Unit 9 lớp 10 Listening - Bài nghe Undersea World

Bài học Listening Unit 9 Lớp 10 hướng dẫn các em nghe và hoàn thành nội dung bài học bằng cách trả lời những câu hỏi có nội dung liên quan đến chủ đề vè loài cá voi.


Tóm tắt bài

1. Before You Listen Unit 9 Lớp 10

  • Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. (Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận các câu hỏi sau.)

1. Do you think whales are fish? Why (not)? (Bạn có nghĩ cá voi là thuộc loài cá không? Tại sao (không)?)

2. Why do people keep hunting whales? (Tại sao người ta lại săn cá voi?)

Guide to answer

1. The whale is a mammal because it raises its young on milk.

2. Because they want whales for food, oil, leather and other products.

  • Listen and repeat. (Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

mammal : động vật có vú

blue whale : cá voi xanh

migrate: di cư

conservation: bảo tồn

whaling: nghề đánh cá voi

krill : loài nhuyễn thể mà cá voi ăn được

2. While You Listen Unit 9 Lớp 10

2.1. Unit 9 Listening Task 1

Listen to some information about whales and decide whether the following statements are true (T) of false (F). (Nghe một vài thông tin về cá voi và xác định xem các phát biểu sau là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)

1. The whale is the third largest animal that has ever lived on Earth.

2. Whales are said to be the most intelligent animals in the ocean.

3. Some whales are known to move into warm waters to give birth.

4. Whalea are in danger because of the increase in population of other sea animals.

5. Some people are still killing whales for food.

Guide to answer

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

2.2. Unit 9 Speaking Tasks 2

Listen again and then answer the following questions. (Nghe lại lần nữa và sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. What is the length and weight of the blue whale? (Chiều dài và chiều rộng của cá voi xanh?)

2. Why do whales like to feed in the cold oceans? (Tại sao cá voi lại thích kiếm ăn ở các vùng biển lạnh?)

3. According to the listening passage, what are the good feeding grounds for whales? (Theo như bài nghe, nơi đâu là nơi kiếm ăn tốt cho cá voi?)

4. What is the main reason for the decrease in whale populations? (Đâu là lý do chính của việc giảm số lượng cá voi?)

5. What have conservation groups asked the International Whaling Commission to do? (Các tổ chức bảo tồn đã yêu cầu Ủy ban quốc tế săn cá voi làm gì?)

6. What would happen if we didn't take any measures to protect whales? (Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu chúng ta đã không thực hiện bất kì biện pháp nào đều bảo vệ cá voi?)

Guide to answer

1. The blue whale grows to 30 metres in length and over 200 tons in weight.

2. Because there is a lot of krill - their favorite food in cold oceans.

3. Cold waters in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the North and South Pacific are the good feeding grounds for whales.

4. Heavy hunting is the main reason for the decrease in whale population.

5. They have asked the International Whaling Commission to stop most whaling.

6. If we didn't take any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever.

3. After You Listen Unit 9 Lớp 10

Work in groups. Talk about whales, using the following cues. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Nói về cá voi, sử dụng các gợi ý sau.)

Guide to answer

The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived on Earth. They grows to 30 metres in length and over 200 tons in weight. Their favorite food feed is krill which is in the cold oceans. So, cold waters in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the North and South Pacific are good feeding grounds for whales. The number of whales is decreasing so we should take some measures to protect whales.

4. Tapescript Listening Unit 9 Lớp 10

Whales are mammals that lives in the water. Some whales are huge. The blue whale, for example, grows to 30 meters in length and over 200 tons in weight. It is the largest animal that has ever lived on earth. Whales may also be the most intelligent animals in the ocean.

Whales like to feed in the cold oceans where there is a lot of krill - their favorite food. Cold waters in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the North and South Pacific are good feeding grounds for whales. Some whales are known to migrate into warm waters to bear their calves.

Whale populations decrease quickly due to heavy hunting pressure. Conservation groups have asked the International Whaling Commission to stop most whaling. However, Native American hunters, such as the Eskimos, are still allowed to hunt a limited number of whales to feed their communities. If no effective measures were taken to protect whale, these wonderful animals would disappear forever.

5. Bài tập trắc nghiệm

Như vậy là các em đã xem qua bài giảng phần Listening Unit 8 Lớp 10. Để củng cố kiến thức bài học mời các em tham gia bài tập trắc nghiệm Trắc nghiệm Unit 9 lớp 10 Listening.

  • Câu 1: Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer

    Every year, 100 million sharks are killed by people in commercial and recreational fishing. In the past they were killed simply for the sport of landing a good fighting fish (make sharks for instance). Sharkskin was used for making sandpaper. Other sharks are hunted for food, and some species for other products.

    Sharks are a common seafood in many places around the world, including Japan and Australia. In Australia shark is the most commonly used fish. Sharks are often killed for shark fin soup, in which many sharks are hunted for their fins, which are cut off with a hot metal blade before the live animal is tossed back into the water. There have been cases where hundreds of de-finned animals were swept up on local beaches without any way to convey themselves back into the sea. Conservationists have campaigned for changes in the law to make finning illegal in the U.S.

    Sharks generally reach sexual maturity slowly and produce very few offspring in comparison to other fishes that are harvested. This has caused concern among biologists regarding the increase in effort applied to catching sharks over time, and many species are considered to be threatened. Some organizations, such as the Shark Trust, campaign to limit shark fishing.

    Nowadays, people hunt sharks for ____.

    • A. commerce and recreation
    • B. fun and fighting
    • C. sport and fighting
    • D. fishing and landing
    • A. people hunt sharks only to make sandpaper
    • B. sharks are hunted only for food
    • C. sharks cannot be hunted
    • D. there are many products made from sharks
    • A. Shark fins are used for making soup.
    • B. Japanese do not like to eat sharks.
    • C. Many sharks are hunted for their fins.
    • D. Shark fins are cut off when they are alive.

Câu 4-10: Mời các em đăng nhập xem tiếp nội dung và thi thử Online để củng cố kiến thức về bài học này nhé!

6. Hỏi đáp Listening Unit 9 Lớp 10

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