1. Are you very busy_________ Monday mornings? – No! I always have time for a cup of coffee

A. from

B. to

C. out  

D. on

2. London is also known______ “The Square Mile” because its area is almost one square mile.

A. with

B. of 

C. as    

D. for

3. She didn’t hear the dog barking outside because she________

A. wore

B. was wearing

C. wearing

D. is wearing

4. That is Maryam, the girl__________ visited Lan and Nga last week.

A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. which

5. She felt a little bit cold,___________ she put on her coat.

A. or

B. because     

C. so 

D. but

6. My Japanese pen pal, Yoko, speaks English very_________ .

A. best

B. excellent

C. well 

D. good

7. I like the new idea of those ________ spoons which can be eaten after use as it is made of good rice.

A. edible

B. inedible

C. poisonous 

D. wooden

8. One plastic bottle recycled saves enough energy to run a 60-watt light for 6 hours.

A. bulb

B. standard 

C. electricity   

D. bill

9. David: “It’s terrible. I don’t think I will be able to pass the exam.”

Mary: “______ ”

A. Let’s try it. Don’t worry

B. Everything will be all right.

C. What’s that?

D. Why not pass it?

10. Sue: “You have read that article on the website, haven’t you”

Peter: “______ ”

A. Sure, thanks.

B. Not at all! Go ahead.

C. Not yet. Why?           

D. Yes, of course, I will.

II. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. [0,5 pt)

1. Don’t (A) use so much fossil fuel although (B) there  will be (C) nothing left (D) for future generations.

2. Recycling plastics reduce (A) the amount (B) of oil needed (C) for making (D) new plastics.

III. Read the following letter. Decide if the statements from 13 to 16 are True or False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 17 and 18.

Today almost everyone walking down the street has at least one mobile phone in their pocket. That is because many mobile phones are upgraded every year around the world, and most people are interested in changing their old mobile phone for a new one. There has been an estimated number of 90 million unwanted mobile phones in the UK alone! This mountain weighs around 12,000 tonnes, but only about 5% of it is recycled. What makes us worried most is that mobile phones contain harmful chemicals which are released into the environment when phones begin to degrade and, in addition, large amounts of carbon dioxide are also produced during the manufacture of phones. It seems that the more modern mobile phones become, the worse our environment gets.

13. Mobile phones are modernized every year around the world.

14. Most people are keen on having a newer mobile phone.

15. About half of unwanted mobile phones in the UK are recycled.

16. Old mobile phones do no harm to the environment.

Đáp án


1. D

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. A

9.  B

10. C


11. B                    12. A


13. True               14. True             15. False             16. False


19. A                     20.  C                  21. D                    22.  D

23. A                     24.  B


25. impressed

26.   surprisingly

27. consumption

28. careless

29. beginners

30. enjoyable


31. Many people around the world have lost their lives and homes because of natural disasters.

32. The survival of the natural world depends on each and every one of us.

33. He is not old enough to drive.

He is not allowed / able to drive because  he is very young.

34. Country life is more peaceful than city life.

35. Going hunting Pokemon on the street is not safe for kids.

36. The boy last visited his grandparents two months ago.


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