• Read the passage and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D for the following questions

    Linda Shaw was about to have her evening meal with parents and grandmother when something rather frightening happened. The family had just sat down at a table in the dining room and had called Linda’s brother Tony to join them when three armed men went in. One of the men pointed a gun at them while another held a knife. The family were all terrified, except Tony, who was watching television so that he had no idea anything was wrong. The men began to put everything that was valuable into a large bag. While stealing things, they didn’t see Linda write the word “HELP” on the piece of paper. Linda dropped the paper out of the window on the street. Two passengers saw it and called the police. A few minutes later the police caught them. After they were being taken away. Tony was bewildered. He had been watching television throughout the whole incident.

    Câu hỏi:

    It can be inferred from the story that the men ___________.

    • A. stole all the valuable things and left
    • B. were successful in robbing
    • C. were not caught
    • D. weren’t able to steal anything

    Lời giải tham khảo:

    Đáp án đúng: D

    Thông tin: The men began to put everything that was valuable into a large bag. While stealing things, they didn’t see Linda write the word “HELP” on the piece of paper. Linda dropped the paper out of the window on the street. Two passengers saw it and called the police. A few minutes later the police caught them.

    Đáp án D


Mã câu hỏi: 407466

Loại bài: Bài tập

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