Bài tập câu bị động trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án

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1. Đề bài

1.1. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form present or past.

cause   damage    hold    invite    make

overtake    show    surround    translate    write

1.Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

2. Chese .... from milk.

3. The roof of the building .... in a storm a few days ago.

4. You .... to the wedding. Why didn't you go.

5. A cinema is a place where films .......

6. In the United States elections for president .... every four years.

7. Originally the book .... in Spanish and a few years ago it .... into English.

8. Although we were driving quite fast we .... by a lot of other cars.

9. You can't see the house from the road. It .... by trees.

1.2. Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past.

1. Ask about glass (how/make) How is glass made?

2. Ask about television (when/invent) ....................

3. Ask about mountains (how/form) ....................

4. Ask about Pluto (when/discover) ....................

5. Ask about silver (what/use for) ....................

1.3. Put the verb into the correct form present simple or past simple active or passive.

1. It's a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

2. Did somebody clean (somebody/clean) this room yesterday?

3. Water .... (cover) most of the earth's surface.

4. How much of the earth's surface .... (cover) by water?

5. The park gates .... (look) at 6.30 pm every evening.

6. The letter .... (post) a week ago and it .... (arrive) yesterday.

7. The boat hit a rock and .... (sink) quickly Fourtunately everybody .... (recue).

8. Richard's parents .... (die) when he was very young. He and his sister .... (bring up) by their grandparetns.

9. I was born in London but I .... (grow up) in Canada.

10. While I was on holiday, my camera .... (steal) from y hotel room.

11. While I was on holiday, my camera .... (disappear) from my hotel room.

12.Why .... (Sue/resign) from the job? Didn't she enjoy it?

13.Why .... (Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?

14.The company is not independent. It .... (own) by much larger company.

15.I saw an accident last night. Somebody .... (call) an umbrella but nobody .... (injure) so the ambulance .... (not/need).

16.Where .... (these photographs/take)? In London?.......(you/take) them, or somebody else?

17.Sometimes it's quite noisy living here but it's not a problem for me. I ..... (not/bother) by it.

1.4. Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody, they, people, ... write a passive sentence.

1. Somebody cleans the room every day.

The room is cleaned every day

2. They cancelled all flights because of fog


3. People don't use this road much.


4. Somebody accused me of stealing money.


5. How do people learn languages?


6. Somebody warned us not to go out alone.


1.5. What do these words mean? Use it can ... or it can't ...

1. washable: it can be washed

2. unbreakable: it...........

3. edible: ..................

4. unusable: ...........

5. invisible: ...........

6. portable: ...........

1.6. Complete these sentences with following verbs (in the correct form)

arrest    carry    cause    do    make    repair    send    spend    wake up

1. The situation is serious. Something must be done before it's too late.

2. I haven't received the letter. It might have been sent to the wrong address.

3. A decision will not .... until the next meeting.

4. Do you think that more money should .... on education?

5. This road is in very bad condition. It should .... a long time ago.

6. The injured man couldn't walk and had to ....

7. It's not certain how the fire started but it might .... by an electrical fault.

8. I told the hotel receptionist I wanted to .... at 6.30 the next morning.

9. If you hadn't pushed the policeman you wouldn't.

1.7. Rewrite these sentences instead of using somebody or they ... write a passive sentence

1. Somebody has cleaned the room.

The room has been cleaned.

2. They have postponed the meeting.

The ...........................

3. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.

The computer ...........................

4. I didn't realise that somebody was recording our conversation.

I didn't realise that ...................

5. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game.

When we got to the stadium we found that ................

6. They are building a new ring raod round the city.


7. They have built a new hospital near the airport.


1.8. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is active sometimes passive.

1. There's somebody behind us. (I/think/we/follow)

I think we're being followed.

2. This room look different. (you/paint/the walls?)

Have you painted the walls?

3. My car has disappeared. (it/steal!)

It .................................

4. My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody/take)

Somebody ......................................

5. Sam gets a higher salary now. (he/promote)

He ......................................

6. Ann can't use her office at the moment. (it/redecorate)

It ......................................

7. The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. (it/work/again; it/repair)

It ....................... It .................

8. When I went into the room, I saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place. (the furniture/move)

The ......................................

