Quyền Nguyễn's Profile

Quyền Nguyễn

Quyền Nguyễn


Số câu hỏi 0
Số câu trả lời 1
Điểm 18
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  • Quyền Nguyễn đã trả lời trong câu hỏi: Rewrite without changing the meaning she didn't want to stay there for the weekend? Cách đây 4 năm

    1 the got out of the car 

    The police watched 

    2 they talk in the next room 

    I heard 

    3 the cat jumped through the window

    The boy saw

    4 He said that he didn't want to learn Maths

    I overheard

    5 He left the house early this morning 

    I heard

    6 He drove away

    She stood there and watched

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