Bộ 5 đề thi giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 5 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường TH Lê Ngọc Hân

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Dưới đây là Bộ 5 đề thi giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 5 có đáp án năm 2021-2022 Trường TH Lê Ngọc Hân đã được HOC247 biên soạn. Với tài liệu này, các em sẽ được rèn luyện kĩ năng làm bài thi của mình qua nhiều dạng đề mới. Hi vọng các em sẽ tích lũy thật nhiều kinh nghiệm và bổ sung kiến thức qua tài liệu này. Mời các em cùng xem chi tiết tài liệu ngay sau đây.





(Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút)

1. Đề số 1

Exercise 1: Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct


: ______________________


: ______________________


: ______________________


: ______________________


: ______________________

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D

1. Phong will take part in the Sports Day ____________ school.

A. in

B. at

C. of

D. with

2. ____________ is the matter with you, Phong? - I have a headache

A. Where

B. Which

C. How

D. What

3. An Tiem and his family could go back home __________ the end

A. in

B. on

C. of

D. with

4. This is a magic ___________.

A. pizzas

B. apple

C. rice

D. noodles

5. Don’t ride too fast. You may ____________ your bike.

A. swing

B. glide down

C. scratch

D. fall off

6. I can’t watch TV because I have too __________ homework

A. much

B. very

C. a lot

D. many

7. Phong is going to play soccer ________ Sports Day

A. at

B. on

C. with

D. in

8. What books do you like ________? - I like reading science books.

A. reading

B. read

C. reads

D. reader

Exercise 3: Read the text and choose the correct answers

My name is Van Anh. I am going back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. They live in a small house in the village. There are some tall trees near the house. My grandpa often goes fishing in a pond behind the house in his free time. He is old but his health is good. My grandma usually plants flowers in the garden in her free time. She likes working in the garden because the air is fresh. I like living in the countryside very much. When I have free time, I often play with my friends in the field.

1. Where do her grandparents live?

They live in a small ____________ in the village

A. school

B. house

C. flat

D. hotel

2. What are there near the house?

There are some _______________.

A. animals

B. flowers

C. shops

D. trees

3. What does her grandpa do in his free time?

He often _________________

A. goes fishing

B. goes shopping

C. goes climbing

D. goes camping

4. What does her grandma usually do in her free time?

She usually plants _____________ in the garden

A. flowers

B. roses

C. orange trees

D. apple trees

5. What does Van Anh do in her free time?

A. goes camping

B. plays with her friends

C. takes photos

D. reads books

Exercise 4: Find the mistake in each sentence

1. We (A) often go (B) to school (C) in (D) bus.

2. Phong likes (A) drawing pictures (B) and play (C) chess (D)

3. Trang often go (A) camping with (B) her family (C) once a month (D)

Exercise 5: Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. your/ What/ book?/ is/ favorite/


2. island./ live/ Mai An Tiem/ on/ an/ had/ to/


3. would/ He/ like/ a/ be/ to/ lawyer.


Exercise 6: Listen and complete the sentences

1. She works in an ______________.

2. She likes ___________________.

3. He ____________ his homework yesterday.

4. Mai’s grandparents live in the ____________.

-The end-


Exercise 1: Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct

1. Watermelon

2. Prince

3. Problem

4. Artist

5. Engineer

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D

1. D

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. A

Giải thích

1 - at + địa điểm

2 - What's the matter with you? Câu hỏi về tình trạng sức khỏe ai đó

3 - in the end: cuối cùng

4 - sau a chia danh từ số ít

5 - fall of the bike: ngã xe

6 - homework là danh từ không đếm được dùng much

7 - on + Day

8 - sau like + Ving: thích làm gì

Exercise 3: Read the text and choose the correct answers

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. B


Tôi tên là Vân Anh. Tôi sắp về quê thăm ông bà ngoại. Họ sống trong một ngôi nhà nhỏ trong làng. Có một số cây cao gần nhà. Ông tôi thường đi câu cá ở ao sau nhà khi rảnh rỗi. Ông ấy đã già nhưng sức khỏe còn tốt. Bà tôi thường trồng hoa trong vườn khi rảnh rỗi. Cô ấy thích làm việc trong vườn vì không khí trong lành. Tôi thích sống ở nông thôn lắm. Khi rảnh rỗi, tôi thường cùng các bạn ra đồng chơi.

Exercise 4: Find the mistake in each sentence

1. D (in => by)

2. C (play => playing)

3. A (go => goes)

Giải thích

1 - đi bằng phương tiện gì dùng by

2 - động từ chia giống nhau sau liên từ And

3 - Chủ ngữ số ít chia động từ theo số ít ở thì hiện tại đơn

Exercise 5: Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. What is your favorite book?

2. Mai An Tiem had to live on an island

3. He would like to be a lawyer

Exercise 6: Listen and complete the sentences

1. Office

2. Maths

3. Did

4. countryside

2. Đề số 2


Underline and correct the mistake. 

