• Read the passage and answer the questions

    Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I went to a big city, I was really scared because so much graffiti on the buildings' wall. Then I looked up, and I saw a lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt unsafe since I thought they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the beautiful sights of the city.

    I also remember the time when I was a student at a university. Once I was so busy with my assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused me so much stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my thing in their proper places. I also bought a small plants and placed it in a corner of the room. These simple actions increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my learning.

    Câu hỏi:

    How did the author feel when she saw the power lines?

    • A. She felt safe
    • B. She felt unsafe
    • C. She felt sad
    • D. She felt happy

    Lời giải tham khảo:

    Đáp án đúng: B

    Dẫn chứng: Then I looked up, and I saw a lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt unsafe since I thought they might fall down.


Mã câu hỏi: 230936

Loại bài: Bài tập

Chủ đề :

Môn học: Tiếng Anh

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