Complete this tag questions you can not come next week?

Complete this tag questions:

  1. You can't come next week,...........................?
  2. You are leaving here tomorrow,...........................?
  3. Our team won the prize,...........................?
  4. They have sold the house,...........................?
  5. You ought not to eat that,...........................?
  6. You musn't do that again,...........................?
  7. Jack is joining the Club,...........................?
  8. It was a pity,...........................?
  9. It can't he so bad,...........................?
  10. They told you a lie,...........................?
  11. Tom doesn't like ham,...........................?
  12. The milk may be sour,...........................?
  13. He will arrive soon,...........................?
  14. She speaks too quickly,...........................?
  15. You asked for mustard,...........................?
Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

    1. You can't come next week, can you ?
    2. You are leaving here tomorrow,aren't you ?
    3. Our team won the prize, didn't we ?
    4. They have sold the house, haven't they ?
    5. You ought not to eat that,shouldn't you ?
    6. You musn't do that again, must you ?
    7. Jack is joining the Club,isn't he ?
    8. It was a pity,wasn't it ?
    9. It can't he so bad,can it ?
    10. They told you a lie,didn't they ?
    11. Tom doesn't like ham,does he ?
    12. The milk may be sour, won't it ?
    13. He will arrive soon,.won't he ?
    14. She speaks too quickly,.doesn't she.?
    15. You asked for mustard,.didn't you .?
      bởi Hoà Đinh Trọng 27/11/2019
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