1. What shouldn't I play with the stove?

2. What would Lan like to be in the future? He wants to be a nurse. 

3. What do you do in your free time? - I cleaned the house. 

4. He shouldn't go to the dentist if he has a headache. 

5. I'd like to be an pilot.

Choose the correct tense of the verbs.

1. The sun (rise) …………….in the East.

2. It usually (snow) …………….....in the winter.

3. They (build) …………………..the bridge at the moment.

4. Bees (make) …………………..honey.

5. They (get) …………………….on the scale now.

Read and answer the question.

My name is Tony. I often read science books and do sports in gym. I want to be strong and good at science because I would like to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. My friends Mai and Linda like different things. Mai often read books. She would like to be a writer because she would like to write stories for children. Linda often draws pictures in her free time. She would like to be an architect because she would like to design building.

1. What is his name?

2. Does he read comic books?

3. What would he like to be in the future?

4. Does Mai want to be a singer?

5. What does Linda do in her free time?

Use the words to make the complete sentence. 

1. What/ matter/ him/ ?


2. I/ pilot/ fly/ sky/ ./


3. What/ he/ do/ free/ time/ ?


4. You / sweet/ if/ toothache/ ./


5. shouldn't/ he/ knife/ ?



Underline and correct the mistake.

1 - What thành Why;

2 - He thành She;

3 - cleaned thành clean;

4 - shouldn't thành should;

5 - an thành a;

Choose the correct tense of the verbs.

1. The sun (rise) ……rises……….in the East.

2. It usually (snow) …………snow….....in the winter.

3. They (build) ………are building…………..the bridge at the moment.

4. Bees (make) ………make…………..honey.

5. They (get) ………are getting…………….on the scale now.

Read and answer the question.

1 - His name is Tony.

2 - No, he doesn't.

3 - He'd like to be a pilot.

4 - No, she doesn't.

5 - She draws pictures in her free time.

Use the words to make the complete sentence.

1 - What's the matter with him?

2 - I want to be a pilot because I like flying in the sky.

3 - What does he do in his free time?

4 - You shouldn't eat sweet if you have a toothache.

5 - Why shouldn't he play with the knife?

3. Đề số 3


I/ Choose the odd one out

1. A. job

B. architect

C. designer

D. teacher

2. A. rich

B. poor

C. future

D. interesting

3. A. teddy bear

B. plane

C. yo-yo

D. ball

4. A. play

B. sing

C. club

D. dance

5. A. cat

B. cartoon

C. mouse

D. dog

II/ Read and write





1. Do you like reading in your free time? No, I __________.

2. What ___________ you do at weekends? I surf the Internet.

3. What ___________ your brother do on Sundays? He goes to cinema.

4. Does your mother go shopping in her free time?

No, she _________ go swimming

5. What _________ your grandparents do in their free time?

They watch TV

III/ Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

1. What ________ she often ________ in her free time? - She ________ cartoons

A. do/ do/ watch

B. does/ does/ watches

C. does/ do/ watch

D. does/ do/ watches

2. Why shouldn’t I _______ the stairs? - Because you may break your arm

A. running down

B. runs down

C. run down

D. running down

3. What would Tony like to be __________?

A. at the future

B. on the future

C. in the future

D. to the future

4. What the matter _________ you?

A. on

B. with

C. without

D. about

5. Many years ago, there _________ a very beautiful princess

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. is

IV/ Read the following text and answer the following questions

My name is Simon and I have a friend called Star. Yesterday, he waited for me in the cupboard when it rained. I opened the cupboard and he was there. He was a big and friendly dog. I laughed at him and I took him out of the cupboard to the garden. Then we played happily in the garden

1. What is the dog’s name?


2. What did the dog look like?


3. Where did Simon find the dog?


4. Did Simon take the dog to the garage?


5. What did they do in the garden?


V/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. Would/ like/ fly/ you/ a/ to/ kite/ ?/


2. free/ time/ I/ go/ often/ camping/ my/ in/


3. Why/ he/ the/ tree/ shouldn’t/ climb/ ?/


4. with/ Don’t/ James!/ play/ matches,/ the/


-The end-


I/ Choose the odd one out

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. B

II/ Read and write

1. don’t

2. do

3. does

4. doesn’t

5. do

III/ Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

1. D

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. B

IV/ Read the following text and answer the following questions

1. The dog’s name is Star

2. He was big

3. Simon found the dog in the cupboard

4. No, he didn’t

5. They played in the garden

V/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. Would you like to fly a kite?

2. I often go camping in my free time

3. Why shouldn’t he climb the tree?

4. Don’t play with the matches, James

4. Đề số 4


I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others.

1. A. call

B. ball

C. want

D. wall

2. A. throw

B. down

C. cow

D. town

3. A. above

B. cat

C. an

D. about

4. A. cow

B. bow

C. now

D. know

5. A. clean

B. bean

C. beat

D. dead

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. What are you _________?

