Bài tập bổ trợ Unit 1 Tiếng Anh 11

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1.  There must be a __________trust between friends.

      a. mutual                        b. together                            c. exchanging                   d. common

2.  ___________ is the person that you know.

      a. friend                          b. acquaintance                    c. everyone                      d. teacher

3.   There are many people who don’t have friends. They seem to be ________of it.

      a. interested                    b. incapable                          c. lasting                          d. common

4.   Selfish people are _________only with their own interests and feelings.

      a. busy                            b. capable                             c. concerned                    d. acquainted

5.   friendship is a two-sided affair. It ________by give-and-take.

      a. lives                            b. shares                               c. grows                           d. takes

6.   No friendship can ________long which is all give on one side and all take on the other.

      a. go                               b. take                                  c. last                               d. travel

7.   Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of a lifelong ____________

      a. friends                        b. friendly                            c. friendship                     d. friendliness

8.   Two friends must be _________to each other.

      a. suspicious                   b. friendly                            c. capable                         d. loyal

9.   Closed friends must know each other so well that there can be no _________between them.

      a. trust                            b. love                                  c. suspicions                     d. loyalty

10. Those who are easily ________by rumours and gossip can never be good friends.

      a. influenced                  b. changed                            c. delighted                      d. taken

11. Your __________ is the thing that you don’t want to let other people know.

      a. friendship                   b. interest                             c. feelings                        d. secret           

12. Where mutual sympathy doesn’t exist, friendship is _____________

      a. important                    b. possible                            c. impossible                    d. available      



1. A. everyone                      B.  number                           C.  acquaintance              D.  common

2. A. friendship                    B.  incapable                        C.  special                        D.  quality        

3. A. unselfishness               B.  concerned                       C.  interest                       D.  affair

4. A. constancy                    B.  enthusiasm                     C.  attraction                   D.  uncertain    

5. A. object                          B.  lifelong                           C.  loyalty                        D.  suspicion

6. A. between                       B.  believe                            C.  readily                        D.  unselfish

7. A. rumor                           B.  gossip                             C.  perhaps                      D.  easily

8. A. mutual                         B.  secrets                            C.  perfect                       D.  pursuit

9. A. sympathy                     B.  exist                                C.  impossible                  D.  although

10. A. difficult                     B.  interesting                      C.  pleasure                      D.  until


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