Write how to cook a dish how to make my Favorite dish?

HELP ME!!!!!khocroi (đang cần rất gấp)

Giúp tớ trả lời câu hỏi này với!

Câu 1: viết lời hướng dẫn nấu ăn bằng tiếng anh

Câu 2: trình bày cách nấu món ăn mà em yêu thích (bằng tiếng anh)

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • TEST 1


    First , grill the bread. Make sure you grill both sides. Then rub the bread with garlic . Next , pour olive oil on the bread . Don't pour too much , just a little. After that , put on some chopped tomatoes. Finally, add salt, pepper, and a basil leaf .

    TEST 2

    Hello everyone, today I tell you : How to make my Favorite dish . My mom makes my favorite dish. We call it Greek Chicken. It's easy to make . First , you mix together 1/4 cup olive oil , the juice of a lemon , and salt and pepper . Then you rub the mixture all over the chicken . Next , put the chicken in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour. While it is cooking, put a can of chopped tomatoes, oregano , and 1/2 stick of butter in a saucepan. Bring it to a boil , and then turn it to low . After that, pour the tomato mixture over the chicken. Cook it for another hour or until it's done . You can serve it with noodles or rice. I also like it with green beans or a green salad . It's even better the next day.

    Bạn ơi , bài TEST 2_mình làm theo sở thích của mình , bạn nhé !!!^-^ :)

      bởi Trần Hằng Nga 16/12/2019
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