Write a paragraph about pollution this will affect other living organisms in the food web?

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Đề bài: Hãy viết một bai văn về ô nhiễm môi trường

Yêu cầu: Có 3 phần: Nguyên nhân, Kết quả, cách phông chống ô nhiễm môi trường

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  • The problem of human habitat on the earth has been and is being polluted is an urgent issue for any country. It causes climate change that leads to catastrophic natural disasters.This is a bad phenomenon, many harm, need to quickly overcome. First, we need to understand what the environment is. Habitat is a broad concept. It consists of all the natural and man-made elements that surround human beings, which affect the life, production, existence and development of man and every creature on earth. There are two main types of environment: the natural environment and the social environment. The natural environment consists of natural components such as terrain, geology, soil, climate, water, organisms, etc. Social environment is the whole of the relationship between human beings and relations. Individuals with communities are represented by laws, institutions, commitments, regulations, etc.The pollution of the air source: factories have been emitting a huge source of carbon dioxide, acids, greenhouse gases, car dirt and other types of engines. Water pollution: At present, the world and especially Vietnam have been polluted with water, the demand for drinking water and water in many regions is seriously lacking, the number of people using clean water The rate is not large. Water resources: ponds, lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater, rainwater, etc. Land pollution: land degradation, leaching, industrial waste, activities, hospital wasteFrom the understanding of this, we find that environmental pollution has many harmful effects. There are many examples of environmental pollution in recent years. According to estimates by hydro-meteorologists, there are 9 to 10 active typhoons in the South China Sea and 3 to 4 typhoons directly affect Vietnam. The rapid development has significantly affected the life and production of the people. Most serious is that the Mekong Delta of our country will be submerged under sea level in the coming time, a fertile delta, the largest one of our country can lose. If we do not take timely measures to overcome. And how many of the unpredictable effects that climate change has on the Vietnamese people.Through the above examples, environmental pollution has caused great human harm. For human health: air pollution can kill many living organisms including humans. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, pharyngitis, chest pain, respiratory infections. Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mainly due to eating with untreated water. Heavy chemicals and metals contaminated in drinking water can cause cancer that can not be treated. For ecosystems: Sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen can cause acid rain, which reduces the pH of the soil. Contaminated soils can become barren, unsuitable for plants. This will affect other living organisms in the food web. Fogging and dew reduces the sunlight that plants receive to perform photosynthesis. Animals can invade, compete and occupy. It is a habitat for endangered species. The CO2 produced by plants and vehicles also increases the greenhouse effect, making the Earth ever hotter. Gradually, the existing ecological zones are gradually destroyed ...There are many causes for environmental pollution. The main cause is that human consciousness does not respect the law of environmental protection. The status of deforestation of watershed forests, protection forests, the area covered is reduced dramatically. Because of the immediate economic benefits that companies and factories have disregarded the law, the waste water Uncleaned industrial waste, industrial waste, medical waste, non-digestible waste ... People's awareness on environmental pollution is very limited ... Law is not really serious yet. Strong enough to prevent all violations of the law on environmental protection ... Education awareness of conservation and habitat has not been paid due attention, not regularly organized. Although the media still have programs that call for a sense of environmental protection of the people, but they are too little, not meet the needs of learning and learning of the people. Therefore, the level of understanding of people is low, leading to the attitude of compliance in public places have not gone into order. This is partly because the management and control of the authorities are not strict, ineffective ... there is no strict treatment of individuals, units, companies violated, or in other words. know that ignoreEnvironmental pollution causes many serious harms should take measures to prevent. Human beings must be aware of the harmful effects of environmental pollution. The legal system, strict punishment to punish appropriately for individuals and organizations violate. The school coordinates with other departments regularly remind, propaganda, check the sense of self-consciousness of the people on the maintenance of hygiene. There should be appropriate punishment for students who have a habit of throwing litter. Educate the community about environmental protection. In recent times, we have often heard about the "Earth Hour" movement. It is also one of the most practical activities to contribute to environmental protection. And we need to implement the solutions on a regular basis, to overcome the consequences of environmental pollution, create a healthy living environment for people,

    In short, environmental pollution in our country today is a serious problem that should be condemned and eliminated. Let's protect the enviroment. Environmental protection is the protection of everyone's life, so each of us needs to be conscious, contributing together to build a green environment - clean - beautiful.

      bởi Phạm Minh Trí 01/01/2020
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