Write about air pollution( definition, causes, effects, solutions)?

Write about air pollution( definition, causes, effects, solutions)
Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (2)

  • Air pollution: Definition: air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. CAuse: have a two main cause : The first is from nature as acid rain. The second is from people acting as vehicles emitting dust and smoke. Effect:harmful to humans , making animals and plants unable to live, causing serious illness. Sollution: planting trees, improve human working machines, educating people on mesures to raise awareness of environmental protection
      bởi Hoàng My 06/02/2020
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    Video HD đặt và trả lời câu hỏi - Tích lũy điểm thưởng

  • Air pollution: Definition: air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. CAuse: have a two main cause : The first is from nature as acid rain. The second is from people acting as vehicles emitting dust and smoke. Effect:harmful to humans , making animals and plants unable to live, causing serious illness. Sollution: planting trees, improve human working machines, educating people on mesures to raise awareness of environmental protection
      bởi Hoàng My 06/02/2020
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