Choose the correct answer most of the mobile phone ..in this shop are imported from China?

1.most of the mobile phone ..in this shop are imported from China

A.selling B.sold C.are sold D.were sold

2.A canoe moved up and.......the water

A.of B.down C.at D.above

3.We are all ...that you passed your English exam. Congratulations!

A. delight B.relieved C.afraid D. certein

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • 1.most of the mobile phone ..in this shop are imported from China

    A.selling B.sold C.are sold D.were sold

    2.A canoe moved up and.......the water

    A.of B.down C.at D.above

    3.We are all ...that you passed your English exam. Congratulations!

    A. delighted B.relieved C.afraid D. certein

      bởi Nguyen Hiep 26/12/2019
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