Change these direct questions into reported speech: 1. " Where is he

Change these direct questions into reported speech:

1. " Where is he ? " She asked me .............................................................................

2. " What are you doing now, Hoa ? " She asked ..............................................................

3. " Why did you go out last night ? " She asked ..............................................................

4. " Who was that beautiful woman ? " She asked ..............................................................

5. " How is your mother, Lan ? " She asked .....................................................................

6. " What are you going to do at the weekend ? " She asked ................................................

7. " Where will you live after graduation ? " She asked ..........................................................

8. " What were you doing at 8.00 yesterday ? " She asked .......................................................

9. " How was the journey ? " She asked ................................................................................

10. " How often do you go to the cinema ? " She asked ........................................................

11. " Do you live in London, John ? " She asked ....................................................................

12. " Did he arrive on time ? " She asked ................................................................................

13. " Have you been to Paris ? " She asked ..............................................................................

14. " Are you working tonight ? " She asked .............................................................................

15. " Will you come later ? " She asked .............................................................................

16. " Do you like coffee ? " She asked .............................................................................

17. " Is this the road to the station ? " She asked .............................................................................

18. " Do you do your homework everyday ? " She asked .............................................................................

19. " Have you studied reported speech before ? " She asked .............................................................................

20. " What are you going to do on Sunday next week ? " My teacher asked ........................................................

Theo dõi Vi phạm

Trả lời (1)

  • Change these direct questions into reported speech:

    1. " Where is he ? " She asked me =>She asked me where he was............................................................................

    2. " What are you doing now, Hoa ? " She asked =>She asked Hoa what Hoa was doing then...............................................................

    3. " Why did you go out last night ? " She asked =>She asked me why l had gone out the pervious night.............................................................

    4. " Who was that beautiful woman ? " She asked =>She asked me who thay beautiful woman had been .............................................................

    5. " How is your mother, Lan ? " She asked =>She asked Lan how Lan's mother was....................................................................

    6. " What are you going to do at the weekend ? " She asked =>She asked me what l was doing to do at the weekend ................................................

    7. " Where will you live after graduation ? " She asked =>She asked me where l would live after graduation ..........................................................

    8. " What were you doing at 8.00 yesterday ? " She asked =>She asked me what l had done at 8.00 the day before ......................................................

    9. " How was the journey ? " She asked =>She asked me how the journey had been ...............................................................................

    10. " How often do you go to the cinema ? " She asked =>She asked me how often l went to tue cinema ........................................................

    11. " Do you live in London, John ? " She asked =>She asked me if l lived in London...................................................................

    12. " Did he arrive on time ? " She asked =>She asked me if he had arrived on time................................................................................

    13. " Have you been to Paris ? " She asked =>She asked me if l had been to Paris.............................................................................

    14. " Are you working tonight ? " She asked =>She asked me if l was doing that night ............................................................................

    15. " Will you come later ? " She asked =>She asked me if l would come later............................................................................

    16. " Do you like coffee ? " She asked =>She asked me if l liked coffee ............................................................................

    17. " Is this the road to the station ? " She asked =>She asked me if that the road was to the station .............................................................................

    18. " Do you do your homework everyday ? " She asked =>She asked me if l did my homework every day ............................................................................

    19. " Have you studied reported speech before ? " She asked =>She asked me if l had studied reported speech before ............................................................................

    20. " What are you going to do on Sunday next week ? " My teacher asked

    =>My teacher asked me what l was going to do on Sunday the previous week.

      bởi Ngô Phước Tài 20/09/2018
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