Rewrite: Plastic bags are a major source of waste. We should not throw plastic bags everywhere.

ex: rewrite the following sentences so that the sentences means the same as the first one.

1, Plastic bags are a major source of waste. We should not throw plastic bags everywhere. => ( so )

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Trả lời (5)

  • 1, Plastic bags are a major source of waste. We should not throw plastic bags everywhere. => ( so )

    Plastic bags are a major source of waste so we should not throw plastic bags everywhere.

      bởi phạm đình đông 05/10/2018
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    Video HD đặt và trả lời câu hỏi - Tích lũy điểm thưởng

  • Plastic bags are a major soure of waste so we should not throw plastic bags everywhere

      bởi Phạm Thanh Tâm 06/10/2018
    Like (0) Báo cáo sai phạm
  • Plastic bags are a major soure of waste so  we should not throw plastic bags everywhere

      bởi Nguyễn Trần Bảo Khôi 08/10/2018
    Like (0) Báo cáo sai phạm
  • Plastic bags are a major soure of waste so we should not throw plastic bags everywhere

      bởi Nguyễn Đăng Chiến 28/01/2019
    Like (0) Báo cáo sai phạm
  • Plastic bags are a major source of waste so we should not throw plastic bags everywhere.

      bởi Nguyễn Đăng Chiến 06/02/2019
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