A. done

B. doing

C. do

2. Why shouldn’t I play with the _____? – Because you may burn yourself.

A. knife

B. stove

C. ball

3. I have to visit the ________ because of my headache.

A. doctor

B. surgeon

C. dentist

4. They should not jump into the water. They may _______.

A. drown

B. hot

C. crawl

5. What do you _____ of the story? – I think it is interesting.

A. know

B. understand

C. think

III. Read and match.

1. Don’t play with the knife!

A. You may get a burn.

2. Don’t swing too fast!

B. You may get a cut.

3. Don’t play with the matches!

C. It may bite you.

4. Don’t play with a strange dog!

D. You may fall off the swing

IV. Reorder the following sentences to make a story.



The next day, the raven came and brought the younger brother to an island filled with gold. He only put gold enough into the bag. Then, he came very rich


He made a much larger bag than his younger brother did. When the raven took him to the island, he filled the bag and all his pockets. When they flew over the sea, he was very heavy so the raven dropped him off


Once upon a time, after their parents’ death, an elder brother claimed the fortune and left his younger one only a small cottage and a starfruit tree. But one day, a huge raven flew on the starfruit tree to eat fruits and said: “Starfruits I eat, with gold I pay.”


After the elder brother heard about it, he offered to exchange all his fortune for the starfruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer. The raven came as usual and answered the elder brother as the same.

V. Use these words to make a complete sentence

1. What/ matter/ Peter?


2. What/ your mother/ do/ free time?


3. I’d/ like/ be/ pilot/ because/ I want/ fly/ sky/


4. Linda/ can’t/ go/ school/ because/ she/ have/ cold.



I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others.

1 - C; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - D; 5 - D;

II. Choose the correct answer.

1 - B; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - A; 5 - C;

III. Read and match.

1 - B; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - C;

IV. Reorder the following sentences to make a story.

1 - C; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - B;

V. Use these words to make a complete sentence

1 - What's the matter with Peter?

2 - What does your mother do in your free time?

3 - I'd like to be an pilot because I want to fly in the sky.

4 - Lind can't go to school because she has a cold.

5. Đề số 5


Task 1. Choose the word has underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. story

B. worry

C. fly

D. study

2. A. ride

B. like

C. nice

D. fish

3. A. fever

B. very

C. bed

D. well

4. A. school

B. chocolate

C. child

D. children

5. A. many

B. animal

C. engineer

D. friend

Task 2. Choose the correct answer:

1. What would you like to be in the future? – I’d like to be _____ writer.

A. a

B. an

C. Ø

D. the

2. I think Tam is _______.

A. greedy

B. kind

C. ugly

D. stupid

3. My favourite book is _______.

A. comics

B. songs


D. children

4. The main character in Snow White is _______.

A. the princess

B. Snow White

C. Doraemon

D. Tom

5. Trung would like to be a _______ in the future.

A. pilot

B. engineer

C. artist

D. architect

6. What are you doing? – I am _______ my favourite books.

A. read

B. reading

C. listen

D. listening

7. Nam has a high temperature. He has a/an _______.

A. earache

B. stomachache

C. fever

D. toothache

8. Why do you would like to be a teacher? - _______ I’d like to teach children.

A. When

B. Because

C. What

D. Where

9. Why would you like to be a nurse? - _______.

A. Because I would like to look after the patients.

B. Because I would like to teach the children.

C. Because I would like to write stories for children.

D. Because I would like to fly a plane.

10. Linda has a pain in her throat. She has a/an _______.

A. toothache

B. sore throat

C. earache

D. backache

Task 3. Look and write the correct words.

toothache; bus stop; pilot; rice; The story of Tam and Cam;

1. It’s a fairy tale about two sisters. ______________________

2. He has a pain in her tooth. ______________________

3. A person who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraft. _________________

4. A Southeast Asian grass widely grown in warm wet areas especially for its seeds which are used for food. _________________

5. A place where a bus regularly stops, usually marked by a sign. ___________________

Task 4. Read and answer the questions.

Hi, I’m Mai. My hobby is reading folk tales. Folk tales are usually short and interesting. They often give me one surprise after another. The character are sometimes honest, sometimes greedy, sometimes wise, and sometimes stupid. I like The Fox and the Crow very much.The Fox was clever and the Crow was not. The Crow lost its delicious meat and the Fox got it. I love folk tales very much because each of them gives me a lesson in life.

1. What kinds of stories does Mai like reading?


2. What does she think of folk tales?


3. What does she think of the characters in folk tales?


4. What does she think of the characters in The Fox and the Crow?



Task 1. Choose the word has underlined part is pronounced differenty.

1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - A; 5 - B;

Task 2. Choose the correct answer:

1 - A; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - A;

6 - B; 7 - C; 8 - B; 9 - A; 10 - B;

Task 3. Look and write the correct words.

1 - The story of Tam and Cam.

2 - toothache;

3 - pilot;

4 - rice;

5 - bus stop;

Task 4. Read and answer the questions.

1 - She likes reading folk tales.

2 - She thinks they are usually short and interesting.

3 - The character are sometimes honest, sometimes greedy, sometimes wise, and sometimes stupid.

4 - The Fox was clever and the Crow was not.


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