9. The man next door disappeared six months ago. (he/not/see/since then)

He ......................................

10. I wonder how Jane is these days. (i/not/see/for ages)

I ......................................

11. A friend of mine was mugged on his way home a few night ago. (you/ever/mug)


1.9. Write these sentences in another way, beginning in the way shown:

1. They didn't give me the information I needed.

I wasn't given the information I needed.

2. They asked me some difficlut questions at the interview.

I .....................................

3. Linda's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.

Linda .....................................

4. Nobody told me about the meeting.

I wasn't .....................................

5. How much will they pay you for your work?

How much will you .....................................

6. I think they should have offered Tom the job.

I think Tom .....................................

7. Has anybody shown you what to do.

Have you ................................

1.10. Complete the sentences using being + the

following   give    invite    keep    knock    down    stick    treat

1. Steve hates being kept waiting.

2. We went to the party wthout ............

3. I like giving presents and I also like .... them.

4. It' a busy road and I don't like crossing it. I'm afraid of ..........

5. I'm an adult. I don't like ..... like a child.

6. You can't do anything about ..... in a traffic jam.

1.11. When were they born? Choose five of these people and write a sentence for each



Elvis Presley

Agatha Christie

Mahatma Gandhi

Leonardo da Vinci

Walt Disney

Martin Luther King

Wiliam Shakespeare

1452    1869    1929    1770

1564    1890    1935    1901

1 Wait Disney was born in 1901.

2 .................................

3 .................................

4 .................................

5 .................................

6. ...............................

1.12. Complete the sentences using get/got + the following verbs

ask    damage    hurt    pay    steal    sting    stop    use

1. There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt.

2. Alex .... by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

3. These tennis courts don't .... very often. Not many people want to play.

4. I used to have a bicycle, but it .... a few month ago.

5. Rachel works hard but doesn't .... very much.

6. Last night I ..... by the police as I was driving home. One of the lights on my car wasn't working.

7. Please pack these things very carefully. I don't want them to ......

8. People often want to know what my job is. I often .... that question.

2. Đáp án


2.is made

3. was damamged

4. wree invited

5. are shown

6. are held

7. was written

8. were overtaken

9. is surrounded


2.When was television invented?

3. How are mountains formed?

4. When was Phito discovered?

5. What is silver used for?



4. is covered

5. are locked

6. was posted

7. sank .... was recused.

8. died .... were bought up

9. grew up

10. was stolen

11. disappeared

12.did Sue resign

13.was Bill asked

14.is owned

15.called .... was injured .... wasn't needed

16.were these photographs taken .... Did you take

17.am not bothered


2.All flights were cancelled.because of fog.

3. This road isn't used much.

4. I was accused of stealing money.

5. How are language learnt?

6. We were warned not to go out alone.


2. it can't be broken

3. it can be eaten

4. it can't be used

5. it can't be seen

6. it can be carried


3. be made

4. be spent

5. have been repired

6. be carried

7. have been caused

8. be woken up

9. have been arrested


2.The meeting has been postponed

3. The computer is being used at the moment

4. I didn't realize that our converstation was being recorded.

5. .... we found that the game had been cancelled

6. A new ring road is being built round the city.

7. A new hospital has been built near the airport.


3.It's been stolen

4. Somebody has taken it

5. He is been promoted

6. It is being redecorated

7. It is working again ..... It has been repaired

8. The furniture had been moved

9. He hasn't been seen since then

10. I haven't seen her for ages

11. Have you ever been mugged?


2.I was asked some difficult questions at the interview.

3. Linda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired

4. I wasn't told about the meeting

5. How much will you be paid for your work?

6. I think Tom should have been offered the job.

7. Have you been slown what to do?


2.being invited

3. being given

4. being knocked down

5. being treated

6. being stuck


1. Beethoven was born in 1770.

2. Agatha Christie was born in 1890.

3. Galileo was born in 1564.

4. Mahatma Fandhi was born in 1869.

5. Martin Luther King was born in 1929.

6. Elvis Presley was born in 1935.

7. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452.

8. William Shaespeare was born in 1564.


2.got stung

3. get used

4. got stolen

5. get paid

6. got stopped

7. get damaged

8. get asked


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